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Now second term I have no clue what he’ll do

I mean you don’t have to guess since he said it himself what he’ll do, and that is by letting Putin do whatever he wants in Eastern Europe :)


Better access to tools like ebpf and xdp.

'Horrifying' Footage Shows IDF Killing Two Gazans, Burying Their Bodies With a Bulldozer (www.commondreams.org)

Video footage broadcast Wednesday by Al Jazeera shows Israeli soldiers gunning down two Palestinians on the coast of northern Gaza, even as one of them waves what appears to be a piece of white fabric. The video then shows Israeli soldiers burying the bodies with a bulldozer....


So nothing new. Israel still going on about with its genocide.


Dusti Rose sounds like a 40 year old chain smoker that looks 65

Why would you name your kid that


Yeah, I was just about to say the same thing. People truly misunderstand the level of political indoctrination going on in Hungary right now. I’d be highly surprised if anyone anyone managed to take Orban down anytime soon. Not without something huge happening, and as it stands now, even a pedophile scandal isn’t big enough for Orban


South African politicians have nothing on Romanian or German politicians. These are peanuts.

Jewish settlers set their sights on Gaza beachfront (www.bbc.com)

Mrs Weiss heads a radical settler organisation called Nachala, or homeland. For decades, she has been kickstarting Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, on Palestinian land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. Some in the settler movement have cherished the dream - or pipedream - of...


All settlers are radical. They have knowingly decided to move and stay in occuppied land under international law. The only settlers that didn’t have a choice in this are the children. Otherwise they have no right to be there. Not under international law. Not under humanitarian law. Invading a land that is not yours, yes, not even under Israel’s post 1967 borders. The palestinian territories are not Israel’s to have. The occupation has been declared illegal many times over. Settlers have to go.

‘Free speech is a facade’: how Gaza war has deepened divisions in German arts world (www.theguardian.com)

“We have a conversation about racism that is led by the global south and people of colour from Germany, which the German state is trying to brand as antisemitic,” Younes added. “And if we present our relationship to race, racism and European genocides from a non-European or non-white perspective, we get cancelled.”


As someone living in Germany, the level of state repression I’ve seen towards artists and activists who speak against Israel’s war on Gaza is terrifying. I never thought I’d see such a level of repression in Germany. Artists’ funds are getting slashed left and right. The government is pushing venues to cancel appointments with artists that criticize Israel (including jewish artists/activists). Cultural venues have been closed down by the government for hosting some of these activists (Oyoun Berlin was closed down after renting a space for an evening to the local charter of Jewish Voice for Peace). Activists have been arrested/fined for chants like “From the river to the sea we demand equality” or “Jews against genocide”. There have been countless non-violent activists raided by armed police in the early hours of the morning for their pro Palestine activism. Berlin police has enacted checkpoints in immigrant neighbourhoods. Journalists getting fired for asking the wrong questions. The state of Berlin is now trying to pass a law to allow universities to exmatriculate students on “behavioural” grounds (aka political stances). Politicians actively singling out activists on social media and redirecting insane amounts of hate their way. This place is getting very, very scary.


It surely reminds me of the Sportpalast Speech also known as the Total War Speech of Joseph Goebbles.

Do you believe with the Führer and us in the final total victory of the German people? Are you and the German people willing to work, if the Führer orders, 10, 12 and if necessary 14 hours a day and to give everything for victory? Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?


Lol Al Jazeera is a very reputable organization


Right wing twats trying their best to destroy as many children as they can


Just stop Israel and the problem is solved. No need to complicate yourselves with a damn port.


Which is? To keep giving them bombs to kill children while also morally posturing and talking about how awful it is what Israel is doing?


Yeah, giving them bombs to kill kids is definitely a very complex situation


Stop funding them, that’s it. Stop giving them weapons and money. Condemn their actions. Stop vetoing UN Security Council ceasefire votes.


Funny you say that, cause even fucking Reagan had more of a spine to stop weapon transfers to Israel in the 80s when there actually was a realistic chance of war with Egypt, while Israel was actually at war with a neighbouring country, not with a militant group from one of the regions they occupy that has no means of actually procurring real bombs. But sure, do tell me how Israel needs those bombs to protect itself from… Egypt?


The fact that people are literally downvoting you for just pointing out real life events. It’s insane how far the zionist hasbara has gone.


I disagree with you. I’ll paste here a comment I wrote over two months ago about Netanyahu.

My theory is that he prefers the GOP over the Dems anyway since they’re a lot more supportive in terms of finances but also political support, whereas the Dems are threading more lightly around this issue. I think that partly fucking Biden over by not doing his bidding is an added benefit to him. Not only does he get to do what he wants but he’s also creating domestic problems for Biden which in turn would mean that the GOP gets a better chance at unseating him and unlocking even more support for Israel.

I think Netanyahu is just banking on the fact that he can keep this going for long enough until the GOP gets into power. Fucking Biden over just keeps raising those chances. I think that it’s working as intended for him.


Lift the inhumane blockade and sanctions on Cuba already.


So what do countries need to get that food then? And what is stopping them from getting it? Couldn’t it be that inhumane sanctions are causing a financial disaster and by extension people can’t afford to import the things they need?


And yet that still doesn’t justify the inhumane sanctions


Can’t read for yourself?

Would it help if I read out to you the three paragraphs I linked or what?

I’ve been to most Caribbean countries, and none of them are wealthy.

Well, guess what having no sanctions forced upon you does to you. It’s not like this is even a discussion. Just follow the UN reports on the sanctions imposed on Cuba lol


Those are big words from someone who’d rather go on an ad hominem attack instead of addressing the sources I just sent your way.

Israeli director receives death threats after officials call Berlin film festival ‘antisemitic’ (www.theguardian.com)

An Israeli film-maker who won one of the top prizes at the Berlin film festival has said German officials’ description of the awards ceremony as “antisemitic” has led to death threats and the physical intimidation of family members, causing him to hold off plans to return to Israel....


I don’t know how that is in other parts of the world but this is quite a normal occurrence in Germany nowadays. A lot of Israeli Jews living in Germany have been labeled by white Germans as antisemitic for criticising the occupation.


This country is a joke


As a german citizen, I do not fully agree with you. Of course, some people behave the way you described because of the reasons you provided, although I find their reasons mostly stupid since they are so inconsistent: why are other genocides more acceptable than others? Why did Germany only recognize the namibian genocide in 2021? Why doesn’t Germany extend the same amount of care, empathy, and concern to LGBTQ people, sinti/roma, and other victims of the holocaust?

On the other hand, there is a growing number of relatively prominent German politicians that have made nazi remarks in semi-public spaces or behind closed doors, or have been uncovered to have a deeply troubling neonazi past, yet they still get invited everywhere and do not see the level of state repression (through the cutting of funds for example) or police violence that pro palestine activists see. Somehow the first point doesn’t seem to fully extend and clamp down on these people.


Israel didn’t exist during WW2. Please don’t conflate jewish people with zionism. Jews are not all the property of Israel.


As if us recognizing their elections or not will change anything.


Nothing wrong with that. It’s a good way to keep accountability and see where every country stands.


It won’t stop it, but we’ll at least see who’s on which side. Having a public record is good.

Ursula von der Leyen is seeking a second term as head of the EU's powerful Commission (apnews.com)

Germany’s Ursula von der Leyen will seek a second term as head of the European Union’s powerful Commission in a move that could make her the most significant politician representing the bloc’s 450 million citizens in over a generation....


No. She should go back to her CDU goons in Germany.


And who will take out Putin? I don’t think it’s that easy to get to him. Especially without starting a broader war.


Yeah, we’ve seen how well that worked out for us… we’re still buying up their oil, but this time through middle men. If you really want to cut Russia off then you should first have a talk with our capitalist overlords.


Not in the Houthi controlled government but the other internationally recognised government.

EU warns Israel against "catastrophic" Rafah offensive (www.reuters.com)

BRUSSELS, Feb 19 (Reuters) - The European Union on Monday warned Israel against launching an offensive in Rafah that ministers said would create a disaster for the roughly 1.5 million refugees crammed into the city on the southern edge of Gaza. “An attack on Rafah would be absolutely catastrophic … it would be...


Israel will go on with it. The EU will keep doing business as usual. We know the drill already. They’re saying this now just for moral posturing.


And what’s wrong with that? How does that make it unhygienic


I don’t have a good feeling about the future. China seems to side a lot with Russia at the UN lately.


Holy shit. I knew they were genocidal as fuck, but I didn’t know they actually used those words. Could you please post some sources for those quotes? I’d love to take a look into it.


3€ for every sentence


Yes, I care about the Palestinian cause quite a lot.

Now go do your hasbara somewhere else


I’ve seen a ton of NATO generals say this lately. What signs do we have that this is actually happening? I thought we had nuclear deterrence. Somehow everyone is talking now about a direct confrontation with Russia in Europe. Something makes me feel that this is just fear mongering. I think our leaders are doing a very poor job at showing us proof of such a conflict actually happening in the future.


They get so many subsidies, at this point just nationalize the industry honestly. We pay for most of their profits with out tax money anyway. I don’t understand why they’re still privatised in this case.


Funny that Politico are the ones reporting on this… given the fact that they’re owend by Axel Springer


As a part jewish person I am thankful that people like you exist. People, and especially people that grew around it, should talk more about how dangerous this virulent nationalist ideology is and how much it resembles the nazi ideology in Germany.


First and foremost, that was my comment. Secondly, it still doesn’t make it okay. It’s not a real argument. If the US can pull this shit off, why can’t Russia or China. I’m not excusing their actions, but just look at it from the perspective of someone from one of those countries. They see the US invading countries, putting embargos on others, and a bunch of other crap. Why shouldn’t they do the same? The invasion of Iraq was just as justified as the invasion of Ukraine. Same shit based on bullshit arguments. Yet somehow one is more acceptable than the other. I’d rather not have any of them. And I’m from Eastern Europe just for context :)

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