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Yeah his strategy was and still very much is to just say things, see how people react, and if there’s enough applause it becomes policy and if there is enough backlash then it’s walked back and he said he misspoke and then never talks about the issue again.


I mean reading the article it just seems like he’s actually trying to spend the money that the acts allowed before the election. Which if the money is put to good use would help make him look better going into the election. It just also has the good side effect of making it impossible for Trump to undo it since the money has been spent.


I mean yeah but there is also a concept of an animal getting used to captivity and not being able to survive in the wild anymore. So releasing them like that is just a death sentence.


I think that is a separate genre of games now, I’ve seen a few different games like that.



This is what I was able to take a picture of after driving out into rural northern Oregon. Wasn’t this clear to the naked eye but you could still faintly see it and it showed up good on camera.

Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo (www.theguardian.com)

Egyptian and US mediators have reported signs of compromise in recent days and Egyptian state news channel Al-Qahera said on Saturday that a consensus had been reached in the indirect talks over many of the disputed points but gave no further details. However, many analysts remain pessimistic after five months of stop-start...


That would be nice but Palestinians never get a seat at the table when it comes to talks about things in the region. They were left out of the Abraham accords which was meant to normalize relations in the region with Israel and they’ll be left out of this because Israel wants to keep being able to steam roll them. Not let them have any kind of platform or position to be able to negotiate.


Yeah because that legitimizes Hamas and let’s them keep using the reasoning that their cleansing of Gaza is to go after Hamas. Letting a terrorist group have a platform just makes them look better cause they can keep going see how bad these guys are, we have to kill everyone there to get rid of them.


What part of that is conspiracy? Israel is using Hamas as justification for their genocide in the region. If Israel negotiated with the people of Gaza (in whatever form that would take) rather than Hamas it would invalidate what they’ve been doing. Negotiating with Hamas continues projecting the false image that they’re after just the terrorists when they’re pretty clearly going after civilians as well.


Nothing I said above says there won’t be an agreement. I could see an agreement happening especially with the situation in the US and the ICJ considering warrants. That doesn’t change why they negotiate with Hamas and not the people.


I mean it just released into early access so I mean yeah it makes sense that there isn’t a full game there yet. Personally I like this approach to early access more then the approach a lot of other games take where the full game is there but it’s super buggy and has lots of bad design throughout it. This feels more like a slowly building out and polishing from the start of the game to the end which I think is gonna make a great game once it’s done. And even now while the experience isn’t super long it’s really good and well polished.


If it’s on steam it isn’t even really review bombing. Cause for steam reviews you have to own the game. So this is people who own the game giving a warning to potentially new people who might get the game about what’s going on and a recommendation to not buy it. Usually review bombing is people who have never even played the game or consumed the media reviewing it bad to bomb it for whatever reason. So this definitely isn’t that and they’re just trying to shift the definition of review bombing to any kind of mass negative reviews for whatever reason.


Yep cause the journalists make money through ads and game developers are usually the ones buying the ad space so they gotta do what the companies want or they might lose their advertising as punishment.


Yeah this is exactly how I feel. Like sure I don’t want China to spy on me but I don’t plan to go to China so it doesn’t really matter. What matters more is the USA spying on me cause I live there and that could mean actual consequences if people like Trump get in power and try to go after people that don’t agree with them.


It’s almost like sometimes an idea doesn’t work out and you either have to abandon it or restart from the beginning but most companies won’t let that happen cause they don’t want to spend the time/money to do it.


It’s not about entirely replacing people. It’s about reducing the number of people you hire in a specific role because each of those people can do more using AI. Which would still displace millions of people as companies get rid of the lowest performing of their workers to make their bottom line better.


Yeah I’m not arguing that replacing people isnt what they want to do. They absolutely could if they would. I was just responding to the person saying they can’t be replaced cause AI can’t do what they do perfectly yet. My point was that at least for now it’s not entirely replacing people but still displacing lots of people as AI is making people able to do more work.


I think that’s a really broad statement. Sure there are some industries where AI hurts more then it helps in terms of quality. And of course examples of companies trying to push it too far and getting burned for it like Spotify. But in many others a competent person using AI (someone who could do all the work without AI assistance, just slower) will be much more efficient and get things done much faster as they can outsource certain parts of their job to AI. That increased efficiency is then used to cut jobs and create more profit for the companies.


Yes but at the same time Unreal doesn’t really compete with Unity at all when it comes to 2D games. Unreal is primarily meant for 3D games and maybe you could make a 2D one work in it but Unity has a lot more resources for 2D games. That’s why games like this switched to Godot instead of Unreal cause Unreal wasn’t really an option. I could be wrong but when Ive made some projects in Unreal it didn’t really seem to have any options for 2D games like Unity has.


For me it’s always the other way around, I get a fry in my onion rings.


Yeah except with there being only 27 stores in the US that use this tech if you have 1000 people reviewing the purchases is it really a machine learning system or are you just outsourcing the process to people in another country.


I’m pretty sure this is that motivational quote generator that’s been around for a while, don’t remember the link to it.


I don’t think this is exactly right. For the longest time Republicans were the same way, dangling a carrot of doing something to get votes but never actually doing it. I think Donald Trump has emboldened a lot of people to run for office that don’t understand that you don’t actually give the base what they want cause it makes you deeply unpopular with everyone else.


I generally agree with you, I think the one part I disagree on is the why Republicans go along with this. Sure some of it is because of the purity testing kind of stuff but a lot of it is just because the Republicans for the longest time have paid lip service to these issues but never done anything about them. Like with abortion for example. But then you have someone like Donald Trump come in who is just like, well why don’t we do all these crazy things. And that is what emboldened more people like him, with no experience in politics and no understanding that you can’t actually give the base the way out there stuff without alienating the general public, to run for election and start winning in very red areas. So it’s less of a pressure on the party from the outside to start following this new MAGA movement (although that does exist too) and more of an internal transformation of the party under Trump.

Republican-passed bill removes role of Democratic governor if Senate vacancy occurs in Kentucky (apnews.com)

Kentucky lawmakers gave final approval Thursday to a bill stripping the state’s Democratic governor of any role in picking someone to occupy a U.S. Senate seat if a vacancy occurred in the home state of 82-year-old Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell....


I think your first point is probably the main one that affects this. People are in a good position generally as they get older so they don’t wanna rock the status quo. But with all the warning bells going off about how Millennials and Gen Z are never gonna be able to afford houses or be able to retire that is indicating the shift might not happen. Cause if they don’t have anything to maintain then why would they shift conservative?


Seems like pretty normal American stuff in South America. The US working with bad people to undermine democracy to ward away the boogeyman of Socialism.

Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack (www.euronews.com)

The director of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, said on Tuesday that the US, UK and Ukraine were behind the Moscow concert hall attack that killed at least 139 people on Friday - despite repeated claims of responsibility by Islamic State....


The point is to sell that to the Russian people to build support for continuing the war.


You’re forgetting the other advantage of the switch is how cheap it is. If Microsoft can manage to make something that’s inbetween the price of a steam deck and a switch it could be pretty enticing.


I mean even in the past when WoW didn’t have much competition this never really happened before. It would always go down over the expansion then spike up again with a new expansion. While this is definitely in part due to the fact that WoW has multiple versions now and new ones of those have been coming out helping this is definitely still a good sign that what they’ve been doing recently has been working to keep players around.


It wasn’t just Russia who was saying that wasn’t gonna happen, basically everyone outside the US thought it wouldn’t happen cause it would be a really stupid thing to do. Then it turned out they did it and it was really stupid and I think a lot of people were surprised the US was telling the truth and it wasn’t just fearmongering.


I haven’t had driver problems in forever, unless I’m using some old weird device that I haven’t used in ages. And even then usually going into device manager and telling it what kind of device the unknown device is usually fixes it.


Yeah but I doubt it’s the developers going after emulators like this. It’s the higher ups and legal teams I imagine.


I feel like Reddit atleast had more other stuff to dilute the news and politics stuff. But without a lot of the smaller communities from Reddit that used to contribute to my home page it feels like all I get is memes and news.


If it’s more then YouTube drama then there will be actual criminal charges or investigations by the IRS. Until then all the back and forth videos after the first one about whether he broke the law or not is just YouTube drama.


If I had to guess the reason they waited so long is cause they thought they could fix them before launch, but stuff probably came up that made them realize it’s not gonna be ready.


This is the classic problem with all paradox games that I don’t really have a solution for. Like as players we want them to support the game for a long time and keep updating it, but unless that’s through dlcs then they can’t really do that without getting paid somehow. The other alternatives are just not doing any updates and releasing a full new game every couple years which would probably have less features added compared to doing dlcs. Or having a subscription that you pay to get new updates which while I’m personally fine with I know a lot of people aren’t. So that just leaves the current strategy of constantly doing dlcs and every once in a while releasing a new game and bringing over as many dlc features as they can to the new one while not making the development time unreasonable.

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