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SoleInvictus, (edited )

This is further proof that for every statement made, no matter how whimsical, there exists at least one person online who will tell you that you’re wrong.

-The Earth revolves around the sun.
-Ackchyually, they all revolve around the galactic center…

-Godzilla floats by increasing his volume.
-Ackchyualllllly, his volume doesn’t increase because lungs are on the outside… (Wtf?!)

-Cotton candy is my favorite fair food.
-Ackkkkkkchyualllllllllly, my review of the last three years of your comment history proves your favorite fair food is not, in fact, cotton candy. I have gathered and will prove this with ten points. Point one: your childhood experience with Geoffrey the Giraffe suggests…


Happy cake day and good luck getting enough sleep!


Camp out front with a big signboard laying out their anti-LGBTQ+ donations. If money is an issue, I’ll pay for it.

Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV. (

Televisions that can stream platforms like Hulu or Max usually come loaded with technology that collects information on what viewers are watching, and buyers consent to have their viewing tracked when they open their new TV and click through terms of service agreements. Sometimes, data firms can connect those viewing habits to a...


All spouses can be taught to use Plex or Jellyfin. It just takes the right approach and some determination. Mine is now sailing the high seas with the finest of us.


I’m sorry, but yes. She couldn’t resist my encyclopedic knowledge of self-hosted streaming options.


But how else will they get a bigger house? Nicer, larger yacht? More private jets?

Like, I kinda understand the “more more more!” mentality. As my income has gone up over the years, there’s always something more my monkey brain tells me I should want. A nicer, more comfortable car. A new video card. Two angry ponies. You know how it is. I tell it to shut up because I have more than enough already.

I’m not a sociopath, though, so at no point has my monkey brain told me to enslave others so I can have nicer stuff.


Little Grandpa story time:

Ponies are generally nicer than horses, but I was raised believing ponies were angry, vicious little assholes. My father was bucked off of a pony in his twenties, causing him to break a rib and paralyze half of his diaphragm. Being the actual asshole in this story, he never stopped to think that maybe he was too heavy and too drunk for a pony, so he spread pony hate throughout his life. I want angry ponies as I dislike my father and on a primal level think they’d keep me safe from people like him, like two pissy, grass eating charms to protect against narcissists.


They always, ALWAYS find a spot with textiles.

We have hard floors throughout and two rugs, one in the bathroom and another in the dining room. The dogs puke on the dining room rug and the cats alternate between it and the bathroom rug. Only rarely does someone spew on the actual floor and even then I think it’s because they couldn’t make it to a rug in time.


Here’s my setup. We own a 65" LG G3 and I often game on it. We sit about 4 meters away. I’m a PC gamer and run a 3080. For what it’s worth, I have 20/10 vision (although the trade-off is I’m a bit far sighted).

While I can see a difference between 1080p and 4k, it’s pretty minimal for both 3D and 2D, to the point where I have to be looking for it. When I’m playing a game, it’s not really noticeable at all. It’s a bit more noticeable up close but I never have cause to sit just a meter away. This has all been confirmed by my wife and multiple friends and family members who have checked out our setup prior to buying a new television or done the same comparison themselves.

We even did a fun experiment (I’m a scientist so I love experiments). We ran the same game in 4k or 1080p with otherwise identical graphics settings, but with the resolution chosen at random by someone else, and tried to discern the resolution at our normal sitting distance while playing the game as we normally would. The results were equivalent to choosing randomly.

Lastly, a friend was all for buying an 8k television prior to my 1080p/4k demonstration. They now have the even larger 77" version of my television and, at about 5 meters away, the difference is still pretty minimal.

So I happily game at 1080p with the settings cranked up.

Report: Vast Majority of Children Under 5 in Gaza Going Full Days Without Food (

According to a food survey conducted by humanitarian aid groups in May, 85 percent of children under 5 were deprived of food at least one day over a three day period. Official death counts reported by Gaza’s government do not include deaths by starvation; at least 30 children have been recorded starving to death in Gaza so...


I’d be unsurprised if some .world’ers crash the comments with liberal hot takes.


Funny how you can basically buy those. Just gotta be filthy rich and ethically bankrupt.


If I may give you one simple piece of advice: meat substitutes, at least in my experience, aren’t the best. They’re not terrible, some are actually even good, but they’re not the same and it’s noticable. I learned to just embrace veggie food and eat it for what it is, not as something trying to taste like meat, and found those dishes to be much tastier.

Blood is thick rule (

Image transcription: a four panel comic. First panel is of a dark haired twink sitting on a chair while a dark haired doctor wearing a white lab coat and holding a syringe, standing to the right of the twink, says “it’s time to run a blood test”. Second panel shows the doctor expelling blood from the syringe into a Petri...


I don’t understand anything that’s going on here. Why is the text pasted over? Why are the top and bottom cropped off? Why is someone telling me that it’s funny? Here’s the original.


I came here to make exactly the same point. Fuck the United States judicial system.


I’m growing increasingly tired of “something happened, here is how random people on social media reacted” articles.


I think the issue here is you didn’t actually voice any of your concerns until much later in the conversation. The equivalent of “Lol Biden bad” isn’t very helpful or bound to be well received unless either the content being commented informs the statement or you care to explain yourself.


That’s understandable, I agree with your point. We DO get a ton of trolls on new accounts fomenting trouble for kicks, but people ought to hold themselves to a higher standard and at least wait for trolls to prove themselves to be trolls instead of acting on assumptions.


I feel like MAGA shit heads would also find a way to berate women for being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.


You can get meds that’ll help you pass it and others that help with the pain.


At the risk of being the “ackshally” guy, even indwelling catheters substantially increase the likelihood of bacteriuria, or abnormal bacteria in the urine. It gives motile bacteria additional surface area on which to make their way up the ureter, plus the initial placement can introduce microbes.

Bladders are pretty well colonized with a plethora of microbes. Short of nuking it with bleach, it’s never going to be sterile.

Relevant articles:

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection in adults

The bladder is not sterile: History and current discoveries on the urinary microbiome


Absolutely perfectly written explanation. I admit I’m biased as it’s one of my favorite games ever.


Oooh, that looks awesome! I’m not op but was browsing for ideas. Thanks for the recommendation.


Absolutely the worst service. For my last motherboard, I had to RMA it four times before they fixed my issue. It took nearly five months to get running and lasted less than a year before dying again, this time out of warranty. Every ASUS monitor I’ve purchased in the last few years has died. I’ll never buy anything from ASUS again.

ASUS Scammed Us (

This undercover warranty investigation is a one-year follow-up from our series that investigated ASUS for motherboards incinerating AMD CPUs, at the end of which ASUS promised a number of improvements to its then-anti-consumer warranty processes. Spoiler alert: They’re still anti-consumer. We sent our ASUS ROG Ally Z1 Extreme...


They’re not shit, but a lot of people don’t realize that a big reason they’re quieter is because they don’t spin as fast, therefore they’re moving less air. Noctua is typically trading cooling performance for less noise, which can also be achieved by throwing a resistor inline on a non-Noctua fan.

That being said, their motors are higher quality and, at least in my experience, tend to last longer than cheap fans.

SoleInvictus, (edited )

It’s a United States thing. They use the term liberal to refer to social liberalism whereas you’re referring to neoliberalism.

Edit: On second glance, your Wikipedia link is to straight liberalism, which includes things the Republican party doesn’t support, like secularism. So who knows.


A friend of mine had the same issue at 22. She even had already had a child at 16 but multiple doctors refused, claiming “she might want more”. One doctor would do it but wanted a signed permission slip from her husband first.

All women deserve bodily autonomy.

  1. Coconut drink
  2. Drink of magnesia

It’s just that simple!


The FAA investigates after Boeing says workers in South Carolina falsified 787 inspection records (

The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday, May 6, 2024, that it has opened an investigation into Boeing after the beleaguered company reported that workers at a South Carolina plant falsified inspection records on certain 787 planes. Boeing said its engineers have determined that misconduct did not create “an immediate...


I read the title as saying employees had falsified seven hundred and eighty seven documents and thought that sounded reasonable.


“… He is no longer the man he once was.”

Pretty sure that’s not true. I can’t imagine any ethical, sane person waking up one morning and thinking to themselves “you know, I think I will try a little raping today!”


¡Es la verdad!

I’ve actually considered moving to Chile. How are things there?


Thanks for the tip! I’m from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. As things here start to look increasingly concerning, we’re considering our options.


Thanks so much for taking the time to write this up. I just told my wife we’re moving to Chile and she thinks I’m crazy. Of course, lacking any context from here, that’s understandable.


I originally intended to respond with something to the effect of “it’s okay to ally with people on a single topic if you disagree on others”, then I remember this was pedophilia, which makes you socially radioactive. I agree, the behavior crosses that line.


Don’t forget other factors, like stress, poor diet, reduced physical activity, and obesity. At least in the United States, all of these things are worse than ever.


I saw your comment and my thought process went: “What?! Good fascist? The only good fascist is…is…oh. Ohhhhhh!”


Seriously. Some people seem to be incapable of understanding nuance. Literally billions of people follow various religions that at some point have condoned some pretty fucked up behavior. These religions have contemporary offshoots that still believe this fucked up behavior is acceptable, typically because it directly benefits them, but the vast majority do not. Then you get some yahoos who see the worst of the worst and paint entire religions with a broad brush based on them.

People aren’t shitty because of religion. Shitty people use religion as an excuse to be shitty and would fabricate something else if religion and other forms of magical thinking were quashed.


Is it awful that my immediate reactive thought was “just give it ten years”?

gmr_leon, to games avatar

What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren't RPGs?

I like worldbuilding and stories, and I like when they're mixed with the interactivity of games, so RPGs seem like they should be a natural fit. Problem is, I dislike the stat-heavy, grindy progression of many RPGs.

I enjoy point & click adventures and visual novels but they're often more limited in their interactions. What kinds of game might I be missing combining the two?



The Outer Wilds is such a great game. I ugly cried when I got to the end.


That’s a decent amount for a small child, about half the maximum daily intake for a one year old. The recommended amount for children up to four (at least in the UK) is none.


How could I forget the Crabbe Brothers, good ol’ Shimp and Shamp?


El oh fucking el. Even if any of that was true (which is isn’t. You’re on the Internet, are you unable to look things up?), it not only doesn’t disprove the previous point, it actually supports it.

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