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Courtesy of /u/idiot206's sleuthing work when this was posted to reddit a couple years back, it's a modded Mac SE


The small one is an E30 3 series and the big one is an X7 (pre-2022). The X7 does get slightly better fuel consumption than that, 27-29 mpg on the petrol engine. The 3 series is probably somewhere in the low 20s based on forum posts but I'm not sure where to get actual data for that one, and I've got no idea which engine is in it


Console commands also let you apply some non-spell effects as enchantments. If you want to have a bit of fun cheating, you can put a max strength fus ro dah on a hammer and pretend to be Thor


Weshesh, one of the groups Ramesses III said he defeated when the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt. As far as I know, though, they're one of the groups that we have basically no other mentions or evidence of, so we have no idea who they were


Existential Comics' "The Machine" feels highly relevant here


I'm glad that for all our differences we can all at least share some common ground in laughing at the Libertarian party


They're American


They're only struggling because the West is arming Ukraine. The Ukrainians fought hard from day one, but they'd have been overrun and at best operating a guerilla campaign without being given heaps of equipment. Look what has happened while America stopped sending stuff over, and's while Europe was still sending stuff. Europe's arms industry is substantial, pretty much on par with the US in terms of value exported, but it's lacking things like the ability to supply an artillery war like the one going on in Ukraine. Since the US doesn't seem to be very reliable, Europe is gonna have to cover that base itself if it wants to be able to deter actions like Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Some instances blocked ImgBB because it was being used to spread child porn a while back


Soon he's gonna go grab the sword from the Motherland Calls and take to the frontlines himself


The UK openly said Ukraine could use British-supplied weapons on Russian territory a few weeks ago. We're much closer to the Russian heartlands and have a much less scary military than America, but Russia hasn't done shit about it


The European NATO members did continue supplying Ukraine. However, the US had previously accounted for roughly half of the total arms supplied and Europe didn't do anything extra to make up for that sudden colossal shortfall.


They got to announce that inflation is more or less back down to normal levels, so this is about as good as the polling is likely to be. A there was one a few months back that actually showed the Conservatives getting fewer seats than the SNP. To be clear it was only one poll and I do not think it will happen, but for readers that don't already know this, the SNP only even contest less than 10% of the total seats. The fact that that was ever even close to the bounds of possibility is wild.


They said they plan to vote for Biden this year


As the article correctly points out, 3 C warming is still really fucking bad. Just because it can technically be worse and we won't all die does not mean it'll be nice to live through. Bringing about the extinction of 29% of all species is madness. To quote the article:

"The most comprehensive and authoritative assessment of risk across all sectors — health, food, water, conflict, poverty, and the natural ecosystem — by the IPCC in 2018 basically concluded that we don’t want to warm the planet beyond 1.5°C (2.7°F), and we really don’t want to warm it beyond 2°C (3.6°F). And if we do happen to overshoot those targets, we want to keep the duration of overshoot to a minimum."


If someone could convincingly scientifically back up their belief that climate change isn't going to be a big deal, they'd be swimming in oil company money to promote their work. There's definitely an incentive to research it if you think the other way.


It feels weird to frame this as an EU objection considering that Greece has also put the same kind of ban in place. It's specifically France objecting.

But for other Brexiteers, the policies help illustrate the flexibility the U.K. has outside the EU on matters which would have previously been subject to lengthy negotiation under the Commons Fisheries Policy — and which Brussels and member states are outright hostile to for their own reasons.

Brexit benefits! We could never have done this as EU members without a whole load of negotiations, please ignore that we're still dealing with a whole load of negotiations over it and also that EU member Greece did it on a larger scale than us!


That's not true at all

We now deport those people to Rwanda


we clearly haven't brexited hard enough yet


Fuck it, buy extra Taurus systems with frozen Russian assets. We can have both.


To add to this, we apparently always knew. The famous blue image is more or less the correct hue, but the saturation has been absolutely blown out like a clickbait youtube thumbnail in order to show faint features more clearly. Somewhere along the line we stopped mentioning that that had been done. Irwin and co just just re-calculated it to get the most accurate version yet, because we've got a lot more data to work with now than we did back when Voyager 2 did its fly-by


We could so easily choose to use the spelling Ouranos and drop the Y sound at the start, but in our hearts we clearly don't want to


Why would Olympic athletes not be drafted?


The Ukrainian government clearly reckons that famous people getting special treatment is worse


A UN mission that China has actively voted for repeatedly, no less. Every UNSC resolution against North Korea going back to 2006 has been unanimous.


It makes a fair bit of sense for someome that already speaks English to want to claim asylum in an English-speaking country, and a lot of people already speak at least some English. They've got a far better chance of being able to make a life for themselves if they can already converse with everyone.


Gazprom went from a profit of 1.2 trillion roubles in 2022 to a loss of 630 billion in 2023, so I'd say that the current effots are already paying off too. If the EU can do more, fantastic




Seems like average Boris stuff, unfortunately. Particularly unfortunate since he was Prime Minister for a while.


A few reasons.

  • Using any of them in war is far too likely to lead to escalation. Someome on the receiving end of it doesn't necessarily know what they've been attacked with, and seeing that the other side is using chemical weapons will retaliate with their own more serious ones. Civilians are unlikely to bring their own nerve gas to protests, so this isn't a concern in civilian contexts.
  • Killing your enemy is usually necessary in war, but torturing them isn't. As such, using weapons that are only intended to cause pain is just wanton cruelty rather than simply a means to the ends of winning the war. Police theoretically don't want to be killing or permanently disabling people, so again this isn't applicable to civilian contexts.
  • They are wildly uncontrollable. The carveouts for civilian use of tear gas and the like in the Geneva conventions require them to disperse quickly because of this.

It's not unfounded. To be clear I don't think that police should be allowed to use such weapons, but there are reasons that it's considered more serious in warfare.


They meant Russia has more bodies to spend


It's worth remembering that WW2 was an existential threat to the Soviet Union and most of the people living in it. This war isn't. See how the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan turned out.

And, of course, Ukraine was also part of the Soviet Union. Russians weren't the only ones fighting the Nazis on the Eastern Front


Fascinating how Finland has one of the best literacy scores and worst behaviour scores. Apparently Finns understand how to be financially responsible and simply do not care for it


They remastered the 2004/2005 Pandemic ones and apparently did a fucking terrible job of it


I could totally see why there would be a market for it with updated online functionality, a graphical refresh, and a balance pass. The games are still really fun, but their age does make it a little bit of a hassle to play them compared to more modern counterparts. They could also have added a few things like making galactic conquest mode playable online, and maybe some mod management, for example. I'd have been pretty tempted by that. Unfortunately what they did instead seems to have been steal some stuff from a modder and bugger all else


The popularity of the new Fallout show tells me that it's definitely time to revive the Chrysler TV-8 concept


It was originally a Hebrew male name

U.S. Secretly Shipped New Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine (

The United States last week secretly shipped a new long-range missile system to Ukraine, and Ukrainian forces immediately used the weapons to attack a Russian military airfield in Crimea last Wednesday and Russian troops in the country’s southeast overnight on Tuesday, according to a senior U.S. official....


There is a Convention on Cluster Munitions but many of the world's largest military powers are not signatories to it, including all of the top five by expenditure in America, China, Russia, India, and Saudi Arabia. Ukraine is also not a signatory.

Skua, (edited )

I finished Tunic yesterday! I had a great time with it. Extremely vague and minor spoilers after this, I can't get the spoiler tags to work so I've just taken out the detail. ::: The golden path puzzle in page 9 nearly beat me, but man what a cool discovery it was to figure it out. :::


The EU has cut its imports of Russian gas down from nearly half of the total supply to about 15% since the war started, so that's not nearly the threat it once was


It wasn't actually originally Sunak's idea, this one was Johnson and Priti Patel. So probably not. Or at least, that wasn't the original motivation, I would not be surprised in the slightest to hear that they're moving to exploit it. Reporting in 2022 had said that other places had either been rejected for being unsuitable or had refused to agree to the deal, so it seems like Rwanda was basically just the one place that said yes. Being far from Britain, landlocked, and poor enough relative to Britain to be cheap to persuade (you know, if your idea of value for money is burning it to be a dickhead to refugees) makes it ideal as far as the creators of this policy see it


Russia isn't necessarily fine with it just because they started it. After all, they seized Crimea back in 2014 and got away with it without a fight. Russia also made a push to capture Ukraine's government in a matter of days at the start, which they wouldn't have done if they didn't think there was a chance of it succeeding. It's very possible that Russia expected this to be over quickly and based its decision on that expectation


Given that Iran paid for them years ago and is now in a bit more of a tense situation than usual, I have a feeling Iran is saying to Russia that they'd better deliver or they'll stop selling stuff to Russia. Iran will be fine if Russia loses to Ukraine, so they can afford to make that threat


Better late than never. Even if it reaches a point that Ukraine can't win, the costlier it would be to force Ukraine to surrender then the better Ukraine's chances in negotiations are


Exactly. This number is the floor of the possible range, not the actual estimated number

Skua, (edited )

You talking about Russia doing it: "Classifying tear gas as a 'illegal chemical attack' is really taking all meaning out of that term."

You talking about Israel doing it: "making it a similar war crime," and "...really gets that israeli war crime multipliers going."

...yeah I'm gonna stand by what I said

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