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So instead of helping keep democracy from crumbling to the ground… you’re just going to step aside because you don’t feel listened to?

Dude… you’re not the only one in the country. It’s virtually impossible for a sitting president to make even half of the country happy with their policy…

Maybe look up what Biden has done just over the past four years compared to the previous 4. Then read up on Project 2025. Then have some responsibly to those that live on your country that are quite possibly going to lose only their rights as human beings if they’re lucky.

This isn’t a fucking joke man. Vote and then spend the next four years actually doing the work it takes to make the change you want. I even give you a bit of advice…

It’ll take a lot more than whining on the internet. It’s going to be hard work. But if you do it right, 2028 could be something to look forward to.


Provide the name of a current candidate that has a chance to best Trump in November. Provide evidence that they have a chance.

Just one name.


ROFL… I was young and idealistic once as well. The difference is, I was afforded the time to be ignorant.

You aren’t.

Pay attention. A lot is at stake here.


Accelerationists are far worse than MAGA. Because MAGA can claim ignorance.

You are threatening to purposely fuck up America unless your demands are heeded.

It’s fucking extortion.


Wrong. I said a candidate that current stand a chance. Provide a name.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

…. Said the genius that thinks NOT doing something will bring change.

Listen up,

Someone is going to get elected whether you like it or not. By now you should probably know what Trump will do to the LGBTQ+, to women, to anyone that stands against the Christian ideology. Which pretty much includes everyone you know I would imagine.

So go ahead and admit right now that you either don’t give a fuck at all about anyone that will be hurt if drum wins,

Or admit you’re here in bad faith and go away.


Again, hes not Viable.

Try again.


So you’re an admitted troll here to disrupt an election… got it.

That’s all I needed.


Don’t block these people. Call them out!


You’re getting genocidal garbage but doing nothing. And by now, it’s safe to say you know that. So aside from plainly admitting that you’re here to get Trump elected, how exactly are you going to reconcile knowing that

• Trump will be FAR worse to Palestine.

(Knowing this and still not voting to stop him from taking over America essentially is admitting you don’t give a shit about Palestine)

Trump will scrap climate laws.

(Allowing him to get elected without even trying to stop it invalidates any argument you have in defense of protecting our environment)

Trump will call for the executions of dozens of people on death row despite their legal freedom to challenge.

(How do you not give a shit about this?)

Trump will revoke protections to trans rights

And lastly, pay attention. To this one:

Trump not only will help Israel win, he tore into Biden and got PISSED because he withheld weapons to them

Do you honestly think that sitting on your hands in November is going to stop any of this? Of course you don’t. This late in the game….

You know EXACTLY what you’re doing. And so does everyone else.


And what is the truth exactly? That you won’t cop to the fact that while you claim to care about genocide, you are entirely unwilling to stop it from getting exponentially worse?


Yeah. Most of it is essentially an essay on how to think about things. It’s essentially their programming. This is why op-editorials shouldn’t be allowed.

JimSamtanko, (edited )

Know how the “far left” is telling us to not vote this year?

Ever wonder why that is?

JimSamtanko, (edited )

On lemmy, it’s mostly the same thing. I’m not sure I’ve seen a person claiming to be a far lefter suggesting anyone vote.

EDIT: I’m standing corrected, and happy to be wrong.


…. Happi*er, I guess? In fairness, it stands to reason that I wasn’t suggesting that ALL of them are Russian bots, but we all can safely assume that many here are.


It’s good to see people say so, but unfortunately, there’s not enough of the good one’s helping to stop the bad ones from spreading their propaganda. You MUST know there are people among you that are using your ideology to influence an election, right?

“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

~ John Stuart Mill


It’s be awesome if you guys would help tell these bots using your ideology to influence an election to sway toward Trump to fuck off.


Again, I ask you, since you hate Biden so much, who is viably capable to win November rust’s in the ru bing right now as an alternative?

All you need to do is name someone that has a fair to good chance of winning the White House.

One name. That’s ALL you need to do.

Otherwise, just stop man. Because constantly spreading bullshit about someone when the focus isn’t even on them is clearly illustrating your purpose here.


It’s why there here.


What does any of this have to do with Biden?


Love seeing both of you in the comment sections of these posts! Far left lunacy needs to be put in check.


Bethesda has chosen to make their shit exclusive to a console that is outsold by its completion 2:1.

They’re not exactly the bastions of good ideas.


They knew beforehand- and did it anyway:



Can you play it on a PS5? The console that I mentioned that is outselling the Xbox 2 to 1? And both FO and Elder Scrolls will be exclusive. Again, they’re not making good decisions over there.

I didn’t mention PC. What I’m talking about isn’t about PC. It’s about consoles and their decision to side with Microsoft and lose money.


Was it a hostile takeover?


So like I said… they knew what was going to happen. And allowed it. So… big brain ideas happening over there.


And it’s well know that Microsoft knew they were going to do that before Bethesda sold off to Microsoft. So again, they’re not making good decisions.


Love that he’s still hitting the pavement. Bernie is one of the real ones.


So… let’s get this straight-

You want something banned that you disagree with, but clearly didn’t bother to read it- yet you get banned constantly for misinformation from not only this instance, but many others as well…

How exactly do you think that is going to work?


You don’t need to defend Trump if all of your time is spent spreading anti-Biden bullshit. It’s essentially the same thing at the end of the day because if you get your way….

Trump wins.

But you already know that. And we all know that you do.


I love how trumpers pretend to be leftists and whine about whatever can make Biden look bad enough to influence the election.


Republicans are already prepared to do more than abuse it. Haven’t you been paying attention?




Remember this?

Wasn’t that you saying you aren’t posting in here anymore? This doesn’t help your credibility at all, especially when you cast aspersions at others.

Of course, the amount of posts/comments you’ve had removed for misinformation doesn’t help much either…

Now, care to support your accusation that liberals are projecting corruption? What corruption specific to this conversation is being projected? And what liberals? Give up some names.


Don’t believe anything polls say. They don’t really qualify those polled very well, and they’re piss poor at capturing the actual true demographics of the voting community.

It’s best to always assume your vote is direly needed.


Wait… Rudy is trying to benefit from 9/11?

Color me surprised!


It’s seemingly all they do. I just call it out when I see it so everyone can witness for themselves what the opposition is throwing at us.


Whatever you say, conservative.


Your false equivalence doesn’t sound less ignorant the more you share it. I don’t know if you’re aware of this.


Have you? Because most everyone here sees you for one.


As I predicted, more psychobabble nonsense.

Of course liberalism is an ideology. I doubt you’d find anyone that would disagree. It is defined as such. Socialism is also an ideology. As is communism.

They’re called: “Political Ideologies.” So, don’t come at me with your smug “ackshually” rhetoric. You get called out constantly for not knowing what you’re taking about, and many of your comets are removed for trolling.

The only reason I’m even responding to you is to point out the flaws in YOUR ideology so that others can know not to take you seriously.


So why do you feel the need to troll people by calling them something you know they are not? Like, what satisfaction do you get from this?

How exactly are you rewarded for this…. Effort?


Dude… seriously. Take a break and go touch some grass. I’m not entertaining your bad faith nonsense. I said what needed be said.

At this point, the only discussion I’ll have with you is just calling you out for trolling and moving along. That’s about the only use I have for you.


So this is all you can do, eh? Just…. This? It’s pretty sad.


Again… it’s sad that this is what you do with your time. I’m going to go ahead and ignore you from this point forward. I think I’ve given you enough of the spotlight to show your qualities. So go ahead and have the last word. I’m sure it’ll be something about my being a liberal…. Or a conservative? maybe something about me being a Christian, or am I a satanist? Maybe I’m a dog in your opinion. Or am I a cat?

Whatever it is… We both know you’ll have no trouble hanging whatever label you need to hang on people in order to keep your fragile little world-view safe.

I hope you enjoy your own vitriol. It seems to be your only quality.

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