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Wonder if they regret having used that development time on Starfield instead of a new Fallout, because with this renewed interest due to the show a Fallout 5 would have done ridiculously well


And we have been paying for it ever since. They will never make that mistake again lol.


nice, I'm waiting a bit to see if there's a steady stream of ongoing support before buying, but it's looking good so far


I wonder how many times I will have to see a publisher significantly harm their reputation in the PC market in a yolo bet to set up their own ecosystem and store.

I thought Sony had been conservative and decided against it when their first steam releases hit but with this move it seems possible that a Sony PC ecosystem was always in the works and it just wasn't ready for those original releases. Oh well.


The idea of Valve ever becoming a public corp ranks higher in my lists of fears than being eaten alive by zombies


Because you have wasted like 5 opportunities that NVIDIA has given you to penetrate the market on a silver platter

The 7000 series could have been so successful if they would have been willing to undercut NVIDIA significantly, it was the perfect time to strike at a time when there was a lot of discontent with NVIDIAS ridiculous pricing and VRAM offerings. But AMD would rather sell two cards at 1000 each than take the bet of trying to sell four at 750.

At least in the past you could argue that they were not in a position to take huge bets in the graphics market but they've been doing too well as a company for that excuse to hold any value anymore. The last two generations can only be explained with complacency and lack of ambition.

At this point AMD kinda deserves to give up their position to Intel in the graphics market, let's see if the new player is willing to penetrate aggressively because the old player two is clearly ok with where they are at.


Easy Red 2 is SO slept on right now relative to its quality, the work the team is putting in it, and its future potential

Always nice to see anothe ER2 enjoyer


Yet again, proof of what's always been true: eventually, there's always demand


I wonder if I'll be even worse in this one

orb dude doesn't seem to be in it so that's already a huge problem for me

Sega sells off Relic Entertainment, will axe 240 jobs (www.gamedeveloper.com)

Canada-based studio Relic Entertainment, which recently released Company of Heroes 3, did receive some good news in the midst of these layoffs. The company announced on X (formerly Twitter) that it is becoming an independent studio thanks to the help of “an external investor” who went unnamed.


damn, I knew that Sega had had a few big blunders lately, but having to straight up sell Relic is pretty huge... Wonder how their output will look from now on, it's no secret that some of their output under Sega was questionable (primarily Dawn of War 3) and one has to wonder how much of their failings were due to Sega's directive.

Anyone else addicted to Balatro right now? (www.playbalatro.com)

I’m not usually a huge fan of rogue-likes, but I’ve enjoyed a few, like Hades. I bought Balatro last week and have been absolutely smashing it ever since then. I love the way the game works, each run being so different even within the same framework, and the feeling when your build starts to go off is so incredibly...


when you get a god run with a good synergetic build this game is insanely satisfying


Fuck this game, it has damaged my psyche

The amount of times that I had like a 70% chance of drawing what I needed in the last discard alone and didn't, or the amount of times that I had a beautiful synergized build and a boss that disables it appeared by "coincidence", argh.

Yet I can't stop playing it


I know that's probably true but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it aaaarrrgh


oooooh shit 32v32 is gonna be a beautiful mess in certain maps like Polis Massa or Tantive, I can't wait

This is low key one of my favourite multiplayer games ever so this revival out of nowhere has made me super happy


gives me time to get a character ready, also it's not like there aren't a gazillion good games to play right now, there's no hurry


excuse me they are scarlet rot swamps now, it's a totally different thing


If you are WB, I can't see how you compare the performance of this game vs the performance of Suicide Squad (which had similar development time) and not rethink your approach to future licensed titles


Makes sense, it's now or never probably. IGN is 100% a "content volume over content quality" type of company, the type that would replace a lot of the writing and editorial staff with AI as soon as it became a half-decent alternative. So might as well put pressure on them and exercise bargaining power to get some guarantees while you still have leverage and they still need you.


A week?!

The house is going on fire and they wanna take their sweet time finding the most optimal faucet?

That basically confirms every rumor about this. It wouldn't take a week to prepare a statement if it wasn't the tectonic shift it is rumored to be. Damn.


It didn't end up being the system seller quality game they might have wished for, so why not get some more sales out of it. Nobody is gonna base their choice between Series X or PS5 on Starfield, but a lot of PS5 owners would indulge in purchasing the game out of curiosity. The maths make sense.

The problem is, you can extend this sentiment to most if not all of the XBox console exclusives that have been released for a good while now. They have unfortunately failed at producing a killer app for far too long at this point. Ever since Mattrick killed the momentum of the brand, they have never been able to recover it.

As much as I don't want a future in which PS5 is uncontested in the console space (Nintendo is too much its own thing to count as direct competition imo), it is starting to look like, from all angles, it just makes sense for Microsoft to focus on expanding Gamepass and their games as much as possible across all platforms because there's more money in that than in salvaging the XBox hardware brand.


At this point it's not even just about it being too expensive for an upstart, it's about being too expensive, too hard, and not at all worth the risk/reward proposition for anyone.
Microsoft is the largest public company in the world and they failed at it! Coming from two successful previous generations of products! Getting in in the market as an unproven entity at this point would be suicidal. Not to speak of the fact that the requirements to enter as a player in the market today are 10x more than when Microsoft entered the market with the XBox. When they unveiled the XBox, a half-decent network infrastructure for gaming was revolutionary; nowadays, an almost-perfect infrastructure with a good digital store is a minimum requirement.

Quite ironically, many of the players that could plausibly throw their name in the hat already have their fingers in gaming in other ways that don't exactly align with launching a domestic console. Apple is currently pushing for more ports of current AAA games to iOS and Mac; Facebook (I refuse to acknowledge their rebrand) is pushing Quest as its main platform and I imagine a traditional console would clash with that; NVIDIA provides hardware for Nintendo, sells gaming hardware for PC and a cloud gaming service, and I guess a console kinda clashes with all of that; Amazon seemed more interested in becoming a publisher than anything else when it comes to gaming; Alphabet probably still has PTSD from the whole Stadia fiasco...

Like, I don't know, I don't see a fuck you-tier company that could plausibly pull it off and at the same time would be interested in it. Tencent maybe? It's not looking good, honestly.


Yeah, at the very least it would result in a brutal deterioration of the value proposition of future Playstation hardware. The harsh truth is that a large majority of Playstation players would not consider moving to PC or Switch 2 as a viable alternative, and Sony knows that, and would price accordingly. We all saw what happened the last time they felt they were uncontested in the market when they unveiled the PS3 and its pricing, but this time there would not be a 360 to punish them for it.
There is not a world in which a hypothetical PS6 isn't at least 599 ( without the hardware to make up for it) if it doesn't have a direct competitor. And that would have its own domino effect on Switch and PC hardware pricing... what are you gonna do, go to the overpriced PS6? Pleaaaaase.


You know what, you might be right, a second attempt at the concept of a Steam Machine, but this time done in a way that, you know, actually makes sense, with a single super-official SKU, with a lot of abstraction from the "PC" part of it (which Steam Deck has already set the field for) could potentially work.
But they did it so, so fucking badly last time, that I won't believe it until I see it.


I am currently one of the scrubs you beat in Tekken 8 on your way to the red ranks

BudgieMania, (edited )

It was an unfortunate reminder that Konami clearly doesn't see Silent Hill 2 (or any of its beloved properties, really) with the same eyes that its audience has seen it for years.

The fact that they thought that this is an appropriate level of quality for what is considered by many to be either the best or at least one of the best horror games of all time is incredibly disappointing, but ultimately not surprising. My reaction to this this has been mostly "sigh, of course".

I've seen some people throw blame in Bloober's direction, but the responsability of choosing a developer that was not way over their head with the project lays on Konami, as does the responsability of providing enough time and resources for the project.

Konami clearly wants to have their cake and eat it by intending to get the results that Capcom has gotten out of their RE revival while putting one third of the effort and the care, and at this point all I can say is that I hope it doesn't work out for them.

It really sucks when the owner of the thing is the one that cares the least about it, what else can you say really.


Most of the trailer looked like a PS3 game, especially in terms of animations and janky combat.

Honestly, combat and animation wise, I'd say that suggesting the idea that it is comparable to PS3 era games actually does a disservice to many of the games of that era (TLoU, Dead Space Series, the REs of that era, etc etc).

I might even go as far as saying that in some aspects it may even be outdone by the Silent Hill games of that era, Homecoming and Downpour, but that is probably reaching a tad too much.


I thought nothing could possibly be too over the top or too out there for my tastes but... This might be that


Believe me it wasn't any less jarring playing through it

To this day it is the game that I'm the least sure about whether I enjoyed it or not

I did play it to completion so that's gotta count for something... right...?


deserved, they had brutal expectations to live up to but somehow delivered


Music licensing shenanigans strike once again.

The evergreen digital market of today is just incompatible with the practices established back when stuff was sold in boxes and only expected to sell for 5-8 years, and every now and then we get a reminder of what happens when they don't mesh.

Thankfully GoG was still selling it and discounted it massively to allow more people to preserve it.

WWII first person shooters

I’m looking for recommendations for WWII single player fps games for the pc. In particular, I’m looking for older games from the 90s to early 2000s. I always hear how the market used to be over saturated with these games, but after playing through the early Call of Duties and Medals of Honor, I don’t know of any games that...


waaaay out of the timeframe you have specified (it is a 2020 game that is still actively updated) but still with the same vibes, I'd check out Easy Red 2, as it scratches that specific itch of a WW2 shooter with scale. It is maybe too open at times for my taste but it is one of the very few modern games covering that niche. It does have optional squad management gameplay elements but you can ignore those in favor of playing a simple soldier, and the AI will do those jobs for you.


We could have had the CoD take on those parts of For All Mankind?

And they cancelled it?

Are you kidding me?!

BudgieMania, (edited )

I'm not sure how I feel about this one, because I think that a large part of my enjoyment of the first one was unraveling the mystery of what had happened to the world, and that's all but gone now. We'll see I guess.


watch From Software snipe them with the release of the DLC for Elden Ring too, I bet they were waiting for this news to release it on the same week lol


hhhhmmmmm I don't know, I'm not sure I'm interested in discovering more details
I was interested in the general what, not so much on the specific who's or how's, if that makes sense
But I won't fully knock it until I try it


They really need to create some more variant tags, only Super, Ti, and Super Ti, really? Where are Ultra, Legendary, and Co? As it is, they don't have enough to cover every 5$ rung in pricing! Unacceptable!


i like it, voodoo would be a great tag name for rehashes of a past generation that are resurrected to lazily fill a gap in pricing


Second major paragraph of the article

“It will be ubiquitous,” Yoshida said. “Wherever there is computing, users will be able to play their favorite games seamlessly. While PlayStation will remain our core product we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud.”


Sounds pretty fucking good to me Yoshida-san

Good that they have fully understood that the few console purchases cannibalized by releasing their games on other platforms are significantly outweighted by the much more significant amount of people that would not be willing to get a PS, but would still want to buy the games.


is definitely "while" in the context of the interview


I think they got that from the youtube text transcription

poor proofchecking/proofreading on their part


I just hope that these companies don't have the gall to complain about a lack of manpower or expertise availability a few years down the line. Because by coordinating all these layoffs, they are currently creating a vacuum in which a lot of professionals in the industry won't have any chance to acquire experience and develop their skills, and many will probably have to change their career trajectory significantly just to ensure their economic well-being. And once they see how greener the grass is outside the videogame industry, let me assure you, they won't be coming back.

If you are not willing to stick with your professionals through your thin, you don't deserve their availability and effort through your thick.


Legit the biggest, most transparent, most obvious, most blatant scam I've seen in the 25+ years I've been playing videogames.

If you bought into this game or believed in it at any point, you should not go anywhere without wearing oven mitts and arm floaties.


Based on how many titles in the past have pulled off the "launch in Early Access, grab a lot of money in the early hype, disappear" strategy, I have to imagine something like that was the intention.
They probably assumed that there would be a big enough pool of naive fools that would believe in the game for just long enough to get away with launching a below minimum viable product and cashing out once the reasonable refund window was surpassed. And, considering that they were the best performer in Steam for a hot minute, you can't blame them for thinking that.
They just overestimated how much they could get away. Which, considering how much some other titles have gotten away with in the past, is saying a lot.


need to sell the obligatory updated mini of course

small price to pay for one of the most improbable sequels ever I say


The Granny Trilogy run was one of the funniest runs ever done in the event, it is very worth a watch



Reading through it, his suggestion seems rooted on the idea that Metroidvania carries implications in terms of setting, perspective or combat, which is a complete fabrication of his mind not grounded in reality. It's 2024, the people that would know and care about the Metroidvania tag know very well what that tag implies; your "revelation" that Arkham Asylum is also a Metroidvania has been commonplace in discussions for a decade.

This addresses a confusion and an issue that don't exist, and the tag is so standard at this point that changing it would not catch on and would create way more problems than it would fix.


You are walking and see a very high place, that you can't reach with your basic jump, so you decide to continue on your way.
Eventually, you get the power of flight. Your mind goes back to that high place, "oh shit, now I can get there and see what's in that place!".
Multiply that several times, with several paths, with different powers/gadgets/abilities/whatever, and that's Metroidvania.

The nature of the obstacles and the tools that unlock those obstacles doesn't matter, if the world is structured around blocked paths and tools that unlock them in non-linear ways, that's Metroidvania or at least Metroidvania-adjacent.

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