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Just Take-Two being Take-Two.

Take-Two? More like, Take-Two-Massive-Shits-On-Your-Favorite-Games.

White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees (

The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News....


Hey, whatever you can divide Americans with. That way they stay busy fighting about immigrants vs xenophobia, straights vs gays, etc instead of demanding changes that would hurt their corporate overlords.


Tl;Dr: US officials are shitting themselves because arrest warrants could undermine any attempts to negotiate a cease-fire, but more importantly, because if the ICC issues arrest warrants for Israeli politicians, they might turn around and do the same to US politicians. No, seriously. Straight from the article:

US House Speaker Mike Johnson slammed as “disgraceful” the ICC’s reported intention of issuing “baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants” for alleged war crimes against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

“Such a lawless action by the ICC would directly undermine US national security interests,” Johnson said Monday. “If unchallenged by the Biden administration, the ICC could create and assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrants against American political leaders, American diplomats, and American military personnel, thereby endangering our country’s sovereign authority.”


Probably something along the lines of, “Dumb American. Back in my day we beat sense into the autists and kids with down syndrome. Kids these days are too soft, only thing that’ll cure an autism is a good kick to the head.”


What? You put them in solitary just like they’re putting kids in solitary. That way they learn what it’s like to do that to someone else and then they won’t do it again!

Boom! Instant rehab!

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Personally, I’ve found that not really being into sex is a deal breaker for most people. Combine that with the fact that I have a hard time trusting people and maintaining relationships with them, and I’ve kinda given up.

I just want to feel wanted.

Edit, on a slightly different note: for everyone out there who is “”“fur-curious”“” but holding back for one reason or another, stop that. I orbited the furry community for probably 15yrs before “officially” getting involved in the community a couple years ago and I seriously regret that I waited that long. People are a hell of a lot nicer here.


Thanks for the encouragement hugs


I dunno man, they seem like cool people, but it seems like drama tends to follow them and their fans can be bat shit insane.


Some of my personal ones are:

Gabe Newell

The vinesauce crew (Vinny, Joel, Limes, Rev, etc)


Jabroni Mike

Fredrick “fat nuts” Knudsen


Hideki Naganuma

King Gizzard

Peter Gabriel

Ross Scott (acursed farms)

John Carmack

John Romero

Might update this with more if I think of any.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Okay, if I… if I chop you up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that comes out, that’s left of you, is your eyeball, you’r- you’re PROBABLY DEAD! You’re probably going to - not you, I’m just sayin’, like, if you- if somebody were to, like, push you into a meat grinder, and, like, your- one of your finger bones is still intact, they’re not gonna pick it up and go, “Well see, yeah it wasn’t deadly, it wasn’t an instant kill move! You still got, like, this part of your finger left!” NO I’M NOT GONNA PUT YOU INTO A MEAT GRINDER. I’M NOT GONNA PUT YOU INTO A MEAT GRINDER. NO. I’m making a reference to the fact that, like, if I, like, if I were to get fucking KILLED… I don’t know, YOU KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’. If- if- okay, if you were to- okay we’re gonna take humans out of this, if alien Globgobglobgo 1 fuckin’ shoots a disintegrating ray at alien Globglo 2, if there’s only fucking TEETH LEFT, it’s- it’s fucking you’re dead, you’re dead.

“If I were to put you in a meat grinder,” goddamnit, it’s so fucked up! You understand what I’m sayin’ though, I’m not actually saying that I’m going to put somebody in a meat grinder, goddamnit. Whatever.

  • an entirely sane and not completely deranged psychopath.

Edit: the man in question


Though i never heard of a game ditching traditional ligjt for exclusively raytracing but as the tech goes fully mainstream we may see that happen.

Teardown’s renderer uses raytracing exclusively. Interestingly it doesn’t even need a raytracing-capable card, it just runs slowly without one.


Weebs also like to forget that (iirc) the furry community was started by a bunch of cartoonists who imported and distributed anime bootlegs during a time when anime was nearly impossible to get in the US. Weebs should be thanking the founders of the furry community for making their fandom possible.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

No, you’re correct about weebs being obsessed with Japanese culture in general. Weebs do tend to be obsessed with Japanese culture, however it’s like the difference between someone who has a degree in film history and a cinemaphile. Or a geek and someone who enjoys super hero movies.

Edit: or a tankie vs a communist or socialist


No. Weebs are people who are fans of Japanese culture in general, usually to an extreme; ignoring shortcomings of Japanese culture and politics in favor of a highly romanticized version of Japan. An anime fan might think Japan is cool, a weeb thinks Japan is some kind of magical fairyland where catgirls grow on trees.

It’s like tankies vs communists and socialists.


I don’t know if there’s a complete collection anywhere, but here’s a Shincho Monthly article that she some of it (obviously NSFW):

Most of it is transformation fetish stuff, ranging from human->anthro stuff to weirder inanimate and body-horror-esque/“what-has-science-done” kinda transformation art. Tbh I kinda wonder how much of it was really fetish fuel and how much of it was artistic musings. Some of the drawings are so bizarre that it’s hard to believe that they’d actually trigger someone’s fetish and seem more like he was just exploring surreal transformations.

Then again, I’ve been exposed to a lot of obviously pornographic art that normies would think was too weird to be fetish material, so I’m probably mistaken.


There sure is! I usually see them referred to as “ameriboos” or “westaboos” (both are plays on “weeaboo”, which is the full term that “weeb” is derived from).


Eh, I think it depends on the weeb. I’d say that most are obsessed with Japanese pop culture, however it also depends on the individual. I’ve known weebs who were basically just into the anime/manga depiction of Japan, while others had a deeper but equally romanticized understanding of Japanese culture.


It’s referencing Facade, a procedurally generated breakup sim where you act as the catalyst for your best friend’s divorce. You have a text box and you have to find the right things to say to make Trip and Grace hate each other and eventually get a divorce. Anyway, the word “melon” instantly gets you kicked out of their apartment.

Okay, Facade isn’t a breakup sim, you’re supposed to save their marriage, not ruin it. However, they’re both massive assholes so it’s more fun to ruin their lives.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

I think cantaloupe is fine.

The reason why “melon(s)” is on the banned word list is because the game’s developers decided that the only situation in which a player would use the word “melon(s)” is if they were talking about Grace’s breasts. On first glance that seems like a reasonable assumption as no melons of any kind are ever verbally or visually referenced throughout the game. However, you can potentially run into issues if you make analogies, use idioms or are just fucking around.

To be fair to the developers though, they were trying to make an AI system capable of understanding and responding to what the player was saying back in 2005, long before neural networks were even remotely plausible outside of the computer lab. I haven’t really gotten into figuring out how the AI system works, but most of what I’ve seen gives me the impression that it was pretty advanced and fairly well thought-out for the time. I imagine the lack of additional checks to insure that you’re actually making misogynistic comments about Grace’s breasts and not just using an analogy or idiom was more about technical limitations and time constraints than it was a lack of technical ability on the developers part.

If you want to know more about the system, the game has a gag fandom wiki with a page about it. I haven’t read it in enough detail to understand how the strike system actually works, nor do I know how the game determines what you’re talking about, however it seems to be a pretty comprehensive article regarding the strike system specifically.


It appears to be part of a series of fake DMCAs. Some asshat has been going around dmca-ing sfm, Gmod, and tf2 maps under different names with a lookalike email domain.


Fyi, you might want to add a notice to your post that lets people know that it appears to be part of an ongoing series of false-dmcas from someone using a fake Nintendo-lookalike domain.


Looked him up, he’s some asshole streamer who got banned from twitch for homophobia, antisemitism and racism. He also apparently simps for Andrew Tate.


Today I learned as well. I like the bottom left logo the most.


That’s not why I like it, but sure.

gmr_leon, to games avatar

What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren't RPGs?

I like worldbuilding and stories, and I like when they're mixed with the interactivity of games, so RPGs seem like they should be a natural fit. Problem is, I dislike the stat-heavy, grindy progression of many RPGs.

I enjoy point & click adventures and visual novels but they're often more limited in their interactions. What kinds of game might I be missing combining the two?



The Myst series has some pretty deep world building, especially in the later games.

The STALKER series.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. You’re severely limiting yourself if RPGs are a no-go for you.


You’re not entitled to play Samus in Fortnite. Nintendo owns the IP and they get to set the rules on how their characters and trademarks are used.

Is it technically anti-consumer? I guess? However, if you’re going to stretch the idea of anti-consumerism that far, then literally any form of exclusivity is anti-consumer. You could argue that remasters are anti-consumer because people have to pay for the game a second time, regardless of how much work was put into said remaster. You could even argue that it’s anti-consumerist for an artist to pick and choose who they work for.

Nintendo is not obligated to share or license their IP to anyone.

At the end of the day, it’s their loss. They could have made buckets of cash from licensing Samus for Fortnite, but decided not to. That’s their choice. They can make that decision. They are not obligated to share or license their IP any more than you’re required to share or license the macaroni art you did in kindergarten.

You are not entitled to play Samus in Fortnite.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Yeah, I’m not surprised. I’m currently not working (living with parents), and personally, if I had a guaranteed $500 a month in my bank account I’d be much more willing to go out and get a job, regardless of how good or bad it is.

That $500 a month is a form of financial security; so I know that even if I get fired, I’ll still have something to fall back on. It would ease the anxiety of having to deal with shitty managers, being potentially overworked, underpaid, etc, because it’d mean that if one job sucks, I can go find a different one without worrying that the rug was being completely pulled out from under my feet.

It also means that, if I am getting underpaid, I still potentially have some spending money that’ll allow me some luxuries despite the low wage/salary being given to me by company I’m working for. That increases my flexibility for bullshit and allows me to be more tolerant of shitty managers.

The fact that you have to roll the dice and hope the company you’re going to work for won’t have shitty managers, low wages, overwork, etc is a real disincentive when you have family you can live with. That $500 a month makes the dice roll more tolerable.

My biggest concern is that if Universal Basic Income becomes, well, universal, then the cost of everything will likely spike in proportion to whatever UBI is. It’s greedy, but logical that if all your tenants are getting $500 a month from the government, then that means you can raise their rent. Companies would also look at it and one department would say, “we can lower wages because of UBI” while another department says, “we can raise prices because people have more money via UBI”. As such, the government would need to implement protections against such actions.

How do you do that though?

Do you peg the cost of rent to a formula based on land value, income, etc?

Do you peg the price of a product to the product’s cost + X%?

Do you try and mandate wages based on performance, seniority, and job type?

At what point do you look at the tangle of laws and formulas and say, “this is insane; maybe instead of giving cash, we should give housing, food, water, electricity and other modern necessities.”

Ultimately, I’m not sure any of the protections required for UBI to be successfull will be implemented. I’m not against the idea of UBI, but I don’t trust the government (well, the US government anyway) to have the foresight to successfully pull it off.

Edit: At the end of the day, I don’t want to live with my parents. I don’t want to be unemployed, I don’t want to feel like a drain on society, and I don’t want to feel like I have nothing to offer to the world. I like to believe everyone has the potential to change the world for the better, either in a small way, or a big way. Right now I feel like I’m not doing anything, and I don’t like it. However, I’ve had some very bad experiences with “”“unskilled”“” jobs and the industry I’ve spent time training for (video games) is a fucking mess and is getting worse.


You come into our house, eat our food, sleep in our bed, and then demand we change our culture? Nah, bitch, this is internet colonialism. I will not stand for the destruction of our culture.


I don’t know why, but I find it really amusing that articles about tf2 still use screenshots from the beta (iirc that muzzle flash particle effect on Heavy’s gun was only in TF2’s beta)


Americans have to use meth to get that kinda glow-up. Damn, Britain.


Honestly, Mark Cuban seems like kind of a cool guy, for a billionaire. I’m sure he’s done nasty shit, it’s basically inevitable that even the most morally and ethically conscious person would have to do something bad in order to become a billionaire; however he doesn’t come off as being sociopathically greedy like Musk or Bezos.


Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Definitely adds to the belief that he’s probably not a terrible guy irl.


Sometimes I wonder, are we truly better off? Yes, it’s really cool that I have one device that does it all; but am I really happier? Is my life really any better because of it?


I don’t know that mine is. I will never know what it’s like for people to not expect for you to be available 24/7 as a result of smartphones.


GPS used to come in standalone devices though, so it’s not like it’d suddenly become uninvented because we ditch the idea of an all-in-one pocket computer.


I think people are misunderstanding my point. It’s not the existance of the internet, or YouTube, phones, cameras, etc. It’s the fact that we’re connected 24/7 and people tend to treat you like a weirdo if you disconnect. My question is if we’re truly better of with technology where one device does it all (creating the expectation of constant connectivity), or if we’d be better with having a phone that’s just a phone, a camera that’s just a camera, etc.

To be clear, I can see arguments both for and against it. If phones didn’t come with cameras, then cameras wouldn’t be as widespread. It’s because of how widespread cameras are that people have become more aware of police brutality. Additionally, because phone cameras are so common, it makes it easy for people to get into photography or filmmaking as a hobby. So in that sense, having a camera in every pocket is a good thing.

On the other hand, people have this weird expectation that, because you have a smart phone, you should always be reachable. The result is that people get worried or weirded out when they can’t reach you. They want to know why they went straight to voicemail, or why it took you a while to respond to their texts.

It’s also a lot easier to get addicted to things like social media when stuff like that can follow you wherever you go. On the one hand, it’s nice to have my friends in my pocket. On the other hand, my pocket rectangle regularly causes me anxiety due to the constant stream of news. I could disconnect, but then I’d be “living under a rock”.

Another pro, on the other hand, is that my handheld minipc is able to stream music, movies, TV shows, etc wherever I have a cellphone internet connection. That’s pretty awesome. I don’t need an iPod to listen to music, a portable DVD player to watch a movie, or a laptop to watch YouTube.

So I mean, I’m not really opposed to having an all-in-one device that fits in my pocket; I’m just questioning if they’re really that healthy. Like, is the trade-off worth it?

MossyFeathers, (edited )

I’m honestly concerned because Israel has made statements suggesting they’re not going to just let it go. I honestly think it’s only a matter of time before one of them tries to nuke the other.


Fart putty. It’s like silly putty but gooey enough that it makes a fart noise when you push it into the container. Selling someone’s game console for it is odd.


People have already started trying to bring it back online. That’s why they’re revoking it.


If they can’t be assed to include all the Sims DLCs in the subscription then I don’t get what the point is.


Ye, I know about that site; I’ve used it before. It’s just that cracking the game and manual dlc/update installation is clunky when I’m used to everything being automatic. That said, it’s kinda necessary if you like playing the Sims 4 with script mods. EA’s new app no longer has the option to disable game updates like Origin had, and since updates tend to break script mods, a cracked version of the game is preferable to a legit copy.

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