
I love Fallout and played 3, NV, and 4 avidly. It’s a good adaptation. A little campy, but it feels like something made by people who know and love the source material. And with the goofy moments come some real nasty aspects of the wasteland laid bare with no question as to how nasty it is, even in the first couple episodes.

The Vaults setup was unique enough to feel new, but fit the Vault-Tec MO nicely. 4 felt generic, but I think it was mainly included for people who didn’t play the games so they could get a general vibe.

The subtle nods are nice, with enough items and mechanics from the games peppered through to make it feel like part of the universe. Some are on the nose like Sugarbombs, but I’ve recognized generic NPC armor from the games on extras in the background.

It was also odd but fun to see game mechanics work in real time, like seeing drugs heal a grievous injury

If you want an adaptation of Fallout story it may fall short with the lighter stuff. But if you want an adaptation of a Fallout playthrough I think you’re I for a good time.

@beefcat@beehaw.org avatar

New Vegas is the best of the modern Fallout games, but toxic elements in its fan base are making me enjoy the game less and less each year. We should stop giving them the time of day.

The show is great, and these people are just fishing for nonsense to feed their persecution complex.


Best thing in the show was the mistery of vault 31 and the solution was extremely underwhelming. I think people just need time to digest. I hate Maximus.


This person has zero IMDB credits. Call me after making literally anything even remotely approaching the quality of anything Bethesda has ever sneezed out.

Does he maybe have some semblance of a point about NCR and New Vegas? Sure, but if that makes it a ‘bad show’ that ‘no one will watch’, please let me point you at Star Wars, which jettisoned its own extremely substantial extended universe to the chagrin of long time fans and is doing fine.

Can’t you just, like, look at it like anime or like Douglas Adams?

Yes, we get multiple iterations of more or less the same story in different mediums. No, they aren’t exactly the same. Is that a problem? Does the Ranma 1/2 TV series have to match the OVH or they’re both shit?

Do I have to choose only the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide books, or the radio series, or the show, or the movie? Am I not allowed to enjoy them all?

Is it really more economically viable to make a living being an entitled and cynical jackass about other people’s work than to go make your own?

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m a franchise loyalist and I am so, so, so past caring about this New Vegas shit. There’s no guarantees that New Vegas isn’t in despair off an external shot. And even if it is, I’m interested in hearing how it goes.

The show was great.


I’ve finished 3 fallout games but fortunately don’t remember any of it well enough for any of this to mean anything to me so I can just enjoy the show.


I played the games. I think the show's sets and designs are good, but I can't get into it. It just feels like sequalitis with no soul.

@FlashMobOfOne@beehaw.org avatar

Fandomwire wants clicks, clearly.


The show is not high art. No one will be winning an Emmy for acting. It certainly doesn’t warrant the high rating on RT. But it’s entertaining, engaging, visually stimulating and a fantastic adaptation of the games.

If you’re expecting a Last of Us calibre deep dive into society and the human condition coping with an apocalypse, you’ll be disappointed. If you’re expecting a fun romp through the wastelands with body parts gratuitously exploding into red mist, then look no farther!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Best review I’ve seen so far


The Ghoul definitely picked Bloody Mess as one of his perks.


One of us! One of us!

@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

Without having seen the series I’m guessing yours is probably the most accurate descriptor I’ve seen so far.

Whenever it comes to fandoms like this, the camps are always so divided in extremes. And neither camp is usually correct.

I mean, I saw Twisted Metal season 1 and it was not good by means an “actual reviewer” would stand by. But was it enjoyable? Sure. (Probably more so if I was high while watching it.) Will it be remembered? Not by a long shot.

The Fallout TV Show is likely better than TM, but I doubt it will remembered alongside Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or even Futurama for that matter.


I couldn’t wade through the first episode of the Last of Us. I watched this entire thing in one sitting and have now seen most of it twice. It deserves a decent score on RT.


It certainly doesn’t warrant the high rating on RT. But it’s entertaining, engaging, visually stimulating and a fantastic adaptation of the games

Which is it? because an entertaining engaging, visually stimulating show which is also a fantastic adaptation of its source material should have a good rating

I’ve basically given up on ratings and threads about ratings because every idiot thinking they sound bright, reduce everything to either “best ever, Jebus herself couldn’t make it better” or “dog shit that will make you pray for cancer to take your disappointment away”

PS: not referring to you (person I’m replying to) when taking about idiots that polarize everything… Referring in general to polarizers (that’s a word, right?)


I think the show is actually a pretty good adaptation.


Yeah I was thinking… would a Fallout show be goofy and colorful, or dark and horrific? Amazon said, yes. And it’s great.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My friend described it with the phrase “reddit liked it,” and I immediately crossed it off our list


Imagine living your life letting reddit be your filter for meaningful experience lmao.

Touch grass guy.


If the best description of something can only be broken down to “reddit liked it” then either the person doesn’t know how to describe anything, or that’s an accurate description in itself.

I watched the first episode and found it not interesting. Certain things were good and others bad, but I just didn’t care and was waiting for it to end.

Apparently I’m in the minority as fans seem to flock to defend it. To each their own.


I’m not a “fan”, haven’t played the games, other than some of the shitty mobile one, but knew some of the lore.

Just binge watched all episodes… and judging all of them by just the first one, is a mistake. There’s much more to the show than what amounts to a basic introduction.

But to each their own, as you said.


That’s fair. I just figured when they introduced the characters and world building and I didn’t find most of it interesting, then the following would be similar.


The following is somewhat similar, but it keeps changing, and there is a decent evolution of the characters (hard to pull off in just 8 episodes, but they did it). Basically it’s 3 shows in one: in-vault, surface, flashbacks. Each one has its own conspiracy, which all come to a joint conclusion at the end, with a slight cliffhanger for the second season.

It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen, but I’d say they did a good job.


The show isn’t that bad but it’s also definitely not as good as the people here are making it sound. The copium levels in this thread are off the charts. The show is mediocre. That’s all there is to it. Stop over thinking it

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sopuli.xyz avatar

Anything I should be aware of if I decide I’d like to give it a watch?


I’ve played all the Fallout games, my wife has played none of them. We are both enjoying it quite a bit so far, at least two episodes in.

@Aussiemandeus@aussie.zone avatar

Yeah my wife and I have played both and were part way through the third episode and are really enjoying it.


Similar boat, except my wife actually got hooked on FO76 a couple of months back and loved it.

I skip a lot of adaption shows or remakes, so she basically forced me to start it, but I wound up really enjoying it. We’re trying not to binge it all in a day, so I’m only halfway through, but I look forward to watching it.


Gamers are so fucking weird. Really enjoyed the show. Hope they make 2nd season.

@bekopharm@social.tchncs.de avatar

@0xtero @delitomatoes same here but I guess it rakes the clicks in.

Old fart FO player since the very first btw.

This is a great TV adaptation of a game (that isn't exactly known for it's "great" story writing as well)


I hate to say this, but it’s almost better at Fallout than Fallout.

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Yeah this is the first I’ve heard of it being bad. Everywhere else, I’ve read it’s pretty good.

acastcandream, (edited )


@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

not so bad that Fallout fans won’t stick with it for butchering the IP.

Todd already beat them to the punch on that account.

The only way to go is up

acastcandream, (edited )


@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

Are you Todd Howard?

acastcandream, (edited )


@Blxter@lemmy.zip avatar

I think it is extremely likely to get a second season one reason is because it has received tax credit to be filmed. source

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