@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar



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@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty sure that’s a feature, not a bug. Evil fucks.

Joe Biden calls trans people “fabric of our nation” in Trans Day of Visibility proclamation (www.lgbtqnation.com)

In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human...

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

They are exactly the same.

(bear with me folks, I just wanna see how the troll’s algorithm handles it)

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Saw a political headline that used “spanked” not super long ago. Thought we’d graduated to BDSM, but it’s been back to the Pokemon battle lingo ever since.

Kinda disappointed.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Calling on our artsy folks: this would be an awesome time to fill the internet with gender-swapped portrayals of Jesus and other religious figures.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Why’s he worried - are homeless people treated poorly in Florida?

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

ERMAGERD I fucking love it!

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

A republican projecting their own unethical behavior?? Surely this is an isolated incident.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Addictive and entertaining are synonyms now?

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

should be

…yeah there’s a lot of that surrounding Trump. It don’t be tho

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

An important first step to supporting 3rd parties would be a full switch to ranked choice.

So long as the spoiler effect is at play, you literally only have two choices… voting 3rd or not voting at all are both still choosing one of the big two, you’re just sacrificing what voice you have and letting other voters choose for you.

Here and now, suck it up and choose the lesser evil. We can work on restructuring our political system later - it needs it, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not sure how we fry this fish

-this- fish is christofascism, and when christofascists are running, you fry it by voting for whoever has the best chance of beating them. Is it an optimal solution? Fuck no, but it’s the only thing we can do.

Fixing the system is a much longer term goal that may never actually happen if we stay stuck in this death spiral with christofascism, but failing to push against the christofascism isn’t going to help the 3rd parties, it’ll just accelerate the christofascism.

And as shitty as it is, maintaining the status quo is orders of magnitude more preferable than christofascism.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

That is frustrating, but also peanuts compared to what’s on the table today. We are facing a very real risk of losing our democracy to christofascism, and if we let that happen, the 3rd parties and everyone else who isn’t a christofascist is fucked.

Vote according to the reality of our situation; don’t let an unachievable ideal enable the greater evil.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed, but it’s the closest thing to a solution we have. Wasting your vote on a 3rd just invites the christofascists to take power - and if we let that happen, there is ZERO chance for a 3rd to take power.

Right now we have two realistic outcomes: red victory or blue victory. You can nudge the odds toward one of those two. That’s it. Your action or inaction only influences those two outcomes. Choose wisely.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

As is the case with almost every ‘christian’. It’s never been about the religion - that’s just a tool to sell hateful policies.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Gotcha, then yeah I misunderstood. The earlier poster I was responding to was advocating for wasting votes on 3rds, so I assumed you were posting under that same context.

Yes our system is shit, and yes it will still probably be shit next cycle too.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Prison cells are pretty safe.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

He’s a mascot for the GOP - I doubt he’d have that hard a time getting a job at Fox or some other misinformation distributor.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

He’s got all the charisma you’d expect a snot-nosed faux-crying-at-trial murderous teenager would have.

Isn’t that like every rightwing talking head under the age of 40? The red team eats that shit up.

It's time to start worrying about Christian nationalism. (www.motherjones.com)

Minor nitpick: it was time to start worrying about Christian nationalism over twenty years ago. They’ve been trying to legitimize Christian nationalism since at least the founding of the “Moral Majority” when I was a boy. I’ve been trying to sound the alarm about Dominionism and Christian nationalism since the second...

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

They really ought to just stamp that shit directly onto the food.

Why Gaza Won’t Cost Biden the Presidency (newrepublic.com)

"Despite these polls and the passions raised by the war with Hamas, it is easy to exaggerate the power of Gaza as a motivating issue for voters eight months from no-win November. History suggests that foreign policy issues end up as a minor motif in presidential politics unless American soldiers are dying in combat as they were...

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I’m definitely not happy with Biden supporting genocide, but the alternative is way worse. Biden is the least bad option with any hope of victory, so he’ll be getting my very frustrated but strategically sound vote.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Xcom 2 has been on my list for years… hit 97% in this sale, figured it’s finally time.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the one!

$3.88, only about $0.50 more than just the standalone game. If the reviews are any indication, this is a damn steal!

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

That’s like the one and only religion that actually respects humanity, so even taking this guy’s bullshit at face value, it’s still good news lol.

Tenets of satanism:

I - One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

II - The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

III - One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

IV - The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.

V - Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

VI - People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

VII - Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

My parents asked when I planned on having kids, and I answered something along the lines of “I love my unborn children FAR too much to consider bringing them into this hell-hole.”

…that was maybe 5 years ago? They haven’t TOUCHED that topic since, lol.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Economy is a huge one. If minimum wage kept pace with cost of living, it’d be something like $30 per hour today. That’s one of the hardest points to drive to older folks, cuz they see shit like pushes for $15 and think it’s ridiculous cuz theirs was only $5 and think we’re asking for three times more than what they earned; and simultaneously that the difference is only a factor of three. The cost of everything has left our earning potential in the dust, so we’re having to cut things like health insurance just to keep a roof over our head. Boomers had it WAY easy financially, but so many of them feel like they have a super human work ethic cuz they paid for college by working a summer… that shit doesn’t work anymore.

Climate is another hard hitter. We’re actively watching a mass extinction event kick off, and we know what needs to happen to fix it, but the people with the power to do anything about it don’t give a fuck, so the rest of us get to just watch helplessly as our planet dies. This situation is going to be worse and worse for every incoming generation, so shouldering our potential kids with that burden would be one of the cruelest things we’re capable of.

Then there’s culture. You’d think we’d have at least made some progress here, but no. The Nazis are back, white supremacism is rampant, and christofascism is a rapidly growing cancer that our political and justice systems don’t seem able or willing to address. All it takes is a meme on Facebook for WAY too many parents to abandon their children’s safety by denying them vaccines. Women are being denied healthcare and imprisoned for things like a miscarriage.

…and that’s today. Everything I mentioned is in a nose dive, so how much worse is it going to be in 5? 10? 50 years?

Who in their right mind would look at the dumpster fire we live in and think “Yup! This is a suitable environment to raise a kid!”? I know a lot of people just want their ‘bundle of joy’ but that’s completely ignoring the kid’s perspective - damning them to all ^that is selfish to a borderline evil extent.

We’re fucked, but our kids are WAY more fucked.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a time loop with articles like this?

That fucker’s been dealt so many ‘blows’ that if we stuck a wind turbine to his face we’d have an unlimited source of energy.

I’m so sick of the legal circus surrounding Trump. Put the traitor in prison already - it is the ONLY blow that matters.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be (www.inquirer.com)

This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.

Sterile_Technique, (edited )
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve only seen a couple encouraging people not to vote. Most of the folks pissed off at Biden for supporting genocide are still planning on voting for him - the genocide situation would be WAY worse under Trump. One of the reasons we’re so pissed off (y’know, just in case genocide isn’t reason enough by itself) is that Biden doing this WILL discourage his potential voters, and could very well be the thing that hands Trump the presidency. Those potential voters are going to be influenced by Biden’s actions, not internet trolls.

The criticism Biden’s getting about his support for genocide is constructive and necessary, cuz he needs to fucking stop!

And just in case it needs to be said: VOTE BIDEN. Regardless of how he handles Isreal. If Trump takes power again, Palestine is fucked, Ukraine is fucked, Taiwan is fucked, your rights and neighbors are fucked, the climate is fucked (well, faster than it already is, at least), our democracy is fucked… this is not hyperbole: seriously, vote for the guy the has the best shot against Trump, and that guy is Biden.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Aim between the eyes! …even if you miss, the the poor bastard’s at least going deaf.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah hard disagree with Nobuo on this one. I remember firing up Halo CE for the first time and being blown away by what I was hearing throughout the game, and to this day I can see a screenshot of that game and my brain immediately starts rocking out to that level’s sound track.

It can be utilized poorly for sure, but a videogame with a cinematic sound track done right goes straight to my favorites.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, action potentials are life. Every living cell is consuming/producing electricity constantly. Lightning not required: every time you eat or drink anything that contributes to a charge gradient (which is literally every time you eat or drink anything) you’re consuming electricity.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Meme authors are sure to help you with that; sit tight, they usually roll out pretty quick!

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry you weren’t quite evil enough to entice the average Republican! Maybe if you MC at a few Klan rallies and stomp on a puppy or something you’ll have a shot in 2028.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology religion.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a hole-in-the-wall taqueria near my work that for less than $4 will nab me two gigantic legit-mexican-street-food style tacos.

Haven’t gone to fast food in ages - shit’s too expensive. At this point I’m probably around 30% taco.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I’m with the furry on this one. Fuck tailgaters.

I’ll personally just slow down until they either get the message and back off, or get annoyed enough to pass. Or if I see a piece of debris ahead, maintain speed until the VERY last second, then swerve to avoid it - they won’t have time to react, and will run it over. I got some asshole to run full speed into a chunk of some other car’s bumper doing that, and I gotta say it was the best high I’ve ever had!

*above does not apply to slow drivers camping in the fast lane. If that’s you, you’re the asshole.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

To be clear, I don’t ever break check, as that’s dangerous as fuck - I’ll just drop a mph every few seconds until they fuck off. Idk if I’d call that rage… my safety is compromised by them riding that close to me, so finding ways to get them off is a defensive move. I also don’t want to be the one to change lanes, since collisions tend to happen during transitions, so that’d just be switching from one unsafe situation to another. If I tactically annoy the other driver until they move, then it ends the risk to me without increasing the odds of hitting someone or something else… and since they’re already putting my safety at risk, I don’t really give a damn about theirs.

As for the debris situation, yeah I got nothing - that was rage, lol. But damn did it feel good! Thankfully there’s not enough shit on the road to make that a go-to option, but I’ll definitely scope the road out ahead juuust to be sure before starting the slow-down thing. Cuz, and I can’t overstate this: fuck tailgaters.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know if this chode was just too stupid to pass or what.

That would be my guess. Sounds like the dude didn’t even know that was an option lol.

For those backroads type one-lane-each-direction situations, I’ll just pull way over and slow down to a crawl. Otherwise, even if the other driver isn’t trying to be an asshole and is maintaining a decent distance, I still don’t want their headlights shining into my mirrors for miles, so I’ll be pretty extra about ushering them infront of me.

Bonus: that puts them on deer duty :P

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Not switching lanes thing - this goes back to the driver’s ed course I took like 50,000 years ago, but the gist was auto collisions pretty much never happen when everyone is just cruising and staying in their lane; collisions happen during transitions like lane changes, merges, accelerating/decelerating etc. So, best practice in multilane highway situations is to get established wherever you’re comfortable among the ‘pack’ of cars cruising around you, and then maintain that position relative to the other vehicles. So when douchebag decides to ride my ass, me changing lanes to get out of his way compromises my own safety. Tailgaters tend not to be very patient, so responding to their behavior by instead decelerating (slowly), they usually don’t make it more than a few mph before they give up and go around.

Why are people tailgating when there are multiple lanes, unless you’re in the leftmost lane for too long?

Power move is my guess. I personally live in the cousin-fuckingly deep US south, and I drive a tiny car. 90% of the time someone wants to tailgate me, it’s some lifted monster truck… I think rednecks are actually offended by little cars. The other 10% are fancy sports cars. In either case, it’s the kind of vehicle that screams insecurity, so trying to impose themselves on other drives fits the M.O.

I tend to cruise in the middle lane - that way I don’t need to worry about people merging on the right, nor pay much attention to traffic behind me to ensure I’m not impeding the left. So, it’s usually in the middle lane that I have issues with tailgaters. If I’m cruising in the left lane, it’s usually because EVERY lane is jacked up, but in that situation I’m not getting ‘out of the way’ of the people behind me cuz I’m stuck in traffic right with em. People still tailgate in that situation and it’s like… bro I get it, I wanna go faster too, fuck off.

Tldr, people are assholes.

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