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I never got to play the original, but I remember it had more character in its trailers.


If it can be done in the goaled 25, that would be great. Ubisoft has a history of making their games take way too much time for my liking. It all starts to overstay its welcome.


Yeah, but no one will hop on irc or mumble to hang out these days.


I really like the art style and animations. I like the soft-touched looks to things and the unique characters.


Unless gaming and using multiple monitors. That was my experience after a couple of months. Fedora, a few weeks in, has made things lot smoother. Otherwise though, Mint was great and with further Wayland I could see me use it again.


The recent London video from three weeks ago is approaching 400k views. Searching Fallout 4, “10 Hidden Mechanics in Fallout 4” from a day ago has 250k views.

I’m stoked for London but I think most people are just pumping it up from the show. Which is good because I just finished the show and I need more.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they assigned another studio to make another Fallout already.


As someone newer who has only used Ubuntu and Mint, what do you get elsewhere?


It looks more like multiple companies were needed to pin the individual. I don’t expect any company to not comply with legal requests. My understanding is this is why it’s important to know what information a company retains.

For my own use, I have used Proton just to mitigate being a source of ad info and to get better service. I’m not interesting enough to overthrow anything.


That seems weirder to me to be honest. Like the recent The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. Just call if Return to Moria and make a LotR badge for marketings sake. Same here.

I’ll accept Middle-Earth though.


I know little about it. What makes this stand out? I am guessing kernal level, but is there anything else to it?


All of my local gyms in my last 3 areas have been super pricy. Like $75-$150 a month. It may not seem high, but when you can get a franchise membership for $10-$30, it’s a hard sale.

I have had luck with specialty stuff though. Yoga is common to have discounts and decent pricing if that’s anyone’s jam.

I just learned an interesting piece of gaming history that most people might not know about. (Xbox Live Arcade on original Xbox)

I just learned that Xbox Live Arcade was a service that first started on the original Xbox, not Xbox 360. You had to order a disc online that would let you access the XBLA store. Here’s the wikipedia page:


This is neat. I would have loved to have played some of these alongside what I did on the 360. Feels similar. Marble Blast Ultra, Geometry Wars, etc. I had no idea either.


I like the idea, but the execution looks cheap. I’m more open to middle earth games without fighting than with though so I won’t lament the IP yet. It often feels hamfisted to force it into the slashy-casty box.


You can grind for great rewards but they also are encouraging easy endeavors for a lot of points and any content is giving the 100% XP bonus which makes even questing feel nicer. There is a grind if you want true flame or one of the other 4 this-time-only items but that’s some people’s enjoyment.

The only ball dropping imo is the PTS debacle but they are giving the affected all the items, like a years endeavors, and a ton of other stuff that seems fair to me.

I think it can be hard for someone if they always feel the need to maximize anything they do, they probably just grind the whole time to earn millions of gold. I did a few grinds to get the loot high but doing dailies I had not tried yet has been fun since I get the 100%xp and an extra loot box for each.

Obviously just my experience though.


Is € 251.88 the estimated loss in revenue? I would like to say that it only makes sense if you assume the user will be on the platform either way, instead of just not paying and leaving. However, my experience with others makes me believe they will take whatever option to get to what they want.

I think it’s a situation for policy but, at least here in the US, our policy makers aren’t in the ethical or learned position to be effective.

What I’m saying is, the boat has holes and I’m concerned.


I’m using Mint and new to it. Does the Mint app store have more security or scrutiny? I’m cautious as most things are lucky to have one or two reviews listen. Many are zero though and it’s not quite clear to me yet how to tell if things are from an official source or if they had review.


If they are working on 5 sequels, two are Homeworld and Borderlands, that means there is a non-zero chance for Duke Nukem.


ESO Financials were part of the Microsoft leak. They do pretty dang well. Downward trend but what ten year old game constantly only sees number go up.


Ooo, thank you. I love this stuff. Law is fun when you just get to dip your toe into the good stuff.


Not that it matters at this point, but I saw somewhere that he had remorse for his racism later in life. Is this true? I have never seen anything to show it but I haven’t saught it out either.

It’s kinda funny how some of my favorite board games are based upon the setting. I love that they are heavy with diversity. It makes me think of Stephen King’s writing book, he says a story is no longer yours once it’s out there.

I’m glad Lovecraft made what he did, and that it’s so free tooled today. I think one day the Wizarding World will be the same (I refuse to keep calling the whole thing Harry Potter).


Nobody is winning here long-term. Microsoft is growing its subscription service and every step is with that in mind. Getting people to buy their games now, like Starfield, is likely seen as closing the gap a little more towards encouraging that.

Like all of these things, it will be great and a value at first and then a squeeze for more money with less offerings. People en masse will say they won’t be a part of it, and then record profits (like Netflix right now) will be shown.

Not all is doom and gloom though. Indie games are rapid fire releasing, Linux is growing due to Valve and Chromebooks, and I found a ten dollar bill in my pocket this morning.

I’m mostly frustrated with always online games. They remain the enemy for longevity and nonsense outside of the MMO space.


Is it still a smaller studio? I recall he shut things down and took a small amount of talent with him, but that’s when the studio was first made. He said he wanted smaller. The vibe was that he disliked the size of Infinite’s team and scope.

I’m not sure I would call it a rebranding. I believe Bioshock lives on without him still as it’s own thing.


Does the cloud gaming work pretty well? I’m trying to consider how to move my main rig to Mint, but also not lose my three years of game pass. I think dual boot is likely but feels purpose defeating haha.


This is it’s strength in my opinion. Libre isn’t great if you just want it to work coming from a Windows environment. I’ve tried quite a few options and this was my go to, it had far more of a friendly time with Word documents then Libre or others. Although I will say W3 was probably nicest but their sketch past of looking at people files and their local laws made me delist from my comparison list.

ajayiyer, to linux avatar

Gentle reminder to everyone that support for ends in about 90 weeks. Many computers can't upgrade to Win 11 so here are your options:

  1. Continue on Win 10 but with higher security risks.
  2. Buy new and expensive hardware that supports Win11.
  3. Try a beginner friendly distro like . It only takes about two months to acclimate.

@nixCraft @linux @windowscentralbot


Why is Libre Office always the goto? I’ve been trying every MS Office alternative and Libre is way down on this list. It doesn’t compare. In my searching, I even found video of the creators seeming more keen to (rightly) blame MS for compatibility issues. Meanwhile alternatives just work with the reality and reduce differences in exchanging files from the world’s most common option. Plus, and this is more personal, Libre Office is dog doo ugly. Ditto for Gimp.

As someone newer to Linux, people really don’t emphasize enough the need to find alternative software that fits into one’s life. It’s all fine to say it’s all just new setups and once you learn them your good, but most world interactions with tech that isn’t your own will be Windows. Why fight the stream when you Don’t have to? There are lot of alternate Office programs is what I am saying and some are almost as good as massively funded MS Office.


Sorry I vented on you lol. WPS Office is one I liked a lot but I learned they are following local laws and so have had instances of invading privacy when using any cloud connecting aspect. It made me not trust them even outside of cloud use. It’s very very well out together though. I wish it weren’t something I felt insecure using because it is really nice.

I consider Only Office to be my goto at the moment. I still have more to try though, more obscure ones. It has only bugged on me once when I resized the window a lot, greeting me with an all white window with no UI.

Libre I tried a lot to make me love it. It just feels designed by someone who wants to make a point against MS. I did also try a complete overhaul to adjust the UI a lot but even the functionality of it just doesn’t seem to do as well when working closely with MS Office users.


It’s built using something Nintendo made. It all makes sense after watching the creators video. He outlines how the lawyers probed with questions to see if they could do it and that was the nope moment. Plus they don’t have incentive to try to fight Nintendo over something that Nintendo may legitimately have reason to fuss over.


I wonder what they could do to breath new fire into it (har). It is a fun trilogy to play, for sure, but it also feels like playing a game of its time.

I really miss games like this though. The last time I felt the bridge between games like Spyro and “modern” times (I’m old) was Kameo. Kameo was such a gem and felt like I was playing a newer Spyro, Medievil, or Banjo game.

While we’re on the subject, where the heck is Conker?


Sadly I haven’t! I have a Vive but it isn’t on there. You got me watching a video and it looks like a lot of fun to!

Except for the Switch, I haven’t owned a console since the 360. I kind of went hard into PC by accident.


Being 6, I would just go with the game system they like. You and I know PC/SteamDeck are killer but youngins always fixate on what they like. Besides, I have a feeling a switch would be cheaper. Not so sure about a switch 2 being cheaper though.

Your kids lucky your thinking it out. 😎👍


I think they rebuilt the game in Unity. I do know they say to not go with the one on GoG as it is outdated. I only learned about the whole thing yesterday.


Looks fun. If I can give any advice, I would avoid comparisons to other games as that also invites unnecessary criticism.

Also less metal and drums, and more sound effects (like with the kick at the end).

Fleshed out, I would give it a go. There are some public domain creatures you could absorb, like anything Lovecraft.


It’s weird how aggressive everyone in here is being. As if attacked. Like the assumptions of knowing how things are and having the answer to everything is par the course, but the aggro is really strange. I hope ya’ll get some hugs this holiday.

VerseAndVermin, (edited )

I feel that but there are also so many great games. It’s an old tired horse to bring out, so forgive me, but the indie world is very cool right now.

I was more commenting on why people are so aggro to this comment by the Owl peeps though. I could see why they feel they can’t accomplish as much, Larian has probably done well for themselves with good game, before better game, prior to glorious game. No doubt though that Larian also took a swing they couldn’t afford to miss and that is to be commended, if mostly so I can go without seeing more gaming-related layoffs in my feed.


Do you know if the DLC is needed to find matches? Do people even use them? Or is it all cosmetic? I too am thinking to come aboard.


I nominate No Man’s Sky for Game of the Year.

gmr_leon, to games avatar

What games would you suggest that have LAN support these days?

While PC may be one's first thought here, I'd also be really interested in any mobile games that might leverage one's local wifi network for multiplayer.

Classics are a-okay for suggestion too, btw!



This was the one I was looking for. I believe there is an updated version of crusader as well.

Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your friends carefully crafted keep scaled suddenly by an army of ninjas.


Does it take a lot of time to experience the story in a satisfying way? I only played a little of the intro years ago and recall like the game but not the combat. I’m really tempted to revisit for its setting though just to go through it, but not if it moves at a crawl.

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