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I see that design as choosing a tool for the job then. Top down is pretty niche but a valid point, first and third prison shooters though most pc players are going to use a mouse and keyboard.

I remember there was some 3rd party controller where you could hot swap the position of the analog and dpad, I always thought that would be a bigger deal in terms of accessibility.


Unfortunately chromebooks have been one of the cheapest options for a whole now and have been being introduced all over school systems in the US so kids are used to them and uninformed parents will continue to buy what they know meete school requirements.

Everyone that can definitely should switch to Firefox.


Never said they were. But it’s foolish to ignore the significant populations of school children and older non technical people who have been reccomended the cheapest thing that won’t get viruses and let’s them get on Facebook and YouTube.


Loot boxes suck but I’d argue valve is still one of the better approaches. Makers of skins get cuts of sales, Dotas sales help the international prize pool to an extent, and it doesn’t lock you into a treadmill just to unlock gameplay elements.

Every other company seems to be doing the same but somehow even worse.


I don’t know, I’m all for keeping people away from addictive behaviors and would rather micro transactions not be a thing at all full stop - but allowing users to get money out of games they have already invested in is also a benefit, so it feels weird to single out the one option that provides consumer value. Don’t play CS anymore? Sell the AK Fire serpent you unboxed for 2.50 back in 2014 and buy yourself a steam deck and keep a gift card for a few games. Or a new set of skins in whatever game your playing now is.

As far as the API goes, Im pretty unfamiliar so Im not sure what responsibilities a company has when using their site as a login to another site. There’s porn sites that allow me to sign in with Facebook / Gmail, if someone uploads CSAM to that site do those sites have a duty in some way?

Linux admin with 20 years experience, looking for "beginner" distro [Solved, the real beginner distro was the Debian I've used along the way]

I’m over tinkering with my OS. So I’m looking for a distro that “just works” out of the box for my laptop. Also I want to test an “easy” distro I can install for my grandpa....


Why would mint be considered old but not ubuntu?


What do you mean when you say platform? You can definitely report a steam profile and also users within their modern games (cs2/dota) for comms abuse.


King pick. 740s and 940s also welcome. Rwd turbo bricks ❤️


Looks pretty fun. A heads up that your screenshots on Google Play are of the PC version (unless qwe is a placeholder to be updated later).

Will give it a shot later


IT departments are hopefully getting LTSC editions and installing their own images thst hopefully have 99% of this disabled. Apple is it’s own pain when it comes to administration.


get mad all you want but I’m thinking of this as a capitalist issue, and game corporations only care about your money, not your convenience

Them not caring about the consumer is what is causing them issue.

You lookin like this right now


You’d be best to not repeat pr statements if you don’t know about the underlying technology then. Companies will say whatever they think sounds best and won’t immediately get them in obvious trouble.


You’re buying into brand war bullshit. I’m not in Playstation threads telling them to get a pc. You’re here defending nameless companies that dont care about you.

Play and buy the things that make you happy, a lot of people aren’t happy with console offerings as of late. That’s all it is, there is no righteous crusade, it’s video games man.


VPN to EU countries for all general article reading it is then. Fuck this is getting obnoxious.


I don’t mean the banner ads for cookies, I’m referring to sites restricting viewable content based on your selection. Which seems to be illegal in the EU.


I switched to mint this year with a Nvidia 4080. so far I have been able to get everything I need running with minimal or no involvement. Counterstrike 2 is the most obnoxious which requires me to disable my secondary monitors. That doesn’t happen with anything else and most new games have been good.

If you don’t play something with an ajticheat you know is incompatible with Linux I’d definitely reccomend jumping.


It’s a rock and a hard place. Upset people who have put money into skins that now don’t transfer or upset people with old / non compatible hardware.

CS2 is the only reason I keep a windows install, Idk how they fucked their own native client so bad but my 3080 moves like a slides how while reporting 250+ fps compared to buttery 340+ on windows :'(


That’s not the case, there’s an ALDI north and south. The brothers Albrecht split because of a dispute on weather or not they should sell cigarettes. ALDI = Albrecht Discount.

HATEFISH, (edited )

How can I run a sudo command automatically on startup? I need to run sudo alsactl restore to mute my microphone from playing In my own headphones on every reboot. Surely I can delegate that to the system somehow?


This one seemed perfect but nothing lasts after the reboot for whatever reason. If i manually re-enable the service its all good so I suspect theres no issue with the below - I added the after=multi-user.target after the first time it didn’t hold after reboot.

<span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Unit]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Description=Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones
</span><span style="color:#323232;">After=multi-user.target
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Service]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ExecStart=alsactl restore
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[Install]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">WantedBy=multi-user.target

When I run a status check it shows it deactivates as soon as it runs

<span style="color:#323232;">Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: Started Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: alsactl-restore.service: Deactivated successfully.

It seems to have no effect either way. Originally I attempted without, then when it didn’t hold after a reboot and some further reading I added the After= line in attempt to ensure the service isn’t trying to initiate before it should be possible.

I can manually enable the service with or without the After= line with the same results of it actually working. Just doesn’t hold after a reboot.


I stopped for a long while after Adam and during the pandemic and I have to agree. Patricks chemistry with everyone is great, the Ryan lore well runs infinitely deep and they cast in general seems to be having more fun.

It’s a similar kind of content it always was but it’s making me laugh like it used to so I can’t complain.

Brought u this thing with Lawrence, Bruce and KassemG is also pretty excellent.


Black plague is even better, best Frictional game to date imo.


Does anyone actually know anyone thst can provide a first hand account of selling an item for upwards of 10k in the past 3 years? Everyone I know just repeats Twitter posts as evidence


Let’s not pretend alt tabbing a source game was possible pre 2013


Stoked since they announced it would be converted to source 2.


Funny this was also the league model when they were releasing champions practically every month


Half life games are on sale right now. If hl1s graphics are too dated for you black mesa is a remake of the first game that is fantastic.

FEAR 1 is also goated


I think It’s just called counter strike officially, I’m not sure it actually says 1.6 anywhere anymore


I see how, I personally was having a fucking blast. I never got to play hldm in its time but it still holds up.


Yeah not including brook boards as some sort of exception has ensured Sony will continue to run the fgc with Evo for the foreseeable future

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