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im so sick of this chain. its like all you see now is this dunkin and subway.


It still blows my mind that some people think he is better for the economy.


ugh watching it now and its aweful. Trump was talking forever at one point and im like. hey are they going to call time on him or what. The woman seems to be but the guy ugh.


we got here because left will abandon dems at the drop of a hat and right will cling to republicans no matter what they do. I literally do not see us improving unless the most left canidate wins 90% of the time.


No. no. Privatization is great. Im american and its so much more exciting. Every time I get the big square envelope I never know if its approval or denial. Its like one of those exciting tv shows you might watch where you definitely would not want to be a character in it.


I really don't get why we ever stopped doing things like this. It just makes sense. It makes sense for any product that can be stored for a time, not having it would cause problems, and it can have spikes of use. If I can just convince corps that it would be government subsidies of warehouse storage maybe we would do it more.


we stopped with our grain and the wikipedia does not mention after reagan which it was late in his term and the nineties when we stopped most things. If you read to the end it mentions purchasing and giving to food banks to stabalize prices which would sorta suggest we do not have storage of it anymore but can't be sure. As far as I know we only kept doing it for oil and gas.


I mean I see his point in that you don't have to take the blessings. Granted I have not had an issue so far but I have just gotten to the end of the castel that lost its p and teleported out to do some minor dungeons so im basically the type that gathers up all the buffs and such I can before hitting a particular thing. That mausaleem guy is still kicking my ass but I only tried 3 or 4 times but heck I can come back to him when I have completed if I want.


Yeah I get it. To be honest hearing about how hard it was I started playing perfectly expecting to stop as it became insurmountable but its surprisingly surmountable if you accept that dieing is just part of it. In some ways it reminds me of shadowbane which was a pvp nightmare and I totally thought I would stop playing but once I just viewed the gankers and such as just hard npc monsters I found enjoyment in it. I have not thought about that came in awhile but playing it was a lot like elden ring. run run run run.


oh I suck at things like parry. I will get him. That stun lock has me thinking though.


there are several areas where my poor shield performance has made things tough.


Im actually surprised that I have liked it as much as I have. Im a horrible gamer when it comes to reaction time and man I hate the platforming. Once I got used to accepting dieing, running around to grab stuff and not worrrying about surviving after, and search cheese X on youtube its been fun. Sorta heat attack, stressing fun. Fun I sometimes want to avoid :)


order someone to tear a place up in private and its recorded and you go to jail. do it on twitter and your scott free. All mob bosses should just use twitter to talk with their crews.


funny. I would think it would be called kakastocracy.

Samuel Alito’s Mysterious Absence From Supreme Court Raises Questions (

Samuel Alito was again absent from the Supreme Court on Friday after skipping out on Thursday. No information has yet been provided by the court for Alito’s mysterious absence, which comes as the court is issuing decisions before the end of its term and leaves nothing but questions on his whereabouts....


they blocked obamas for over a year and we are like less than 6 months from an election


yeah I seriously suck and I find it like the rest of the game. The game is supposed to kick your ass. ugh. lost 100k runes the other day because I hit a kneeling shadow guy down an alley and thought it was a weak variant rather than the burly variant.


yup. You see that with retired folks in my state. Go to florida over the winter but really live here. Whats funny is we are a low tax state for one that has an income tax. Its flat


satan. npr had two man on the street things (both were actually women). One said its hard because im biden socially but trump for the economy and another is like well you have to admit the economy was better under trump. It irks me so much that people do not understand how the economy works as far as interest rates. Trump bully pullpitted the fed to zero them before covid after obama had been slowly raising them. He is directly responsible for the inflation and them having to be jacked at a break neck pace.


At first I read it as turned into and I was like ??? but then I read it again and it made sense.



@Rapidcreek @kescusay @finley @rdyoung

Now this makes me lol. I mined some coin in a lost wallet when the century was single digits. Admitadely it seemed need but I ddi not get it. It creates value by flushing energy down the toilet for no useful work and is programed to reguire more energy for the resource which while fiat currency has little behind it like taxes and militaries. bitcoin has nothing behind it because the energy was already wasted and otherwise its just code. Not even paper. On top of it since its programed as a pyramid scheme investment it does not even work properly as a currency. Gridcoin does because its value is reflected in the work the envergy does and don't get me wrong the distributed ledger has potential that has not really been utilized yet (or is utilized so well im not notcing it). Believers in crypto are just that. Folks that understand it laugh at it. Its funny how you can replace jesus with crypto in tha phrase and it fit perfectly like what a christian might say to an athiest:

"I gave up trying to spread the word that is jesus to the non believers. Just like everything else worth discovering, they have to want to learn."


well that was so specific. you totally sound like a real developer and really you can tell from all the technical developer stuff in your posts and comments for this account.


what does she use for money management?


thanks. I have never used one but have been contemplating doing so.


yeah. both sides. living in america is just as bad as russia or north korea /s


I think you are confusing who is the top and who is the bottom at this point.


well putins russia is the beggar now and NK and china the providers so its not quite the same as days passed. I still blame it on putin getting trumps loser cooties that won't go away as long as trumps loser sould keeps giving it loser powers.


wasn't it amazing that during a pandemic we managed to give vaccines away. A lot of medical care is disease. Might not be a bad idea to keep that stuff contained in general rather than just under special circumstances.


I was thinking the three dollar bill would be more appropriate.


Of course the only reason you use the term invasion is if the place is outside the borders of your country. Funny.


thats not formal usage though its more like slang and would not be used by political figures in public......oh yeah. its nowadays. dumpsterfire and all. yeah. you have a point.


chicago area here. Have seen dead dogs and cats in roads only a few times in like five decades but granted that is usually pretty close to them getting struck. Pet carcasses tend not to just lay in the road the way like a squirel one might.


look we are shit now but thats all the democrats fault. Once we get rid of the democrats you will see some big changes. We have many pogroms waiting in the wings specifically for you and your people. Just give us a chance and we will show you what we can do.


yeah its a mocking type of sarcasm. i have a bad happen of not doing the /s thing. I think I may be responsible for the birth of a variety of fringe internet movemments.


I don't think they should be even able to bill if the insurance does not accept the charge. They should have to work it through insurance first and if insurance denies it they can get a signature of the patient to say they will pay but the form they sign must show the response from the insurance company to show they went through the process and determined it cannot be done with insurance. It can't be some sort of standard form every patient is required to sign before even being seen.


Even if they submit the pre-auth I have had so many denials that show up a month after the procedure was done and for things were it could have waited. It had to be done and maybe its way worse to wait but this is america so it can wait (not yours but things from my family). I can budget for maximum out of pocket each year but not for maximum out of pocket and someone unknown amounts that has no upper ceiling. and to get off topic I love the we won't cover this pretty cheap and easy thing that has been around for awhile and has a proven track record to work or improve outcomes but we will this big expensive surgery that you know oftentimes work but if it doesn't, woa baby your quality of life is sunk. but hey your choice. its like a game of chicken. their cost versus your willingness to risk aweful outcomes.


is it really that hard. I have to search for posts about a game to see things about the game on the whole and most things specifcally about a subject are pretty good about spoiler tags and even then usually the subject will indicate to you if its dangerous spoiler wise.


impossible! i just heard him say he has done more for the black population than anyone since lincoln. oh and he said there was no inflation when he was president and dropped interest rates just as obama was getting them normalized.


for some reason I recognized the name but could not place it so was thinking. is that some kind of sports broadcaster?


also they are waaaayyy more critical than the first go round where they would not call out anything. I mean I sorta get it. His stuff was just so incredibly stupid and outside the bounds of what a presidential candidate would do that they just did not know how to react to it. Then also to he would do something rediculous each day so it was hard for them to have time and cover the previous stuff more in depth. Even online you would see people (like myself) ask what was the worst or stupidest things he had said to date or just a list of all of them and it was hard to find because there were so many existing and many being created in real time.


and despite the ridiculously bad stuff he says this type of stuff still gets me. Here he just outright says he likes people who flatters him because they flatter him. He just openly says how he is the most primitive and rudimentary of humanity.


oh man this is so what they do. water resistant. no its not. water absorbent. super water absorbent.


canadian healthcare > american healthcare - denied preauthorization for an MRI


exactly. the main point is folks like that are not going to be a net positive if you put the screws to them. We win out if we let people follow what they want or are compensated enough to do what they are willing to do.

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


apple fanboys. yes. the take it or leave it apple types would likely have a decent exodus. non apple users would not like but would not matter.

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