
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


The largest footprint file type is videos. Use Video Duplicate Finder tool on Github. Then use Czkawka to deduplicate general types of files. Both are available on Linux.

This will solve atleast 97% of your problems.


Vivaldi is closed source and a default only on Manjaro distro, whose site SSL certs usually remain expired. Neither are worth trusting.


Manjaro switched to Vivaldi sometime ago, discarding Firefox. I guess things changed in the meantime.


Any Logitech webcam should work fine. Otherwise you need to use a streamer setup like a Panasonic DSLR with filters and more sophistication.


Repair inodes or try finding a truckload of dumped logs.


Windows 10 AME also feels very cozy, like Win 7, but its days are numbered unless I stop using internet on it.

Even Windows users are shitting on 11 and questioning using Windows.

Is there a simple way to severly impede webscraping and LLM data collection of my website?

I am working on a simple static website that gives visitors basic information about myself and the work I do. I want this as a way use to introduce myself to potential clients, collaborators, etc., rather than rely solely on LinkedIn as my visiting card....


Why can I not open your post?


Funny that Jerboa did not open it on my account, but on web browser it opened up.


Jerboa did not open it for some reason, web browser did. Also check my account age.


I did not know LLMs were moderators on Lemmy :D

Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV. (

Televisions that can stream platforms like Hulu or Max usually come loaded with technology that collects information on what viewers are watching, and buyers consent to have their viewing tracked when they open their new TV and click through terms of service agreements. Sometimes, data firms can connect those viewing habits to a...


They Live 1988 and Idiocracy 2005 movies are becoming a reality.



That is called GNOME.


You have committed a sin by claiming anything is greater than TempleOS.

TheAnonymouseJoker, (edited )

I am really confused here. The content itself is actually well researched and good (rare for privacy content), but the symbolism is very obvious here. And from how much I have been in the darknets and underbellies of internet, loli and nazi themes can be an occasional occurrence.

My intent is not to tolerate nazism, but evaluating VPS hosters credibly is extremely rare, as most who do it are affiliate sellouts. I would not give a shit if it was just some modest anime character, but the band…

What do I do?

Edit: well I guess whoever missed seeing this article, bad luck. It has been up for 2 days, and I had no clue about it, and nobody reported it before. Removing it.

“Putting Privacy Focused Free Speech VPS Providers To The Test” if you can search this, you can get to the article. Not going to give a URL.


It died long ago, when you people started to pay half of your money as taxes, while your country regardless of party in power was subservient to USA and NATO.


Taxes are a bad thing when the imbalance of rich vs poor is colossal, especially in a capitalist economy. Taxing the rich will generate far more development, by your assumptions. And public usually does not get returns proportionate to paying taxes.


KDE Connect


You can toggle disable any function in it, so they will not work.


It is not a lot to toggle on your phone, no matter what computer it connects to.


Why not ape the Windows method of doing things?

Thunar + FSearch (both run natively)

Same as Clover + Explorer + Everything Search


Why not Apple devices?

iPhone does not allow you to have privacy due to its blackbox nature, and is simply a false marketing assurance by Apple to you. Recently, an unpatchable hardware flaw was discovered in Apple’s T1 and T2 “security” chips, rendering Apple devices critically vulnerable.

Also, they recently dropped plan for encrypting iCloud backups after FBI complained. They also collect and sell data quite a lot. Siri still records conversations 9 months after Apple promised not to do it. Apple Mail app is vulnerable, yet Apple stays in denial.

Also, Apple sells certificates to third-party developers that allow them to track users, The San Ferdandino shooter publicity stunt was completely fraudulent, and Louis Rossmann dismantled Apple’s PR stunt “repair program”.

Apple gave the FBI access to the iCloud account of a protester .

Apple’s authorised repair leaked a customer’s sex tape during iPhone repair. This is how much they respect your privacy. You want to know how much more they respect your privacy? Apple’s Big Sur(veillance) fiasco seemed not enough, it seems. Still not enough to make your eyes pop wide open?

Apple’s CSAM mandatory scanning of your local storage is a fiasco that will echo forever. This blog article should be of help. But they lied how their system was never hacked. I doubt. They even removed CSAM protection references off of their website for some reason.

Pretty sure atleast the most coveted privacy innovation of App Tracking protection with one button tracking denial would work, right? Pure. Privacy. Theater.

Surely this benevolent company blocked and destroyed Facebook and Google’s ad network ecosystem by blocking all those bad trackers and ads. Sigh. Nope. Now it is just Apple having monopoly over your monetised data.

Also, Android’s open source nature is starting to pay off in the long run. Apple 0-day exploits are far cheaper to do than Android.


I don’t hate apple. Especially from a privacy record, they actually have a far superior history than essentially every other hardware manufacturer out there.

Is there a source that has independently verified and tested this claim? Or is this a fabrication of strings made out of your asshair?


It means OpenAI was a data collecting instrument for NSA from the very start. Connect these dots yourself.

  • OpenAI partnership with Microsoft
  • Bill Gates running the show at Microsoft
  • Microsoft giving US military their Clearview database for US military goggles
  • AI being trained for Boston Dynamics war robots
  • all Big Tech companies suddenly gathering data with AI
  • Google Pixels having NPU core since many years to help with training via Google Photos
  • Google and Cloudflare getting people to train their image detection database for free using Recaptcha and HCaptcha for many years by acting like they are gatekeepers of websites protecting site owners from spam and bots
  • Adobe openly saying using their product = hippity hoppity all your created works are mine
  • Apple training their databases using CSAM as excuse
  • plenty more events… if anyone is determined enough

All this is public information and not made up theories.


LineageOS is less proprietary than GrapheneOS.


By what standards? Micay adding features risking lives of privacy users, like shutter sounds? Or the countless times he has lied about people and events? Or the dogmatic nonsense he and his community spreads in privacy community everyday? Or the crybullying and witch hunting he and his mods/members do? Or the outright bans delivered upon the slightest criticism or questions?

GrapheneOS is the worst thing a phone privacy user can use, outside of iOS.


GrapheneOS is nearly the worst custom ROM you could use to achieve privacy, and Google Pixels the worst phones you could use to get away from Google.

GrapheneOS officially supports and encourages the use of Google Play Services and a Google account for “security” purposes. Their “unofficial” members also spread propaganda advocating for the same.

They are also an embargo partner with Google for security patches, and add features that may threaten the lives of privacy users, or end up in jail or death in certain circumstances.…/1564322206414524420#m…/what_is_your_opinion_of_graphene…

There are a lot of GrapheneOS astroturfers in this thread. They are not organic fans.


Please read the paper by Ken Thompson, co-creator of Unix and C, on why we should be able to trust the developer and NOT the code.…/Thompson_1984_ReflectionsonTrustingT…

Trusting unstable people and projects like GrapheneOS is a massive risk. Micay has lied more times than anyone in the history of privacy community, as far as “prominent” people go.


Video hosting isn’t as expensive as we are often lead to believe,

Then do it yourself. Video hosting is the most expensive form of hosting you can do on internet, and no other form of media even comes in the ballpark (games, photos, audio, text, databases). YouTube is running on CIA money. None of us can pull off what they do, because the fucking US government is running YouTube in an indirect way. Wanna know who owns Utah data centers? That’s right, US government agencies and its little puppet corpos.

Tiktok, as colossal as it is, does not even compare because it hosts merely 30-60 second video clips. YouTube hosts an average of 10 minute videos and countless hour long documentaries and video essays. Even the likes of MindGeek owned porn sites are tiny compared to what YouTube hosts. Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, VKontakte, Bilibili, none of those ever became as big for video hosting.

The reality is we have lived as freeloaders since the 90s, and many of these Big Tech services should not have been free in the first place. Now we are used to the convenience of these digital drugs. I forgot who talked about this once in a blog, but I will echo that message, and am unapologetic for this blackpill.


Inserting ad clips between DASH HLS packets seems to have done the trick for YouTube. RIP ad blocking on YouTube. Have fun I guess… :/


I am pessimistic about scripts being able to handle this, since it is a server side manipulation of streaming packets. It might be interesting if instead of seeing ads, a workaround is invented where the ad is not shown to user and video remains black and silent for that duration, and Google gets to hear such a thing has happened. If they get angry about it, it might reveal more about what they desire with forcing watching ads for people.

Nostr continues to raise the bar on private, uncensorable online discourse

Note: “relay” is the nostr term while “instance” is the AP/Mastodon/Lemmy term. They are functionally very similar and offer the same abilities to ban annoying users from “public square” type spaces. Moderation works identically....


Do you also call public forums garbage for privacy? Or FB Messenger garbage for public information sharing? You do not understand the purpose of different types of platforms.


Does Braxman have the guts to call out the source of the problem — Western/NATO establishment — itself? Microsoft is a mere tentacle of the hydra that is NSA, which is a mini hydra of CIA. CIA in itself is a tentacle of NATO.

If he does not, he is just another component in aiding west, in trying to pretend that Microsoft is some isolated problem. Big Tech companies are not isolated enemies, even though western privacy community loves to group think as separate brand fandom camps.

The day people are ready to go to the lengths I go in criticism and honest dialogue, that day is when privacy community might start to see its golden days. Until then, it is just all this breadcrumbs and scraps thrown to the dogs regularly, achieving nothing more than feelgood placebo effect. Too many people here love to suck the cock of Apple/Google/Brave/GrapheneOS and all these anti-privacy cultist monoliths.


That project belongs rightfully alongside those other brand cults. Also you are definitely acting in weird manner lately with many Lemmy users, and you even stalked me when I told you to stop trolling.

You are definitely not the authority to judge me on honesty. I think that is reserved for people with experience with anonymity and activist level privacy.

Also just letting you know as mod, I have received some reports on you, but let it slide to give you a chance. You are not making much out of that chance. If you have nothing constructive to say, stay silent.


Hahaha. Good observation for sure, but I am not his alter ego. There are massive differences, and it is only unnecessary behaviour that I talk against like this. I modulate my responses according to who is talking what. Sometimes I end up looking spicy due to that. We’ve had our little moments too, and you can probably now understand why.


Well, you managed to bait me, troll me, and personally stalk my 4 month and 10 month old posts, all because I told you as a mod to stop trolling people based on reports I received. You even openly said you will create alts to evade bans if you received any. It is certain that you are an asshole of colossal proportions.

You are getting an immediate ban, because you are gaslighting others and me into creating nonsense beliefs about me, even though you are the one behaving badly with everyone. I do get it now why mods quickly get tired of trolls who go this far, and end up creating stereotypes of people who catch their attention in negative manner.

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


Can you elaborate on how Huawei makes sense? Or did you fall for US government propaganda? Have they provided any hard evidence in 5-6 years?


If they compress screenshots like Microsoft does, or like Instagram does (73% quality JPG), they can store 4 screenshots in the space of a regular 100% quality JPG, which means 90-100 KB per. Assuming a screenshot every 10 minutes, in a span of 8 hour computing per day, each day takes up a mere 5 MB. This is close to what SOG/Mutahar demonstrated on YouTube recently, 8 MB per day. A month of screenshots is merely 250 MB. And this does not even account for MS having a LLM model to sort through screenshots and discard useless ones, which might give roughly 30% more efficiency. We are looking at about 1.2 GB storage for 6 months of screenshots.

Recall allocates 25 GB on 256 GB storage, so that is 10 years of screenshots. If MS decides they can ramp up speed of screenshots and grab even more information.



Sorry my forehead typed that.


Web browser based tools that should be native is detrimental to performance and privacy of your projects.


Did you keep that same energy when Biden banned Tiktok from USA?

Any temprory free OTP number sites you know that works ?

I just want one to sign up for telegram, yes yes I know there can be privacy concerns but I’m only going to use it for piracy anyway and gonna enable 2FA . I don’t have any mode of online payment and I’m broke anyway, so it has to be free . Looking back on some old reddit threads some seems to work for the people some...


whatever, i dont care. i can just make new accounts when i get banned.

Ban evasion will be dealt with strictly. Stop this weird behaviour. This is not Reddit.


Just. Stop. Calm down.


As far as humanity goes, Microsoft and OpenAI might turn out to be the worst companies on earth with the Clearview database being fed to Boston Dynamics war robots and US military goggles. Due to these companies, USA could effectively genocide the entire world as they see fit. This makes the doings of Google and Apple look like a joke in comparison. However, Apple has damaged the society itself via creating capitalism brand cults and teaching this strategy to other brands, entities and people. So Apple has also done horrific things. Google and Apple smartphone generated metadata is regularly used by CIA to commit genocide and assassinations of Muslims and other people.

In short, Western Big Tech and all of NATO/Anglosphere is a big evil for rest of humanity.

De-googling and privacy on Sony xperia

I have been considering replacing my nearly 7 year old iPhone (although very reluctant) and I was checking for options. Really the only phone that caught my eye was the Sony xperia 1 V, but I found no information about how to degoogle and lock down the device. I really like the features and the built in camera apps, etc. Is...


For work you should anyway demand a separate phone from company, or company budget for separate phone. Never run company spyware on your own phone. Tell them you will buy the absolute dirt cheap phone for work purposes, and will not be usable outside of work hours.


Pretty much, you understood. This is the kinds of justification I have for fancy custom ROMs like GrapheneOS being the equivalent of snake oil. Some bad actors try to twist it as me being malicious, even though I am just telling the facts about how things really are. They do not make life easier, they do not make privacy easy to attain, they make it harder or impossible to use everyday apps, and they forbid you to question their product or motives. FUCK THAT NOISE.

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