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Mmhmm. My catgirl came out looking great, but my Au Ra needed a bit of tweaking, where I had to set the limbal ring one colour brightness higher, and the eye one colour brightness lower to get them to pop like they did, and that’s where the Fantasia comes in.


Similarly, 2 was my first Uncharted, which I played partway through at a friend’s. When I got my own PS3 I decided to start back at 1 and found it did a much better job of teaching me how to play the game than 2 did. When I went back to 2 after finishing 1, everything I had trouble with was so much easier, and it was really need to see the jump in graphics between the games.


Irreparable harm to their bottom line, maybe.

Won’t anyone think of the shareholders?


Weird. I really enjoyed it. Loved the characters, liked the story, and all the little nods to the games and fandom were nice and didn’t feel out of place. Probably one of the better adaptations I’ve seen.


I’m glad they kept the ridiculousness. They could have made it super serious and edgy, and I don’t think it would have fit as well.


The Ghoul definitely picked Bloody Mess as one of his perks.

billmason, to startrek avatar

Paramount doesn’t even want Prodigy on their own streaming service, I have no idea what they’re doing with the franchise…


I’m sure everyone will step up once there’s no Palestine left to save.


It’s amazing that you’re allowed to just spout misinformation like this. Less educated people might believe you.


I’ll try to remember you when I don’t go into crippling financial debt for stubbing my toe.


No, according to the courts (one court), an emergency in one city does not meet the requirements for the Federal emergencies act, and didn’t take into account the negligence of the multiple layers of regional policing and government who refused to act.


It’s always the people who weren’t there who continue to push the idea that it was a peaceful protest.


A city under siege with no police protection is an emergency, full stop.


Picked up Another Code Recollection. Never played the original on the 3DS, and I’m really enjoying it.


Lots of companies “accidentally” including artificially generated works in their games/books/ads lately.

They probably pre-write the apologies.


Ah, so this is where they’re pivoting after getting away from NFTs.


One of those things that can be kind of rude to imply, and only really works retrospectively.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...


Seriously. At the end of the day it’s the players who decide whether a game is good or fun. They might not understand the nuances of what went into creating a game they don’t find fun, but that doesn’t make them wrong.


Old Gods of Asgard live was amazing, and Alan Wake 2 NG+ next Monday, which is huge (for reasons I won’t explain, y’alls will just have to play the game).

I had other things to say but I’m too excited about that, so I’m going to bed.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


Final Fantasy XVI’s Active Time Lore. Being able to pause the game and have a list of relevant characters, places, and concepts for the scene you’re in is so helpful for my ADHD, for when I take a break from a game and come back not knowing what’s going on. I want to see this in every story heavy game.


Now that games are basically $100 after taxes (Canadian) I have to be a lot more selective of which games I buy.

Actually, I’ve been buying more indie games than ever.


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    By the end of its life, though, more than 3/4 of each page on the 360 Home Screen was advertisements, with the remaining 1/4 being buttons you could use to get to actual content.


    Yeah, and aside from less expensive indies I’ve bought fewer new games than ever this year.


    Resident Evil 1 and 2 were the games that I always went over to a friend’s place to play, and when Resident Evil 3 came out I got my own copy, and it felt much more like “my game”.

    Those, plus the original Silent Hill games (1 and 2) really helped define my taste in games, and they’ve got something I feel even the more recent throwback Survival Horror games don’t have, in that they, and the original Alone in the Dark, shared some DNA with the old Point and Click adventure games, like Monkey Island, and Myst. Puzzles based on collecting things, and combining or using things on or with other things, often in mind-bending, nonsensical ways.

    The Spencer Mansion, RPD Station, Raccoon City, and Silent Hill were all big explorable areas that opened up as you progressed, and you really got to know them. Games these days feel like they’re scared of being accused of “backtracking”, so you never spend long enough in any one area to really get to know it.


    But they made it free right before deleting it! That means you didn’t lose anything, right? Right?



    A better deal for one group helps the rest of them by setting precedent.

    Does Anyone Have a TIFU Moment When Cooking?

    I was finishing a jar of extremely hot peppers (7 pot primos) that I had fermenting on Thanksgiving day. I made a hot sauce with them and cantaloupe. I had them in a pan at a low simmer to meld the flavors. The problem was the steam coming off was potent as hell. It filled the house when everyone was arriving and coughing from...


    I’m sure everyone’s absent mindedly grabbed the handle of a cast iron pan they’ve just taken out of the oven, and had that quick “Oh no!” thought in the milliseconds before the pain registers.


    Maybe if they don’t want delays they should stop firing people important to the game’s development.


    I want to play it, but finding 120gb for Baldur’s Gate 3 was hard enough, so I’m going to have to pass until I can afford a bigger hard drive.


    Ah, yeah, I was using hard drive as a catch-all term. My laptop only holds M.2 drives. I’m old, it’s all hard drives to me. =P


    I don’t know when I became my mother. It happened so gradually I barely even noticed.


    I don’t think all PC players follow the same specs, in fact I guarantee it varies wildly from player to player.

    Just want a solid gaming laptop (

    My mom likes to play No Man’s Sky and Valheim, but her Asus TUF started freezing on games. RMA found no problems and sent it back to her but it still happens. I ordered a Legion for her but now I see these posts about all Nvidia 40-series laptops freezing up. What’s a gaming mom supposed to do?


    A gaming laptop is essential for me, as I work at home and don’t want to be at my desk 14+ hours a day. I can get away from it and game on the sofa if I really want to.

    What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

    I think the most common answer is going to be Tears of the Kingdom, and that is one for me that stands out for sure, but I will try to add some more unique inputs as well. Many are games that came out longer than a year ago, but i didnt get around to playing until more recently....


    For a game that somehow missed my radar entirely, Anno: Mutationem is almost everything I want in a game: compelling story, fun characters, simple but engaging gameplay, and the visual style is just… I don’t know if it gets any better than that.

    Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

    Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I’m gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn’t played Hotline Miami 2. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably know what I mean, but I’m going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory....


    From the same devs, I want to say the entirety of Journey. I played through it in one sitting and I don’t think I’ve ever been so engrossed in a game that I forgot the world outside the game existed, and when it was over I just kinda sat there with my thoughts and feelings. It just grabbed me so completely.


    I think it’s brave if them to experiment with games about literally anything but combat, and I think it’s about time. Games have evolved so much they could give us so many varieties of things to do, and almost all of them just go the same route of shooting and hitting things.


    Journey is a game you could easily finish in one sitting. Short but sweet, and very easy to get swept up in the atmosphere.

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