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It would be a shame if they got a bunch of devs, put them into teams, handed them money and left them to their own devices. They might have gotten some innovative games out of their existing franchises if they hadn’t. Good thing they nipped that one at the bud.

Joking aside, they kinda do need some form of leadership to make sure everyone stays on track. However, the idea that they need an entire executive team to make games is amusingly corporate when the reality is that if you have a good dev team then you can basically just point them in a direction and then leave them be. Creatives aren’t like normal tradespeople or businessmen. If they’re not creating then they feel bored or even useless. You really don’t typically need someone cracking a whip to get them to make cool shit.


Cool. Between this and the Friday the 13th bullshit, I see the corporate lawyers seem to have run out of things to do and are going after mods now.


Sorry it’s a bit moldy and off-center. I took a screenshot of a YouTube video and tried to crop it to 4:3 because I didn’t feel like booting up Majora’s Mask and playing until the dawn of the final day.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

I’m looking forward to the (unofficial) PC port. 20fps is really hard to play now that I’m used to +60fps in games.


Ye, it’s part of the Ship of Harkinian project. They have the Ocarina of Time ported and they’re working on a Majora’s Mask port. Majora’s Mask is supposedly fully decompiled at this point, and they’re saying they’ll probably have more info on a full release sometime this summer.

There’s also a (also unofficial) PC port of Super Mario 64 as well.


I always wanted to eat the Play-Doh food they had on TOS when I was a kid. I had no idea what it was supposed to taste like, only that it looked tasty.


Does anyone know of any good magitech series that go into detail about how magic works and how it’s used? I’ve always found the engineering aspect of magitech really interesting, and having a flexible magic system is cool. An example of the kinda thing I’m looking for is Eragon. Eragon never got into magitech, but the magic system was fairly well explained, enough so that I was disappointed when magitech was never established as a thing.


Thanks, I’ll try to remember to check it out!


Thanks for the recommendation!


I’ve been meaning to get into the Discworld series, just haven’t gotten around to it. Thanks for the suggestion!


Someone else already suggested it, but thanks for the suggestion!


I think you’re technically correct (for the most part); the only reason why we use “electricity” instead of “arcane energy” is because the person who came up with the name had no imagination.

That said, while technically correct, you’re wrong.

No, I will not elaborate.


Here, try the Inheritors of Eschaton. Yes, it’s on reddit, yes it’s hfy, but it’s a similar concept to what you’re describing.


Aww, I was really excited because I thought it was gonna turn into the intro text from Iron Lung.

No, just memeing about Oceangate again




Yeah? And? If a dev wants to increase the cost of their game, they can do that. It’s a single dev, not a AAA studio. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Iirc he also released an update that added a bunch of lore stuff.


Tbh I don’t blame him for wanting to cash in on the success of it. He’s a single dev, and while he’s had some successful games (like Iron Lung, Dusk and Chop Goblins) I totally get that bills have to be paid and if raising the cost of a “meme game” by a couple bucks helps pay the bills, then the choice seems like a no-brainer. Besides, at that point most of the people who were going to buy it had probably already done so.

Note: I call it a “meme game” not because its bad or a joke, but because it’s literally become a meme in the traditional sense.

MossyFeathers, (edited )


That’s cool as fuck.


Sadly, it’s not too surprising. For some reason the game industry has a problem with toxic, bigoted people rising to positions of power while the kinder, more tolerant people end up getting left behind.

The toxicity itself isn’t surprising, ambitious people tend to walk all over other people in their quest to achieve their ambitions, the bigotry kinda is though. Why does it seem like they’re almost always bigots? Does bigotry just go hand-in-hand with people being willing to step on other people to get ahead?


Sure, when it comes to stepping on people you’re prejudiced against. However what about in a general sense? Does it make stepping on others easier in general, even if they’re the same as you?


Iirc that wasn’t just staring at the sun, that was staring at the sun during an eclipse.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Why don’t things usually eat pufferfish? Because they’re called tetrao-DONT-idae.

That was really fucking stupid, sorry.


I have mixed feelings on the electoral college, but imo “winner-takes-all” voting should be unconstitutional. That particular implementation of the electoral college carries the potential to nullify 49% of the votes in our current two-party system, and it gets even worse when you have more than 2 parties. If there were 3 major parties, “winner-takes-all” has the potential to nullify 66% of the vote if it’s split 33%-33%-34%, and becomes more egregious as the number of major parties increases.


Mario. Have fun living when he smashes you with his ass at half the speed of light.

Prince of All Cosmos. Thanos is no where near the largest thing that’s been in a Katamari.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

I’m okay with buybacks because it’s the only way for a corporation to go private if they want to, and honestly I think the stock market would probably be a lot healthier if the idea was for corporations to eventually buy back stocks after going public instead of them getting traded like commodities. I mean, my understanding is that’s kinda how private investing works. You give someone money in exchange for ownership of a percentage of the company, a share of the profits, or whatever, and eventually the company will pay you back.

However, stocks that are bought back should be frozen for a certain period of or something; to keep corporations from using them to game the system.

Edit: I also think things like CEO bonuses and stocks should be capped to a percentage of their workers’ bonuses. If workers receive a $1,000 bonus, the CEO shouldn’t be getting $10 million. If the CEO wants to give themselves a $10m bonus, then that’s fine, they should just be prepared to shell out 6~7 figure bonuses to their workers.


Who only has a single program running at a time on their PC? Are we in the 90’s?


In my personal experience chrome rarely gives up ram and will starve programs that need it more. While that works if you’re only running chrome, if you’re using it in the background while doing something else then you can find important programs running out of memory. The result is that you have to close and reopen chrome.

Granted, I haven’t used chrome or a chromium-based browser in a very long time, so chrome might have gotten better at giving up memory when other programs need it. However, if I’m playing a game, doing rendering, working in a game engine, etc, then usually I have a browser open in the background with YouTube or Twitch and/or programming/visual references. I don’t need or want a browser consuming as much memory as it can, just enough for it to play videos, show me reference images or tell me how to program something. It absolutely doesn’t need +8gb of ram to do that (I saw it hit 16gb once, which was when I switched to Firefox; 16gb is ridiculous no matter how many tabs you have open).


You’re in a community on a primarily LGBT instance. One of the most affluent and influential countries in the world has one of their two major political parties trying to declare that anyone who’s not cis, white, heterosexual is an aberration that needs to be purged.

An attitude that is attempting to spread to other Western nations.

Something which is either actively affecting, or will potentially effect, many of the members of this instance.

So, uh, anyway… sorry for offending you, but if you don’t like things getting spicy then maybe this isn’t the place for you.


Jesus Christ someone save her.


Yeah, it was sad to hear about her demise. At least she brought some happiness to hotdog enjoyers around the globe.


Haven’t watched the video yet but that controller looks wild and really cool.


Hoberman says Certain Affinity is supporting those affected with severance pay and benefits continuation. The company is also making their vested awards under its Stock Equity Plan portable “so they may benefit from the company’s success in the future.”

Is it sad that I thought, “how nice of them to do that”? Like, that should be the norm, not a positive PR statement.


The final stage of capitalism: turning advertising mascots into sex dolls and porn stars to hijack human horniness and brainwash consooomers into feeling lust whenever they shell out for a bucket of chicken.

Hnnnng… I’m consooooomiiiing!


sigh not gonna lie, the nomad route is becoming more and more enticing lately. The part that sucks is that RVs designed for long-term use are expensive as fuck and you still have to pay for hook-ups. The alternative is living out of a car or large passenger van, which, while not terrible, means the amount of space you have is almost non-existent.

The Snufkin lifestyle is very appealing though.


Yeah, I have a few too many things I consider irreplaceable for a true hobo lifestyle though. However, if I were to lose it all in a fire or natural disaster then I’d probably consider becoming a “true hobo”.

Germany Is Seizing Jews’ Money Again: It’s fine, they’re pro-Palestine (

A pro-Palestine Jewish activist group has had its bank account frozen in Germany for the second time in seven years, after the bank requested a full list of its members’ details in what experts believe is a breach of German law. The group suspects the move was triggered by its involvement in a forthcoming pro-Palestine...


To me, the thing that makes this statement particularly ironic is that the dictionary definition of “Semite” includes just about anyone of middle-eastern descent. As such, purely based on the dictionary definition of “Semite”, it is Israel who is being antisemitic for conducting a genocide against Palestine.

Granted, the specific definition of “antisemitic” only includes Jews, but imo that’s an oversight that should be corrected.


My response to that would be that just because it sounds like a “gotcha argument from a 10yr old” doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It just means a 10yr old has more sense than they do.


You don’t want me in your head lol. Mine is a mess.


Thanks for sharing this, I wasn’t aware of its existence. I wish it had an (optional) app though; for some reason it loads very slowly on my phone.


Hey, how’d you get the game to run in widescreen on official hardware? Afaik that’s not possible.


I like the security camera pointed at the billboard, like someone’s gonna steal it.


I mean, there kinda is. Gambling addiction is a fairly well known phenomenon and while the vast majority of games aren’t purely gambling, many of them do share mechanics with gambling games. One could argue that if a game shares too many mechanics normally seen in gambling and are associated with addiction, then gambling addiction could apply.

Another thing to note is that, if I understand correctly, the modern professional definitions of “addiction” aren’t exclusive to substance abuse but include anything that can cause someone to repetitively engage in a particular behavior despite any negative effects it may have. You could argue that if someone is engaging in gaming to the detriment of their own lives, then they’re addicted. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the developers fault though, people can get addicted to just about any system that triggers some kind of reward in the brain.

However, to add onto the previous statement, it is fairly well documented that some games (World of Warcraft is an infamous example) are specifically designed to keep players engaged for as long as possible without any regard for the player’s wellbeing. If a game has a lot of systems that are designed to keep the player hooked for as long as possible then it’s reasonable to argue that the game is designed to be addictive. The catch is that you’d likely have to prove that the developers were being intentionally malicious.


I was speaking in a general sense. You’re right that it seems like an outlier, but it’s also possible they were playing on custom servers which could implement addictive mechanics like lootboxes. However, at the same time, it’s not the fault of Minecraft’s devs if a custom server has lootboxes. Again though, I was speaking in a general sense because I was replying to someone saying that gaming addiction is unproven boomer shit; and not about this specific case.


Fyi, there’s no such thing as a microwave-safe plastic bowl. “Microwave safe” just means it won’t melt in the microwave. It’ll still fill your food with microplastics and other chemicals though.


Yep. That’s why I said there’s no such thing as a plastic microwave-safe bowl.

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