@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar



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Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts (www.theguardian.com)

Efforts by Israel’s intelligence agencies to undermine and influence the international criminal court (ICC) could amount to “offences against the administration of justice” and should be investigated by its chief prosecutor, legal experts have said....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Burying the lead…

That investigation, launched in 2021, culminated last week when Bensouda’s successor, Karim Khan, announced that he was seeking an arrest warrant for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over the country’s conduct in its war in Gaza.

The investigation the lead up to Karim Khan seeking an arrest warrant started in 2021? Do they have psychics working there? Probably more likely they’ve wanted to do this for a long time, they were just looking for a reason.

The ICC is burning a lot of credibility here. So how much can we believe these “alleged” unsourced statements, especially considering it’s from The Guardian which has had an anti-Israel bias for decades?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Nice little performance! But your act isn’t all that convincing really.

Joe Biden cares more about Palestinians than you do. He’s doing things to help while you’re projecting faux outrage.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Agree on Ukraine, but China doesn’t have the capability to make a move on Taiwan and won’t for another decade, if ever. Though Hong Kong and the Uighurs would have an even worse time with Trump in the Whitehouse to be sure.

China’s capability of invading Taiwan has been overstated in the media. Sure they have a massive army, but Taiwan is an island and amphibious operations are very very hard to pull off. That being said, Trump probably wouldn’t be sending a lot of arms to Taiwan so China invading Taiwan in a decade would be more likely.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

China can’t blockade Taiwan while being outside the range of missiles and drones. China probably has about 400 ships but what is the quality of the air defense and drone boat defense do they have?

They don’t have the space to do what Russia is trying (unsuccessfully) in the Black Sea with keeping their ships outside the range of missiles and drones.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

He built a pier to get food into Gaza.

Other than words, what have you done?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s not even that Han was being evil. Greedo was straight up telling Han he was going to kill him. It’s Han just not being an idiot and thinking “I better wait for this guy that is saying he’s going to kill me to take a shot at me because I need to be 100% sure of his intentions.”

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Exactly. It’s a redundant scene. You either have the Jabba scene or have the Greedo scene, you can’t put both in there. And the Greedo scene (with Han shooting Greedo be fore he can get a shot off, naturally) is just a stronger scene.

The Jabba scene is something you put in the special features of a DVD, that would be fun. But not in the damn movie.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I choose to believe that Luke was a ghost the whole time. He was killed with the other Jedi when Kylo Ren attacked the Jedi Temple. Rey is just seeing a Force ghost, and ghost Luke and confused and angry which is why he’s acting so weird.

Probably doesn’t line up perfectly with what happens in TLJ, but I only saw it once when it was released so I can just remember Rey visiting Luke at a bad time when he was an angry ghost. Nothing really happens in TLJ anyway so there’s not much reason to watch it again.

Hamas launches rocket attack towards Tel Aviv area (www.bbc.com)

Hamas says it has launched a rocket attack towards the Tel Aviv area in central Israel for the first time in nearly four months. At least eight rockets were launched from the Rafah area in southern Gaza and several were intercepted, the Israeli military says. No injuries have been reported.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

There’s IDF all around them, but instead they fire the few rockets they have left at a civilian population center.

Terrorists to the bitter end.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

All of the Gaza death toll numbers you see include Hamas in those numbers.

There’s no way to know how many deaths in Gaza are Hamas (they don’t wear uniforms) but Hamas themselves has said they lost 6,000. The actual number is likely much higher. But whatever the actual number is, it’s included in the Gaza death toll numbers.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Ukraine fires rockets at military targets. Hamas fires rockets at civilian population centers. Most people get the distinction.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

FFS so Netanyahu was extremely close to being pushed out of power and this dumbass pulls this stunt (just to get publicity) which only makes it easy for Netanyahu to make the case that “it’s us against the world”. He’s also seeking to prosecute Gallant, the guy that would most likely make the push to remove Netanyahu. So he’s pushing Gallant back towards falling back in line with Natanyahu.

Does this idiot want Netanyahu to stay in power? He’s basically throwing a lifeline to Bibi while throwing away the credibility of the ICC. Never attribute to malice and all that, so likely just a moron.

Fuck, I was starting to have some hope the Netanyahu could be gone in the next few weeks and this guy is pulling out all the stops to keep him in power. All to get his face on TV.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Israel asked for help from Arab countries in providing support in dealing with the humanitarian crisis. They laughed in the Israelis faces.

The problem is too many people are willing to let the Palestinians die in order to win some propaganda war against Israel. I don’t feel like anyone really cares about Palestinians. They’d rather Palestinians die so they can have proof Israel is evil.

Joe Biden has built a pier to provide aid. This is more than anyone else has done to prevent famine. But the propaganda says he’s “Genocide Joe”.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve always said the Pro-Palestine crowd and the MAGAs are basically the same people. Gotta ignore anything that doesn’t conform to whichever narrative they’ve gotten sucked into.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This guy is playing politics. If he wasn’t he’d just put in the paperwork instead of sitting down for an interview with CNN.

See how Jack Smith, a serious prosecutor rolls. There are very few press conferences and they are concise and to the point.

This guy is playing games to get publicity, he’s probably working on a book deal or whatever right now to monetize the publicity.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

They were asked to help distribute food and refused. Just something you’re not you seeing in your information silo.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Why would you want to?

How can I trust an application that was installed by a “Software Manager” that doesn’t have super cow powers?

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' (kyivindependent.com)

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine’s partners “are afraid of Russia losing the war” and would like Kyiv “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose,” Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The goal is to provide enough aid to Ukraine to defeat the invading army without providing so much aid that Ukraine becomes an existential threat to Russia. There being an existential threat to a nuclear power can have some bad outcomes. So it’s a balancing act for the West. This is what Zelensky is alluding to with “to win in such a way that Russia does not lose.”

And of course there’s a lot of shenanigans involving Russian assets in the west doing everything they can to sabotage aid efforts. That’s a significant factor in all of this that shouldn’t be ignored. Providing military aid to Urkaine is a no-brainer for geopolitical interests, but no-brain Russian shills are doing their best to block it.

A long drawn out war of attrition isn’t actually in the best interests for the West. Russia gains experience, improves their weaponry and has ample opportunities to test that technology in the battlefield. They’ve been updating the battlefield doctrine to include ways to effectively use new technologies like drones. This isn’t something the West wants.

Best outcome for the West is Ukraine drives out the Russian Military, and there’s a peace agreement that resolves all disputed territory which would pave the way for Ukraine to join NATO. The longer the war drags on, the longer it will be before Ukraine is part of NATO.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it’s more down to the fact that regime change initiated from the outside doesn’t go well. And if the west tries to take out Putin directly there’s a very high likelihood of it resulting in a nuclear war.

The sanctions the west has in place are designed to nudge some powerful people within Russia to take out Putin. Problem is Putin has been around long enough that he’s been able to make it extremely difficult for someone to make a coup happen.

Meanwhile the upside is that the collective West gets to try tactics and weapons for modern warfare (drones, ai, analysis) and get ready for the next fight.

Russia also gets this experience. And we can get this kind of information from more traditional sources (ie. Israel) without Russia getting it.

It would be better for the West if Putin was gone, but that needs to be done by Russian, and that’s easier said than done.

I wouldn’t look for too much nefarious intent for things that can be explained by regime change being hard to pull off (and very risky when it’s a nuclear power) and war is not a simple thing.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Seems like a red line that would activate more direct action from lots of other countries against Russia.

Yeah they don’t want direct action from lots of other countries because that would be an existential threat to them. But if Ukraine is an existential threat, why would a few more stop them from using everything they have in a desperate attempt to save themselves?

A cornered rat is going to fight with everything it’s got when it’s about to be stomped on. The fear of a couple more people coming over to also stomp on it doesn’t change anything for the rat when it knows it’s already going to be stomped dead.

The State Department said that Israel's military campaign in Gaza may have violated international law. (www.nytimes.com)

The Biden administration has concluded it is “reasonable to assess” that Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has violated international law, but has not found specific instances that would justify the withholding of military aid, the State Department told Congress on Friday....

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

State Department. So diplomatic signals.

Foreign affairs is a constant negotiation. So there’s signals. and more negotiations. Tomorrow there will be more signals and negotiations.

Because that’s how the whole thing works. As much as the TikTok crowd might want Israel to not exist (which is a little disturbing) the reality is that Israel is going to continue to exist and the negotiations will continue to happen in perpetuity. Screaming “YOU ARE TEH GENOCIDaL MONstARRRR” is not a good play when negotiating, and a failure at negotiating costs lives. And that’s Palestinian lives it anyone cares about them beyond making a performance about it.

So the State Department (the diplomats) will make these signals to effect actual change as opposed to the juvenile outbursts we see at college campuses… which accomplishes nothing.

Speak softly while carrying a big stick versus speak loudly with your dick in your hand.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Student protests accomplish nothing other than promote antisemitism. Sorry.

You aren’t going to convince Netanyahu to halt the assault on Rafah but looking the other way on antisemitic speech by your peers because you’re afraid of being ostracized from the fun get-together you call a protest. If anything it’s making things worse because Israel isn’t going to backing down if you make them feel like the whole world hates them after what happened on October 7.

Sure emotions are running high, but people need to think about the consequences of their actions. Making excuses about hate speech being acceptable because TikTok is telling you that what Israel is doing justifies hate speech isn’t going to bring the conflict to an end. If anything, it will prolong it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Joe Biden cares more about the Palestinian people than anyone protesting on college campuses. I get people are lonely and are looking for any reason to go out and hang out with other people, but demanding the faculty of a university to do something about foreign policy is just a cover for getting together to hate a group of people. As exhilarating as that might feel in the moment, it’s not actually a positive action. This kind of fervor centered around hate has happened many times before.

How many Palestinians will these protests save compared to Joe Biden negotiating a ceasefire? Do you think the things you hear at these protests work at a negotiation table? If Joe Biden screams “GENOCIDE!” at Netanyahu does that result in a ceasefire? Do you think backing Israel into a corner saves Palestinian lives? They can get munitions from other countries… do you think forcing Israel to use less accurate munitions saves Palestinian lives?

Joe Biden has to consider all of these things, while someone screaming “GENOCIDE” at protest doesn’t. There’s a reason why Joe Biden says that the college protests don’t influence him. Because lonely and emotional children aren’t all that good at foreign policy.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Palestinian recognition in the UN is entirely a protest against the US, it always has been. Pissed off at the US? Officially recognize Palestine, that’ll show them!

But the reality is that Palestine isn’t a viable state. Generally when countries “recognize” Palestine they recognize the unelected Fatah government of the West Bank, which is currently under occupation by Israel. Nobody is recognizing the terrorist Hamas regime in Gaza because, well, they’re genocidal terrorists.

So some country recognizes the unelected government of an occupied territory while ignoring the elected (albeit nearly two decades ago) terrorist government of the unoccupied (though not as unoccupied as it was six months ago)? Purely performative bullshit which should be vetoed.

Maybe if Palestinians can elect a party that doesn’t have a genocidal intent there could be broad support for an officially recognized state. But no one that hasn’t been warped by TikTok propaganda is going to recognize a country that has it’s occupied territory run by a corrupt government while it’s “free” territory is run by genocidal terrorists.

Come on children, look at this like an adult who understands basic foreign policy.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yup, Hamas “permanently suspended” elections. Typical fascist bullshit, get into power with a plurality of the vote and then never hold an election again. So should the world recognize them as the government of Palestine? Or should the world recognize the corrupt Fatah regime as the government of Palestine despite not winning the last election over a decade and a half ago? Even if that happened would Fatah really have control over Gaza if Hamas continues to exist? What legitimacy does either Hamas or Fatah have?

The main problem with recognizing Palestine as a country is that there is no legitimate government for that country. Blame Israel as much as you want, but Palestine doesn’t have a real government. The only real hope for Palestinian statehood is if Israel eliminates Hamas from the equation, but who is really willing to see that to completion knowing the casualties that will occur to achieve that outcome?

So given the current situation, the Palestinian “state” would be bipolar and completely unstable. An inevitable failed state. Which people far away from it are probably fine with to score politcal points domestically, but it’s more significant for people that have to live next door to a failed state.

There’s no real hope for Palestine as long as Hamas exists. A state consumed by hatred dominated by a movement that preys on those emotions has a bleak future. If Hamas survives this, everything you’re seeing today will happen again in a few decades. Just how it goes.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The Rocinante… it’s the ship that completed the Kobiyashi Maru in less than 21 Parsnips!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Just gonna leave it at some mysterious Jewish plot without going into a rant about space lasers or whatever the popular conspiracy theories are these days?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah most likely. The reaction to Iran’s strike was to underline that it was against military targets and that they wouldn’t assist Israel in striking back.

So as long as they don’t help Iran hit back against Israel, then yeah the reaction will be the same.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Symbolic gesture vetoed.

Palestine simply doesn’t have any viable leadership. It’s ok to criticize Israel, but still not ok to criticize Palestine, so nobody is holding Palestinian leadership to account.

You got Fatah which is corrupt. You got Hamas which is corrupt and are terrorists.

If Palestine had full independence tomorrow, what kind of state would it be? A failed state. The next Yemen, Somalia, or Afghanistan.

But yeah give some legitimacy to the corrupt leaders of an occupied territory and continue to avoid looking at the reality of how bad their leadership is a little longer. That will improve things for Palestinians!

Oh right, I forgot we’re supposed to performatively care about Palestinians while not actually caring about them.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You were probably taught in school that democracy is a wondrous ideal thing.

When you become an adult you realize democracy isn’t about voting for who you like the most. It’s about preventing bad people from getting power. You will never get to vote for some ideal perfect person, and even if you did the general muddiness of politics would prevent that person from being able to make the change they want.

Yes, it’s “the line” now. But to be more accurate, it’s always been the line.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

There has never been a wider gap between the Democrats and the Republicans than there is right now.

I get it you want to prove your hardcore che guevara t-shirt socialist cred. But you want to be credible at all you gotta at least sometimes look at the facts.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m Canadian, and judging from history things tend to go badly for countries that neighbour fascist countries with a powerful military. So yeah I want Old Joe to continue to be President.

But I’m not too worried about polling, they were off in 2016 because they people considered unlikely voters actually did vote, and they voted for Trump. So the statisticians compensated for this and they were much closer to the mark in 2020, but still somewhat under-counted Trump support. So they have to compensate some more. But my gut feeling is that a siginificant of the unlikely voters that turned out for Trump in the past two elections probably won’t turn out for him again. But statistics is a scientific thing, they can’t just mark Trump supporters as unlikely voters again because of a gut feeling. They have to follow the process and do the math without any gut feelings about it.

So… the polls about support for Trump aren’t reliable at all. So no point in worrying about them one way or another.

The real concern right now is how young people are pushed into some strange politics by social media. The Olds are going to vote the way they always do, and there’s less of them with each passing day. The kids are getting sucked into accelerationist doomerism so who knows what will happen there. Constant emotional manipulation on social media can send people down some dark paths. I used to think the kids are alright, but I’m not so sure anymore.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

There are more than just two candidates available in the whole United States of America that could run for president

Yeah and they either decided not to run or were eliminated in the primaries. Ideally I think a ranked choice system would be better than a primary system, but the primaries are a somewhat reasonable approximation, albeit an antiquated one.

The thing about democracy is the winner is the person that gets the most votes, not decided by solely your vote. And you can’t force people to run. Bernie Sanders ran in the 2020 primary and lost to Joe Biden. He decided not to run in this primary. You can be bitter about this, maybe come up with some conspiracy theories about the DNC somehow putting Bernie in duress to keep out of the race. Or do the same for anyone else you prefer.

But the fact is the imperfect run off system of the US electoral system determined it’s Biden vs. Trump again. You can be emotional about how you wanted something different, but it’s not going to change anything. You can be angry at other voters for not choosing different candidates. Still not going to change anything.

And Joe Biden is legit the best President of my lifetime. Not something you’ll hear from content decided by social media algorithms. He’s done a lot despite some bad actors in congress, and he could do more if there were just a few more Dem Senators and a majority in the House. Only criticism I really hear is from either republicans and kids that are ageist and/or learned about foreign policy from TikTok.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Perfect example. Trump says he wants to deport people that were born in the US (which obviously isn’t legal). Call in the military, shoot people attempting to cross the border. Texas is putting barbed wire on the border, the the Federal government (that’s Biden) is opposing it. They want the border completely shut down and people of certain ethnicity banned.

The Dems want additional judges to process asylum applications faster. Which is good for everyone. There are some bad things in the bill, but Biden doesn’t have to enforce them and the courts will likely overturn them like they did with Trump’s Muslim ban. Getting the additional judges and staff needed to deal with the backlog of asylum claims is super important and will lessen the hardship on immigrants seeking asylum.

So explain to me how trying to get asylum claims processed faster is exactly the same thing as Trump’s Muslim ban? Or building a wall? Or shooting people?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Its a federal border. That barbed wire is his barbed wire.

You haven’t been following the news. The Texas Governor put the barbed wire there. The Supreme Court upheld that he was able to do so(because of course they did). Biden is trying to remove it.

Maybe try diversifying your news sources beyond TikTok.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

If you think it’s bait, it’s because you’re in an information silo and don’t often come in contact with different opinions. This results in people bein ill-equipped to discuss issues with people who are considering factors you haven’t so you have to pretend it’s “just someone trolling me” to avoid thinking about another point of view.

For what it’s worth, I agree with the above person. Snowden is a traitor, him now being a citizen of an adversary should be a clue. He now has to say whatever Putin wants him to say or he’ll fall out of a window.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

If the AI is the good guy in a situation, you gotta be doing something very wrong.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It definitely is a dumb emotional issue in the grand scheme of things, but I feel like I could get by on $194K per year if I were elected MP without being independently wealthy.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Join a party and choose someone better to run for MP, work to get that person to get elected.

Now you aren’t going to have a say in who represents other communities (they decide for themselves), but you most definitely can have more of a say in who represents yours. But complaining on the internet won’t accomplish this, you will need to put in some effort.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The old George Carlin quote applies. Think of how dumb the average person is, and then think about how half of the people are dumber than that.

Besides that one of the roles of a politician is they need to be able to clearly explain an issue to the public. Most people won’t be able to do this.

Besides our system requires that ever MP win the majority of the votes in a community. If a community is choosing a sociopath to represent them, there isn’t going to be any better way to prevent crazies from getting power. Mostly the problem is people thinking posting complaints on the internet will solve issues rather than getting involved at the community level.

Our system is designed around people working at the community level, if people were willing to put more effort into their community they would have more influence over politics. But the internet makes people feel like they shouldn’t do that so they complain on the internet instead and then complain about their internet complaints aren’t accomplishing anything.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

If you can’t influence these people how would you go about influencing people to vote for you?

Seems like you might be projecting a little bit here. You want it to be you that has the fame and the power instead of them. You’ve indicated how you’re incapable of influencing others, and you only think in terms of power and notoriety. You equate democracy to an oligarchy. Why would I want to support your candidacy over the candidacy of someone else?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Just watch watch Jordan Klepper’s interviews with MAGAs for a bit.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m sorry but I won’t be supporting your candidacy to represent my riding. You’re just lacking in the ability to connect with people.

Maybe if you work on your people skills you’ll have a better chance next time.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think you’ve lost the thread here.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah this is a much better point. In theory you want people that are their top of their field to be in these positions.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Wait a second. You could have been blaming the Republican voters, because they actually voted for the guy.

In this particular forum there aren’t too many Republicans but plenty of people that think voting third party will accomplish something. It won’t because that’s not how the system works. You want to change the system, you say? You aren’t going to succeed in changing a system you don’t know anything about.

And all the while, Democrat candidates know exactly how to get more progressive votes: push progressive policies.

This is exactly what’s happening. But too many people have been sucked into TikTok rabbit holes to know that’s happening. The small amount of progressive changes that they’ve had to claw and scratch to get could be drowned in the bathtub because some people would rather be self-righteous over Joe Biden not screaming “GENOCIDE” a thousand times at Netanyahu as an opening statement before trying to hammer out a ceasefire agreement with him that will save lives.

Voting third party is doing nothing. Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Also, voting third party is clearly doing something. Staying home is doing something. Trying to help people on the Internet understand various political stances is doing something.

What positive change will come from these “actions”?

Nothing. You’re doing nothing.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Are you in a clear cut red state? Also is your congressional district definitely going red as well? You understand that the President isn’t a dictator, and there is a need for changes in legislation which is what congress does?

Even the GOP isn’t immune to voter margins. If the see that margin in their safe red states are starting to narrow, they may have decide whether they want to continue being fascist and face losing everything or maybe make some compromises to continue getting elected.

I minority of eligible voters wanted abortion to be illegal. They got what they wanted despite being the minority because they voted every time for decades. By not voting you’re conceding all power to those that do. Are you happy with how things are being run by the people that are put into power by this minority of eligible voters that show up and vote every time? Is so, continue to blow off voting. But you can’t complain about the results if you concede your rights to whims of people that will make the effort to vote.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Now that you mention it, Tucker’s insane laugh should get him into the gallery.

But maybe he should be the Riddler, because he’s always “just asking questions.”

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