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Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (


Guy_Fieris_Hair, (edited )

I have yet to meet a person who gives a shit about AI. I have yet to meet a person who has intentionally used AI. It’s all marketing bs and a way to mine our data.


I try to avoid nestle, and even that feels impossible. This would be much harder


Don’t need to resort to fake ass photos for that. Diminishes the validity of all the real shit.


Literally all the dems have to do is not be shitbags.


“Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love” old people (Republicans) vote, always, because they are retired. Democrats work and need to go out of their way to vote, so you have to convince them.




58 percent are OK with it. 42% aren’t ok with it, but it’s still “Better than Biden”


Better headline: 2 out of 3 Republicans (the party of “Law and Order”) support a candidate convicted of 34 felonies. And 3 out of 3 will still vote for him in the general election.

The original headline is just them saying I wish there was something better, but we got what we got. Which is the same thing I am saying on the left.


You’re telling me he thinks fascism is bad? Like he is ani-fascist? Kinda like… Antifa??.. Trump is part of Antifa???


“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.” -Geralt of Rivia


I am voting. And I would vote for Bill Clinton in a heartbeat over either option right now. Life was good in the 90s/00s. Doesn’t mean he isn’t a piece of shit just like every other option for the last 30 years (minus maybe Obama). Just because Trump is a worse piece of shit Doesn’t make the rest of them not pieces of shit. They are All Peices of shit equally, some of them just have qualities that effect my life in negative ways. Which makes them worse, for me. But neither of them deserve kudos for being “less evil”.


It would be political Suicide for an active republican. Even if only 10% of Republicans jump ship because of that comment that’s enough to never get you elected again. In reality it is likely a lot more than 10%.


The fucking Gravy Seals are trying to take over.


They refuse to even let us abort cancer cells.


Don’t most of those giant companies like Amazon and Walmart work 7 days a week, regardless of what is designated a workday?


The DNC would have made sure he didn’t do it. They will take a Trump over a Bernie, at least they can vilify a Trump.


I think it’s heavily implied. Also, don’t change the requirements of your statement. You said “in silence” He said more than anyone else on the floor.


They did what, exactly?

Guy_Fieris_Hair, (edited )

To clarify here, I am an avid Bernie supported that drove hours from my small town to go to his rallies and me and my wife donated the max allowed every year he was running. Going back and reading my initial comment I can see where i may have come across on the other side here. Where I said “at least they can vilify Trump” I guess what I was referring to is the Democrats like to hang out in the center, if Trump gets elected he would pull everything to the right, and all the democrats get to just be slightly better than him. Trump lowers the bar and it is easy for them to keep playing the good guy while they keep fucking us. If Bernie was elected, he pulls everything to the left, the democrats become the bad guy, and the jig is up for them. Him running independent doesn’t work because the DNC has the money and pull, running as a dem doesn’t work because the DNC will never let it happen. i e . we are fucked.

Trump is perfect for them, their overlords get tax breaks, and they get to easily float over the low ass bar that Trump sets for them.

It sounds like we are on the same side, my ignorance is purely in my writing skills.


Nominee? Like the primaries? Yes, the DNC is too selfish to prop up any other sentient human. The only way he isn’t the nominee is if they remove him or if he drops out. And in the General I will vote for any meat bag with a pulse over Trump. Hell, pulse is optional. And I am pretty sure any American who isn’t activity trying to burn this country down will do the same. Tramp will not only continue to not give a shit what is happening in Gaza, he will capitalize off of it. Same in Ukrane (That war is his fault) he will also start wars here. Unfortunately, it is the lesser of the evils. And Biden is far less bad… he is a passenger, Trump stomps on the gas. This country will never be fixed peacefully. To many powerful people will lose too much money if it is ever fixed.


You guys don’t get it yet? They all talk, they coordinated not to pass it then decided who can vote what to piss off the least amount of their constituents. That’s it, it’s all politics.


True, but not hearing it would piss off the retarded half of the country. So they hear it, everyone panders to whoever they need, and here we are. This country is completely broken, both sides are garbage, it’s all a show so they can get away with whatever they want and feed us just enough to keep us from rising up in any productive way. We are just the herd, we don’t matter, we are a byproduct and we cultivate their money and lifestyle. They just can’t tell us that openly. Even “voting”, they will keep gerrymandering to keep it close. The dems will allow them to because dispite being widely more popular in the popular vote, they need the Villan of the Republicans to keep pushing things to the right to keep their game going. If they fought it, then someone would come along further to the left and the jig is up. Look what they did to Bernie, the only genuine candidate in my lifetime.

I don’t think very many people realize just how broken we are, and it is beyond any diplomatic way of fixing. We either ride the ship while it sinks or take the helm at this point. Capitalism+Citizens United+legal lobbiests/bribes+Insider trading allowed by congess members= you’re gonna have a bad time. And the only people that can change it is congress themselves, so they as a whole need to decide to cost themselves millions and millions of dollars. Never gonna happen peacefully. Nothing surprises me with the Supreme Court. Or any other politician. They are actually human garbage scum of the earth willing to lie, cheat, and steal. Willing to back a country that is blowing up children and hospitals so they can make some money from arms dealers. Fuck them all. They are a stain on the history of humanity.



Reagan. Reagan and his trickle down economics was the start of the absurd funneling of the money to the top. It has been a snowball rolling downhill ever since.

Guy_Fieris_Hair, (edited )

Jesus, there is a non-zero number people, in this thread, that don’t get guns because they are afraid they might suicide? I hope you get the help you need, keeping a gun out of your house is a good thing but it is just the tip of an iceberg.

Edit: Everyone on this thread is acting like this is normal, THIS ISN’T NORMAL OR OK. PLEASE take care of yourself.


I don’t know if it’s a people who already have issues and have guns are more likely to use the gun instead of other means kind of statistic you have there, but owning a gun does not want to make you want to kill yourself purely by existing. It is a problem that exists regardless of the gun. And people who just… don’t have a gun have a thousand different ways to accomplish the task. You aren’t like, a healthy individual then get a gun and suddenly have … urges.


I guess my initial comment, for me, was the perspective that it is common enough to have this many people openly talking about it in this thread very nonchalant, like that is the norm. There are a thousand reasons not to own a gun, that reason seemed a little specific, then others chimed in that were on the same page. It just surprised me. I am glad you are doing better and I hope you remember how temporary those feelings are if they ever come back.

Guy_Fieris_Hair, (edited )

Cmon guys! He’s slightly better than a human pile of shit. Go vote! If you don’t vote for our babbling, senile, old man it will be 100% your fault if we get stuck with the other shit bag for 4 more years. We carry zero responsibility for proping this senile old man up, it is 100% on you, the voters.

Good thing the Republicans are all idiots, it lowered the bar so fucking low we can do whatever we want. Because we can’t possibly go the other way and do something better. We have to take advantage and get away with whatever we can.

-The DNC probably.

Someday the DNC will realize Republicans fall in line, democrats fall in love. Forgetting that gave us Trump over Hillary. The only hope that we don’t end up with Trump is us being fueled by hate. I am going to vote, but counting on people to take time off work and wait hours in line to vote only because they are so scared of another possible outcome is the worst reality. But here we are.


“It’s true. He’s old. We don’t need to be ageist, though. The question he do the job, and he’s proven for the past 4 years that he can.”

He can’t do the job. He can just do it slightly less badly than the last guy. The country and inflation is shit. Some of that is his predecessor, but he has done nothing to change shit. His cronies still dodge taxes, and I still pay nearly a 1/4 of my income to feds alone. He tried to pretend to forgive student debt by executive order knowing exactly how it would be shut down so he can pander. Kamala called for legalization of pot a month ago when their polls are low. Yet nothing will come of it. Because they are just pandering. He has done nothing, and since our previous president was so abundantly horrible, that actually seems like a good thing. I get it, “choose the less of two evils, welcome to adulthood” I am fucking 50. I’ve been an adult plenty long enough. I have never not voted because I didn’t like who was there. But I will fucking bitch about it online and I am not going to shill for shitbags. Yeah, I am all the ists if that is what you have to call everyone you disagree with, he used to speak ok, now he struggles getting a sentence out.

If thinking someone who was born a decade and a half before we sent and object into space is too old to make decisions on the governance of AI is agist… than I am agist. Trump, Biden, Bernie, all too old for the world we live in. So are all the senators that don’t give up their seats.

I get it is what it is and maybe some people just accept it. I won’t. I’ll vote but I won’t smile while I do it.


Hell yeah, let’s change the rules mid election year.


I am not sure what you can possibly expect of any program. That is absurd.


Epson with the eco tank. It’s like 12 bucks for several years of ink and the thing just works.


Just another thing they pretend to do to get elected but Don’t actually accomplish anything.


"Move as quickly as possible " it is imperative so I can get reelected!


My point is they haven’t done it already because their doners want people in their prisons. It is the same reason it will never pass and they know it. She is just saying words. That’s it. Pandering to people dumb enough to believe them. Just like their spill about taxing the rich and student loan relief. It goes directly against the interest of the people that got them where they are. The half ass attempts are to make us think they tried and the big bad Republicans stopped it. It’s all theater.


As seen in Isreal and the pandemic response. $$$$ is worth more than the life of minions to them. Humanity is better off without that scum.


Sucks because Trump is going to stay behind Isreal too. The people that refuse to vote for Biden because of this likely just won’t vote. Which = Trump.


It is absolutely absurd. There have been a lot of games that aren’t polished come out in the last half a decade that got a LOT of flack, but this one cannot be played without a connection to the servers and no one can connect to the servers. I have 15 hours logged and probably 4 of that has actually been playing. The game is by every definition LITERALLY Unplayable.


I feel like each spike and lul is because it spikes, the servers splode, people leave, the servers get a little better, then the cycle continues. And here we are.

andrew, to games avatar

Twitter is called “X” now, so xbox still works.

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