ATDA, (edited )

The old, “throw something extreme out there and call it a joke” strat eh?

His jokes are more based in reality than anything else he says…

simplejack, avatar

Given the context around the bad joke, it seems like he was going for sarcasm, but it just came out like trash because he’s old and no longer on top of his game.


After watching the video clip, I’d say that’s about the highest degree of self-awareness I’ve ever seen from Trump.

EleventhHour, avatar

It’s just an illusion, like everything else with him

EleventhHour, avatar

By November, Trump’s campaign slogan will just be, “Fuck you!”

tsonfeir, avatar

His voters will cream.

EleventhHour, avatar

It was as if they were placing their necks underneath the guillotine blade willingly… expectantly… hopefully… all in a great dare to see if fate could possibly stand up to their willful, entitled caprice.

They were met with a surprise…

MeatPilot, avatar

“Oh yes degrade me more orange daddy!! Mmmfph”

tsonfeir, avatar

All those angry Trump loving men just want their father to caress their asses gently between slaps, just like when they were kids.


Finally an honest politician, one that stabs you in the front instead of stabbing you in the back


Can’t wait for a shirtless Trump on a Billboard taking a drag off a cigarette and exhaling the smoke with the text, “If you don’t vote Trump… Fuck You!” Then flips the viewer off.

Akasazh, avatar

This was a Dutch satirical piece, a video of a politician of the ‘party against people’, in such the antisocial neoliberal is proudly staying how his party will screw people over. Indeed whilst smoking a cigarette…



I was referring to the 2006 movie Idiocracy

ShellMonkey, avatar

“See now, the press will take that, and they’ll say, ‘He said a horrible thing.’”

Ok, so the guy is a fuckwit and all, but the article has right in it where he pretty plainly put it as a joke. We don’t need to feed the new cycle with every crass bs thing that comes out of his mouth.


I mean, that was clearly what he was going for, and a news writer took the bait.

This is the kind of shit conservatives point to when they attack the “mainstream media.”


There was a rally not long ago where there was an issue with the podium. Some headline made it sound like he was unstable and shaking and had to hold on to the podium for stability. In reality the podium was wobbly and he quipped something like “oh no, it’s leaning to the left”. It was legitimately funny and a prime example of what his base finds charming. Yet still some clickbait headline tried to spin it in a bad way. Fucking infuriating.


Show us the video.

psyc, avatar

With all the valid reasons to criticize Trump it is unfortunate when the media plays up stupid things for headlines. Just distracts from credible complaints

ShellMonkey, (edited ) avatar

My thoughts exactly. Things have gotten so absurd ‘OMG Turnip sed WHAT?’ that it makes it all the more difficult to sort out and find the actually bad things. With all the noise it just makes it easier for his followers to claim whatever is the latest was ‘out of context/misinterpreted’.


Thanks for showing the video. Yup, I hate that guy, but the podium was indeed wobbly.


Can you explain to me how this is a joke?

His audience laughed because they’re dumb. But to me, this looks like the negging thing where you anticipate being called out for your insult and say “It’s a joke. It’s just a joke!”


Yeah, he takes a sec, realizes what he said and then tries to play it off

ShellMonkey, avatar

He’s always on about how much the media hates him, so it’d be right in character as a way to troll them, and it’s an easy click bait headline. He may not be that concerned with the people, but it’d be a bad look to gather a bunch of people in dangerous conditions to let them die of heat stroke.


I mean, he basically did that with COVID.


I mean, regardless, the reason he says shit like that is so he can later point to the media and say “look what they’re saying about me,” and his cultists lap it up. It doesn’t really matter much if he meant it or not.


Seems like just a straight up ploy for free publicity. He needs (craves) media attention, and saying outrageous things is his favorite way of getting to the top of the 24 hour news cycle.


Sometimes, I forget how awful Trump is.

He can say true truly outrageous things and then somehow have them written off as less important than they really are because the media reports on it.


Just a prank bro!


Except that we know it’s not a joke to him. Fuckwit and all, he is serious, you know.


This is the bread and butter of wine moms and reddit political subs


Ideally we just create a situation where he can’t disseminate information.

sensiblepuffin, avatar

To be fair, he kind of can’t now.


He still has rallys and a phone.

sensiblepuffin, avatar

I was tongue-in-cheekily saying he’s not capable of generating information out of his mouth, but you are correct


I gotcha, lol


We as a people already lost. It’s just a show.


I make a habit of downvoting most Newsweek and Salon articles. They are opinion drivel. Just give me the facts, and I’ll draw my own conclusion.


The media did exactly what he said they would and then quoted him saying they would do that?


His followers will love it though.


Sure. “A joke.”

“Just kidding, heh (but seriously, I don’t care about you.)”

What did Trump do for Nevadans when he was president?



Any trump supporter reading this will see this thread and know that the Democrats are delusional because the full context of the quote shows that it was not to be taken seriously and within seconds Trump not only dismissed it as a joke but called that liberals would take this quote out of context and run with it.

Which is exactly what is happening. Besides giving Republicans more reasons to stick their heads in the sand, what on earth is the point of discussing this? Trump himself called out that it’s just more good publicity for him.

elbarto777, (edited )

I couldn’t care less about what “any Trump supporter” may think of what I write. I’ll take “any” as “the average Trump supporter,” and we already know they are not the brightest, and they’re not to be taken seriously about “what they think about them libs.”

All I care about is that I’ll make my vote count.

the full context of the quote shows that it was not to be taken seriously

Correct. Not to be taken seriously - by them. But people know who that piece kf garbage is, and he was serious.

and within seconds Trump not only dismissed it as a joke but called that liberals would take this quote out of context and run with it.

Correct. Except that it is he who conveniently says that it would be taken out of context. Lol oh Trump, so funny! What will he say next? “All jews must be exterminated- lol just kidding see the libs get all worked up”? Hilarious! Truly a 4D chess move.

In a decent scenario, such a “joke” would have been career ending.

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