@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar



Gaming enthusiast, writer, artist, and social media ronin. Current denizen of the Dork Web, aka federated media. Doesn't play well with others.

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@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Forward compatibility? I get backward compatibility, but FORWARD compatibility?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Joke's on you! Humans will be extinct by 2531. Maybe by 2031 if Trump becomes president again.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Isn't Erdogan that thing Jason Blood turns into in DC comics?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Vaguely related: why the hell was it so hard for me to start Borderlands 3 on my Xbox? It's like, dude, I don't need your annoying third party service. This is still a game system, not a computer, right? Just... just let me press start and start the game without signing up for some other crap.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Hardware wise, that's been pretty much the case forever (example: Atari 5200 is a consolized Atari 400 computer), but it's that simplified interface and the instant gratification that makes the distinction between the two. On a game system: insert game. Press start. Play game. On a computer? Tons and tons and tons of loading and file management and updates and passwords and downloads and accepting EULAs and Oh God now it's crashed and I have to start the damn thing all over again.

Game consoles satisfy that urgent need for "ME GAME NOW." At least, they used to. In the olden times, you could start a game in the time it takes for you to drop a quarter in the machine and press 1P. Now, it seems like game companies do everything within their power to delay that dopamine fix on consoles... which is uncomfortably close to the gaming experience on computers. "Another cut scene? Gee, great. It's not like I started this video game to play a video game."

ArugulaZ, (edited ) to tenforward
@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

"On the next episode of Deep Space Nine! Tensions rise when Miles O'Brien's wife is possessed by a sadistic, emasculating space demon, and he can't tell the difference."

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Keiko Jr.: "I don't care that I look like this! You still have obligations to your wife... intimate obligations!"
Miles: "Nope nope nope nope..."
(opens airlock)
Miles: "...nope nope nope whoooooa..."

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

What is it about this man that makes me instantly break into a limerick?

Programmer Skyfloogle, has released Red Viper, an updated virtual-boy emulator for the 3DS. (github.com)

From the github description: "A Virtual Boy emulator for the Nintendo 3DS continuing mrdanielps's work on r3Ddragon, which is itself based on Reality Boy / Red Dragon. It uses a dynamic recompiler with busywait detection and a hardware-accelerated renderer to achieve high performance on the 3DS's limited hardware."

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I covered this on my own magazine. Let me tell you, it's really good. Virtual Boy games make a near-perfect transition to the 3DS, and you don't have to smash your face into a visor for the 3D effects. (You will still get eyestrain, though.) You can, technically, play it on a 2DS, but it's like drinking non-alcoholic beer... what's even the point?

I dislike wayland

Quite the unpopular opinion, but I just wanted to post this to show the silent majority that we still exist. We have reached a point where voicing criticism against wayland is treated like the worst thing ever and leads you to being censored and what not. The red hat funded multi year long shill campaign has proven to be quite...

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Is this like the Linux nerds' version of the Crips and the Bloods?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Mission accomplished. Many, many times over.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar


@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

There are too many of these goddamned social networks anyway. After Twitter/X exploded, everyone else wanted to grab a piece of that pie, and now we've got a dozen social networks nobody uses.

If you want a progressive social network that doesn't take shit from goosesteppers, Cohost is probably the place to go. It's so neurodivergent and trans-friendly that I can't imagine them blithely accepting Nazi content. It's just not how Cohost works. "Blah blah blah, free speech!" Not here, chumps. We've got standards. Go somewhere else to push that poison.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Good! Because I've got a filthy imagination.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Remember when Domino's Pizza admitted that their pizza was shit, and that they'd work really hard to make it less shit? How'd that work out for them?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Shoot ink on paper. That's all you need to do. Don't give me a built in screen, or onerous firmware, or any of that nonsense.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

He probably agonized more about what he'd eat for lunch that day.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Pro-Nazi content. In other words, Elon's own posts.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

It doesn't matter. I'm not a Twitter user anymore. The site has lost both its value and influence... I really don't give a damn what the man-baby does with his toy.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I despise this decision. I should be able to tailor my experience to my liking, especially since I don't play games online. What's the harm in letting me have a joypad with six buttons on the front? It's literally what Capcom fighting games are designed to use. Why can't I have a D-pad that works well with fighting games? The Xbox Series controller is better than last generation's joypad (and much better than the generation before that), but for some of us, it's still not good enough.

Also, it's unlikely that 8bitdo will buy a license to make controllers for the Xbox. It's the least popular console of this generation. You're charging for the right to make controllers for a game system that's well behind its competitors. Why do that when you can make controllers for the Switch or the PC, where you can sell more product at a lower cost? It's just... stupid.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

That controller doesn't actually work with an Xbox Series though, right? It's for cloud gaming.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

This reminds me of when Tommy Itagaki threw a fit over nude mods for Dead or Alive. "These characters are like my children!" If that's how you treat your children, someone ought to call CPS.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

♫ Oh, those Infogrames!
Oh, those Infogrames!
Wears Atari like a pelt
and buys up all they see! ♫

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

There's always Code Mystics, comprised of most of the old guard from Digital Eclipse in the 1990s and 2000s.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Microsoft sure loves blocking things from its game console nobody actually wants to use in the first place. Who exactly is going to want to buy a license to make video game controllers for the system that's last place in the console wars? Specialty controllers like the Neo-Geo click stick by 8BitDo are almost sure to be released for major formats, but NOT Xbox, if 8BitDo has to pay an extortionate fee for a license.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Still waiting for it to arrive. I got it for half off on Woot, and got in just in time to grab a Mai!

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Isn't that just the remaster of the game that was released nearly ten years ago for the Xbox One? And it's got a picture of a bald Tom Selleck in mid-grimace on the front of the box?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

He should start a game company with Don Mattrick and the ghost of Bernie Stolar. Then everyone will know which games NOT to buy, just like back in the days of Acclaim.

(Now former?) Telltale employee: "This is a sore subject, but I feel it necessary to add to the gaming layoff news: Telltale laid most of us off early September. Status of TWAU2, I can't say (NDA)." (twitter.com)

have not seen this picked up in gaming media yet, but i would assume it’s forthcoming if this is accurate (which i see no reason to believe otherwise)....

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I thought Wolf already went public domain because the creator got the high hard one from Warner Brothers.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Wow, feels like 2011 all over again! Will I get another free PSP game out of this?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I thought we already got there in 1998, with Final Fantasy VII. Is it a game? Is it a movie? Who can tell?

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I revisit MechWarrior every time I need to soft mod an Xbox.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I realize I said MechWARRIOR, not MechAssault, and now I must hang my nerd head in shame.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Good grief, that's an even more nightmarish video game image than the Assassin's Creed guy with two eyes bulging out from under a wig.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Gosh, I kind of really hate their new art style.

List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more (kbin.cafe)

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links....

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Here's one for 'ya!


Retro game news, edited by yours truly. (I gotta update this thing; it's been a couple of days.)

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Recognizable in spite of the dated technology. Next to the dude with three quarters of an afro on The IT Crowd, he's my favorite TV aspie!

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

The absence of split-screen co-op is not a deal breaker for me.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

You know how the Sega Saturn had a four meg RAM cart? There's your solution! Sell a four GIG RAM cart for the Xbox Series S! Maybe it'd have a connector on the other end for storage cartridges. You know, make your own little tower of power.

(Honestly, I get the impression that after all this complaining, a Switch version of Baldur's Gate 3 will mysteriously materialize. So much for your talking point, Larian!)

PlayStation’s first Remote Play dedicated device, PlayStation Portal remote player, to launch later this year at $199.99 (blog.playstation.com)

PlayStation Portal remote player brings the PS5 experience to the palm of your hand. It includes the key features of the DualSense wireless controller, including adaptive triggers and haptic feedback*. The vibrant 8-inch LCD screen is capable of 1080p resolution at 60fps, providing a high definition visual experience that’s...

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Is this that silly Q thing I heard about earlier? (Fun fact: the Vita provides similar functionality with actual portability!)

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I've got a Data Frog because it was so cheap. I'm sure there's better out there, but I won't buy one until it's both cheap and capable of running Dreamcast games at full speed. (Possibly GameCube as well; I'd certainly appreciate that.)

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Play as all your favorite store brand copies of Disney/Pixar characters, including the Woody Allen ant, the Will Smith fish, and the Zoolander lion!

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I thought they added some later. I mean, Garfield was Frank Welker and not Lorenzo Music the way he should be, but Lorenzo's been dead for a while, so you take what you can get.

I can't imagine them getting stars like Will Smith, Ben Stiller, and Jerry Seinfeld for this project, so they'd have to use sound-alikes anyway.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

I hate the feeling of being lost and not knowing where to go next. I typically don't finish Metroid-alikes for that reason... I inevitably get stuck and don't know how to proceed, or which magic bauble I need to unlock a door or reach a platform that's just outside my jumping range.

@ArugulaZ@kbin.social avatar

Nah, I don't see things this way. Microsoft has been generous with its IP, in contrast to Sony, which keeps its games (and third party games, as was the case with Street Fighter 5) exclusive. Microsoft has licensed its biggest titles to the Switch and even the Playstation 4, and it has a history of cross-platform publishing that goes back decades. For instance, games in the Banjo-Kazooie series were released for the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. There's no reason to believe Microsoft will change that strategy, especially with the Xbox Series lagging so far behind its competitors in sales.

If Microsoft suddenly tightens the reins on its IP, consumers will spite them for it. After the Xbox One debacle, they know better than to force unwanted changes to the status quo of this industry.

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