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is the bear wearing a hat?

edit: is that a tree? Why is there only one tree, and why is it behind the bear?


from my understanding they have rather short tails, and unless bears are a lot more like polar bears in the sense that they don’t have any fucking bones apparently, that seems a little out of proportion to me.

this could be based off of a real image, idk.


be strong and trans*

we’re progressive now, smh.


i think most people could beat the shit out of any politician or public figure to be honest.


you aren’t wrong there.


wolf, considering they don’t fucking exist anymore (in the US at least, also im sure they still do, just not in significant number)

Also i don’t like gorillas, they can eat shit.


sounds kinda gay ngl


found the pawb social user


I say this as a man, get fucked neckbeards. Go cry to mommy, the only woman that’ll ever love you

i recommend you go read my post history.

Don’t ignore the schizophrenic shit i post, it’ll only piss you off more :)


so is this like a storm in a battle royale where once it collapse i win? Except instead of winning, i’m no longer lost?


he ate you? Damn, that’s rough.


i know that was also part of why it was funny.


to my understanding they do exist, just in significantly less numbers than they used to, leading to the problem with deer populations that we have now, though i could very well be mistaken about that.


sometimes blatantly misinterpreting statements is funny


in that case i should probably correct rough to tough, since we’re talking about cannibalism here.


probably, no clue. Would be a pretty good environment for them though.


that’s definitely one of the ways that statement can be made literal.


why do we allow tech companies to hold money. I feel like thats only going to be a bad idea.


in my defense, 90% of articles written these days are 80% filler text, 70% not talking about the fucking thing in the headline, and about 50% AI generated… So uh.


it’s so fucking weird, because everytime i obviously don’t read an article, people shit on me immediately, but then the second i point out that all articles are ass these days, except for technical write ups, everybody seems to immediately like me again, and i don’t understand why.

Do people are masochistic for shitty article? Or do most people just treat articles like they do social media, and immediately throw shit around the second it gets big, or thrown out. It’s a weird environment, i’ll say that much.


i love being jumpscared by nitro.

Fucking shit ass platform.


this is funny and all, but it doesn’t matter what you’re doing here, you’re technically liable for all of them so uh.

I’ll wait for a better version of this.


women in dinosaur costumes?

The furries got some catch up to play now.


the fact that you can just guerilla administrate services using shit like LXC.

It’s so much fun.

Fuck integrated services, my homies like removing integrations.


tailscale is about the lowest effort way of doing this.


nomacs is pretty slick but if the recursion feature worked properly it would be about 10x better.

Also i’d like to be able to scroll up/down without selecting images, the highlight blurb annoys me.


le required “touch woman, permission not found” statement incoming


i’ve been using yt-dlp for youtube videos for ages (supports about a million others as well)

Supports metadata nicely which is beneficial, obviously.


yeah it’s a mesh vpn setup, it’s pretty slick, as long as everything you want is net accessible, it can pretty much be accessed using tailscale. Stable diffusion web interface for example, could be made accessible over the network, though you might need to do a reverse proxy or ssh tunnel or something like that, but it should be possible.

I’ve been using as a vpn proxy for mobile devices on my server network (or externally), i just have my subnet shared through the primary node, and then other devices can access them directly through tailscale.


yeah it should be a pretty good starting point, the rest should generally be a mix of “fairly trivial” and “relatively fucked up”

but that’s part of the fun.


we had this already.

It’s called birth certificates.


this one is truly fucking wild to me, imagine lacking this level of self awareness.

Russia Victory Day parade: Only one tank on display as Vladimir Putin says country is going through 'difficult period' (

On 9 May every year, Russia celebrates Victory Day, putting on a large parade in honour of the country’s victory over Nazi Germany 79 years ago - in what remains an important symbol of the country’s national identity....


germany went through all of their t34s guys, dont worry, they’ll have 30000 next year.


is that… Denim?

God i hope not.


likewise, voting for a third party, also equally i would argue, supports a genocide. Due to the fact that the US is almost explicitly two party, the third party is really just the 12 people in a city who think they’re better than whatever the fuck else exists, even though ultimately about 14 people will vote for said party, and one of those is someone who doesn’t know any of the candidates.

Politics is hell, life is hell, the world is hell, i consider this to be a form of astroturfing to be completely honest. Nothing you do is going to make a significant difference, you need to be conscious of that, unless we have a ranked choice voting system with like 5 candidates, where the win is by plurality and not the fucking majority percent, then it literally does not matter who you vote for. (when it comes down to this kind of proxy war bullshit that seems to inflame people so aggressively, on a macro scale, it’s different, i’m just making a point)

Just for the record, so you don’t think im some sort of morally superior fuckhead twat, i’m not voting this cycle. I’m worse than anybody voting. Literally anything you do is going to be better than me. At the very least, nobody can say i support genocide, because i am ambivalent to it. This is the road you are toeing close to my friend.


did you see that ludicrous display last night?


i’m saying that it makes no quantifiable difference, in the same way that me not voting, literally does nothing. The fact that you are also basically not voting (third party candidates pull basically nothing most of the time)

As a result, the likely people to go into power, are well… The two candidates who “support genocide” This is just how two party systems tend to work. You need like 5 different candidates with plurality voting for it to really matter. Once you start having that level of candidacy the numbers become significantly more spread out due to the fact that candidates have more varied policies. Moving it from majority vote win, to plurality vote win. I.E. Significantly more attainable, stable, and a lot more applicable to an entire countries governmental policies.

Maybe i’m fucking wrong, and maybe this third party individual is fucking incredible, once in a lifetime political handling abilities and is going to bump straight through all the bullshit and right into the presidency. I’m not willing to bet on it though. Currently the political system is so aggressively polarized, that we are “voting between a fascist, and someone who isn’t that fascist” so if we want to “not be fascist” our best option here is going to be voting for the party who is “not fascist” because you can be sure as hell that conservatives aren’t voting third party. Maybe they are, but not in any significant numbers, likewise can be said for the democratic party.

I simply do not see a situation where we come out of this without either trump, or biden in power. Unless i start hearing shit like, tomorrow, about this supposed third party. I simply don’t think it’s feasible for any other result. I can’t imagine republicans are voting in any significant number against trump, most people who would are probably swing voters, so democrat this time around. Those who are voting for trump are going to be a significant portion of the base, probably at least 30% of the votes of that party. The democrats have the same issue. Most people are going to prefer voting for biden because incumbency and shit hasn’t fucking exploded completely yet. I mean sure some people involved in the israel palestine stuff are probably voting third party, but i can’t imagine they’re a significant part of the populous. If they were we wouldn’t be in this position that we are now.

At best, what voting for third party this time does is say “i didnt vote for joe biden, or trump” which like, you do you. But uh, good luck have fun with that one.


just for the record i’m not shaming people for how they vote, i’m shaming people for believing that there is some form of altruistic meaning in whoever you vote for. There isn’t, there isn’t a way to win, the entire point of voting is democratic compromise, you shouldn’t feel like an in group, you shouldn’t feel like an outgroup, you should feel like a contributor, because that’s what you did. You contributed.

The rest is fair enough, but i wasn’t going to interject a complete political paper into a comment about how voting is fucked up. Regardless, it serves it’s purpose. Also i don’t fully align with your interpretation of my statements, i bunched center leaning moderate types into the “swing voters” people who regularly change who they vote for because they generally don’t care. This often leaves people who consistently vote for republican/democratic presidents. So most of who would be left is going to be maga/far right people, i.e. primarily trump voters. I don’t want to say most left over democratic voters are going to vote biden, because i think there will be a significant upset, but i think it’ll be most voters that end up voting for biden, like i said unless the third party gets like 30% percent votes or something, nothing unusual has happened.


as for video editing, i’ve been using flowblade recently, it’s been pretty good for putting together more basic edits.

You should install it using flatpak and only update when you have no more active projects (for the moment it seems updates partially break older saves)

pcmanfm has been pretty solid, i really recommend learning CLI file management though, it’s universal and super convenient for the basic things.

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for carbon that was never captured, report finds (

Shell sold millions of carbon credits for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that never happened, allowing the company to turn a profit on its fledgling carbon capture and storage project, according to a new report by Greenpeace Canada....


nothing is stopping you from selling your own carbon credits…

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens (

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....


they’ve already exhausted the stupid. There is only cowardly left. Russia bombing the UK, and inadvertently, technically the EU would almost certainly result in US retaliation, let alone the nuclear submarines that britain has.


ye, i was mostly mentioning it because it is technically another true meltdown of a reactor within the US.

Naval sub reactors i know have a spotless record, across the aisle, amusingly. Ship reactors i would imagine are less of a problem, though im guessing those are just stolen from subs so equally spotless most likely.

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