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Wuggi is the first thing that came to muh brain


Yehhh it’s interesting reading this thread but I’m on my still-super-fast five or six year old iPhone and my biggest complaint is I would LOVE to have an actual version of my beloved Firefox with plugins and whatnot. Firefox Focus works fine but it’s still WebKit. Safari works great with Wipr, vinegar, and baking soda but it’s no Firefox with ublock.


“What even are facts”


Gonna finish Escape Academy with my partner! I only bought it because doseone did all of the music (Enter the Gungeon, 13&God, and one of my favorite albums: “Less is Orchestra” (Look it up please, listen to Fact Colossal or The Deadener) (RIP Alias)

Charming game with cheesy dialogue and great puzzles. Never have done an escape room before and we’re crushing it so far. Do NOT play alone. Must be played with a partner.

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


That’s cool, at least. I’ve never used Siri and never will, but maybe I’ll mess around with their AI if it’s fully on-device.


I do also trust that Siri is all on-device! Otherwise it would work as well as its competitors hahaha. I just hate voice commands, and will never use them. I want to use my hands for operating devices.


last good

Aite I loved Morrowind, it’s one of my top games of all time but both Oblivion and Skrim are stellar. SkrimVR with mods is insanely fantastic.


I fully agree, like what the fuck

I never played Starfield and Morrowind is so amazing but

Morrowind will NEVER be better than modded Skyrim, that the fuck, it’s so magical.


Completely agree. I didn’t want to be hostile like I would be if I was back on Reddit but that’s fucking insane bullshit that’s insanely wrong lawl


Based and level-headed-pilled

(I’m sorry for my shitpost comment but I mean it)


what in the uwu even


oh you sweet innocent generative language model

nah i know you’re fuckin with us and fully indexed e621 before coming up with this shit, GPT


PUBG was one of my favorite games… uninstalled the day they implemented bots.


Computer only game bitch here: the PS5 is a marvel of technology especially at its price point and it’s amazing. I’m so happy for my console friends.

The PS4 and XBone were shit garbage boxes with slow ass hard drives and CPUs and I hate them.

I have every console from the 2600 to PS3/Wii/360. No way I’d get a PS4/Xbone. Three minute load times in Monster Hunter World is insulting.


That’s EXACTLY what people said about 720p to 1080p.

Source: sales bitch when 1080p came out. Blatantly false.

1080p to 4k is a fucking huge different no matter what device, size, or distance. I’m not trying to be combative—I run all my stuff at 1440p144hz.

1080p to 4k at couch distance is HUGE though. If I could easily run 4k144hz I would, but that’s not in my budget right now.

8k is even more insane but you’re right—you need a BEAST of a computer to be able to display that.


If you can’t tell 720p from 1080p, you think 30FPS is the same as 60+FPS


Yes it will absolutely not even a question

Have you even ever SEEN your examples?!


Oh yeah, hz>>>>resolution for games for sure. I’d much rather have smooth gameplay (and much less screen tearing if it’s not an adaptive-sync display) than 4k60FPS or less.

While watching stuff though, no matter what distance from any size TV, it’s insanely obvious how much better 4K is than 1080p hahaha. Not saying 1080p looks bad—I watch a lot of stuff 720p/1080p on my big 1440p display and it looks fine! But the first time I saw 4k (and especially 8k) on a display… holy heck (scuze my language)


Oh I was agreeing with yer comment hahaha.

Maybe it differs for everyone, but I can absolutely tell 720p from 1080p on anything from a 17” flatscreen monitor to a giant TV from almost any reasonable distance!

You’re right about CRTs though—due to how the picture is projected, it’s waaaay more difficult to tell resolutions if you’re watching/playing something. That’s why an N64 looks great on any size CRT, but looks like complete ass on any flatscreen (other than flat CRTs of course, lawl)


That’s aite but doesn’t hold a candle to the hilarity that is SHAAAUUUUUUN


1k hours of demo, many doing Highlander tourneys

Thank you, unemployment

New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters (kotaku.com)

Things aren’t looking good for me. I’m a few levels into Selaco, a new FPS out now on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hiding spot. I’m also low on health. So yeah, a bad spot to be in. I take a deep breath and try something....


When PUBG was just coming out, it was absolute jank city and I LOVED IT. I was driving a motorcycle and my partner was in the sidecar, and we were suddenly jettisoned into space, apropos of nothing… flat ground.

We laughed but it was also a bit sad, as only about eight other people were left.

We fall down from space and land… and we don’t explode. We don’t even bounce. The motorcycle is on fire. We have taken no damage. We get off the motorcycle and walk away, laughing our butts off.


What’s this exchange from? I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere, but maybe not?


Thank you! I haven’t seen that since the late 90s. Chris Farley was such an incredible man.


At first I’m like “well my R4 has like every game”

Then I thought “oooOOOo manuals!”


It’s a topic I’m WAAAAY too dumb to weigh in on myself, but as fucked up as it is, there were some major benefits (not to say they were worth the mindblowing human rights abuse)…

The “Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History” episode Human Resources was extremely enlightening on the subject (if you have FIVE AND A HALF HOURS to spare…)


Aha! I’ll check out your link when I’m able to read it on a bigger screen, it’s definitely a fascinating (and horrifying) topic!


I’m homocidal… I’m on the side of the homos. I’m a bit gay.


I don’t smork anymore (I miss it but it makes my brain sad) but I have a kief press… at one point I had three great big kief cookies. One of my first times hanging out closely with my partner we smoked like a quarter of a cookie, and I don’t remember the rest of the day. We’re married now, so I guess I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself. I did fall down on ice, which was cool.


Does 144hz+GSync work on Mint or Pop!os? I reward it had issues, and I’ve also read it works so I’m confused.


Unfortunately for me… your powers don’t work on me. They’re a full necessity D:


I wonder the value of a shoebox full of horseshoe crab blood.

Quick edit: not as much as I had thought.


Is that the whole thing? I thought it would be a long screen with JUST Dolby. That’s like two seconds and has other credits on it. I don’t understand folks’ rage over that.


I cannot believe how much stuff is already in the game. It’s baffling and incredibly ambitious. I love it.


I’ve even moved all my Switch playing to PC hahaha




But not Dublin! Those catholic bastards…

I’m a catholic, but I’m just addicted to cats.


Love the downvotes from oblivious peeps


Dope never left mine.


One of the very few I’ve never tried! Absolutely how I plan to go out, if I learn I’m terminal.



Mods just make every game more fun.


Pi5 with standard OS, Firefox with an adblocker, and VLC for local files works AMAZINGLY. I was shocked, as I’m running it off’a SD card, and my other Pi is running an SSD.


I don’t think there’s a single thing they actually output that’s 4k/120. High refresh rates are downscaled, and high resolutions have lower refresh rates.

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