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He got driven across state lines with a AR-style rifle “to protect businesses” like a dumbass.

And then, when the businesses that he and his associates were “protecting” were fine, he went off on his own to look for trouble.

This fucking loser wanted a body count. He put himself in harms way so he had an excuse to pull the trigger. And he found that excuse. And a jury accepted that excuse as justification for his actions.


Yeah. That’s their intent. But they really don’t know for sure that their stunt won’t have some completely unexpected effect. Some slow reaction with that specific kind of stone that only matters if the powder gets deep into some cracks for 200 years or whatever. Or attracts stone eating bacteria of some sort.

The point is that they dont know what they dont know. Every time they pull one of these stunts, they are introducing the risk of irrevocable damage to historically significant objects that should be left to future generations.

Stop fucking around with human history. Stone Henge is a world wonder.


Was Biden the 2016 nomination?

He came back specifically because he was a decent candidate to take Trump down.

And still is.


Trump is just going to be shouting while Biden talks anyway. So the viewer will see Biden distracted and stuttering because half his attention will be on trying to ignore Trump, but the viewer will not hear it, beyond maybe a little background noise that’s picked up on Bidens mic.

This is Trump’s strategy. He has done it before. They really need sound proof booths too.


Rofl. Way to turn a thread on Trump getting caught faking an outreach to the black voter in a black church into an anti Biden/Harris smear.


Funny how all those “both sides” people canvassing every political article with Biden/Dem bad are staying out of the threads on Ukraine.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (www.npr.org)

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...

Wrench, (edited )

And people act like “the people” want this in the first place. Nearly half of “The people” voted for Trump, and probably will again. The US is not united against the fascists. Hell, in this thread itself, you have someone blaming the Dems for not waving a magic wand and somehow assigning 6 more scotus memberswhen we don’t even have a majority in either the house or the senate, and taking such a drastic move with obvious dangers would certainly be objectionable to many.


People like you still won’t accept that it’s your fucking fault that Trump won in 2016 in the first place, and as a direct result, completely fucked the SCOTUS over for a generation, setting us back decades.

And you’re going to do it again. Because the Dems don’t tuck you in at night and tell you that they love you.


The Leftist vote is flaky. Trying to appease you is a exercise of futility.

If timed right, the Dems might be able to hold your vote for a single election. But done too early, you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by, done too late and you’ll have already made your decision and nothing will change it.

And by “you’ll find some new cause to be polarized by”, I mean conservatives will spoon feed you a new thing to be polarized by. It’s so damn predictable and you take the bait every time.

But sure, keep playing stupid games with the general election. You’ll be paying with the rest of us when your stupid games hand the reigns over to the fascists. Or we’ll spend the next term trying to make things marginally better while you whine that it’s not good enough the entire time.


Ya don’t say?1


Yet, he will happily carve out ginormous advantages for his big backers. So they don’t give a shit if the castle falls as long as they can loot the treasury and get out first.


Damn… is that screen cap from the Smart Refrigerator port of GTA 5?

Wrench, (edited )

Of course is legal to be drunk at your job as long as it doesn’t involve operation of dangerous machinery like automobiles or otherwise put someone in imminent danger.

Whether or not it will get you fired is a completely different thing.


Data entry and problem solving when they run across a new ailment. Which was rather frequent in… all of the series.


The sheer amount of energy people put into hating others who just want to be left along is mind blowing.

I remember a discussion with a friends sister. They were making some anti trans argument/joke or whatever, and I butt in with something like “why do you even care? How does it affect you in the slightest?”

She told me this story about how she asked a Costco employee for assistance. “Excuse me, ma’am… ma’am!” And the employee pointedly ignored her and walked away. Then another employee ran up and quietly told her that the employee identified as a male, but that he’d help her.

That was it. That was the one Trans story that she could bring up on how her life was negatively impacted by a Trans person.

At least she accepted how absurd her complaint was when I laughed in her face and told her “and? So Trans people can be dicks just like anyone else?”


I don’t see any problem with modders charging for their mods. They are doing work, and deserve to be compensated.

If they’re creating additional deep content, I can see that being worth paying. If it’s just some skins or configuration edits like wonky gravity, that would not be worth money to me. But I think it’s a good thing to be able to add micro transactions for.

Take the original DOTA for example. A warcraft 3 custom map. It eventually dominated the custom game lobby, at least 3:1. I would have no problem with the creator(s) making money off their creation that contributed a ton of replayability the game.

When it comes down to it, it should be the modder’s choice on if they want to charge for their work, and the consumers choice if they want to pay for it.

Also why I didn’t have problems with microtransactions for skins, particularly when it was community driven like DOTA 2. Artists can make money creating non-game altering content, and fans get to personalize their characters.


Which propagandist got banned?


Alright Mods. Explain this and the other deleted comment that call @anticolonialist out for parroting Russian propaganda.

He literally accused OP of being a nazi supporter for supporting Ukraine.

Yet, that comment stays up, while the comments calling that out as Russian propaganda are removed.

I’ve seen this a lot on politics/worldnews/news.

I’m guessing either these frequent agitators like @anticolonialist are weaponizing the report button and others aren’t responding in kind, or the moderators in these subs are orcs / zionists.



The classification of Ukrainians being Nazis as their pretext for the invasion (branded as liberation from Nazis) is categorically propaganda with zero merit.

You can whatabout all you want about western left/right propaganda, but it doesn’t change that basic fact.

And the fact that you’re still spouting that propaganda certainly makes the other user’s counter accusation that you’re a Russian apologist (orc) to be an obviously accurate statement.

And enforcement of Rule 3 against someone responding in kind, while you’re off the hook for accusing them of being a Nazi sympathizer, is absolute bullshit.


Ahh. One of the few users I blocked. I try to leave bad actors unblocked to refute their bullshit, lest impressionable readers think their opinions are valid. But if they’re visibly foaming at the mouth, they do that work for me.


I make a habit of downvoting most Newsweek and Salon articles. They are opinion drivel. Just give me the facts, and I’ll draw my own conclusion.

Wrench, (edited )

Right. Like, by what he appears to be suggesting, we should have actively joined the war in Europe earlier, instead of just supplying aid and intel to the Allies for so long before committing troops. Like somehow squash Hitler before he got very far.

So it seems like he’s advocating for us going to war with Russia immediately.

But in reality, he’s a Putin bitch boy, so that’s obviously not what he’s suggesting.

Edit - Re-reading, I can’t come to any other conclusion than he thinks we shouldn’t have joined the fight at all. But we joined only when forced by Pearl Harbor, which was a result of our aid to the Allies. And IIRC, the US wasn’t really ready to mobilize our military for a campaign in Europe for we did anyway, which is why we were sending aid in the meantime.

So the only logical conclusion I can draw is that he thinks the US should have stayed neutral. That it was out participation that was unnecessary. Particularly when he says we shouldn’t be sending Ukraine aid.


Well, I explained my reasoning in great detail. Do you disagree with any specific point?

Wrench, (edited )

I’m not a WW2 buff, but I painted my understanding of the USA’s pre-D day readiness and why we didn’t jump in directly until forced.

If that’s inaccurate, I’m interested in hearing a counter argument.

So if your interpretation of his words are correct, it seems like it’s counter to what historians believe WRT to US’s readiness to mobilize our forces at the time. At least as I understand it.

So either I understand this history here in correctly (very possible), or Lindsay is talking out his ass in a surprisingly specific way (also very possible), or he’s dog whistling for Nazis in that the US should have stayed out of it.

Given the rewriting of Nazi history that the GOP has been practicing for years, I’m going with dog whistling.

Edit - Just wanted to address the NATO point. I don’t think anyone’s disagreeing with that. No one but Russian propagandists even claim that Russia attacked because of the NATO application.


Nothing is going to win approval from you. You have already made your decision.


Am I wrong? If Biden cured ass cancer tomorrow and made the cure free for all Americans, would you realistically change your mind?


Yes, except these women were denied the responsibility because they are women in an Islamic controlled society. But the community was convinced to allow it.


It’s almost like they had to make compromises because their options were limited by materials, time, and access to the site.


Modular military engineering materials are both obscenely expensive, and temporary. They are meant as a bandaid to quickly solve transportation problems to enable logistics.

Also, being modular, they can be replaced easily and quickly.

If you want a hardy lifetime dock, you’re going to need months to years under ideal circumstances. And then Isreal could “accidentally” blow it up with a “rogue” strike, and there would be no option but to scrap the whole thing. Because most permanent docks aren’t meant to handle military strikes.

But yeah, let’s just ignore that the building constraints around this are just about the worst case imaginable. Let’s just keep whining about how a solution isn’t perfect and therefore worthless like all the other Leftist comments on Lemmy


What’s your solution, then? Overnight peace in the middle east?


And how exactly will that put food in the hands of the starving Palestinians?

Again with the “if it’s not perfect, it’s not worth doing” bullshit I’m so tired of hearing about this conflict.


You can’t be dense enough to believe that if the US stops sending Isreal aid, that suddenly Isreal will suddenly magically be completely disarmed, and aid trucks will suddenly be able to move freely. Aid trucks aren’t even on the table.


And what other conclusion is there to your answers?

Me: How would YOU put food into Palestinian hands?

You: Stop sending aid to Isreal.

Me: How does that put food in Palestinian hands?

You: Aid trucks


My point is that stopping aid to Isreal won’t put food in Palestinian bellies any time soon. And when they’re starving right now, it’s a useless gesture.

Actually doing what CAN be done right now, which is bypassing land chokepoints by building a non-perfect dock to offload millions of lbs of food, is the best solution I’ve heard of thus far, to actually stave off the immediate problem of starvation.

I’m not saying I approve of continuing to send military aid to Isreal. We can attack this from multiple fronts, but getting food and medical aid into Gaza is the most urgent need. And I don’t find your efforts to undermine the most effective, if flawed, means of getting those supplies into Gaza to be helping the Palestinian’s plight in the slightest.


Ok. And how has that negotiation been going?

I prefer to actually do what can be done in the short term, while we continue to work on long term solutions in tandem. Not just put all your eggs in the long term basket, and let the Palestinians starve if it takes too long, or doesn’t happen at all.


You claim I’m arguing in bad faith, but all your points make insanely huge assumptions on what the US is plausibly capable of forcing, and in an insanely short timespan. Particularly taking into account how little Isreal has been willing to negotiate in good faith currently and in past.


No. I’m saying that relying on that leverage completely, and expecting a fast and complete solution, and allowing the Gazians to starve to death if that hailmerry doesn’t work, is completely asinine.

And that’s not even taking into account what the absolute 180 on foreign policy WRT Isreal will cost us in the short and long term. It could very possibly give the entire election over to the Republicans. Which would obviously be even worse for Gaza.


I would rather do both, because I find it incredibly unlikely that stopping arms shipments today would do anything at all to dampen Israel’s ability to blockaid the land routes for a very long time. I also don’t think Isreal is incapable of finding weapons suppliers outside of the US if push comes to shove.


They could have spent that two months pressuring Israel to open aid corridors for trucking.

And most likely have nothing to show for it. At least the dock has already achieved getting millions of pounds of aid into Gaza, and hopefully many more millions before it breaks again.

And I’m sorry, “we have to aid Israel in its genocide to stop the Republicans from winning” is a bullshit excuse.

Maybe to you, but it’s a real risk. Not everyone lives in this progressive bubble of yours. I have zero confidence in the voting public, and I have far less confidence that the Republicans won’t actively encourage genocide in Gaza and beyond given the president and a majority in the other branches.

Wrench, (edited )

Why “most likely?” Based on what evidence?

See: the entire history of Isreal, and the middle east as a whole.

And if you feel that you need to aid another nation to continue slaughtering children to save your own, maybe you don’t have much worth saving.

Geo-politics are complicated, and more complicated when your own country is currently fighting a fascist movement.

You dismiss the very notion that all but declaring war on Isreal could possibly have negative effects on the Dems political standing. And let’s not mince words. Declaring no fly zones, DMZs and enacting sanctions, as you literally explicitly suggested, is one step away from declaring war.

And yet I’ve been accused of arguing in bad faith. Right.


There was a branch in this thread where someone else made the accusation. But fine, I retract the statement. It wasn’t your words, so no point bringing it up.

I find the request for impossible evidence to be absurd. Since the US did not take the measures you proposed 2 months ago, there is no evidence to present for either of our sides.

I point to Netanyahu’s recent and past decisions and complete unwillingness to make concessions, as well as how this conflict has been beneficial to his standing.

But obviously, we can’t know for sure what would have happened. But Isreal has never been known to be easily forced, or even compromise to anything not vastly in their favor.


And your proof that using that leverage will achieve the desired result in a 2 month time frame is…?


The tendency to make Perfect the enemy of Good.

It’s a tired theme here on Lemmy, particularly WRT Gaza, and particularly in criticism of Biden’s policy towards Isreal.


Oooo. Please get caught handling a gun in NY for some stupid photoshoot, so we can see the GOP being hypocrits yet again by covering for Trump while waving pitchforks at Hunters firearm trial.


Nor are they even remotely reliable to gauge things in the short term.

The methodology of collecting this data can be so heavily bias that the pollers can get whatever result they’re looking for, if they’re pursuing a narrative. I could write a poll that leads the poll takers to just about any desired conclusion by choosing very targeted questions with bad faith multiple choice options, and by conducting the polls targeting specific demographics. It’s a trivial thing to do.

Instead, you have to deep dive into the polling methodology, have a deep understanding of the quality of the poll operators, etc, to have any idea of if the poll was even trustworthy.

I, for one, dismiss polls entirely. There is too much disinformation, too many bad actors, whose entire goal is to “prove” their own biases in favor of their narrative, that the amount of shit buries the truth. So it seems a pointless exercise to sift through the shit to find the nuggets of truth, particularly when good faith polling isn’t at all reliable in the first place.


More, when in cases like this, the Chinese government is subsidizing the car’s manufacturing. Even without the tariffs, they aren’t playing on a level playing field. And guess what happens after they corner the EV market as planned?

It’s not hard to comprehend. The strategy is simple. Makes you wonder about the motives behind those crying “free market”

Tuberville’s Stupid Response to Trump Conviction: “This is a War” (newrepublic.com)

“People in our caucus… to me, they’re not really taking this as serious as we should,” Tuberville said. “American people need to wake up. This is a war; this is a war on our Constitutional rights, our constitutional republic. This is not as much about Donald Trump as it is about the people in this country.”...


If you’re looking for an actual war, maybe it was a bad idea to fuck over a lot of military officers with your pointless grandstanding. I doubt they have forgotten that their promotions were held hostage to your theatrics.

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