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This reads like a case of game design by spreadsheet to me. Instead of the lead designers being creative persons making creative decisions, these are accountants that are designing a game by ticking boxes. They didn’t try to make a game that they would like to play, they tried to make a game that they think others would like to play.


Strategy games are still my mainstay, but I’m always returning a few old familiar games. I’ve not bought any new releases in a long time. If too many other players are like me, then strategy game development is going to be in dire straits indeed.


This pier has got to be one of the most expensive examples of virtue signaling ever. Since Israel controls the land that the pier connects to, aid that comes off this pier would always get the exact same treatment as aid that hits an Israeli overland checkpoint, the pier is a pointless + very costly edifice.

Imo the only reason that it exists is so that the USA government can claim to be helping by throwing money at the problem, without actually doing anything about the problem.


With how Israel has been killing journalists, this is not going to happen. Those mainstream media, that support Israel, know well enough what is happening. It’s not like they actually believe their own lies.


I think we really underestimate the amount of trolling that professional trolls do, I don’t think the amount of useful idiots online is that big. While the Russian IRA was knocked offline during the 2018 usa elections, I found that the discourse on reddit was radically different. Subreddits like walkaway or the Donald were suddenly absent from my front page and discussions seemed more civil.

A professional working a 9-5 job of making troll posts, who is using professional tools, who has scores of accounts and spreadsheets with prepared talking points that are based on data analysis, who is working to hit kpi, … That single professional is able to make a lot more posts and have a much bigger impact than a large group of geezers shitposting on their smartphones.


There are people who actually believe what you had posted, so without additional cues that it’s intended as sarcasm (like starting with Hur Dur or ending with /s), it’s anyone’s guess what you actually meant. In person sarcasm works better because we can easily add physical cues, but on the internet it’s best made very obvious imo.


A recurring theme with hard brexiteers was that making “short term” sacrifices was worth it for “reclaiming sovereignty”, which would magically lead to more prosperity in the “long term”. To some, (others) being worse off than before, is a price they’d gladly (let others) pay if it would allow “their team” to score a victory.

In the Usa there’s people cheering for Russia, for the downfall of USA democracy and for Trump to be king. These are such extreme standpoints that it’s hard to believe that they would be serious, but when you see them on camera, then it’s obvious that they are true believers and that they’re not being sarcastic. If those people are real, then I can easily imagine some spiteful british person saying unironically that being worse off now, is a sacrifice that they’re willing to make for “reclaiming sovereignty”. Especially if it’s online and they actually live and work in Sint-Petersburg.

In a world where The Onion cannot make up news that is crazier than the actual news, irony is always going to have hard time.

German university rescinds US scholar’s job offer over pro-Palestinian letter (

A leading Jewish American philosopher has been disinvited from taking up a prestigious professorship at the University of Cologne after signing a letter expressing solidarity with Palestinians and condemning the killings in Gaza carried out by Israeli forces.


By blindly supporting Israel, Germany is making themselves complicit in all crimes committed by Israel. Because of how blindly and willfully Germany is walking into helping with the in progress ethnic cleansing, the slogan “never again” has never sounded so empty to me before.


The last time I tried it, which is now a few years ago, LibreOffice Calc was substantially slower than Excell for larger spreadsheets. Like a difference between night and day, it was no acceptable substitute if productivity was a concern, which it usually is.

Imo a big swoop change like this, which is done for ideological reasons, but without practical considerations, is doomed to fail and leave a lasting bad impression in peoples’ minds. Imo it would have been far better to only drop windows 10/11 for a familiar looking Linux distro, while continuing to use Microsoft Office.


The money that will be saved is peanuts compared to the cost of the workers. Loss of productivity through the implementation of bad tools can be very costly. The various Microsoft Office programs also offer the possibility to add bespoke features. Microsoft Office does not leak data unless you chose to let it do so, at least in the eu.

Optimizations that might happen once a program with unacceptable performance is in a production environment, are generally optimizations that never happen. I’ve never seen a program make such a turnaround, it’s wishful thinking without a basis in reality.

This thing really is set up for failure. I’m not against organisations moving away from products from large monopolistic companies, rather the opposite, I’m very much in favor. But if the move is done in such a way that it’s bound to fail and then cement itself into people’s mind as a bad thing, then it has accomplished the opposite of what it has set out to do. Right now Linux is ready for widespread adoption in environments where productivity matters, but in my experience libre office is not.


Those are ideological reasons though and me calling them idealogical does not mean that I dismiss them as valid reasons. Idealogy in itself is not a bad thing and it should certainly have a part in decision making.

Where we differ in opinion is in which should take priority: I’m of the opinion that practicality should trump ideology (in this case), while you find the idealogical reasons more important.


I’m not using it anymore, I just tested it to see if I could propose it as a substitute. In my testing I tried both open and ms formats: I started with old excel files which didn’t work well, so then I tried open format files that were build up from a clean slate state, with the data imported from CSV files. After that didn’t perform satisfactory either, I turned to the internet. After searching for the major issue that I encountered (slow in a large sheet), I came to the conclusion that calc could not be a full substitute for excell, so I never proposed it and we’re still using ms office to this day.

I’m just going to copypaste some other people’s thoughts with which I agree, saving me a bit of time:

*“If you work at a large company for a while you’ll encounter a class of user that Calc doesn’t really address. They’re like super-specialists. They often have a deep knowledge of Excel, but are otherwise completely computer illiterate. They also work with large datasets and specific models. Calc isn’t a replacement for them. Not just on a feature level, but on an accessibility level.

Look for Excel resources. Classes, books, articles, howtos, everywhere. Do the same for Calc and you’ll struggle a lot more. There is stuff there, but it just isn’t nearly as professional and rich. There is no great way to transition Excel users to Calc users and have them still be as productive.

In the Linux world, when we get those style of work-loads we generally put aside Calc / Excel as a tool and begin looking at programming languages (e.g., Python, Matlab). I feel like this somewhat handicaps our ability to reach those users.

for basic use though, it’s perfectly acceptable. I just wouldn’t consider it a poweruser tool, and those power users are what make Office a multibillion dollar product for MS.”*

*“Sadly, it’s just not there in book.

The only time I try to use LOCALC is when I have a few hundreds/thousands of rows of formatted values to sort into a simple graph and performance is just abysmal.

I just tried again earlier this day and though most daily features are there for your regular user, all my “casual” uses of it ended up underlining the severe performance problems.

Maybe my uses are far more corner case than I believe…”*…/is_libreoffice_calc_truly_a_wort…


This probably depends on where you live.

Every super market that I go to, where I am expected to weigh vegetables and fruits myself, has touchscreens for the scales. This has been the case for many years now, I can’t recall when they changed from buttons to touchscreens, so probably 15+ years.

The bank ATM where I withdraw money has a touchscreen in addition to the old buttons and keypad. Both work, but the touchscreen has more options.


Ever since the Norman French invasion of 1066, exile was the British solution for potential trouble makers. The Anglo Saxon nobility ended up in Constantinople, but once there were colonies, exile really became Britain’s version of bread and games. Troublesome people, like people with opinions or pregnant maids, could be send to the other side of the world whenever needed. Once all people with opinions on things like fairness and egality are gone, then you are left with the complacent bootlickers who are are happy to just victim blame. Until it happens to them that is, then it’s unfair.


Spain was neutral during WW1 and WW2. They did have a big civil war, but that was less destructive than WW2 (still very bad though, just not nearly as bad as WW2).

For Germany it might be the reason: Lots of large German cities were mostly destroyed, some practically entirely + they had a large amount of refugees from east of the Oder that needed new places to live.

This level of destruction was not/much less the case in France and Italy. A quick google search says that France actually lost less housing stock during ww2 than Britain did.…/casualties-of-World-War-II-22310…


About the only thing the UK government has done right in the last few years, is getting help to Ukraine. I think the UK was even sending small weapons (shoulder fired rockets) in the first days of the full scale invasion, while most other nations were still waiting to see if Ukraine would buckle or not. And since then they were always early with other significant help: training programs, tanks, … They did well in this case I think.


It is by far the highest population state in India. More people = more scandals. But even when you try to account for that, there’s still an aweful lot of scandals coming out of Uttar Pradesh.

And many of those scandals involve local police or rich locals who believe that laws are for other people, but getting international attention does land them into trouble. So what we’re seeing is probably just the tip of the iceberg, but that’s true in other places as well.


I was talking about stories involving rape that made it into international media and that I read about. Uttar Pradesh features frequently in those.

Anecdotal stories and statistics are 2 different things, but it’s possible to infer some things from them. One important thing about statistics is that you should never accept them at face value (the same with anecdotal stories obviously), they are collected by humans after all.

Your wiki page is about crime, but there’s also one about rape:

That page has statistics about “registered” rape cases. In the registered rape cases Uttar Pradesh ranks fairly low, which does not correlate with the amount of scandals that make it into international media. And since loads of those scandals seem to involve police, it’s not a stretch to conclude that the number of registered cases is a vast underestimation of the real amount.

Reasons why it’s likely lower: police refuse to register cases against specific persons or cases from specific people (Dalits), but far more will not be registered simply because the victims don’t even try. There’s the shame of it being known that you were raped, but there’s also justified fear of retaliations afterwards, if the police wasn’t directly involved in the rape in the first place.

The mismatch between the high amount of anecdotal stories and the low statistics also tells us that there’s no improvement to be expected in the next few years. The first step to recovery, is accepting that you have a problem, and Uttar Pradesh is clearly not there yet.


I had seen that and I did not say that it didn’t, but the page that was specifically about indian rape statistics instead of statistics on all crimes, contained additional information pertaining those rape statistics, including a section specifically about how wrong the Uttar Pradesh rape statistics are. All statistics are wrong, but some are simply more wrong than others.


Every citizen of a democratic country, who is still inside Russia at this point, is a potential hostage and bargaining chip for the Russian government. There’s no independent press or judiciary in Russia and the Russian government has no morals and few scruples. If they need a hostage, they’ll take one.

Griner (a basket ball player convicted to 25y in prison for petty charges) was exchanged for Viktor Bout (the person on whom the movie Lord of War was based).

The Russian laws are also a minefield of post truths and petty rules, so it’s not hard to find some kind of charge against any individual. Basically everyone will be breaking the law in some way in Russia and the crooks in the Russian government can decide when and where to go after someone.


I think it’s grandparents indeed. I also like how they’ve included 2 dogs (I think, the picture is a bit grainy).


Are there games for which you need a current GPU for to be able to play it with more than acceptable graphics? If you want to turn on all the fancy dongles to maximum, then there might be a few, but realistically, you don’t need that maximum fanciness to be able to enjoy the gameworld.


The 1060 is a 3 generations older mid tier card, released almost 8 years ago. Is it the 3gb or 6gb version? 3gb will be very gimped by now. If you want to keep playing demanding 3d games, then at some point you have to upgrade. I don’t think you need an overpriced current gen Nvidia cards to enjoy any modern title, but 3 generations might be pushing it a bit 😉

If you want to stick to Nvidia and want a reasonably priced option, then I would look for a second hand rtx 3060-12gb.


The gtx 1650 only has 4gb ram, I wouldn’t call that similar to a 1060, I call it worse :). It’s an entry level + 2 generation older card, it’s going to be good enough for many titles still, especially indy ones, but new games that push graphics to new limits are just not going to work. Even when it was new, it was only really suitable for 1k gaming with compromises in the graphic settings.

Tbh, I don’t get why you’re so set on getting an Nvidia card. Unless you’re into vr or ai, amd and intel really aren’t bad choices. And since all current gen consoles are using AMD GPUs, all game engines + fancy games will be optimized for AMD gpus anyhow.


This has got to be one of the most stupid memes ever.

The percentage of Soviet citizens that were put into prisons/gulag camps/colonies will have far exceeded the percentage of us citizens currently incarcerated in the usa, and in far more inhumane circumstances.

Unless the op is trying to deflect from the problems of the USA penal system by drawing attention to a far worse system, I don’t get the point of this meme.

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