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Update on 'Best "convertible" or 2-in-1 device to run Linux on?' (Minisforum V3 first impressions) (

So about 2 months ago I made this post about looking for an iPad replacement that runs Linux. I said I wasn’t in a rush, but after thinking about it ever since and seeing the Minisforum V3 go on sale for just $1000, I pulled the trigger....


Just tried it, and yep, that solved that problem.


You must be new to Linux as a whole.

lmao i am not


I am super tempted to switch to KDE on this thing. KDE has always looked cool, but I’m too happy with Gnome on my main desktop to justify fully switching. This is seeming like a perfect opportunity for some variety…


I was just pointing out the state of things on an up-to-date distro like Fedora as many times a newer kernel fixes stuff like this and no one bothers to update old reviews. I was already aware of the link you provided (it’s literally pinned to the top of the blog post I linked in my main post), but it’s irrelevant when I’m talking about the out-of-the-box experience. I only tried the input-remapper fix because someone pointed it out and I wanted to confirm that worked for me.

I didn’t make this post to complain about issues or ask for solutions, I’m here looking for interesting ideas and questions about this super cool hardware. This thing’s fucking awesome and I wanted to share.


The 32gb ram model was $1000, on sale from the usual $1200


Yeah this was the issue for a lot of the 2-in-1s I looked at. Lenovo, Dell, even Microsoft have some cool options, but they’re insanely expensive by the time you spec them to be comparable to the V3.


My first job was in a grocery store deli, and let me tell you that is the worst job to have if your mental health sucks. My last few months there were spent hoping to get hit by a bus so I didn’t have to go to work. My last two weeks were the worst two weeks of my life. The customers I dealt with were some of the meanest people I’ve ever interacted with, all over a $7 bag of gross fried chicken and pasta salad.

This was a several years ago, I have since gotten a job in IT that doesn’t make me want to die, but this reminded me of one of few funny stories from my time in the deli:

Remember that They are incapable of reading signs in human languages.

We had a Lemon Capellini salad available. Capellini. Big sign in front of it, can’t miss it. Pronounced exactly how it looks. Capellini.

More than half of the people who ordered it could not say that word. A lot of people would stumble through the first two syllables and give up. Some people would throw in some extra letters and create a new word on the spot. Most people avoided saying the word entirely (“lemon salad”). At least one person asked for “lemon speghetti,” and I think I had two or three people ask me how it’s pronounced.



Well now I want a story about an ace cowboy woman


Their way or no way

The one Apple product I still own is an iPad and I run into this constantly.

  • Support for network shares in the files app is barely functional at best (“Just use iCloud!”)
  • Mouse support is still super limited (“Just use touch!”)
  • You can’t install applications from anywhere but the appstore (“sECuRIty”)
  • You can’t install a proper browser or browser extensions (I don’t know even know what Apple’s excuse for this one would be)
  • You can’t disable or modify window tiling (“It’s just like an iPhone, because fuck multitasking!”)

Apple sells the iPad as a computer replacement, but basically all its capable of is watching Netflix or basic note-taking. The longer I use this thing the more I want to buy some x86 tablet that I can just install Linux on instead.


I’m being hyperbolic with that last part, but there’s so much basic computer stuff that the iPad can’t do that is feels like Apple only expects this to be a device to watch Netflix on.

I want to install VS Code (or a comparable IDE) and run/debug some Python scripts, can’t do it.

I want to open a terminal and use basic utilities like ssh. curl, tar, yt-dlp, rclone, rsync, etc, can’t do it. I literally need to install a separate app that lets me SSH into a Linux box so I can do basic stuff there. I’m SOL if I need to work with any data on the iPad’s file system though.

I want to install Godot and continue learning game development on the go, can’t do it.

I want to install Steam and play Stardew Valley

The one thing I’ll say is that Procreate is pretty good, but I’d rather use Krita.

atmur, (edited )

I’m being hyperbolic with that last part, but there’s so much basic computer stuff that the iPad can’t do that it feels like Apple only expects this to be a device to watch Netflix on.

I want to install VS Code (or a comparable IDE) and run/debug some Python scripts, can’t do it.

I want to open a terminal and use basic utilities like ssh, curl, tar, yt-dlp, rclone, rsync, etc, can’t do it. I literally need to install a separate app that lets me ssh into a Linux box so I can do basic stuff there. I’m SOL if I need to work with any data on the iPad’s file system though.

I want to install Godot and continue playing around with game development on the go, can’t do it.

I want to install Steam and play some indie games, can’t do it.

Procreate is pretty good, but I’d rather use Krita.

Which means despite the fact that I want to use it for more, all I do with my iPad Pro (“Pro,” lmao) is watch movies and TV from my Jellyfin server, occasionally draw if I don’t feel like sitting at my desk with a proper Wacom/Krita setup, and write my shopping list.


GrapheneOS on a Pixel 8 Pro. I’ve been super happy with it since I switched from iOS.

atmur, (edited )

This is a topic people get really defensive about and I’ve never understood why. If you look at a discussion thread about the oil industry, everyone is in agreement that the world needs to reduce its dependency on oil and people seem open to changing their own habits to help with that (to an extent and where possible). Same with energy generation, most people are happy that solar and wind power generation is becoming more widely used, and even opinions on nuclear energy plants seem to be shifting to a more positive light.

And then there’s the meat industry, awful from a moral standpoint and detrimental from an environmental sustainability standpoint, and this is the topic where people are suddenly “wElL tOO bAd I’M sTiLL EaTiNg sTEak EveRY dAY.”

I do not get it. Like I’m not vegan, but I’ve still cut out almost all meat from my diet and will happily try out or switch to totally vegan options when possible. Vegans are right about this, even if some of them are assholes about it. I’m not going to defend my non-vegan choices in my diet, sometimes I’m just lazy, but I still try to be better because it’s the right thing to do.

Genuinely curious why this topic riles people up so much if anyone has an answer.


It’ll absolutely never happen, but it would be cool to see Ninja Theory make a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.


Watching live service games crash and burn is just so cathartic.

Best "convertible" or 2-in-1 device to run Linux on?

The last device I own that doesn’t run an open source operating system is an iPad. I basically use it as a laptop most of the time with a keyboard case, but I do like being able to take just the screen to use as a drawing/note-taking tablet. I treat it more like a “convertible” device rather than a tablet alone....


I had no idea it wasn’t counted towards the refund period previously.


Just finished upgrading, all went smooth and Gnome 46 kicks ass so far. VRR is finally here!


I will use your imagination instead, give it to me


Fallout New Vegas is one of those games that I wish I liked but just don’t. It’s hard to get invested in the story or world with weapons and movement that lifeless (maybe the wrong word, can’t think of a better description. Robotic? Stiff? Like you and your guns are made out of cardboard? You get the idea).

Are there any must-have mods that improve the gameplay that I’m just totally out of the loop on?


I remember there being a bug with AMD GPUs and monitors with freesync a few kernel versions ago. It’s exactly like you said, random brief freezes.

Try updating to a newer kernel or disable freesync in your monitor settings (if appplicable).

atmur, (edited )

In video, common frame rates are 30, 29.97, 24, and 23.976. (Almost) anything else will be a multiple of those. Your monitor might not actually run at 30hz * 4, it runs at 29.97hz * 4 which is why you see an option like 119.88. Sometimes that’s displayed as 120 to the user for simplicity, but in this case they’re showing the actual value (or it might support both).

VM suggestion for gaming?

Welp, it’s finally happened. Windows 10 has become so bloated, slow, and spooky that I finally have decided to bite the bullet and set up a VM on my linux Mint partition. Do you have any suggestions for a virtual machine? My PC is a relatively basic mid-range business laptop, 8gb of ram, no GPU, only a few years old. I’m a...


Someone can correct me if I’m mistaken, but as far as I can tell VM gaming has become pointless in recent years.

Proton/Wine will let you run almost everything on Linux with the exception of some games with rootkit anti cheats, and you’re likely to be banned if you run the latter in a VM anyway.


I’ve been playing Burnout Revenge on my Steam Deck recently. It’s incredible how well the Burnout series has aged, still some of the best arcade racers out there.


Burnout 3 is a PS2/Xbox game, 6th gen. It definitely holds up better than a lot of 7th gen games though.


More “left to rot” than ruined. Paradise was great too, and then there was nothing until Paradise Remastered (unless you count that one mobile game).

foxy, to linux avatar

Apparently my love language is installing @linux on the laptops of people I really care about.


So far I’ve switched 4 people to Linux (with approval and interest obviously, plus unlimited tech support lol). 3 are happier with it than Windows and the other liked Linux but had to switch back to Windows due to some audio production software they needed.

It’s also secretly been an experiment to see what distro is the most user friendly. I have one on Linux Mint, one on Debian, and the other on Fedora Silverblue. All three have been great, but I think the winner is Silverblue so far. I don’t love how quick Silverblue versions become EoL, but it’s also the distro with the easiest updater. It’s an Apple level of simplicity; click update, restart at some point, done. No scary package lists or changelogs, just a nice blue button to press.

Also Flatpak + Flathub continues to be a huge contributor in making Linux friendly to normal people, in my opinion.


VRR development has actually sped up massively with that huge tech fund investment in Gnome a couple months ago, but it just missed the window to be merged in Gnome 46. It will be in 47 instead.


Both are not good, but man GT is boring as hell the entire way through. I tried rewatching it recently and just gave up after the Super 17 arc. At least Super has some genuine highlights between the trash.

However, as an animation nerd, Super was consistently interesting on that front. From melting in the first two arcs to having a really healthy production schedule for the last two. That momentum seemed to carry right into One Piece once DBS ended.

Like goddamn, Shida, Tate, and Takahashi went so hard every time they animated on an episode.


I still miss TB. Would’ve loved to have seen him tear into the modern gaming world of terrible ports and live service hellscapes. Can’t believe it’s been 6 years already…

How did Steam forums become so toxic and what is the solution?

Gaming communities can be rough, but I can’t think of another forum like Steam which is across so many games consistently incredibly toxic towards developers, even if their product is fine with only minor issues and no predatory monetization. They are my least favorite place of conversation....


Without proper moderation, it will always be terrible. I don’t think Valve is going to change that given their hands off approach to this kind of stuff.

There used to be a game called Domina on Steam, the developer used his forum and the game changelog to complain about trans people and spread conspiracy theories about covid vaccines. It took months and several verbal warnings from Valve before they finally shut down the store page and its forums.

That is what it took for Valve to draw a line. They do not care about xX_gamerfart13_Xx screaming that their Dell from 2004 can’t run GTA V.

I’d love to be wrong, but I think Valve is more likely to shut down the forums feature than bother with moderation.


Unlike some older mods that caused problems with how the game’s physics worked, this one keeps everything in check.

Nice, the old 60fps mod was janky and caused more problems than it was worth. Might have to play Rivals again with this one.


That Queens of the Stone Age album is so good

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