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First lest see trump’s service record…


Since they announced that it will be PC and XBOX only- I stopped giving a shit. I refuse to buy a new hardware that once was accessible without having to.


Yeah it is.


At this point, I would say nearly all of them are, but then again, at this point- that’s all the reason one needs.

This is a DIRE situation we are in. It needs to be taken seriously.


I do want to stop the genocide

And yet your only suggestion it seems is to yell at people to not vote, accuse anyone that IS voting of being a “gEnOciDe sUppOrTeR!” And generally just spread what appears to be mostly misinformation.


That’s EXACTLY what they do. Every four years. The Bernie bros did the same thing in 2016, and again in 2020. And these clowns think they’re pulling some new grassroots movement. They have no idea that they’re already considered to be non voters.

They’re doing nothing. And by that I mean, they’re doing a LOT more nothing than even they think they are. Their little “protest” is completely meaningless.

Unless their intent is to get trump elected, and for some- this is the case.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

So we’re cool to bring up the past as a rebuttal to a thing someone has done in the present?

You shit your pants when you were a baby. Should we accuse you of this every day for the rest of your life?

We also used to prescribe cigarettes to asthmatic patients. Wonder why we don’t anymore ?

It’s because we learned to be better at understanding the human body. Essentially… We got smarter. But reading though your comment history- you seem to be regressing, because it seems that every point you bring up is worse than the last.


So offer a solution. Who has a chance that’s currently in the running to beat Trump in November?

Provide a name or walk away.


Didn’t you say you were never going to post here again after accusing the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters?

Just curious.


Dude… why are you always rewriting everything anyone says to you? Is it because you know it’s obnoxious? Is it that you are trying to agitate people into losing their resolve and saying something you can report them for?

Because nowhere did they say anything they made you the victim you’re trying to be here.

They simply said that your points of view are incredibly naïve. Which would be the result of being young and inexperienced with politics and its nuance. Having said that… They could have just said that you are an ignorant brainwashed troll, but they didn’t. Because they probably believe this isn’t the case.


I use this defense when I see people bring up one’s past to put them back down after they’ve changed.

I use this defense when bad faith clowns try and shit on people in rehab who are trying to turn their lives around.

I use this defense whenever I see people that don’t know what they’re talking about, try and paint eh world as either black or white without even looking at the grey in between.

Your move, chuckles.


As I expected. NONE of you have ever provided a solution when asked, therefore it’s pretty easy to tell why you’re actually here.

You’re not fooling anyone.


Move along. You have nothing of value to add here.


You talk a lot and still manage to say so little. What an amazing feat of… irrelevance.

You had NO solution in 2020. And you’re repeating the same tired shit this year. And like 2020, you’re going to disappear when the election is over and go back to arguing about video games.

NONE of you seem to have any solutions of what to do between the elections and only surface ever four years like a leap year but with ignorant catch phrases.

So you’ll understand when I say I don’t care if you forgive me for assuming your bad faith intentions here aren’t worthy of being taken seriously.


And you’re the one who couldn’t answer a simple question when asked:

Who’d you put in his place that’s running with a chance to win?

You’d rather clown about and pretend to be outraged over something you didn’t even know was a thing prior to last October. We’ve all see you before. Every four years. We’re used to this shit as it’s never anything new.

I don’t take you seriously.


I got you to admit what I needed you to admit. I have no more use for this discussion.


The why is irrelevant. You can whine all you want but everyone here seems know that unless you offer a solution, you’re here in bad faith.

And you’ve been asked who you’d put up as a solution to solve the problem, and you provide nothing but excuses.

I’ve gotten you to say what I needed people to see you say. There’s no more purpose to this discussion.


So, did you set a specific date for when you’re going to leave this community like you said you would? Because I know if I thought the mods were…. “Genocide supporting zionists”, I wouldn’t feel comfortable supporting their community with content for any longer than I had to.


Because they are. Both are trying to get Trump elected. On purpose or not.


No, it’s not paraphrasing. It’s purposeful misunderstanding so you can either victimize yourself, or build a straw man.

You’re not as clever as you think.


So you lied. interesting that lies should come from someone that’s banned for misinformation so often.

Who’d have thought it could happen.


Not talking about it because I know how people like you operate. It’s an exercise in futility. It’s better to just get it to admit you’re clueless about the situation, and aren’t here to provide any useful information. People need to know what you’re about

And I did just that.


Depending on what the margin is he loses by, it could absolutely be your fault as well as those that stupidly stand with you on this ridiculous agenda of yours.

But you won’t be held accountable because like every election year, you people will vanish and resurface as victims of your own actions.


That’s entirely your fault. Not mine. You teach people how to treat you.


How willfully ignorant are you capable of being? Like does your ability to completely miss a point have any limits?

Or is it that you get some perverse joy from purposefully misinterpreting what people say?

Naaah. You do this on purpose. And yet, you wonder why people are not going to like you no matter what you do….

People to my left are trying to get trump elected by essentially allowing him to win without evening trying to stop it because they’re upset over something that they inept care about until recently- something that has been going on for decades.

You’re a fraud.


You said you weren’t going to post here anymore because the mods were “Zionist genocide supporters.”

Two lies there.

One: You’re still posting here.

Two: The mods are definitely not Zionist genocide supporters.

If you lack the strength of conviction it takes to simply restrain from backing up your own words of protest, how can anyone take what you say seriously? Add in the fact that a lot of what you say is complete misinformation….


You’re always the victim in every discussion you have it seems. I wonder why that is….


Holy shit that is meta as hell man. So many layers to that nonsense.

You rewrite my point about how you rewrite people’s points to twist what people say into making you out to be a victim- so that you can make yourself out to be a victim of my “abuse.”


That’s some class A trolling there man!


Okay Buddy.





You all are pathetic hypocrites.

Is that so?


So… they’re a dumbass and I’m pathetic… is that what you’re saying?

Be specific. This is for the record.


Dude is a trumper. What do you expect.


lol… that ratio though…


In a lot of cases, there really isn’t a choice. They either have to compromise, or get nothing. We don’t need better democrats, we need conservatives that will actually stop stonewalling their opposition just to make them look bad.

They’re fucking children.


So…. dumpster fires can still provide warmth, what’s your point?


That ratio though.

On a social media platform. Rust leans presently far left- you STILL manage to get downvoted into the dirt.

Maybe it’s because of the sheer volume of misinformation you share- like this nonsense here, or maybe it’s just because you’re seemingly wrong more often than not.


Oh, you’re wrong. That’s why the ratio tips against you.


They have no idea what they’re talking about.

War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable (www.middleeasteye.net)

While President Joe Biden recently said that “no one is above the law”, in response to guilty verdicts in former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, his administration is seemingly committed to shielding Israel from accountability at any cost - even if that means tearing apart the rules-based international order....


Hey look! It’s the person who constantly gets their posts/comments removed for misinformation and op-ed hit pieces, here to share yet another op-ed hit piece!

“Remember folks! Be sure not to vote for Biden. And here’s why! But ignore the fact that if you don’t, it’ll be FAR worse for everyone up to- and including Palestine! But don’t back me into a corner and make me have to show the math on this, because if you do, I’ll accuse you of ad hominem!!!”

By the way, didn’t you accuse the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters and threaten to never post here again?


Enjoy team B while they’re carpet bombing Palestine into dust. I’d imagine it’ll be horrible to be held accountable for it when that time comes, but we both know you’ll be nowhere to be found.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

It’s hilarious you think NOT voting is democratic. It’s legal, and a freedom you have, but it’s absolutely NOT democratic at all.

You’re by appearances, trying to get Trump elected- which is also- part of democracy…

But will also end it as we know it. And again… I’m sure you’re fully aware of it.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Real democracy is voting. And I’m not about to be lectured on politics by someone that’s not voting over a single issue they didn’t give two shits about less than a year ago.


You know, on my hunch, I checked your comment history. And I was right. You didn’t give two shits about what is happening in Gaza before Oct.

Not a word about it.

So it’s not a stretch to think that you, like the other bad actors here have no other agenda than to get people to not vote. This happens every election year.

I’ve said before that you probably didn’t even know where Palestine was prior to October- and now it seems I’m right.

You’re a fraud.


Right… all over something you didn’t give a shit about before it became something that could help you get your boy elected.


Nope. Not going to either. I’ve read your history here. And what you say here is what matters. I don’t even know what liveleak is and don’t care.

Be responsible for your words here.

You had nothing to say about Palestine prior to October. Period. End of argument.

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