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He was coherent in the past?


It’s having problems with its RCS system

The thrusters that turn the craft around and allow precise movement aren’t working properly, they barely got the thing to dock with the ISS.

Despite what nasa says publicly, I’m sure there’s a lot of internal debate about if it’s even safe to undock the thing from the station. If it loses orientation control while still close to the ISS, it could easily damage the station and kill people. That’s if some of the damaged thrusters aren’t the ones that allow the craft to go backwards, kind of important if you want to leave the station.


Right now nothing is leaking.

The leaks are only present when the fuel system is open or ready to fire


The US navy has almost as many aircraft as all of Russia.

The US Army has more aircraft than all of Russia.

The US Airforce has more aircraft than the US navy and army.

That’s just planes and helicopters.

If you think any of the countries you talked about are a serious threat to the US outside of nuclear war, then you’re sorely mistaken about how truly insane US defense spending is.


There’s already enough nukes on hair triggers to destroy modern civilization several times over.

We don’t need more nukes, so it’s extremely concerning that countries are spending so much money on building more.

It’s important to remember that every single day, the world is about 30 minutes away from nuclear annihilation. And that in about an hour, every major city on the planet could be an irradiated wasteland.


He was a US citizen.

The military should not be drone striking its own citizens, no matter what they’re suspected of. He had the right to a trial.


When did Al-Qaeda become a military? It’s a terrorist organization.

And when did it become a war. Congress hasn’t declared a war since World War 2. Legally, all of killing in the Middle East has been done under the guise of military policing actions.

Are we going to drone strike proud boy leaders now? They did try to overthrow the US government a few years ago. Oh wait, they just got slaps on the wrist.

So do we only blow up US citizens and deny them their rights when it would be difficult to get them? I guess the FBI can stop spending so much money on training agents to apprehend suspects, if they’re running or have already fled the country, we’ll just assassinate them because that’s way easier and safer.

The fact that this guy, regardless of what he did, was assassinated on the orders of a US president, and nothing happened, should be deeply disturbing. You don’t have rights if someone can just blow you up from out of nowhere for any reason. You just have privileges that can be revoked at any time.

He had the right to a trial. Not a privilege to have one, a right. An attempt to apprehend him should have at least been made.


God, I hope it doesn’t spread, because then people will keep saying global pandemic.

Pandemic already means global.

It’s like saying Mariachi Band, or ATM Machine.


‘pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”’

From an article on the national institute of health, specifically about the definition of a pandemic. And how the old definition of it being a global disease that spreads rapidly may not be effective anymore with flu strains due to vaccines.


Implying they ever stopped.

You can’t think all of those private military contractors get all of their money from Uncle Sam.

Corporations have been using mercenaries for hundreds of years, they’ve just refined their PR departments lately.


I can land any plane you put me in.

I can’t promise you can use the plane again, or that I’ll be alive, but the plane will be somewhere on the ground.


That’s still ludicrously hot


30 isn’t so bad as long as it’s not really humid out.


Magic number on screen must go up

Magic number only goes up if more people buy more stuff

Need more people to buy more stuff


Super Sweet

Tell me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is without telling me you don’t know what an Irish car bomb is.


I think this is a regional thing, as you just made me doubt myself.

I’ve ordered car bombs here in the Midwest and it’s always been whiskey and a stout. I don’t know if I’d call anything with just coffee liqueur in it a “car bomb” that’s not a very strong drink.

A quick Wikipedia check says it can be either Irish cream or whiskey, and that the names are somewhat interchangeable.


Wow, you’re pleasant.

See, where I’m from, a carbomb is a cocktail made from beer and hard liquor. We’ve got Chicago carbombs/handshakes which is Malort and Old Style. I’ve even had a Mexican carbomb with tequila and Modelo.

Coffee liqueur and beer isn’t really a thing where I’m from, in the heart of corn country. So you’re the one drinking milk shakes at the bar as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe instead of being a dick to people because of where they happen to live, you could try to learn about cultural and regional differences.


Can’t say I’ve ever had the cream


Are the corpos finally figuring out that there are not infinite people with infinite money?


Double down on the studio that takes 10 years to make a game, 1 years after their last game.

They’re not the brightest


They take like 10 years to release a game

They have plenty of time, just not the talent or vision to do anything good with it. Their stories are extremely bare bones, the bugs are prolific, and the power creep is more a power slide straight into godhood by level 15 because of the short main quests.


Vlad took a swig of his “Coffee” at his station. His commander had said something about “make sure you use the drill launch codes during the test”

Vlad pondered the sticky note that had been on his work station since he got there. 2 lines of numbers written haphazardly on aging yellow paper loomed before him. Was it the top one that was real, or the bottom. Surely the drill code would be used more and should be on top. But the real code is more important, so it should be on top.

His radio chirped, and the angry voice of his commander squealed out. It was time.

He took a coin from his pocket and flipped it, tails, bottom code it is. He entered the numbers and hit the worn red button on his console.

As he heard the rumble of rocket engines from deep in the bunker, he knew his luck was as rotten as ever. He swigged his coffee one last time.


His arms randomly fall off while he’s walking.


Game came out 8 years ago

How many mod authors are gonna come back years after the last patch to fix their mods?

Bethesda screwed over the modding community


At this point we’re not even sure if fully autonomous vehicles are possible.

Yes that one guy has been saying it’ll be ready next year for the passed 10 years, but no self driving company has been able to get an autonomous car from point A to point B in all road conditions that a competent human can manage.

Even aircraft autopilot is not as autonomous as what people want out of self driving cars. Pilots are still required to be at their seats the entire flight in case something unexpected happens. And there are a lot more unexpected things on a road than in the middle of the sky. Even discounting human drivers being in the way, a self driving car needs to be able to recognize everything a human can and react to it better than a human would. I’m not sure that’s possible, even with “AI”. The human brain is insanely good at pattern matching, and it took millions of years of trial and error evolution to luck our way into that. How can someone guarantee an AI is going to be better?


I don’t know, all I know is that last time I played was right after they made the original story unavailable, so I had no connection with any of the factions or NPCs that were introduced.

Played with friends for like a week and moved onto something else because I hate games where you just grind for stats endlessly only to have them get nerfed or banned so you can grind for stats endlessly again.


It’s tor-tia

Not Tort-illa

Having a Mexican wife, and having learned Spanish, it makes me irrationally angry when I watch British cooking shows and watch them butcher the pronunciation of basic ingredients. Especially when those same ingredients sound fine when spoken in American English.

I also didn’t know wtf Gordon Ramsey was taking about when he kept saying Picko-Da-Gello, until they showed it on screen.

Y’all spend hundreds of years conquering the planet in search of spices, and failed to learn not only how to use them, but what they’re even called.



Pico de Gallo


Garage(from the French, and absolutely butchered by the British)

Aluminum(not really a loan word but what’s with the extra letters)

Those are the ones off the top of my head, but I might actually make a list.


Maybe it’s just because I had the proper pronunciation drilled into me, it bothers me that I had went through a lot of arguments and effort to make myself better understood, and the people on these shows don’t even vaguely try despite having access to professional consultants or even just the internet.

I try to make myself understood, and hearing someone casually butcher a language I worked very hard to learn is frustrating.


But a bunch of other elements don’t follow that pattern, why don’t they say “ironium”?


He was pretty far away, and that was a small bomb


Spending a Thousand dollars on a glorified legal pad sounds clinically insane.

I have a TV for watching things at home.

I have a phone for watching things on the go.

If I need to look up information outside my house, again I have my phone which I already pay to be connected to the internet. You need an additional line on your plan for a data connection on an iPad, or rely on public WiFi.

If I need to take notes on something, I can use a 1 dollar legal pad or notebook, which is barely bigger than an IPad and will never run out of charge. If I need to take so many notes that I’ll fill up an entire notebook, I’ll probably just ask to record the thing as a voice memo on my phone.

I’ve still never been convinced that an iPad is a useful device, and I don’t see any way the Vision Pro will be useful for anything other than inundating us with advertising for a larger percent of our existence. God forbid someone spend 10 minutes not looking at their phone and generating revenue for an ad company, now they want to literally strap them to our heads.


I think it’s more to due to the radius.

It’s hard to tell the exact size from the picture, but the diameter of that loop seems to be at least several meters.

The one at action park was like 2 wide.

A bigger circle means less G forces while going around the loop, and less injuries. But action park rides were designed and built by the owner, who was not an engineer and apparently did not know any engineers. I’m pretty sure if you mentioned angular velocity to him, he’d just say that’s a sick name for a ride and then run away to get to a hardware store as fast as possible.


Live through house fire

Die a month later from all the lung infections


Kid’s parents probably bought that person their house.


Tell me you don’t know how tips work without telling me.

I had a small coffee shop put a 100% tip on my card. Went back the next day and they wouldn’t fix it, so I called the credit company and had it charged back.

Something like this would be very helpful to someone who doesn’t check their statements weekly like I do.


Credit card isn’t a bank account, it’s a line of credit. you can freeze credit and charge it back for fraudulent purchases.

I guess you never buy anything off the internet then either.

And if you do buy off the internet, you should use credit, as it’s much safer to freeze a credit card than your entire bank account if your card gets leaked.

Also don’t get why you’re being so hostile to a comment that’s simply explaining how a different works. Must be a European thing.


Pfft, fresh fruit and eggs for breakfast. What a waste of hard earned money for a 10 minute transitory moment.


Doesn’t matter the amount of money or the time.

The fact is that creating enjoyable memories for yourself or as a couple is important for a relationship. Having a nice vacation in general is important for mental health, especially if you’re an American who likely almost never gets to be truly away from work.

Disparaging someone for saving money for a vacation is just an elitist attitude.

You could survive off of multivitamins, rice and beans for the rest of your life if you really wanted to not waste money. Yet you’re now defensive of a mediocre breakfast. So at what point does spending money on “transitory moments” become wasteful to you.


The slime people are worse, but I’ll leave that to your imagination in case you haven’t read all the books


You grossly overestimate the intelligence of libertarians.


A part of me says that it’s entirely reasonable that a guy who worked for Boeing and likely signed off on thousands of defective parts would feel a brutal surge of guilt after giving testimony about it. I can’t imagine the guilt if I thought I had potentially hundreds of people’s blood on my hands. We don’t know if he was or felt he was responsible for the deaths caused by MCAS or other tragedies. Maybe saying it out loud brought all of it back and he felt like he needed an out.

Another, louder part of me, says that Boeing either pressured him into committing suicide, or shot him themselves to stop him from revealing too much damaging information.

Another part of me remembers that Malaysia Flight 370 was a Boeing plane that disappeared by essentially cutting all communications and flying back towards the mainland. Knowing now what we do about how Boeing has been run, I think the most likely thing is that some serious technical issues happened to that plane, the pilots tried to return back but were unable to control the plane long enough, probably due to being unconscious or dead, and it eventually crashed into the ocean.


Unfortunately the US has basically been running on the polite fiction that people who want to be leaders will be good leaders and behave like rational human beings.

So when someone who has no good intentions and is not rational got into power, we learned that a lot of things we thought of as laws were really just habits.

And as much as it sucks, it’s actually sensible that trump can run until he’s been proven guilty. Otherwise a wannabe dictator could just drown the opposition in frivolous lawsuits and bar them from running because of the suspicion of crime.

Don’t get me wrong, I think trump is guilty as sin and is a danger to our democracy. But, we need to be careful how we respond to this, or it could be worse when the next maniac gets into power and starts banning people from running because all of his opponents are suddenly under investigation for tax irregularities or littering.

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (www.pcgamer.com)

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


It’s not a space sim.

It’s a life sim set in space.

Chris won’t stop until ShowerTech™ is in the game with realistic health debuffs so there’s a consequence when you don’t do the maintenance gameplay loop on your ship’s bathroom.

I wish that was entirely a joke.

But Star citizen has always had FPS missions as a core gameplay aspect, and it’s really one of their main selling points. In no other game can you walk out of a mission, into a ship, hop in the pilot seat and go from the ground to orbit with no cutscene and all of it under player control. The amount of crazy shit you can do just because your character can leave the pilot seat is ridiculous. A month ago I teamed up with some dude who did bounty hunting. He EMPd the other player, had me EVA over to their ship, shoot open the airlock, and gun down the target, all so his buddy could come over and harvest the ship for resources to sell. The emergent gameplay, even though the game can still be very rough, is a really cool aspect of what they’ve made.

Schiff says he hopes Intelligence Community ‘will dumb down’ briefings for Trump (thehill.com)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said the U.S. Intelligence Community should “dumb down” briefings for former President Trump when he receives classified information as the eventual GOP nominee, voicing concerns about whether Trump could share the information....


If trump posted classified documents to thug shaker central, do you think he’d already be in prison?

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