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Argentina asks to join NATO as President Milei seeks a more prominent role for his nation (apnews.com)

Argentina formally requested on Thursday to join NATO as a global partner, a status that would clear the way for greater political and security cooperation at a time when the right-wing government of President Javier Milei aims to boost ties with Western powers and attract investment....


We don’t need any fascists in NATO. Go knock at Russia’s door.


Second, a reduction in the trade imbalance — Chinese goods exports to the EU exceeded its imports from the 27-nation bloc by 291 billion euros ($310 billion) last year.

Lmao. How about you take that discussion with our capitalist oligarchs that send all of our industries to China because it’s cheaper, maximizes their profit margins and pushes their beloved stocks in the green? What is China supposed to do about that? Not take deals from Europeans?


Soon they’ll start sending them to the showers. We’ve seen this before. Fascists never change


I’d rather not and I’m a European from a NATO country. Why tf would we want to expand to south America? We’ve got other fish to fry here.


And aren’t we doing the same? I mean, I’ve seen companies advertise their products as “battle tested” after sending them to Ukraine or Israel. Not to say that supporting Ukraine is bad, I’m a big supporter of Ukraine (and definitely not of Israel). But yeah, I don’t see the point of this article. It tries to “point out” something that we’ve been doing ourselves as if Iran or Russia first came up with the idea of battle testing their products.


Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. The US even went to war over one of its embassies getting attacked.


Money speaks louder than children can scream


The cognitive dissonance is deafening. Israel attacks Iran, Iran retaliates, Iran is to be sanctioned now??


Sure fam. It always starts exactly when Israel says it starts and that isn’t to be questioned, right?


Never going to happen. We’re too dependant on other continents (US, Asia) and they’re working overtime to make it stay that way.

Ukraine backers blast ‘double standard’ after allies rush to Israel’s defense (www.politico.eu)

If the United States and its allies can rush to Israel’s defense in the skies, shooting down dozens of drones and missiles fired by Iran, why can’t they do the same for Ukraine — which has suffered under Russia’s missile attacks for more than two years?...


Yep. Which is why the liberal “international rules based world order” is nothing but a scam at this point. To many countries the only line of defense against getting invaded by a major nuclear power is having a capable nuclear arsenal themselves.


I completely agree with that but I fail to understand what you’re trying to exactly say in this context The international rules based world order has way too many holes and now with the emerging of the multipolar world we will see a lot more countries willing to exploit these holes. Some of these will end up invading others. That’s why many countries with aspirations to becoming a regional power will always invest in nuclear capabilities.


I fail to understand what the system of governance (parliamentary republic, one party system, or whatever) has to do with how the world is run, or better said what the protocols on handling situations and relationships between nation states have to do with how those countries are ran politically or economically.

With that being said, don’t forget that the “not actual totalitarians” here don’t necessarily have a problem with supporting or installing totalitarian regimes as long as it benefits them.


Democracy is dying in Germany. We didn’t even need to let the far right get into government for these things to happen. I’m afraid of what will be bestowed upon us when they do get in power and have all of these tools at their disposal


It was never about Hamas. It was always about more land grabs, more ethnic cleansing, more settling.


So fed up he’ll conveniently drop a few more billion dollars of ammunition on Israel’s shores


So was it a terrorist or was it a lone wolf with mental health problems


So was it a terrorist or was it a lone wolf with mental health problems? I HAVE to know!


German democracy is dying. Think about Varoufakis whatever you want but when the far right will have the same tools that this government has put in place it won’t be just greek lefties they’re going after


Yeah. They also arrested a jewish guy for flying a sign with “jews against genocide”. Apparently for the german police that counts as “hate speech”. This country is becoming a joke


Well, Iran has the right to defend itself


What makes him a hate speaker? What did he say


Sounds like more excuses to justify an ethnic cleansing…


Reminder: rare Ws don’t imply frequent Ls!

febra, (edited )

Settle, occupy, kill. Israel’s government is an expert at this

German university rescinds US scholar’s job offer over pro-Palestinian letter (www.theguardian.com)

A leading Jewish American philosopher has been disinvited from taking up a prestigious professorship at the University of Cologne after signing a letter expressing solidarity with Palestinians and condemning the killings in Gaza carried out by Israeli forces.


A leading Jewish American philosopher has been disinvited from taking up a prestigious professorship at the University of Cologne after signing a letter expressing solidarity with Palestinians and condemning the killings in Gaza carried out by Israeli forces.

When I was telling people over here that Germans have literally gone crazy, as far as claiming that a bunch of JEWISH academics and intellectuals were antisemitic, people were telling me I’m overreacting lmao


This sets a very, very problematic precedent. Imagine Russia just randomly deciding to storm the US embassy in Moscow. The shitshow would be crazy. Of course embassies should be absolutely completely off limits. If you have a problem with an embassy, there are mechanisms to kick the staff out, or hell even kick the embassy out

Israel’s security at core of German foreign policy due to Holocaust, ICJ hears (www.theguardian.com)

Nicaragua told the ICJ that it was “pathetic” for Germany to provide Palestinians with humanitarian aid while supplying the arms that killed them, and that Germany seemed “not to be able to differentiate between self-defence and genocide”.


Germany conveniently ignoring all other victims of the Holocaust, while conflating Judaism with Zionism. What a joke


!wintermute_oregon Weren’t you saying a couple of days ago that Trump will definitely help Ukraine out?


That’s straight up bullshit. I’ve seen countless videos over the last few months of arrests where people are literally pummeled by cops with fists to their heads (with metal gloves), or straight up covering their mouths from behind, or dragging and hitting pregnant women, and so on. Besides that Aljazeera has as much integrity as CNN. Not the best, but let’s not act like they’re RT News or Sputnik.

febra, (edited )

because german Cops don’t have metal gloves

Plastic gloves, whatever. Hard gloves. You can see them on video. Getting hit in the face by those isn’t pleasant any other way. It’s also interesting how you don’t address any valid criticism at all but just try to do casual hasbara “explaining yourself around”

and sometimes even disinformation to push a narrative is somehow comparable to CNN

Lol, the same CNN that made IDF propaganda videos about the supposed “HAMAS CONTROL CENTER” and “Hamas using hospitals as fighting positions” where they filmed a backpack with a gun behind AN MRT MACHINE. And even the same CNN that back in the day lied about WMDs in Iraq. Yes, they are very, very comparable in integrity. Get off your high horse here

febra, (edited )

Germany is a disaster. The amount of state repression happening all around is insane. The police violence is insane. No people should end up in a hospital bed for going to a PEACEFUL protest and ending up getting pummeled by cops hitting them in the head or breaking their legs. Or peaceful activists getting stormed by police armed with automatic rifles in their homes because of their support for palestine.

febra, (edited )

those beacons of free-speech are not biased in any way

Tell me you have no arguments without telling me you have no arguments. Instead of addressing the critics and their points, you go on ad hominem attacks on your western superiority high horse instead because you have no arguments. Otherwise you would’ve addressed these “BS claims” already. Oh look at you how civilized you are in comparison to those barbarians, am I right?


Then why are artists getting canceled left and right by the government for signing letters in support of a ceasefire? Why are university professors getting their job offers taken back because of the same thing? Why are cultural institutions getting their funding pulled by the government and end up having their existence put at risk because they host peaceful activists like “jewish voice for peace”? Why do peaceful protesters end up in hospital beds after getting attacked by the police? Why does the police storm PEACEFUL activists homes? Why are state owned banks closing down bank accounts of said activists? (Jewish voice for peace had their bank account frozen by Sparkasse Berlin) Why are getting peaceful protesters arrested for signs like “jews against genocide”?

Where is the oversight? How is this not state repression? This whack is happening right under the state’s eyes and no one seems to do anything. It will surely be fun in a decade when the far right rules this country and they do the same thing without any oversight.


Why should they have relations with Israel? Palestine is recognized by 140 UN member countries too and yet Germany or the US don’t have a diplomatic relationship with it. Should we stop listening to the US, the UK or Germany now? We should straight up stop posting anything about Palestine if it’s coming from BBC, DW, or whatever other publication with strong ties to the state because the countries they reside in and by which they are (fully or partially) owned don’t recognize Palestine.


Go check the other guy’s reply with videos of cops assaulting peaceful protesters. He replied to you specifically and you replied back, so there’s absolutely no chance you haven’t seen those videos.


And at the same time, raiding embassies sets a very, very bad precedent, whether you like Mexico’s president or not


This is straight up insane. Yes, Russia invades other countries. No, that doesn’t make raiding embassies good suddenly. International laws should be respected (and that goes for the west as well). Violating international law without any repercussions sets a very bad precedent (like unlawful invasions - see Irak, Ukraine).


So basically in all the countries that are in love with settler colonialism, condemning and boycotting settler colonialism is illegal.


How dare you protect a marginalized minority!


I don’t think it’s genocides we have a problem with. We’ve committed and supported our own atrocities.


Just as the Shinbet ignored their operatives warnings about the incoming 7th of October Hamas attacks, the FSB ignored the US warnings about this terrorist attack. My opinion is that this worked for Russia as intended. Russia was just looking for its very own 7th of October moment that they could stroke in the media to garner more support from the population, including from regime critical parts of the population. The moment the attack happened the Putin propaganda machine started pouring with “Ukraine did it” and not even two days later Ukraine is pummeled by one of the biggest rocket barrages since the start of the war, the biggest tank assault launched by Russia, and a new conscription law is signed to throw even more meat at the wall.


Didn’t they also claim that all of their strikes are calculated and extremely accurate? So which is it now?


And I’ll take Trump’s own words over whatever the Ukrainians are hoping


Oh, yeah, fair, my bad. Trump wouldn’t intervene to protect countries in the military alliance his country is a part of, BUT he will DEFINITELY intervene to help Ukraine.

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