@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar



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Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games

Hey everyone, I’m a big player of Space Games of all forms, and this mini-genre (or ‘theme’, if you prefer) really has a TON of range and depth, and is a very fertile ground for indie and unique projects. I was recently playing a game called Avorion, after owning it for years without ever really engaging with it, and...

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

E:D has the basics of a good game, but never builds upon them. FDev is deathly afraid of player agency. They want you to play like it’s on rails in a single player game, but have it an “MMO” for the PVP.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Steve did it with Newegg. Tech Jesus has balls when gamers/enthusiasts are getting screwed.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Whole point of the Hyperloop was to stop California from building out high speed rail. And it worked. Musky thought it would cut into his EV sales.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

One of these guys is promising to go dictator, eliminate democracy, and seek retribution against those that “wronged” him. Not hard to see why so many are committed to voting against him.

This poll isn’t the knock against Biden that many think it is.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

“But you see, it’s ok when we do it.”

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Use Firefox. The crypto bros running Brave have been caught multiple times gathering and selling user data. You use Chrome as the base when you want to hoover data.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Yes, but the bulk of the dev team is working on The Witcher 4.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Funny how the usual suspects aren’t in here complaining about this. Meanwhile, Joe Biden doesn’t kowtow their every policy wish and he’s the devil.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

I love how you don’t highlight the Israelis murdered in the rocket attacks and other activities that kicked this latest round of conflict off. Almost like the usual suspects don’t care if Israelis die. The whole, “we don’t believe in mass murder” is complete bullshit. You just want one side to win and you don’t give a shit how.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Because they don’t complain when Hamas kills people. Simple.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

It’s the 90s webguru all over again!

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Republicans can be dismissive, hold the left in contempt, threaten to murder us, but hey Hillary looks like an intellectual that won’t put up with stupid people, this is a Democrat problem. Fucking “journalism.”

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

I’ve seen this before in the 90s. The companies that forced out the best, highest paid staff always suffered.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Working from home does help the local economy, just not the right ones for the C-suite.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Part of it is management that can’t handle their duties if they can’t walk over and intimidate workers. The other bit is many companies have cash reserves invested in commercial real estate instruments, and can’t handle the profoilo hit. And many of those company leaders are also personally invested in that same real estate.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

This is going to be a pyric victory like when they sued Google where they won, but then the traffic and views dropped through the floor.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Rudy probably has it now and is sniffing the underwear.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Looks a lot like Palia. Can’t wait to play it.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Likely it is a revenge move because a couple of states booted Trump.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Yes, but one consistent thing from Republicans is retaliation/revenge. Right out of the Fascist playbook.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

The job of a programmer is to reintroduce a bug that was fixed in the last patch.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

My best comment ever in Reddit was describing Lord of the Rings as programming.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

I think they are VASTLY overestimating how many Democrats he will pull. Most Democrats understand what a right wing nut he is. He’ll pull disenfranchised Republicans more.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

He’ll keep doing it until he faces consequences.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

We did do something permanent: We let the private sector fuck us all in the ass while the rest of the world passed us by.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Because these access companies DO NOT COMPETE with each other. Without that competition we all get the shit end of capitalism. The landlines all have their own fiefdoms. Wireless is balkanizing based on tower placement, and satellite is for rural areas that don’t rate wired connections or cell towers. The politicians can point to all this and say we have options, but really you’re lucky if you have two options.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar


Banzai51, (edited )
@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

From my experience, the wireless carriers are trying their best not to launch in the same areas for home Internet. They’re trying hard to avoid the competition like they do in phone service. Example: I get T-Mobile home Internet, but Verizon doesn’t in my area. Asking friends, I’m finding that to be a common situation where one or the other is offered, but rarely both. Completely anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.

"Digital sovereignty": German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein ditches Microsoft for Linux and Open Source alternatives (blog.documentfoundation.org)

Schleswig-Holstein, the northern German federal state, will be a digital pioneer region and the first German state to introduce a digitally sovereign IT workplace in its state administration. With a cabinet decision to introduce the open-source software LibreOffice as the standard office solution across the board, the government...

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Then the brutal reality hits: Your app vendor, “We don’t support that.”

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Libre office and Linux desktops are not line of business apps. They are platforms to run/supplement line of business apps. There are very few line of business apps that run HR, the finance department, EMR if you’re in a hospital system, etc, etc, etc as open source or run on open source solutions. For decades Open Source advocates kept thinking it was the ability to run Office that shut down “The year of Linux desktops!!!” But that isn’t it at all. It’s those specialized apps that run the businesses that prevented it. I work in a hospital system, our line of business app is Epic or Cerner. Apps that digitize the health records. The requirements to run these apps is Windows Server, because that is what the front ends are built on. And these apps, especially the front ends, are heavy and complex. Any attempt to turn them into web apps has failed miserably because the performance just isn’t there vs running say, the Epic/Cerner front end in a Citrix solution. Client-Server isn’t dead, it just doesn’t get sexy press anymore. Obviously if you work in web development, it is a very different story. But even in those shops, I’ll bet the business support apps (HR, finance, etc) run heavily on Windows.

Lord knows I’ve tried to advocate for open source solutions where I can, but if the apps the business picks to suit their needs only runs in Windows? You’re infrastructure has already been chosen for you. And THAT is what the average wannabe IT person on the internet doesn’t understand in the slightest.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

And you’ll get the same story.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

It’s ok. 99% of the AI articles are about how AI is going to kill us all with the proof being the movie Terminator.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Because Biden has been stabilizing things, but no one has attacked the problem of income inequity which has been rolling for decades. We’ve just gotten to the point that the inequity is truly affecting a ton of people.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

We’re seeing that because of the pandemic and post pandemic pressures, but income inequity has been growing for decades. A couple of years in the positive direction isn’t fixing it. And we’re already seeing businesses clawing that back with layoffs.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

I’m saying the last couple of years is an illusion. As soon as things get back to normal economically, the inequity will continue its march.

And yes, mid to post pandemic saw rising wages. 1 million+ died, 3.5-4 million retired. When the restrictions loosened up, what was the big problem? “No one wants to work!!!” Because a lot of people took those relief checks and retrained themselves. When the low wage jobs could go back to normal, most of those former low wage workers had already found other, higher paying jobs. Eventually even the most stubborn restaurants or retail jobs raised wages to compete. Remember everyone complaining that low skilled McDonald’s workers making $15/hr? Or did you conveniently forget the last 4 years to argue with an idiot on the internet?

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Odd, normally Wall St is all about slave labor.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Oh, the closer he comes to conviction and jail, the louder he’ll call for violence.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

They are just talking about it. Going to still be years before they go 1.0. They still haven’t delivered Alpha 4.0 yet. In fact, I believe they are talking 1.0 to distract us from the fact they haven’t delivered alpha 4.0. Likely their server meshing tests uncovered complicated bugs that will take time to deal with.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Then let’s start liquidating assets.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

So do I. But it is a term from Gen Z to piss off Gen X.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Bankruptcy from paying Trumps legal fees and judgements incoming in 3, 2, 1…

Whom Should You Vote For? Don't be just a 'political hobbyist' (billhulet.substack.com)

“My experience is that most of the people who get really upset about the current leadership of our nations tend to be folks who haven’t spent much time either as an activist or as someone working for a candidate. What happens instead is they immerse themselves in on-line news and commentary.”

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Of course people don’t participate when you turn politics into a full time job. They already have a full time job.

Especially when activists turn it into a “No True Scottsman” situation. Just more, more, more.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

I bought the SIHOO Doro C300 a couple of months ago, and I love it.

@Banzai51@midwest.social avatar

Meh, this is something that is hitting all industries, not just games. The raising of interest rates to combat inflation is making it more expensive to borrow money. The car industry is on the verge of calamity because they’ve priced cars too expensive to go with the new borrowing rates. Dealers (new and used) can’t lower their costs because they bought cars under the old interest rates and now can’t move them because borrowing got more expensive. Lowering prices too much more means taking a loss. It is hitting every industry. At some point the idiots out there have to realize that 3% inflation isn’t the boogeyman they think it is.

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