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If only. I was in the security queue at the airport. Please send bail money.


How many spaceships has NASA landed on the moon since the seventies?


At the current energy density, they’re more suitable for stationary storage. But we need a lot of that, so that’s a win. Sodium is cheap and abundant, so those cells should be a lot cheaper to produce.


Why do you have to insult eight year olds like that?


Would you put your own money into nuclear power these days?


Well, in Germany the government basically paid for all the R&D. Then they massively subsidised the construction. Then the nukes were profitable for a while, especially after they got to run them way past their design life. And finally, the government got stuck with most of the bill for decommissioning. So all in all, nukes are a great way for privatising profits and socialising losses, which is what our current economic system is all about.

Diplomjodler3, (edited )

So why do you think this is not happening? And if your answer is regulations, which regulations exactly would you scrap to make this commercially viable?


This answer shows that you have no idea of how this stuff works. Reactivating a shut down nuclear plant would require re-certification. Nobody is going to re-certify a plant built on 1960s technology today and for good reason. If you wanted to bring one of those up to modern standards you might as well build a new one.


shitty government huffing neoliberal bullshit

Yeah. That pretty much nails it.


It still faces hurdles, including inspections, testing and the blessing of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, known as the NRC.

Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


Just make sure you check the walls for bees.


But that won’t take them any closer to toppling the government. Jan. 6 could only happen because Trump actively prevented the police from doing their jobs. That won’t happen under Biden.


Plus a liberal dose of Nazi Germany.


And instead of three mass shootings a week, you’ll have three a day. Yay!


People should report on instances when he tells the truth. That would actually be news.


Have you heard of the COVID pandemic, or did you miss it?


I think that FDA approved vaccines are safe and effective. Does that make me an idiot in your eyes?


That was a very simple question. Your refusal to answer tells me all I need to know.


What the penis guy said is true and he can prove it. There’s your answer.


Obviously. That’s a minimum requirement to be a Republican politician these days.


Not all are psychopaths. but they’re OK with being ruled by them.


Because those damn gay commie libruls hate freedom, obviously.


Seriously? Wow. That moves the whole thing into asshole territory. I’m glad I went with a distro that prioritizes not being shitty.


No. It based on Ubuntu but without all the bullshit. .deb ist standard and flatpak is also built in. Whenever both are available, you get a choice right from the software manager. Mint is very much its own thing and great if you want to ditch Ubuntu.

Best "convertible" or 2-in-1 device to run Linux on?

The last device I own that doesn’t run an open source operating system is an iPad. I basically use it as a laptop most of the time with a keyboard case, but I do like being able to take just the screen to use as a drawing/note-taking tablet. I treat it more like a “convertible” device rather than a tablet alone....


That seems to be the best there is in this category right now. Just pretty expensive.

Australian police arrest 7 alleged teen extremists linked to stabbing of a bishop in a Sydney church (apnews.com)

Australian police arrested seven teenagers accused of following a violent extremist ideology in raids across Sydney on Wednesday, as a judge extended a ban on social media platform X sharing video of a knife attack on a bishop that started the criminal investigation....


Yes. If you say someone did a crime before they were convicted, you could face libel charges.


No, no, must be extremists!


Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Gabe Newell? But seriously, get the Steam Deck. It’s awesome.


I have zero pity for the bootlickers that subject themselves to listening to his bullshit.


And what do you think will happen if Putin wins in Ukraine?

Diplomjodler3, (edited )

Actually I’d prefer analysis based in reality, not some far right fantasy.

Diplomjodler3, (edited )

Putin has no long term strategy. It’s all about surviving the next day. Russia will be paying the price for decades to come, though.


They may write fantasy books where they are some sort of mythical heroes all day long. That doesn’t mean any of this is applicable to reality.


bUt jUsT giViNg pEopLe mOnEy WiLL mAkE ThEm LazY!!!

Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom (apnews.com)

“One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency...


It shouldn’t surprise you. It’s entirely intentional. The cruelty is the point.


Greek mythology is actually older than Marvel comics.


I’m sorry. Of course we all know human civilization started in 1776 and there was absolutely nothing before that.


Done! And a free Bible signed by Jesus himself!

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