@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar



writer/fantasy nerd

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@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Serif (which owns Affinity) was just bought out by Canva, so it’s only a moment of time before they are enshittified unfortunately.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Does it require a PSN account to use the adaptor?

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

When Canada gets as used to them as Australia, you will start to see that sentiment become commonplace.

If half the state doesn’t burn down, that’s a good fire season in Aus.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Will it require a PSN account to play? Probably…

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Game Pass and X Cloud is their strategy.

But it turns out that there’s not a whole lot of reason to get Game Pass if the games suck, and if you want to play a game long term, you’re better off buying it once on Steam instead of paying a subscription.

And X Cloud still sucks ass.

They have no decent exclusives, and their purchase of Bethesda didn’t pay off because Redfall and Starfield sucked ass.

They wasted billions on Activision Blizzard, which it seems like was entirely for the WoW and CoD IPs, and now they’re shutting other studios they scooped up with Bethesda which was purchased for the Fallout and Elder Scrolls IP.

They’re trying to score exclusive IPs for the next gen to get people stuck in their ecosystem.

Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together?

It seems like every other week a game studio is massively laying off employees; sometimes after years of development. What I’m reading is that it’s a quick way to lower expenses and pad the investors’ pockets, flooding the market with developers and reducing their value, to then hire them back a few months later at lower...

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

They do. There are plenty of indie Devs.

The reason why everyone doesn’t do it is because it requires significant capital to be able to support a dev team through production for a number of years.

Not to mention they will still have to deal with publishers potentially fucking them over, as shown with the Helldivers 2 PSN fiasco.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Usually analog sticks, but it depends on the game. Something like shovel knight is better with the dpad.

I just happen to play more games that are better with analog sticks.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Well you have to consider it’s 7 years old. It was incredible in 2016.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, righto cunt, I’m heading to the bottle-o to grab some grog, I reckon I can drop by after for a bit of a chinwag.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

True, but at least the headline is completely factual and it’s statistics. The numbers comes from Statistics Canada, which is impartial.

Here’s a CBC article reporting the same: www.cbc.ca/news/…/canadan-gdp-february-1.7189053

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Not to mention they are the single most populous nation on Earth.

Statistically speaking, there’s just more Indian people than any other nationality.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Feels very undemocratic for cabinet to be able to remove democratically elected officials that they disagree with.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Balatro, the Joker Poker has me deep in it’s clutches.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

In other news, water is wet.

Like, no shit, an incredibly wealthy guy wants to continue avoiding taxes on his profits? Say it ain’t so!

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Looks pretty cool. Hope it lives up to the original and is successful for the studio.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Love it.

Such an incredible gaming experience with absolutely no words.

I also love Abzū, which is kind of like a sequel to it, but also not really.

I did try and get my girlfriend (non-gamer) to play Journey and she did not enjoy it at all, which made me realise a large part of why I love it is that it doesn’t hold your hand, and it assumes you are adept at gaming in some way.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

We should prioritise immigrants with construction skills then. There should be some within the hundreds of thousands of applicants.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

They should actually build some public housing, instead of just handing more money to developers through third party non-profits.

Build more public housing.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Probably the ones outlined here, which you should be aware of, given there are statements from you included in the article: docs.beehaw.org/…/beehaw-lemmy-and-a-vision-of-th…

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Plenty of them still do, I’ve got friends who are builders and electricians and they’re making nearly double what I do in an office job.

3 Toronto cops failed to do proper investigation into calls at shelter, where woman was later found dead in a room with alleged killer: tribunal docs (www.cp24.com)

Notices of Hearing provided to CP24 documents what allegedly transpired at the shelter on June 29, 2023, involving constables Adam Yurkiw, Victor Lai and Sivapragasam Sivachandrian....

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

10 hour response time? That is absolutely absurd to start with.

Then when they do show up they do nothing and leave again? What is even happening?

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Canadians who support the return of the death penalty primarily cite four reasons: Deterrence (50 per cent), a punishment that fits the crime (also 50 per cent), saving taxpayers money and the costs associated with having murderers in prison (48 per cent) and closure for the families of murder victims (47 per cent).

48% of respondents aren’t aware that it’s more expensive to execute someone due to the appeals process.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Scummy move by the teacher for sure, but 1.6 million dollars is an insane amount.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

That’s what Xbox’s will probably end up being too, haha.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

They are probably using the default installed theme, which doesn’t have scalable icons so everything is horribly pixelated. Not sure why it’s still the default, but as you said it’s pretty easy to change.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

It’s number 2 for me, after Princess Mononoke.

Anyone else addicted to Balatro right now? (www.playbalatro.com)

I’m not usually a huge fan of rogue-likes, but I’ve enjoyed a few, like Hades. I bought Balatro last week and have been absolutely smashing it ever since then. I love the way the game works, each run being so different even within the same framework, and the feeling when your build starts to go off is so incredibly...

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

It’s crazy how I feel like I barely notice the music when playing but it just pops into my head throughout the day.

I had to play on mute the other day when my headphones died and it was like a completely different game with out the background music and the dings to give me that dopamine rush.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Love when that mult mults.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

How is a plastic bag more environmentally friendly than a cardboard carton?

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Call me crazy, but I think if a game can be “retired” by Warner Brothers (or another megacorp), and the dev doesn’t control it anymore, then it’s not really an “indie”.

The Witness Appreciation Post

I got the urge to play the witness for the 3rd (or maybe even 4th) time again after being slightly disappointed by the Talos Principle 2, and man I cannot express enough how much I enjoy this game. It just satisfies something deep inside me every time I play it. And I know a LOT of people (probably some here) strongly dislike...

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Well you can watch it ad free on Nebula, as linked in the video description. I honestly can’t hate on him for that decision, he needs to eat as much as the rest of us, and unless we’re paying for a Nebula subscription, video sponsors are the only way to do that.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Because YouTube and Twitch are notorious for reducing ad payments or demontising creators. Have you forgotten about the adpocalypse already? Patreon also increased their fees with very little notice in 2019.

It’d honestly be an idiotic move to not take a video sponsor if they’re offered, because that is guaranteed and likely upfront, supplemental income to support the creation of videos.

Nebula is collectively creator owned, so it’s the only one of those that won’t fuck over creators for more money, but as I said, not a lot of people are paying for subscriptions. It’s small, the per-creator payouts are probably even less than Youtube.

And finally, the real answer: Man’s gotta eat. Simple.

All of that considered, I didn’t even see the sponsor ads you’re complaining about because I have Sponsorblock skip them automatically.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

“Pokemon with guns on PC.”

That’s a great sales pitch.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

It’s naive to think AI is going to disrupt the status quo from the rich. It’s just going to make the rich richer. Just look at who owns the AI.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Seconding 8bitdo.

Very satisfied with mine. Not the ultimate, but the SN30 Pro+. Has no issues connecting to my PC or switch, no mechanical issues so far either, after about 4 years.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

It’s not weird at all, he owns a car company.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Making my way through Phantom Liberty slowly but surely. It’s quite a decent amount of content, and it’s enjoyable.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

One: Starfield.

Not much I can say about it that hasn’t already been said, it was just so bland.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

I feel like they would be insane to miss the PC streamer market for their online play that they will 100% be making all their cash from.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

Still, it is completely insane. Outside of Sony exclusives they are the only large company that does this.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

One of the guys who was working on it

There’s only one person working on it: Eric Barone.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

First of all, BG3 is built on the DnD 5th Edition system, (with some slight changes) so a lot of people who have played DnD are going to be very aware of the system and how it works. But to be honest, on the easier settings, it’s almost impossible to fail the game, you can do what ever you want.

A big tip for BG3 inventory management is to use the “Send to camp” option for items. Grab them whenever, they don’t take up inventory space.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

My inventory is finite and at some point I have to choose what stays and what goes.

It’s not, actually. You can send anything and everything to camp and decide about it later on. This includes camp supplies/food.

@ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org avatar

The strangest game of 2023: “They’re going to be like, ‘What the fuck is going on?’”

Oh, so it’s gonna be just like Starfield?

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