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The French branch filed bankruptcy 10 years ago.

Some of the stores became Micromania-Zing (owned by gamestop) which amazingly enough still exists.

Yeah, those have been primarily funko pop stores for years too. Their new games are like 20% more expensive than everyone else, and their second hand games priced like everyone else’s new.


Game doesn’t exist anymore where I live, but the last thing I bought from a similar store (down to overpriced games and being mostly about merch) was a 8bitdo controller several years ago. I was there, price was not excessive, and it was slightly more convenient than having one delivered.

Beyond that… I went a couple times just to pick up a free event pokémon on 3DS, and nothing else, and I think the last actual game I got from them must have been Order of Ecclesia on the DS.


Until they give a “better” reason, I am going to assume the one they hinted at is true, and Microsoft just decided that it was worthless because it wasn’t “Mikami’s studio” anymore. Honestly, I already suspected it.

In which case, fuck them. These games were not made by one person, a studio is bigger than its director. And the rest of them didn’t get even one chance to prove themselves.

Truly shows how little they value the people who make their games.


I think those were mostly from his predecessor, but yeah, the post seems well suited for weather vanes.

Just spew whatever bullshit is floating in the wind at the moment.


What was the other one? i am not really following any kind of PvP shooters, but I wasn’t aware zero-g ones was a thing.

Or is trying to be a thing, apparently…


Is that the one?…

A bit hard to see how it actually plays from the video because VR, but it looks kinda cool.


Tons of people destroying their furniture while playing.

Oh wow it was like the Wii again then!


Wow really? There is so much competition that there are non-VR games that would dream about 10k concurrent players. That’s crazy.

brsrklf, (edited )

It’s supposed to be the chronological order, and I imagine the games are separate enough, with only loose connections, that it doesn’t really matter in this case.

Because really, chronological is not the best order for many stories.

One of the best known examples is Star Wars, where episodes 4-5 lose a lot of their power if you’ve seen the prequels first.

A video game example would be Beaten Kaitos Origins, which is IMO one of the best attempt at a prequel ever. It completely turns the interpretation of the first game on its head, and makes both better because of it. It would ruin the effect to play BKO first.


At that point I have absolutely no idea what they’re trying to do with that series.

They clearly don’t care about the dozens of us (dozens!) that just wanted the end of that quirky little game from the 00’s. So they’d want a new market for it, as was clear from that now old E3 shitshow… But why would those new players care about that IP at all?

A direct sequel, as good as it is, would have a tiny reception, and anything else would disappoint anyone who still cares about the first one. And I expect those to be vocal if not many.


I did see a few low-poly, very PS1 or N64-looking indies recently, even going as far as mimicking the weird texture wobbling from the PS1.

But Penny’s big breakaway is not really low-poly, or something that looks like 5th gen/PS1. Not graphically anyway.

Though it’s mechanically rather retro, with the focus on move combos, scoring and speedrunning. It’s almost more of a linear kind of skate or jet set radio-like game than a platformer.

brsrklf, (edited )

Oo boy, no they didn’t.

Beyond Good and Evil is a nice game, made by Michel Ancel’s team (the original guy behind Rayman and much later fucking Rabbids at Ubisoft) around 2003 for 6th gen. It’s a quite decent sort of Zelda-esque action/exploration game with good characters, humour, a bit of short alternate gameplay phases like stealth, boat races, etc.

It’s a bit short, but the time it lasts is very enjoyable. And then first problem, it doesn’t really end. It needs a sequel, badly. And unfortunately the game doesn’t seem to have been a huge success commercially.

So a small group of dedicated fans waits for a sequel announcement, that doesn’t come for a long time. After a couple years, a video trailer “leaks” randomly showing the two protagonists on a… road trip? Maybe? And basically nothing else. It’s enough to get people excited though.

Mostly radio silence for a looong time, fast forward to E3 2017, and big announcement at E3 on Ubisoft’s stage with Michel Ancel and company. No, we didn’t abandon the BG&E 2 project. Except now it’s sort of a procedural, planet-wide multiplayer oriented game. A prequel too, with different characters. Also we’re making a weird collaborative contest thing where you people submit art to us and we’re including it into the game.

It was awkward. It looked nothing like the first game was, and it wasn’t a sequel. Fans of the first game are like, where are my tiny but carefully crafted world and Zelda-like dungeons? When will we finally know what happens to the guys whose story we began 15 years before? Why is this turning into “generic Ubisoft game ”?

None of that mattered, since we’re in 2024 and that game still doesn’t exist.

So yeah, fond memories for the OG, but mostly a huge disappointment.


Also enjoy the ride but don’t expect we’ll ever get a resolution for that story.


I don’t have much hope for that really. As I said, BG&E never was a commercial success, and republishing it twice doesn’t seem to have changed much.

I am pretty sure they went for something completely different at E3 because they knew that fans of the first game were already not a lot, and part would have already moved on. They were not going to continue a story like 15 years had not happened in between episodes.

And now, we’re 20 years later…


Oh yeah, you’re right, that was a thing.

Wasn’t there a bird game thing he was supposed to do on the side? I don’t even know what happened to this.


A freaking Dragon Quest 3 remake needs a performance mode so you can prioritize frame rate? On a PS5?


Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance / Bomberman Tournament multiworld

So… that’s a thing apparently.


To be fair, Nintendo 3DS shells aren’t exactly very high quality either.

I have an original Majora n3DS XL. After a few months, the golden paint started disappearing around the borders, where my palm/fingers would rest.

To their credit, I could get a free replacement shell (with the right colour and pattern) from customer service when I asked about it. But after this I just resorted to using a clear rubber outer case to keep the paint from rubbing off again.


Yeah, I suspect the last minute trailer request too. I am a huge fan of the Metroid Prime trilogy (hunters doesn’t count), and that trailer did practically nothing for me.

Woo, slight remix of the space pirate theme, scanning a dead pirate, and morph balling through a conduit. And three seconds of Sylux, again, because we’re supposed to care about that character for some reason.

brsrklf, (edited )

I prefer GameCube control for MP1 and 2 too.

Though MP3 did the wiimote control very well IMO (duh, it was made for it, but still, in this case it added something).

I have not tried MP1’s switch remake though, I only played the original MP and MP2 on gamecube and then Trilogy on the Wii.


It failed completely at being a Metroid game. It’s obvious the single-player “story” was just hastily hacked together from the multiplayer mode.

Maps were linear, without any kind of secrets or exploration. They were mostly boring corridors between multiplayer arenas for fights against bots.

The only abilities were different coloured guns, and while the MP trilogy gives the four beams specific properties to interact with the environment, I can’t remember what most Hunters guns were supposed to do beside opening corresponding doors.

There were three boring and mostly static bosses in the whole game, two of them copy pasted once to make it last a bit longer.

I don’t even think its controls or arena map design felt like Metroid Prime. The very limited Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer felt more like “competitive Metroid Prime”. It was more fun to me anyway, not that I’d buy a Metroid game for multiplayer.


The reveal wasn’t a complete surprise though.

It was hinted that guy would return in MP3’s ending, and apparently in Federation Force too (I haven’t played that one, but of course the reveal has been floating around).

Sure, it was still kind of hidden, but for those who recognized him at all, chances are they’d knew that too.

The trailer certainly failed at making his apparition exciting in any case.

brsrklf, (edited )

I have a personal beef with that game :)

I am sure there are people with good memories of it as an arena shooter, but I had little interest in that. And as a Metroid, it sucked (…sorry)

I remember trying the First Hunt demo, that was a demo cartridge from the beginning of the DS and was supposed to be a short teaser for what Hunters would be. Back then I thought, yeah, with a game around it, it could be great.

Turns out the actual Hunters was absolutely nothing like that, and focused only on multiplayer. The only reason they tacked a half-assed single-player mode on it is so it could be sold to people who wanted an actual Metroid game. I’d respect the game more if they didn’t try to sell it as more than it really was.


Sims 3 tried to approximate that, though in reality Sims that you couldn’t see around at the moment had a very simple alternate simulation instead of the full sim for those you were watching.

The illusion mostly worked and you technically had a full seamless small town you could visit and interact directly with.

Sims 3 was also an unstable nightmare, but it was made for what is now 15-year-old hardware and, I assume, held together with shoestrings.

They got rid of the seamless part in 4, instead splitting the world in tiny groups of a couple buildings each, meaning even EA probably thought the open town was too much trouble. Too bad because the separate blocks are a lot more boring too… Like most of the Sims 4 really.


I thought that credit shit died after the 7th gen and its wii/xbox points.

That it still exists, only for a single game baffles me.


Wow. What a load of crap indeed.


Sure it’s profitable, but it’s also (correctly) seen as a manipulative, and some companies have stopped using those.

As I said Nintendo and Xbox store used to do that, but they transitioned to prices in real money quite some time ago, and if they got a wallet, they let you fill it with the exact amount of what you’re buying. Same with PS store, most PC game stores, even freaking playdate catalogue and where the average payment must be like $3.

I expect that from shitty mobile games, because I know mobile gaming monetization is fucked forever, but I didn’t know major publishers still used that garbage unemptiable wallet strategy.


Extremely positive actual roguelike? I need to try that.


I am almost certain Smash bros’s competitive, online players is a tiny sliver of its user base. The rest doesn’t care much where their favourite characters are in the current meta.

For casual to average players, almost any character is viable. Only at high level do a few characters dominate the whole game.


A friend of mine once showed me that he played Ark on the Switch. At that point I didn’t even know there was a Switch port, and I was wondering how playable it could be.

Ten minutes in : holy hell what a mess.

Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Addresses Studio Closures (

“The closure of any team is hard obviously on the individuals there, hard on the team,” Spencer said. "I haven’t been talking publicly about this, because right now is the time for us to focus on the team and the individuals. It’s obviously a decision that’s very hard on them, and I want to make sure through severance...


Well, I don’t think they’re putting up a very good show right now.


The way I understand their description, they really want emergent stories rather than any written plot, so I wouldn’t expect any kind of specific objectives from it.

Interesting, but as any procedural game, it will be a difficult balance between believable, consistent simulation and unexpected stuff keeping things exciting.


Can’t watch right now, but I know Metroid’s music sounds a lot better on the Famicom Disk System version.

The famous item fanfare used in all the series is barely recognizable on a NES because it’s lacking a key sound channel.


Terrible article, shit site. Reeks of AI rewriting (tenses are all over the place and extra useless sentences everywhere), no source link (instead clicking on “NASA” leads to more stuff they scraped).

For the first time in 80 years, the phenomenon of the sky will adorn our night sky.

Seriously, no human has ever read this sentence before publishing it. Don’t give these your clicks.

Here is the NASA article :…/nasa-global-astronomers-await-rare-nov…


Hey, they did Race the Sun, that was fun. Interesting.

I am going to wait till it’s finished though.


Ah yes, stealth whale hunting.


Also internally : “The result of our cleverly disguised market study came in, there is still too much backlash against it right now. Try again in 6 months.”


If only closing it would protect the screen of an OG 3DS…

Without screen protection you’d end up with scratches of two vertical lines and a perfect circle on the upper screen, the imprint of the lower screen border and stick.


Not sure retro 3D, racing and dark environments are a good fit, but maybe that’s just me.

Not all of it, but parts of the video look very dark with barely anything to help visualize the track.


I don’t think any Mario Kart map look nearly that dark. Even Ghost Valley/Broken Pier and Mario Kart 64 tunnels are pretty obviously delimited with colourful stuff. And obviously all items and characters are ultra-bright.


They’re talking about giving away their account. They don’t care about what happens to it, except maybe in the sense they’d prefer someone who wouldn’t waste it.


The first sentence of that review also describes the game as a “propulsive throwback”.


Uh. Make that what you will.


I sure do. A lot of it is Beat Saber, but it is quite a lot.

I’ll get a PS5 in like, 4 years. Maybe. If I find something I absolutely need on it.


Nice “crossover” Microsoft. Know what, put some Fable or Hi-Fi Rush in Call of Duty next, I’m sure that’s what the fans really want.


I am sure marketing people have concluded I was in the minority, but I developed a complete aversion to clicking on something with that kind of title.

Oh yeah, this trend that is killing games. Respectfully, fuck off, gameranx.


Okay, I’m all for good, complete education, but blaming people not understanding media on “too much STEM” is a bit ridiculous.


Sorry, dude, what you said must have been very interesting, but at some point I just stopped reading to optimize a watermelon workflow instead. Weird.


This is what bothered me in the original discussion, making it seem like being in STEM somehow doesn’t prepare you at all for critical thinking in general. On the contrary, I believe too there are people who develop it in part because of the S in there. It’s not necessary, but it’s an important tool.

Hopefully people don’t need a college degree in literature to understand basic subtext. We ask kindergarteners to do that with Dr Seuss.

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