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I’ve started doing this. There’s this new chipotle mayo spread from Best Foods that is amazing. A few squirts of that on the cheese and between the tortillas and then in the pan with some salted butter. It’s amazing.

Discussions in the past about not being able to access digital gaming content that users had paid for...

I have a recollection of some long threads about some companies discontinuing gaming content and members of Lemmy having strong feelings and evidence about all this. I have been trying to search these older threads up but I can’t find them. Does anyone remember these conversations? What companies were involved? Games? How much...


It was mainly around Ubisoft’s The Crew as the latest conversation. This was about a month ago.

Ubisoft took the game offline and also removed from customers’ digital libraries with a message suggesting they try the newer installments in the series instead of the game they paid for.


Gears of War: E-Day.

That trailer is like bringing the original team from 2007 to 2024 to make this game and trailer. I had to watch it three times last night.

Felt just like when I was in high school and ooing and awing over the trailers for the original game. I remember those late nights with my cousins playing co-op against the hordes.


Could be market share. More PSN accounts than Nintendo and Xbox in competition.

Just to play devil’s advocate here.

But I’m with you, either selling data or both of these.


You’re unfortunately correct. IT departments will just implement a new GPO to modify registry or otherwise hope to block this or pause this update until they absolutely have no choice and then hope for the best or hope to block it later down the line.


They lost me when they let scalpers buy up all the PS5s in my area. That money went to a gaming PC when those components became available. I was fighting to give them my money and they didn’t give a damn.

Hard pass, Sony. Should’ve treated your actual customers better.


Sony could have required retailers to do things like limit items per customer or not sell it at all. Sony could have made an actual attempt to sell directly to consumers. They supposedly had a program for that and even that didn’t let me buy a console from them. All they had to do was limit 1 to people who had existing PSN accounts for X amount of time and they weren’t even willing to do that. I’ve had my one and only PSN account since the early PS3 days and had every console up to the PS5, including the handhelds and many accessories. Paying fans like me should have been their top priority to sell to since they sell consoles at a loss and hope to make up the difference in games and accessories we buy for said console.

They had plenty of power to prevent or reduce it from happening and they didn’t do a damn thing. Hell yeah I’m swearing off the PS5 for that experience. Fuck them.

Plus, this PC building experience was legitimately fun and PC gaming is a much better way to go in many ways. Sony did me a favor realizing this and people like me won’t be coming back for the PS6 either.


Leopards ate my face, anyone?

Don’t be surprised when the dog you’ve been training to be vicious comes back to bite you too.


Same here. I tell people that it’s my reminder of my mortality and how fragile life actually is. Treat each day as your last and live as if you won’t be here tomorrow, because it is promised to no one.


I had GamePass for a few years and just canceled last month. I barely used it anymore except for Minecraft and Halo Infinite and don’t play those anymore. I might even own Minecraft and have forgotten.

But then I signed back up for Nintendo Online because my girlfriend and her son just got Switches and we play Animal Crossing together. But it’s not as much as GamePass so not that big of a deal.

But I’m sick of subscriptions for shit I don’t even use. Everything nowadays has to be a subscription for no reason. Nintendo doesn’t even provide anything of valuable for theirs since I can’t even talk over it. I’m just paying for what used to be free on their past consoles.


You got a CD? Some of these boxes have just a piece of heavy paper with a code to download. Fortnite for Switch immediately comes to mind.

The only benefit of this is for those who want to pay for cash or those who want a physical box to display.


I kept wondering what would keep me from updating to newer versions of Windows.

Yeahhhh…this is it. This and the inevitable forced Microsoft accounts that will come with this.

The Microsoft of the past was evil, but at least you could pay for an upgrade to the enterprise version that didn’t include this bullshit, but even the enterprise versions suffer from this stuff too!


They’re kind of working on one device that is basically smaller than an Apple TV and will connect to your TV and is thought to be strictly for streaming games and nothing more. Essentially would be this since you have no storage or resources for locally stored game playing.

This small device was seen on a shelf in a live stream a few years ago and there were some other rumors surrounding it.


Do they want a cookie for barely doing the bare minimum gamers are asking of them?

And, at least on PC, technically Ghost Recon Wildlands can be played offline, but the fucking piece of shit will sometimes not launch if I don’t have internet despite it being years old in my library and me putting in hundreds of hours into the game. It’s that shitty, cheap Steam rip off Ubisoft Connect launcher that just needs to fucking die already that is one of the ways they get around the “oh this game doesn’t need an active internet connection…but it’s unnecessary launcher does!…”


Why did they have to start this shit once they finally release the one game I’ve been looking forward to…

Fucking Sony always being a greedy corporate buzzkill.


You’re right and I know this because even I was contemplating buying it despite this. Trying to justify that I won’t care because I’m always in games for the single player offline experience. But fuck that, even if I’m alone, I’m not. I’ll wait for the pirated copy and play that instead.

Sony is banking on many of us who have been waiting years for this release to just roll over and suck it up.

And it’s the dumbest thing for them to fight the customer over because it’s a free account that could have just been an option if the player wants to link. I have a PS account and would have gladly linked my account to it without question had they not been forceful about it like this. And many more players would be the same.


You can do that as well for some NFC tags on your smartphone. On my iPhone, I can read and write in an app called Ally for Amiibo backups. There are similar apps for the same sort of thing for other NFCs. You can scan them in your phone and then write them to another device.

I have read online that jailbroken and rooted devices have the capability to be the tag as well, so you can use your backup on your smartphone instead of having to write it to a blank tag.


Perhaps it might work? You may have to be rooted on Android for your phone to be the tag to then make purchases. But being rooted and banking apps often don’t play nicely together, so you won’t be able to access your banking app on the phone if that’s something you’ll want to do alongside this.

If you want to go the route of just being able to backup and then copy it to a blank tag, I bought some off Amazon. They have cards the size of a credit card and also little circles too. But these seem to be permanent, like you write once to it and that’s it. There’s also a storage limit on them, so in the case of the Amiibo, I couldn’t scan them to the credit card sized ones because they weren’t large enough to store Amiibo data. You can also buy devices that will be the tag and cycle through like the Flipper Zero does but just for this purpose. Most of these seem to be for people like me doing it for Amiibo so no idea if it would work on this.

Which this now makes me remember something slightly unrelated I saw on Instagram…some people have taken the chip off of their cards and then put them in things like one guy cut the chip off and then submerged it into resin and made a ring which he could then scan at the Google Pay registers. Biggest issue I see with this is (besides the amount of time and work) that the card has an expiration date, so will inevitably useless after some time lol. But a neat idea, nonetheless.


I’m using an app on my iPhone called NFC Tools right now to do this so I can get you the numbers.

I just scanned one of my Amiibo tags (Legend of Zelda - Link, 8-bit) and it says that it is 540 bytes in size. This was one I copied over to an existing tag. It says it is 135 pages (4 bytes each).

Meanwhile scanning my debit card doesn’t seem to give me a size…

Here are screenshots so you can see what I see:


Debit card

And I also captured the signal when trying to do Apple Pay from my Apple Watch and this was the result

Apple Watch

I’m guessing these are encrypted which is why I don’t get the same data and makes sense now that I think about it. You could do some heavy damage to someone through this method if left open.

9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I’ve played through (Skyrim and...

NoneYa, (edited )

The VR version is fun too but not at all worth $60. It’s basically just a polished VR mod.

I really enjoy the thrill of seeing the world in VR and especially being in power armor.

If you can get it on sale (anything under $30 is a fair price, IMO) and enjoy VR games and Fallout, definitely recommend.


If you didn’t buy up studios and then close them in a year, I think that would be even better for the business side of things. You know, the fact the business didn’t get arbitrarily shut down by the big corporation and all that.

But that’s just me.


Phew was worried for a moment there. Call of Duty is such a rare thing we never get enough of.


Thought I was looking at ice cream at first.


I’m turned off by the forceful nature of always online and strictly multiplayer aspect of this game. I really want to like the game , but this is a really sucky trend lately. Look at The Crew and other live titles as examples when the developers decide to end support.

The only way I could accept it as a consumer is if they have a plan in place or allow for custom servers to ensure the game doesn’t die in 5 years when they’ve released their sequel.

I don’t always follow to the next game for one reason or another. Sometimes I just prefer the old for nostalgia’s sake. And there’s also the fact I like to play alone usually and offline, don’t always have an active internet connection, especially with handheld computers being a thing more and more lately.

How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? (

There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren’t OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...


Also cost for commercial use, free for personal use.

I like this because it allows me a chance to test the full version at my job and then we purchase the full version when we’re sure we want it.


One recent example I can give you is XnView. It’s a program that is free for personal use as an alternative to some specific Photoshop suite as well as some other paid photo viewers like ACDSee. But if you’re going to use this for any sort of commercial use, you need to pay for licenses for all computers you use this on. Such was the case for us since we needed it where I work.

Admittedly it’s integrity based for most of these programs. They are hoping that you are going to be honest about your usage and pay when you use it for commercial use. There doesn’t appear to be telemetry that reports back your usage as this is usually just some guy releasing his personal project. In the case of XnView, I feel it was a guy who was fed up with more recent updates to ACDSee and made his own that mirrors the older versions and just works.

We bought the licenses but I never really felt they were necessary to activate. But we had the proof if we were ever audited that we paid for commercial usage.

I pirate some stuff in my personal life, but these little guys who do this are seriously awesome and I try my hardest to follow their rules since it’s so convenient and helpful in my search and their approach is not ever privacy intrusive.

Another example would be WinRAR, if I remember correctly. They expect businesses to pay to use it but the general public of users just using it at home get the free, infinite “trial”.


It worked so well with the first! Didn’t you see all the publicity they got?? Everyone and their momma now has heard of Unity!


Think of all the money Nintendo lost over people playing that custom content that was paying homage to their beloved titles! Man, sure glad Nintendo scared them into taking those down.


All the damn money they make off GTAO and they still can’t afford to keep employees on…? If it was anyone, it’d be them I’d guess last to do something like this considering they effectively found a money printer off idiots who are cool paying for cosmetic bullshit in an 11 year old game.

NoneYa, (edited )

Edit: disregard this comment. Learned more about AirTags and this will NOT work if you are on Android. AirTags rely on other iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) and only work with Android in notifying you if one is following you to protect you against being stalked. But they do not have GPS and are incompatible with Android’s Bluetooth, so yeah, sorry. Thought this would be a good idea but apparently I didn’t fully understand how these worked so disregard below.

Since he’s on iPhone, what about you carrying an Apple AirTag that is connected to his account?

To be fair, I don’t know the specifics on battery and the like, but seems like a possible hardware solution given that he’s on iPhone.

There are also other devices that are similar and work with Apple’s Find My network too.


Whoever chose Ubisoft to head this project was an idiot.


I think you and the other are right that most of the people who would be searching for this type of answer would be involved in some crime as part of the process, but I can also think of situations where this can be used for legitimate reasons and most of these are outliers but still legitimate.

The (current) top comment here mentions a few, one being if you’re famous and want to avoid, for example, an Amazon employee or a USPS employee knowing who you are and where you live based on the packages you receive. You may be trying to lay low from actual criminals and can’t rely on police because of corruption reasons. You may be a whistleblower and can’t rely on the government for protection but still need things and shipping is objectively much safer than physically leaving your house for your necessities or things needed for your operation. Or you could just be a paranoid person, which is okay in the sense of not breaking the law, just someone who values their privacy for irrational reasons, but nothing inherently illegal or even morally/ethically wrong.


The biggest reason I never bought this game. I didn’t know they’d go to this length, but knew that they’d be shutting off servers at some point and the game would be worthless. All that money anyone spent on it and the in-game items is now gone. All in Ubisoft’s pocket and all you’re left with is memories of playing the game. Wanna go back for some nostalgia? lol, no, fuck you. Just wait and hope a sequel will get released so they can continue the cycle.

A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions (

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’s most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions....


Most orgs would do well with basic UIs. As someone who has done help desk, users are fucking stupid more times than not. Microsoft is constantly changing their UI just because they feel like it and we’d get tickets because “Microsoft updated and I can’t find X anymore!”.

Yeah, it’ll take some getting used to for some users at first, but the lack of constant, arbitrary UI updates will help over time.

It looks outdated but that’s what most businesses deal with specifically because of dumb users and because businesses don’t want to pay to keep training users on new UIs or paying for support to educate users and a lot of it is gimmicky, not really providing anything new but just a different way of looking at the same screen.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


What games were buggy for you? I’ve been replaying a lot of older games I used to play from my childhood (SNES to Xbox 360/PS3/Wii era) and not coming up with a lot of bugs except from emulation.


This is a masterpiece. We need this with audio now from the actor behind Carl.


I’m sure they realize when they receive checks from those companies to keep these laws from being enacted.


Exactly what Nintendo was hoping for. I can’t blame the developers, though. But this sucks.

Old ass game systems where it’s practically impossible or expensive to get the physical games anymore, let alone the console, with some titles locked to those systems, never to be enjoyed again except through emulation.


As someone who works in corporate IT and dabbles in the security side too: don’t.

People do it and I don’t understand why. Use your personal cell phone or whatever else.

We have logs of everything that goes on that device and we could do more if we so desired. So treat every corporate device as a spy on everything that goes on in it.

We view logs only when incidents happen and they do and it never looks good on the employee who was doing X. I get people who browse Snapchat and YouTube off hours and then click an ad and invite crap into the device and now we see everything you were doing after hours when we do the investigation into the incident. But we do also get alerts about other things, so you never know when someone will pull in something.

And things that seem innocent to you may not to your corporate employer or just those technicians like myself who have access to the logs and could use it against you.

Moral: don’t do anything but work things on company devices.


About fucking time. Sony has been dragging on this one. I’m still a bit salty we have to wait 2 months, but I guess that should mean a smoother experience on day 1.


Not low enough. Keep dropping well below $0 where it truly belongs.


IIRC, first time setup with the Xbox requires internet connection.

When you buy a CD game, you still have to download part of it from the internet. The game will begin downloading and then can let you play when it reaches a certain percentage and continues downloading the rest of the game.

I’m not sure about the Xbox, but other consoles have required certain updates for the console’s OS. I remember this being a thing with the PSP and PS3, in particular. Trying to stay on 3.55 for PS3 was a dream for many because it was hackable but some games required a higher OS version and the game couldn’t be played until the workaround was found to spoof an OS update.


Without zooming in, it looked like Chris Pine to me.

gmr_leon, to games avatar

Which video games have been trapped on a hardware platform (console/handheld/headset/etc.) that you wish would be ported well?

I was reading about Oculus accounts that haven't been assimilated into Meta accounts being erased, & it got me thinking about games trapped on hardware platforms again. What are some of the games you wish would have good ports across different hardware?



That or something with a contract with Microsoft to be exclusive to the Xbox, barring it even from releasing on Windows. Or both.

Microsoft wanted the Xbox to succeed and guaranteeing exclusives, especially a sequel from SEGA from their previous console for a game that had some popularity, would be a step in guaranteeing that. If the game were also released on PS2 and GameCube and even Windows, it would have hurt the Xbox from players who wanted to play JSRF.


There is a restaurant that legit serves raw chicken sushi. From what I read, they only can because the chickens are raised in a very particular way.

But I don’t know why anyone would. Raw chicken looks absolutely vile.


It’s surprising to me because I play, what I think, is a lot of mobile games too, but I can’t even remember if I’ve ever paid any actual money into any of them besides buying a $0.99 game or two.

If I get put on hold because I don’t enough jewels, I put the game down and go to another game. Even in Clash of Clans, I got up to Town Hall 11 and never out a dime into that game.

I’ve never understood why anyone feels the need to buy anything in the games.

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