
Trump is a Nazi sympathizer, but this video has nothing to do with that. It was a headline from 1871 about German unification.


If you don’t think Reich is suggestive of the Third one to English speakers, I don’t know what to tell you.


The video author wasn’t just randomly searching for “German unificaiton headlines” and then just completely missed that “the Reich” is associated with the Nazis. The only question is whether the campaign official knew about it before sharing, and frankly that Nazi dogwhistles can even get into a video they shared, accidentally or not, already requires a lot of big problems to already exist among their supporters and staff.

@blazera@lemmy.world avatar

what, no images?


The Fourth Reich - “Reich Back 'Atcha”

Rated R. Starring: Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, The Jan 6th Players, and Lil’ Kush


What’s that high pitched, nearly imperceptible, whistling sound?

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Idk, I can’t hear it over the neonazi fog-horn the GOP is blaring.

dharwin, (edited )

Typical Trump behavior, the "Schrödinger's Douchebag" defense. Post the content, see the reaction.

No reaction: mission accomplished, and now you know the line you can't cross is further out.

Negative reaction: I didn't do it, it was a staffer who didn't watch the video, it was just a joke bro, etc. But the message is out there all the same.

Trump is a full-on Nazi.


But don’t vote for Biden because gEnOcIde

This is going to get way worse folks


I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t want to vote for Joe because of what’s going on. I’m going to hold my nose and do it but I hate that I have to. Normally I vote 3rd party but not this year.


You’re part of the problem, not the solution. Have fun with Trump


How is that?


They said they plan to vote for Biden this year


No centrist cares how anyone actually votes. They just don’t want their shitty policies questioned ever.


Ballot access for third parties is important.


Is it? They’re never going to win and their only real impact is being a spoiler. The only third party candidate that even registered enough votes that maybe they could have been viable if things broke very differently was Ross Perot and he had mountains of cash, not a pre-existing party. Everyone knows the Greens and Libertarians aren’t actually competing to win so their “messaging” is ignored by the general public and they’re backdoor funded by people who hate their principles but want them to spoil their opponents.


It is. Voting third party in federal elections allows ballot access. State ballot access is insanely important for local elections and the results of that.

And third parties do win local elections. Most states aren’t battleground. Why not vote third party if you’re not in one?

I recognize being politically ignorant on local shit is almost reasonable right now, but fuck. Run for something if you can. Switch third party and run. It’s cheap. You learn a lot.


But don’t vote for Biden because gEnOcIde

Or maybe continue pressuring him to stop supporting the genocide you’re downplaying.



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  • Ensign_Crab,

    And another centrist takes the mask off.


    You act like you don’t hang out in forums where people regularly call to nuke half the planet.

    At least this fella has the tact to wear a mask.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, racism.

    @bquintb@midwest.social avatar

    Because of course it does


    At what point do we just start openly calling Republicans Nazi sympathisers? They’ve thrown their weight behind this shitty fascist Nazi wannabe, again, and have done fuck all against him.

    They’ve sat down at the table with Nazis (quite literally with some of their supporters), so they may as well have to defend or accept it publicly rather than being crypto fascists about it.


    Sympathizers? I mean they started the trump presidency by marching in the streets with torches and there’s already been a Reichstag fire. Trump kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches on his night stand and rips lines straight from it all the time. I think you can just call them Nazis.


    @Zombiepirate@lemmy.world avatar

    They’ve sat down at the table with Nazis (quite literally with some of their supporters), so they may as well have to defend or accept it publicly rather than being crypto fascists about it.

    They literally cannot admit it: any discussion on the topic devolves into reverse accusations about how leftism is the new fascism, even though that’s a fuckin’ stupid thing to say.

    Conservatism has morality exactly backwards: they see their ideology as “good,” so obviously fascism can’t be on that same side of the spectrum! They see their beliefs and values as clearly superior because they hold them. There’s no intellectual integrity there, which is why they change their minds about policy only when it has a negative impact on their life. They haven’t carefully considered the topic; they’ve been force-fed reactionary propaganda that keeps that from happening.

    Lies and anti-intilectualism are the fertilizer that fascism requires to thrive; winding up the “woke” is a deliberate effort to recruit more reactionaries.

    They will never admit it, because that ruins the game.


    The main issue is with mainstream media’s “both sides” approach. They will not show how far gone the Republican party is because that would drive away what little “centrist”/Republican viewers they have, which would cut into profits. If you showed every new story that came out about a Republican saying/doing some fascist ass shit, people not in the political scene would label you as a biased liberal.


    At what point do we just start openly calling Republicans Nazi sympathisers?

    7 years ago. You’re way late to the party.


    This may actually end in war, I’m not in good enough shape for that :(


    Better get in shape and arm up.


    And organize


    Can you lie? Can you do sleight of hand? Can you be deliberately obtuse, incompetent, and prone to accidentally starting fires? Can you hide things or smuggle?

    Partisan work may be needed for those unable to fight

    Zaktor, (edited )

    If your most passionate followers include an unusually high number of Nazis, checking through their videos for Nazi references becomes a necessity. Or they could have known the whole time and thought it was a good dogwhistle to their buddies and an opportunity to trigger the libs. “It’s not from the Third Reich, you libs are always making up fake news about Nazi connections!”

    We just don’t know whether it was incompetence or pro-Nazi signaling, which is a pretty solid indictment all on its own.


    We just don’t know whether it was incompetence or pro-Nazi signaling

    Yes we do. It is never, ever mere incompetence. Quit giving traitor scum who want to destroy American democracy the benefit of the doubt, not only because they don’t deserve it, but because in doing so you are helping them win.


    Oh, I’m sorry, I missed the memo that I was supposed to become a party messaging bot. Surely if we just get all weirdly aggro to people on our side about minor things and steadfastly refuse to engage with reality that will make Biden win rather than just making politics seem like a warring spin zone where no one is actually a real person.

    Get lost. You’re not good at politics, you’re just a rando on a niche message board.


    Acknowledging reality is not “becom[ing] a party messaging bot.” Treating this existential threat as if it were some sort of team sports bullshit is beyond privileged; it’s downright delusional.


    “This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court,” Karoline Leavitt, the campaign press secretary, said in a statement.

    I bet that “staffer” was Eric…


    In other words, “We agree with everything about the video except the fact that this particular word was used, specifically because it might get us in trouble. Please disregard the fact that this logically implies that we are literally 100% cool with the Neo-Nazi ideology, just not the terminology.”


    How many 5 alarm fires does it fucking take for people to notice?


    At least one more. As always.


    They know. They know exactly who they are supporting. They’re supporting him because of the fascism, not despite it.


    Either they want the fascism because they think it’ll work for them, or they want the fascism as justification for violent revolution.

    Sane people are stuck in the middle.


    At this point, I feel like we need to turn that question back around on ourselves.

    This is who they are. It’s who they all are. Maybe all Republicans aren’t Nazis, but they are all OK with Nazis.

    We need to stop trying to shame conservatives into doing the right thing. We need to stop expecting morality, or patriotism, or rationality. Conservatives will say and do whatever they think they need to say or do to win.

    How many examples does it take for people to notice?

    @LennethAegis@kbin.social avatar

    If there are 9 Republicans at a table with a Nazi.

    @Sneptaur@pawb.social avatar

    You’re now caught up on modern US politics. There are three parties, and two of them are currently unified under the DNC. Only one of them is outright loud proud fascist.

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s the very same people who claim “he’s just joking” or “he tells it like it is.”

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