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Art is important. Entertainment is important.

Its not being a doctor and saving lives but it makes people happy and gives people jobs which helps the economy.

So it is important.



I do this with 1 streamer, too. I sub with prime though.

Ive seen the odd stream of a related streamer but normally just catch vods on youtube for anyone related.

Who is your one streamer out of interest?

Mines paymoneywubby.




Did you remember to put speak with animals on? Or maybe you have to speak to the cub after the gonlins are dead. I think i did it that way, i don’t remember.


After reading a story about bg3 patch 5 adding an epilogue set 6 months after the games end with over 3500 new lines of dialogue, new cutscenes which is based on the thousands of decisions you made in your playthrough and different for everyone and its just a patch and its free. This makes me so mad that blizzard have become this shit hole of a company.


Warcraft 3 was great aswell. After completing the campaign, jumping on for custom games was the most fun i could have back then. Some incredible games on there. It was the bithplace of dota and was what popularised tower defence games thanks to things like pokemaul. There was a full dragonballz rpg with custom character models and it worked really well. So much quality on the custom game bit. And it was all free. (Aside from buying the base game)

World of warcraft though. I dont think i can agree with you. Paying subscriptions was not fun but that game used to be amazing. At the time it was the pinnacle. No mmorpg could compare and none were as popular. And it stayed popular for years. There are very few modern games with the staying power wow had. It was regularly updated, it reflected player feedback, their wants and needs in all its updates. It had real challenges, it spawned so many memes (granted they werent memes at the time)

I played it a lot for a few years. Until it started releasing expansions which cost even more money. Im paying monthly and so are millions of other players. Now you want to sell me an expansion and call it a full game. Burning crusade was ok, litch king was pushing it but beyond that it was basically heres a new place to explore and everything you have done up to this point is irrelevant as there are common green items that are better than you legendaries. Your max level max geared paladin is worth shit now and can be stomped by a level 61 in greens. Nah. No thanks. Then they got so far into these expansions they just reset the base game and made that 1 to 60 grind a cake walk. They even made it so you could skip it all. All the content they spent so much time on, that made the game popular is just a skippable footnote.

And now to top it all they are selling “wow classic” which is the original game with no patches and they have been slowly releasing those patches so the nostalgic amongst us can experience that og game all over again. They can point and say, “hey, i remember that. Cool.”

Deplorable company.


Maybe it was but you know if it was any other comapny rhry would have charged for it and it woild be broken still.


Im just sitting here wondering how anyone thought this was going to be good in the first place. Every bit of trailer or gameplay footage has made me meh from day one. “Looks like skyrim but in space” ive played skyrim… to death… changing the theme to space isnt exiting. Its cheap.


Ive been saying this shit for years and people argue with me about it. CoD hasnt been a good game for years. Near enough a decade. Maybe even longer.

It was popular and its popularity, regular release of the next CoD, its marketing and hype are the only reason it was big.

It stopped being good when they made reskin after reskin after reskin for a game that other companies were doing better and had been for years. Activision knew what they were doing and they cashed in big time on that IP.

Too bad its ovet.


CoDaas? Amazing!


I dont include bg3, elden ring and totk in the AAA category. AAA no longer means high quality and fun, it means made by huge companies with more money than balls. CoD is a AAA game. And its shit. For example.


I was simplifying my reasoning because its rant territory.

Essentially, companies like activosion dont take risks, they cater to a mass audience and produce the same games over and over. There hasnt been a unique or good version of cod since mw2 and blackops 2 days. Evidenced by them remaking both mw1 and 2 recently, because they know they have nothing new to offer and cod warzone could have ended the franchise. Since nostalgia sells games as well as popularity they just opted for cashcow remakes preying on players nostalgia and taking advantage of the disillusioned.

They call it AAA but ithe term has become ubiquitous with just popular games made by big profiteering entities like activision.

Its not nonsensical, its just not very well represented by my initial statement.


AAA games originally meant games with massive budgets that innovated. They gave rise to story driven games with high quality gameplay elements . One of the first AAA games was final fantasy 7.

From wiki

One of the first video games to be produced at a blockbuster or AAA scale was Squaresoft’s Final Fantasy VII (1997),[4] which cost an estimated $40–45 million (inflation adjusted $73–82 million) to develop,[5][6] making it the most expensive video game ever produced up until then, with its unprecedented cinematic CGI production values, movie-like presentation, orchestral music, and innovative blend of gameplay with dynamic cinematic camerawork.[7] Its expensive advertisement campaign was also unprecedented for a video game,[8] with a combined production and marketing budget estimated to be $80–145 million (inflation adjusted $129–234 million as of 2020).[9][6] Its production budget record was later surpassed by Sega AM2’s Shenmue (1999), estimated to have cost $47–70 million (inflation adjusted $73–109 million as of 2020).[10]

As opposed to

At around the period of transition from seventh to eighth generation of consoles, the cost of AAA development was considered by some to be a threat to the stability of the industry.[16] Staffing and costs for eighth generation games increased; at Ubisoft, AAA game development involved 400 to 600 persons for open world games, split across multiple locations and countries.[17] The failure of a single game to meet production costs could lead to the failure of a studio – Radical Entertainment was closed by parent Activision despite selling an estimated one million units on console in a short period after release.[18][unreliable source][19][unreliable source] Triple-A games also began to lose uniqueness and novelty; a common trend were a range of “grey brown” first-person shooters that drew on the popularity of the Medal of Honor and Call of Duty series but did little to advance gameplay improvements.[20][21] Ubisoft game director Alex Hutchinson described the AAA franchise model as potentially harmful, stating he thought it led to either focus group-tested products aimed at maximizing profit, and/or a push towards ever higher graphics fidelity and impact at a cost of depth or gameplay.[22]

The limited risk-taking in the AAA arena and stagnation of new gameplay concepts led to the rise of indie games in the early 2010s, which were seen as more experimental. This also led to the creation of the “AA” market in the industry, larger studios that were not at the scale of AAA developers but had more experience, funding, and other factors to make them distinct from the smaller teams usually associated with indie studios.[21]

So like i said. AAA used to mean high quality but has lost that meaning as time has passed and game companies stopped taking risks.


I refer you to my other response.


The average player doesnt know about any of this. The average player doesnt think about these things. The average player is not you or me.


Oh right.



Im just sour because i dont agree with the monetization and the general behind the scenes shit at activision/blizzard. A true ex fanboy here.


Does it increase to 6? How does that feel with the encounters? Is the game too easy now? Does levelling scale down to compensate?


Definitely going to try this for my next playthrough


Yeah. No game has had me this enthralled and entertained in years. They did a fantastic job making this game. Well deserved


This being on meta, in itself, is kind of meta. Bit of VR-ception going on.


Duke nukem is where my mind went. With some of it being 3d and some being 2d and always facing the character. Looks awesome. I wanna get this game.


You should watch summoning salt on youtube makes slighly longer form veraions of this sort of video and as someone who has never done a speed run or wpuld have any hope of completing one i find it fascinating.

Plus the background music is so good on his videos.


Yeah, the physics on botw and totk are so simple. It hurts my brain how basic those games are.

Two of the highest rated games of all time.

On switch

The most underpowered console of our generation.

But yeah mortal kombat couldn’t make the game look even slightly better because it can only be as good at totk. That really basic shitty looking extremely popular and highly rated game.


Your claim about half life 2 is bold and would need backing up. Im not going to just accept your assertion without proof. That’s not how this works.

Totk has some frame rate issues here and there, but when you give playes the power to do whatever they want with a set of tools, you will always overload a game engine. Name any sandbox game that players haven’t been able to overload and cause frame rate drops.

Also, there are AAA games that struggle with frame rate drops on PC, PS5, and Xbox series X. Which i guess just proves the point of how underpowered those are… obviously, the switch is the lower end of these. Im not deluded. But claiming some stuttering in totk when players have set up chaos means it proves the switch is underpowered is just incorrect. Any game that gives you a set of tools and the instructions ,“go” stutters when there’s too much going on.

The switch is 6 years old, im not suprisdd its showing its age now. I am suprised its remained relevant and has games that are rated to highly.

So art style carries the games? So what? Isn’t that just ingenuity? And dorsnt it prove the .ain point of this thread? That Mortal Kombat could have looked good with a tweaked art style for switch but was just a bad port? If the product looks bad on the switch, then dont release it on Switch, i guess.

Ok, but if there are zelda/nintendo fan boys it follows that nintendo are consistently making great games and that zelda games are consistently great… you dont keep enough people gushing over your games by releasing trash game after trash game. Also fan boys wouldnt be enough alone to get a game that highly rated. Remeber that this game only released on switch, meaning it didnt have all the pa5 and xbox owners to help boost its numbers.

So whilst im sure the fanboys had something to do with it, its likely that the fact that the game is good played a kuch bigger part.

People bought a switch when these games came out just because they saw how good they were and wanted to play…

Sorry i think i know what you mean but i dont play the pokemon games. Is it the one with the shit textures, was it online like an mmo, i seem to recall one like that. Didnt interest me because it looked shit compared to so many other games ive played on switch.

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