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Our voting system is undemocratic. Until that isn’t the case, I will keep trying to push people away from wasting their votes.


the first-ever flame-throwing quadruped robot dog

A very competitive category, as we all know


I’ve been waiting for a cancelation since it was announced. Trump agreed to mic muting? lol, okay, sure he did… I’ll believe it when I see it


Not a chance… he’s never included that much information in so few words.

18+ Master roshi is a ephebophile

Seriously there is literally no evidence at all in the dragon ball franchise that Master Master roshi is a pedophile. Master roshi however is a ephebophile because he did find 16 year old bulma attractive. That is perfectly normal because bulma was hot as fuck at 16 so it makes sense why roshi would find her attractive.


Anyone who cares about the difference between pedophile and ephebophile shouldn’t be allowed near children.


Just a reminder that they do this because SO many dumb motherfuckers lap this shit up. These are billion- (trillion-?)dollar corporations, they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t profitable.

If you don’t like being pandered to, stop supporting companies that do it… except then that would be seen as anti-LGBTQ, so good luck with that strategy!


…what? Yeah, 30% is the standard when there are higher costs and higher risks. Why would it not follow that Steam using the same percentage - with lower costs and none of the physical-based risk - is simply greed?


Press it a thousand times and then transition back 🤷‍♂️


long term, it’s cheaper to just play games online on PC

The companies are clearly coming to terms with this, as well. I’ll be avoiding Sony games on PC for the foreseeable future - after the Helldivers debacle, it’s clear that Sony is looking for ways to monetize PC players.


Cheapest model is I think ~350? But goes up to like $800 for the most expensive


Who could have possibly seen that coming 🤔


Shoebox full of gold. If my math is right, that comes out to roughly $8M or so. Not sure about second one


Eh, games have been $50-60 for literal decades, despite inflation and the massive increase in expected content. Everything else I can get behind, but games should be more expensive than they were.


Because conservatism as an ideology involves doing nothing and assuming you will remain the best.

Incremental improvement is literally the entire basis of education, that’s how you learn. Once you get into that cycle, it’s just fuckin’ obvious.


Generally, the conservatives trying to “go back in time” are just returning to what they know. Either they lived in a time like that (because so many politicians these days are fucking geriatric), or the household they grew up in was structured that way.

Yes, there are a decent number of malicious fucks and grifters, too, but I like to give groups the benefit of the doubt. They’re too lead-poisoned to know any better.


Anyone choosing Trump over Biden for Palestine is frankly too stupid to be convinced of anything, anyway. Trump is going to give Israel so, so, SO much more than Biden has ever even thought about.


So we’re just ignoring that he’s currently withholding weapons, something Trump would never do? OK.


Smart. I’ve got at least a week’s worth of Hades left to play, and I literally hadn’t heard of this game. Now, I’ll probably check it out when it drops.


Anyone releasing a roguelite last week or even this week is fucking braindead. I don’t care how good your game is: Hades is the undisputed GOAT of the genre, competing with its sequels release could literally only have negative results compared to delaying.


You’re kinda both right - Dead Cells was developed by Motion Twin, who spun off a smaller team called Evil Empire to support it after release. Rogue PoP is developed by Evil Empire, while Motion Twin proper is working on Windblown.


I was ready to be mad at this, thinking it was too lazy to be in shittymoviedetails… fits well as a shitpost, though 👍


Sony really managed to erase one of their best-selling games in less than 3 days, for literally no potential gain at all. All risk, no reward: what a fuckin’ business strategy


They’d be stupid to delete progress… that just sounds like it’s a way to guarantee that nobody returns instead of trying to lure them back.

…but then again, I suppose we’ve learned that business decisions aren’t their strong suit 🤷‍♂️


Here’s a source: literally this scenario - they didn’t delete progress.

Congrats, you’re the moron!


So are you trying to claim that they did delete progress for people that refunded, or do you just not remember what your argument was originally?


Neither of us have evidence and we’re both speculating.

It already happened, there is no speculation. Many people who refunded have already bought the game after the policy was rolled back, and their progress remained.


Isn’t engagement literally the whole point of a social media platform?


Cats ARE stinky, though… the litter box is in your house


That’s certainly what I’d tell Republicans if I wanted them to get rid of him…


That’s probably just an ideological breakdown of the 15 people that browse New on Lemmy.


Ehhhhh… I enjoyed V Rising a lot, but I also feel like I’ve already experienced everything that the base systems can provide. This trailer didn’t really show us anything new, just more of the same. I’ll probably get around to it at some point, but this really didn’t excite me.


I’m with you… after the first week or two, I’ve encountered literally 0 major bugs. A little thing here or there, but nothing that prevents me from completing a mission or picking up loot


The video currently has over 182,200 views.

Real news-worthy 🙄 that’s effectively 0, as far as Tik-Tok views go.


If someone kicked you in the balls, would it be ok for everyone you meet after that to punch you in the face?

But that isn’t the situation. The situation is that you can choose to let someone kick you in the balls, or you can choose to let a whole gang mug you. There isn’t a third choice, no matter how much you want there to be. Third party candidates are a great ideal, but until we have a different voting system, it will continue being an ideal instead of reality.


Please don’t ruin the only good chain sub shop left 😭


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  • Ledivin,

    That wouldn’t be difficult at all if it was in version control, just load them into an editor in a binary-search fashion. Even if it takes a few minutes per check, that shouldn’t take more than a few hours.


    Idk, you’re running the risk of blue backfiring if cats are dicks or don’t have anything interesting to say. Purple gives you a potential income stream, at least


    Cinematic don’t count as content? Regardless, good news!


    This is not even remotely new for Nintendo, and is exactly how they have always reacted to fan games 🤷‍♂️

    Google Allows Creditors to Brick Your Phone (lemmy.world)

    I installed NetGuard about a month ago and blocked all internet to apps, unless they’re on a whitelist. No notifications from this particular system app (that can’t be disabled) until recently when it started making internet connection requests to google servers. Does anyone know when this became a thing?...


    Of course, it was a lie since it’s still on Play Store an of today and in use.

    FWIW, I just searched it up and it’s listed as unavailable in my region (USA) 🤷‍♂️ so at the very least, they scoped it down a little bit


    I can’t wait… these are the sorts of games that are made for portable play… I don’t want to play Zelda and pause the game mid-swing, I want this, backpack battles, etc.


    Isn’t one of his stated campaign promises literally “drill, drill, drill, baby!”


    …wacky guns? I love the game, but I wouldn’t say that any of the guns are particularly wacky? Like… literally at all?

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