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And yet there’s still a bunch of clowns pushing people to not vote.

Imagine what it is they want, knowing that not voting doesn’t stop an election, and most of them have been outed for not giving a shit about Palestine knowing Trump will do much worse.


If you’re voting, I’m not talking about you. And you cast any suggestion to vote as undying Biden worship.

I guess we both make assumptions.


lol…. Whatever you say man. Your reputation precedes you, so at this point- you can say what whatever you’d like. I’m sure all the people you accused of being genocide supporters will totally believe you!


She also jerks dudes off in movie theaters.

Netanyahu: US promised to lift hold on ammunition, weapons (jpost.com)

The United States is expected to lift its hold on the shipment of ammunition and weapons designated for the IDF, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office said on Tuesday, just one day after the Israeli leader accused the Biden administration of preventing the delivery of those arms....


And a happy propaganda weekend to you as well.

IDF spokesman says Hamas can’t be destroyed, drawing retort from PM: ‘That’s war’s goal’ (www.timesofisrael.com)

IDF Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Wednesday cast Israel’s war aim of eradicating the Hamas terror group as unattainable, appearing to underscore tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top defense officials over his handling of the war in Gaza....


Said the person with a post history of vigorously spreading seemingly nothing but anti-Biden propaganda and misinformation.


Remember everyone- vote as if there are no polls!


The “doing a genocide” thing comes off as incredibly immature and cringy as hell.


They honestly believe he’s the president of the entire world it seems.


Without Biden’s unconditional support Israel would have to stop.

I’d LOVE to see you show your work on this.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

While I appreciate your example of what a shitty strawman argument looks like, I never asked for one.

Either point out the location in my statement where I said “doing a genocide is fine” or admit you have nothing to offer the conversation, and are here to troll as usual.


Show me where or admit you’re a fucking troll. And I’m not talking about your batshit-insane interpretations of anything you disagree with being in support of genocide.

I’m asking you to prove I have said anything even remotely similar to what you’re accusing me of.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

So… you have absolutely nothing to offer. Fantastic!

Thanks for playing, troll!


Right… so. Given that… anyone looking will see me responding to bad faith MAGA trolls and Russian bots that plague this site… like you.

If you can accuse me of shit- I can defend myself with accusations of my own.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

I’ll do that when you finally come around to understanding that all of your anti-Biden bullshit is going to get even more Palestinians killed.

But you already know that.

Better yet- I’ll do that when you admit you don’t give a shit about it.

Oh, and you have the nerve to say: “accusing everyone that disagrees with you.”

Fucking hilarious coming from someone who thinks everyone here that’s not left of left is a gEnOciDe sUpPorTeR!

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump (www.dailykos.com)

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…...


And there’s quite a few people here on lemmy trying to make that happen.


Goes to show who’s important to him.


This clearly means they’re getting remade.


While it’s great that a traitor to America was defeated in an election, it’s embarrassing that he was allowed to run in the first place.

We need to do much better than this.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

And yet, despite everyone complaining, YouTube knows damn well no one is going to stop using their shit so they’ll continue to do whatever they want.

Maybe people should just…. Stop using YouTube. That or don’t complain when they fuck over the content creators and users of their platform.


You could just not use YouTube at all.


Exactly… fuck the corpo, don’t use YouTube.


So… you’ll complain about, but use it anyway thereby supporting what they’re doing.



I would all but guarantee they’re wasting little to no resources on you.


Imagine if- now bear with me… seriously, Imagine if…. everyone stopped using YouTube.


And he’s not getting those votes. So while knowing it’s not happening, you’re submitting a losing candidate. Purposefully.

And let’s not forget that you already admitted that you’re NOT VOTING. So your bad faith suggestion of West is also publicly noted.

Calling you guys out is too easy.


ROFL… so you honestly think Stein can win? Let’s take a look…

So there’s:



Well, it seems no other news source even lays her as even relevant. So… no. I’m going to go with,

Name a VIABLE candidate that is currently running that can win.


I don’t care how many decades you’ve heard it. I’m 52 years old and STILL doing my part to stop America from being overthrown by a traitor. What I care about is the work done to stop it from happening. Because It takes FAR more than whining online every four years.

And this happens like clockwork… EVERY FOUR YEARS.

Then everyone disappears and rerolls as victims of their own irresponsibility. Every four years.

So don’t tell me how many decades you’ve heard versions of this.



I said… VIABLE


So then how exactly are you able to consider Stein as viable?

There is. O one in the race that has a closer shot at defeating Trump and you know it. Any attempt to say otherwise is a at best a clear refusal to accept reality and at worst, blatant propaganda and misinformation.

So which is it?


So by not voting you’re admitting that you don’t give a shit about Palestine. Because it’s well known fact that Trump intents to do much worse and he’s not even trying to hide it. While Biden may not be doing enough, he’s certainly doing more than what will happen…

So since it’s not about Palestine, what exactly is your angle?


Never negotiate with anyone willing to sacrifice others to get what they want.


Are to show us another example of how you’re clearly not paying attention?


…. Says the guy who’s on a personal crusade to get Trump elected.


Right… so… your plant accusations are true, but anyone else that calls you out is lying.

Grow up.


It’s always funny how you people become victims of things “people make up” about you- yet your ENTIRE ideology is based on things made up about people.

Fucking hypocritical if you ask me.


Okay buddy.


100%. And they’re very convincing.


What you don’t understand, is that they’ll still get delivered. Wait…. I’m pretty sure you DO understand this. But it really messed up your propaganda if you were to admit it.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

ROFL… show how you don’t know how congress works without saying you don’t know how congress works.

Even if Biden is able to halt it- which he isn’t…. When you succeed in getting Trump elected, he’s going to go HAM on Palestine. So tell us again how much you care to stop it again?


You mean like when I asked you to provide a name of someone running that could win against Trump in November?

You forgot didn’t you?

You had no answer. I asked you several times. You refused to answer. Proving that no only do you not have anything better to say than “dOn’T vOtE fOr biDeN!” You have no clue what your end game is.

And in case you forgot- I said I had no intention to ever take a thing you say seriously. That means I’m not entertaining any of your questions where you refused to answer mine.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Nope. Not happening. I don’t entertain people I think are working to undermine American democracy. You’re not owned an answer, as you don’t have the respect it takes give them in good faith.

You’ve proven yourself to not care about Palestine since you’ve admitted that you’re willing to get trump elected just to spite Biden, you’ve proven yourself to not have any suggestions as to who could win against Trump that will do better than Biden, and lastly-

A a result of all of this… No further evidence is need to illustrate your purpose here.


Cool. So, if you’re a legit leftist- you’re openly admitting that you’re holding your vote ransom over a single issue in an other country that we have already proven in the past by your comment history- you didn’t give a shit about prior to last October, and you admit that don’t give a shit how many Americans suffer under Trump if you don’t get your way.


You’re openly admitting that you’re here in bad faith and only intend to disrupt an election.

I think we both know which one it is.


Yeah. There is absolutely a way to come to that conclusion as you have nothing at all to say about Palestine prior to around November of last year.

Secondly, yes. It is allowing citizens in your country to knowingly suffer because you aren’t getting your way is NOT democratic bud. Sorry to break this to you.

If my house was burning, I wouldn’t let my own family die to put out the fire next door. And you won’t fine too many people that would. Especially if you know the next door neighbors house is going to re-it it’s the second you walk away from it.

Trump will decimate Palestine. We know this. He has said as much. YOU know this, and everyone here knows you know it. And don’t think for a second that I’m here to try and educate you enough to the point that you would or even could change your mind- we all know there’s no way that could or would happen. I’m here to ensure that people see your chosen words in response to being effectively called out. You have not once provided any care whatsoever about those who will suffer if/when you get Trump elected because of your little temper tantrum.

Lastly… I believe it is mine and everyone’s duty to ensure propaganda is called out on lemmy. And I do not plan on stopping until after the election when all of you “far lefters” disappear and reroll your sock puppets so you can pretend to be victims of your own agenda.

Everyone needs to vote like lives depend on it.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Cute, but yeah. We do know exactly what Trump will do. As we have had four years of practice predicting him. And it should probably go without saying, but will anyway:

He’s already taken his stance! PUBLICLY. But… He won’t stop shouting what he’s doing to do. We can’t NOT know what he’s going to do if we wanted to. And we both know you’re fully aware of a little manifesto called Project 2025. So let’s not pretend you have any stance to say “bUt wE cAn’T kNoW what tRuMp wiLL do!”

And there’s no irony in my calling out your propaganda dude. You can’t answer a simple question of who could replace Biden since you have such a hate-boner for him. Anyone serious enough about it would at least attempt a good faith run at it. I’ve asked ACTUAL far leftists this same question and they answer it as best as they can.

Because they are the real deal. You are not.

You’ve been asked many times by me and others… and you just can’t answer it. Because you know there is no one that stands a chance. So instead of doing what’s necessary to protect the already oppressed minorities of America/ who are ABSOLUTELY going to suffer greatly…

YOU opt to ignore the entire concept of it and replace the topic with more anti-Biden bullshit.


You do not acknowledge the damage that will happen to both America, as well as Palestine. You ignore it! because you know damn well what it’s going to be. You’ve been called out dude. What you say in bars, what you said in college… none of that is worth a rat’s ass when put next to the shit you spread here.

You are out of gas. And have nothing more to say that hasn’t been said to clearly illustrate the path you’ve taken on lemmy.

Respond and you’re just digging the hole deeper.


Sleep well. I’m sure we’ll bump into one another again soon.

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