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What does this have to do with games? Please remove.


I don’t do betas, but I’m following your progress! I love this.


Nah, this is bullshit. It was unpopular, so they squashed it and are claiming some stupid crap.


I don’t unless people ask. Most people don’t care, so I don’t start with the assumption they’re going to listen. Part of it, I realize now, it’s because I info dump. Wish I had known that before middle age.


I’m not in software dev but 8 years seems a long time to make a game like this. I love the game and play it daily, but it’s not that deep. It’s has 5 maps and 20 guns and 2 kinds of enemies. That doesn’t doesn’t seem like an 8 year dev time.


Probably to politely invite contrasting opinions and experiences from people in the field

Exactly. “I’m no expert, but this feels weird.”


Why do people always feel like their inexperience on a topic is relevant?

Because this feels unusual but I’m not an expert and I can’t say whether that amount of time is truly usual or not. I’m in manufacturing and when people say what I said, then it’s usually as an invitation to discuss the topic.


I forgot where I heard it.


Claiming not a lot of work was done

No, just the opposite. It’s a ton of work for not a lot of results. It’d be like saying it took you 3 days to make a sandwich. That’s wayyyyyy longer than I’d expect it to take, with the caveat, I’m not a professional sandwich maker.


Like you know that Doom 2016 was the 3rd complete from scratch redo from what they originally started working on after Doom 3, right?

No, I had no idea.


That’s what I thought I did, though I implied it instead of ask directly.




Oh, wow. That’s amazing. My parent isn’t as bad in severity as his mother, but there are a loooooot of commonalities. Wow. It also made me think about my 2nd parent and how they didn’t stand up for me as much as they should have. Wow. I’m gonna chew on this and watch it again.


You sound like the person in the video that was linked in another reply.

I highly recommend this video, it’s by a therapist who went through a similar thing and he breaks it down very well:


One is the permanent loss of any possibility of receiving the parental love that every child deserves.
The second is the actual human being that was your parent.

I think it’s the former. I grieved the parental relationship several years ago when I realized it would never change.


Isn’t it great? It summarizes what I’ve felt but unable to put a name to.


And either way - I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, it sucks.

Thanks :)


Why do you think you should feel bad for them passing?

Because that’s what’s typical. People typically grieve the passing of their parents.
Because I’m hard wired that way. I want/love/crave family at a base level. I had kids because I love having a family. I’m a family person. I know, intellectually, that my parent is garbage, but I am emotional as well.


Sounds like a cat drug

It’s not far off from catamine…

It's out now! The prologue for my solo project, a roguelike tower defense, is live. Check it out. (

About the game: A tower defense action roguelike where you control a single tower to fight against hordes of aliens coming from all directions. Pick your tower, equip up to 4 skills, and choose from a variety of traits and items to craft powerful builds that lead you to victory....

Pressure canning food

So me and my dad were talking about pressure canning and how it’s very uncommon. I’ve never talked to anyone irl that pressure cans, maybe some water bath canning but that’s it. I wonder why it’s so uncommon? You can get a pressure canner for less than 150$ and it’s incredibly useful....


It’s not really necessary in modern society. I do canning and other preservation hobbies. It’s easier to buy it. Unless you’re really interested in customizing your food, which is why I do it, it’s easier to buy it.


Link didn’t format correctly. Need an open parenthesis in front of the https.


How is a trig proof different than algebra or geometry proof? I’m good with numbers, but I sucked at proofs.


Are you cherry picking the good games out of older libraries? I find people do that a lot when remembering. It’s a survivorship bias thing. The good ones get remembered more and the bad one forgotten, so they seem like the population is better.

GrayBackgroundMusic, (edited )

The cm’s have literally said it’s Sony. Why would there be speculation that it’s steam?

Edit: I misunderstood. I meant that the whole initiative was from Sony. Kroxx was talking about the delisting in specific. I don’t have any info on that.


To be fair there is a lot of speculation that this is actually entirely from steam’s side not sony or arrowhead.

Oh, that the delisting is Steam side? I thought you meant in general. My bad. I’ll edit that.


I misunderstood. I meant that the whole initiative was from Sony. Kroxx was talking about the delisting in specific. I don’t have any info on that.


I hate it because it was a bait and switch. I didn’t have to and now they’ve altered the deal after I’m wayyyyyyyyyyyyy past the refund period. If it wasn’t gonna be optional, don’t let me play in the first place.


That kinda suggests that it wasn’t a publisher decision, or at the very least, that their community manager(s) are handled by Sony.

Eh, could likely be that the CM is tired of the bullshit. Everyone has a breaking point and a thousand frothing fans is gonna bother anyone.


Nowadays? I’ve never enjoyed mobile gaming. Every time I try, there’s been an absurd paywall or monetization. Once that strikes, I’m out.


Assuming you’re not trolling, yes. The backfire effect is a proven psychologically studied phenomenon. Arguing at people with facts and logic and aggression tends to reinforce their original beliefs.…

Ironically, telling you this will likely not convince you due to said effect.


Noooo how dare you prove me wrong!

Lol thanks for the info.


What a weird case. As much as I don’t like big companies or take two, I find it hard to understand how a tattoo is owned by the artist and not the bearer of it. It’s James’s body at that point.


breathes heavily in process engineer

Mods, this should be flagged NSFW.

Former Blizzard President Thinks Tipping Game Creators Is Great Idea (

By now, everyone in the world knows that American tipping culture is getting out of hand. That doesn’t mean you can’t introduce another way of “supporting” creators. Mike Ybarra, the former president of Blizzard, shared his desire to tip developers of especially enjoyable games....


Stop giving Ybarra attention, news outlets. He’s fucking terrible.


It’s not Zelda like, but if you like factory games, Satisfactory is as close to open world as a factory game gets. You land on a planet and have to build a factory to launch things into space for corporate overlords. It’s first person, lots of climbing and building. There’s a tiny bit of combat, not the focus tho.


Disagree. Progress is good. It’s grinding when it becomes too much. A little salt on my chips is good, too much is inedible.


I prefer to think that we are those things piloting the meat mecha. If I can’t have a Gundam irl, I’m gonna delight in as close as I can get.


No shit it’s gonna fail. If you half ass something you obviously didn’t wanna do, in an already fucked up development situation, it’s not going well. No shit Sherlock.

I’m so pissed. I was so hyped for pve. I love the overwatch character design and universe but hate pvp.


I’m not going to think oh look a kotaku article just because of the name, I went there because of the quality of journalism that was there.

lol, I see that name and it actually lowers the likelihood I’ll read it. They do have good info, but sometimes take it too far with editorializing. That said, they’re not polygon, which I’ll just skip.

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