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That is what their marketing wants you to think, the reality is going to be its just another soulless shallow designed-by-committee AAA rpg. Nothing ive seen so much has led me to believe otherwise and they have quite a streak of bad games to break.


I remember trying it quite a few years ago but it was too much work to learn to play it at the time, I knew how long it usually takes for games like DF, kenshi or rimworld to click and wasn’t sure if star sector is worth it when I had x3, factorio, m&b to occupy me.

I am always tempted to give it a try but the number of new complex games keeps increasing while the number of my brain cells keeps dropping xd


Hope we get some comparable options yet, I only know of matrix and that one allegedly has tons of security and performance issues.


I don’t know about discord issues, the hype behind is it mostly that it’s free, very convenient, feature rich and can easily integrate bots. Its the go-to place to build communities nowadays.

Matrix issues that I read about can be seen here telegra.ph/why-not-matrix-08-07 . I haven’t done my own research tho so I don’t know if all of this is (still) true


Lemmy is a public forum, discord servers are usually for invite-only, more closed-off communities, and we’re not talking about a lemmy replacement but rather how this is inadequate as a discord replacement.


IIRC the web app had some intrusive ads(hard to remove and taking a bug chunk of screen space), is the offline version any better?


Well, valheim now works straight out of the box on Pop_OS so that’s an improvement! Haven’t downloaded other games so not sure about that just yet though, still setting up my usual programs now.

On the other hand I kinda hate its GUI, I installed that gnome extension to make the toolbars customizeable and now it just crashes every once in a while, for example just few minutes ago alt-tab stopped working and everything minimalized and became unresponsive so I had to force shut it off. An hour ago I closed the laptop lid and when I reopened it later, the OS woke up to the login screen but everything was frozen and I couldn’t do anything. It’s a bit of a cursed OS, you can’t even click the folder path to copy the path, I miss mint lol.


It is, I’m just saying that even games that worked fine on steam deck had issues on my nvidia laptop so I doubt its the game’s fault.

What games would you reccomend to someone who really enjoyed Industries of Titan and was immensely disappointed by it's incomplete release?

What the title says. If I was to best describe what I liked so much about it, I would say that it was how it had both a serious ‘cozy factor’ (ex: anno 1800) while still being difficult and requiring effort+skill to win. What other games scratch that itch?


Check out against the storm for a fun and difficult game


Id hope they use the popularity to improve it further but I really don’t wanna get invested in the same way I have with valheim, they have been mostly resting on their laurels so far and these developers will probably do the same. I hope I’m wrong tho, seems like a game I’d enjoy if it had more depth.


Yeah, that’s always good advice, I don’t mind missing out on hype since I’d be playing single player anyway. Enshrouded is also out and it might turn out to be the better option too, who knows. Seems like a good start of the year for survival games enjoyers either way.


I’d suggest valheim but I’m not sure how is the performance nowadays, our rented servers struggled a lot with only 3-4 people and I think 10 is the max. Sailing was especially very laggy and glitchy because if it unfortunately.


I doubt they would sell the engine but it would be nice if we had good modding tools and map editors like in NWN for example, custom maps and campaigns could keep bg3 alive for a long time - especially considering that they have no plans for expansions afaik

Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed (www.bigtechnology.com)

The new data — comprehensive and definitive — should put to rest the countervailing narratives over Musk’s management of the app. Under his stewardship, X’s daily user base has declined from an estimated 140 million users to 121 million, with a widening gap between people who check the app daily vs. monthly. X’s...


Maybe for you but I miss interacting with actual developers, personalities or other content creators that post and respond on reddit or twitter. Mastodon and lemmy/kbin only get second hand crossposts (if even that), without any of the actual interaction and back-and-forth that usually happens. I’m still hoping it takes off eventually but if the “big exodus” didn’t do it I don’t see it changing at all for the foreseeable future.


The genie is out of the bottle and discord is unfortunately here to stay for the foreseeable future. What we need are good reliable tools to export all this data to an external service / knowledge base. At least that way they could be picked up by web search and be accessible without a discord account one day down the line when discord goes to shit.


I guess the point I have an issue with here is ‘ability to do things not specifically trained on’. LLMs are still doing just that, and often incorrectly - they basically just try to guess the next words based on a huge dataset they trained on. You can’t actually teach it anything new, or to put it better it can’t actually derive conclusions by itself and improve in such way - it is not actually intelligent, it’s just freakishly good at guessing.


The moment you get actual content creators to move off twitter and provide their content on mastodon, I’m deleting it too. Until then I don’t really see mastodon being a proper replacement, if anything it looks like bsky is taking the lead in that area unfortunately. Besides, half of mastodon community is seemingly against the idea of becoming mainstream anyway… so I dunno if it’s ever going to work out that way.


You’re bunding all of it together. I don’t want EA to run their marketing campaign or mastodon (although why not - it’d add legitimacy to the platform and I can easily block/not follow them), but I do want smaller youtubers posting there, I want artists to share news or boost other artists. I want developers to post announcements about what they are working on or when an update drops for their game. I want developers to have their personal accounts there and share stories about the development too.

All of this i get on twitter. I haven’t gotten any of it on mastodon because none of these people have moved off twitter, and never will because mastodon doesn’t want to give them a platform on which they can reach the same audience.


Riftbreaker has a much more “hands on” action approach rather than being an RTS but you might like it, it’s a good game.

Im also waiting for Diplomacy is not an option to leave early access, seems like a promising title although it’s kinda simple.

Would you say Age of Darkness is worth buying now or should I wait until it’s completed? It looked interesting but reviews are mixed when it comes to bugs, technical performance and content overall.

(Now former?) Telltale employee: "This is a sore subject, but I feel it necessary to add to the gaming layoff news: Telltale laid most of us off early September. Status of TWAU2, I can't say (NDA)." (twitter.com)

have not seen this picked up in gaming media yet, but i would assume it’s forthcoming if this is accurate (which i see no reason to believe otherwise)....


What? 😥 I was/am so hyped for TWAU2, the first one was awesome. Why is that studio so cursed…


The more LLM stuff gets banned the better. I’m really tired of seeing those “AI summaries of articles” that are completely unreliable since they change the tone, miss important bits, show bias or sometimes add completely new made up sentences to it. If you want to make a summary write it yourself instead of relying on a glorified auto complete tool to do it for you…


Funny you’d bring FFXIV up, I guess you haven’t been around for EW’s release? :D

You’ll Soon Be Able to Install Nix Packages on Your Steam Deck (linuxgamingcentral.com)

This would solve a major issue with SteamOS. The SteamOS itself is immutable/read only as you know. This means, one cannot install or make changes to the core system (it is possible, but that is temporarily until update will revert those changes back). That is why we have the Flatpak support. But many software are not available...


What does 'making changes to its core system' mean? I though people were able to use steam deck as a proper pc already, installing new apps on it and stuff like that?


I shouldn't buy anything because I don't have time for it as it is, but I really want to get stuff ugh, i'm even tempted by the discounted steam deck! And so many new releases in just a few months as well.

Anyway, Chrono Trigger is 50% off, maybe it's time I finally give it a try. P5 is only 40% off so still a pass for me. Maybe finally get onto the DSP hype to tide me over until that factorio expansion finally gets finished. Maybe get a strategy game, I've been torn between Age of Darkness and Diplomacy is not an option. So many choices...


Keep in mind that they stopped development completely and IIRC, it will be delisted from stores by the end of the year. I imagine existing players can continue playing it but it might be limited in some ways and stop working at some point? But for $5 you'll probably get your money's worth by then.


My biggest worry is that I have trouble focusing on individual games for long lately and Chrono Trigger might be a bit too old fashioned to keep my attention. I keep hearing people gush about the story however, I hope it's not just nostalgia


Citizen Sleeper (discounted on GOG rn!) is really good. The timed elements are not as stressful as I thought they might be and the overall story is interesting enough to keep me playing. It does feel a bit too easy in the later stages, and I'm afraid I might have made a decision that is gonna end the game for me too early, but otherwise I'm having fun with it, can definitely recommend it if you want a sci-fi story-based / resource management game.


I LOVED control and the vibe in it, I read every dossier and listened to every audiolog and projection and I just wanted more by the end 😁. I really hope a sequel is being made.


Trying not to get sucked into the hype since I only game on PC and it will be years before it's available here ;(


If piracy is even still a thing by then. The major pirate sites are dropping one by one and drm software is getting better and more insidiuous with every year, as well as always-online games. It's a losing battle at this rate...


I really don't know how to feel about him. He's either the world's greatest liar since people keep falling for it, or he's genuinely just that passionate but keeps overpromising (the Peter Molyneux syndrome).


But even that was like 5+ years ago, ancient history by software dev standards. It's hardly an excuse for the state it's in today.

Kaldo, (edited )

I was so excited 10 years ago for star citizen. I played eve online and was in a corporation there with my best friends at the time, I couldn't wait until the day we'd all be standing together on the bridge of a ship and actually fly together for a change.

It's just been a downhill disappointment since then, with CR seeming more of a scam artist with every lie he'd make over the years and SC getting further away from that initial dream. I tried it a year or two ago and it's barely functioning, and even less of a game. I thought that by 2020 we'd have at least SQ42 for sure, but not it looks like they can't complete even that.

And the community still eats it up and defends the project vehemently. I've never seen such a fanatical fanbase that can't see what's in front of their eyes. And I'm still not even angry about it... just sad and disappointed.


The thing is, there is no "actual game to play" that fulfills the dream that star citizen promises.

Well, at least maybe until starfield comes out.


I used to think that too, give them the benefit of the doubt and attribute it to ambition and lack of experience. I just don't buy it any more, there's a years long list of evidence pointing to outright lies and misinformation done by CIG, cases of nepotism within the company and overall mismanagement. Even few years ago youtube videos documenting all of these in detail started popping up, not that I need them since I was there in 2016 for the "SQ42 demo was only hours away from being ready but canceled due to animation issues lie", followed by a sob story weeks later and then years of silence about state of sq42.

It's just too much to excuse at this point, at least for me. If other people don't mind it good for them but I'm done with CIG, even if the game is completed one day I don't see them successfully managing and maintaining it so it's fun to play.


Exactly, we've been getting better engines, tools and educated game devs for the past decade too and it's what led to current situation. I don't think AI is going to help with anything, it will just result in more soulless cash grabs if it's used the same way ChatGPT has been lately.


It's pretty good, agreed, but we've had procedural generation since before minecraft. It doesn't have anything to do with ML/AI afaik.


So you just arbitrarily decided you want to make it harder for other people to interact with you, to bring down the quality of content here, just to feel special or something? It's just going to get you blocked, nothing more.

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