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I’m fairly sure many people will just not go to the polls. I think he’s banking on a very risky and stupid idea here.


And this is why the rules based international order was always a farce. Only third world countries need to play by the rules, while western powers just override them and do as they please.


Oh, someone that has the power and means to change things should really listen to them, Joe. Right? I wonder who that might be.

Also, didn’t he just send one more billion worth of weapons to the ethnostate?

Israel's far-right minister Smotrich calls to occupy Gaza, take over south Lebanon (www.haaretz.com)

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Sunday that the Israeli army should create a security zone in southern Lebanon should Hezbollah not heed an Israeli ultimatum to withdraw from the border area. He also called on the security cabinet to order a permanent military presence “in all of the Gaza Strip.”...


Oh yeah, and the west will still call it “self defense”


Libertarianism about to work any day now… any day.


Lol yes they’ve been turbo capitalist for some time now


Republicans are also liberals. At least in the true sense of the word. So it’s low-key funny when they use the term liberal as an insult.

I myself am not a liberal. Fiscally at least. Socially I’m a progressive.


The White House also sent another billion worth of weapons to Israel.

febra, (edited )

Israel in your username. Yikes. Kinda unsurprising you get butthurt over an article on non-binary people


Yeah, instead of actually fixing the system and paying people normal wages, while also fixing the stupid education/certification system that social service workers need to go through, let’s just throw a bunch of teenagers at it, it will surely fix our problems!


How about our military stays between our own borders. Let those that want to go go. But don’t force a bunch of our youth to go fight someone else’s war.


Then go sign up for it and fight. No one is stopping you.


So nothing new. The settler colonial ethnostate doing its own thing as usual


Can’t wait to see the list of US/Israel bootlickers that abstained from/voted against this, trying to deny an entire people the right to their own land.

febra, (edited )

Yeah, and Germany is raiding pro-palestinian activists’ homes using fully armed cops for pro-palestinian commentary they make on Instagram, but I don’t see anyone plastering that all over western media. An acquaintance of mine was fined by the police for putting “From the river to the sea” in their instagram story. But again, we can’t stroke our western moral superiority, or wave our finger at a western country. So let’s talk about some third world dictatorship doing something that honestly everyone was expecting.




If only their beloved prime minister would agree to a ceasefire


Why doesn’t Israel take the refugees? They claim that they’re targeting only hamas after all and that they care a lot about innocents, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Besides that, if Palestinians leave their homes then Israel will just do more illegal land grabs and settlements.

EU restates readiness to launch trade war with China over cheap imports (www.theguardian.com)

The European Commission chief said she was “convinced that if the competition is fair” from China, then Europe “will have thriving durable economies”. But she said the “imbalances” caused by state support for Chinese industry leading to cut-cost products threatened jobs in Europe, and that was “a matter of great...


God forbid we, the European consumers get to buy cheaper products. What’s China doing so right that they can sell stuff for cheaper? What are we doing wrong?


Well, it sounds like China knows a little more about the economy than we do then. Maybe we should do the same thing here. Consumers would be happy if they had cheaper products.


Many european companies have factories in China, Africa, other Asian countries, so I don’t see your point. We do use slave labor quite a lot actually


Currently I am dependent on the rich guys that own all of the facilities that produce what I need. I don’t care if it’s the Chinese government or a rich fuck from over the US. Maybe we should start doing the same thing that China is doing and actually provide people with cheaper products

Israel military calls on Palestinian civilians to evacuate Rafah (www.reuters.com)

Israel’s military said on Monday it had begun encouraging residents of Rafah to evacuate the southern Gazan city as part of a ‘limited scope’ operation, but did not immediately confirm media reports this was part of preparation for a ground assault....


More ethnic cleansing and genocide. Nothing new in the israeli playbook.


The tide is turning if the US foreign policy propaganda machine that is CNN is willing to write such a daring title. The future doesn’t look good for Israel


Took them long enough to figure out what the entire world has figured out by week 3


Funny how investigations into Israel take months yet investigations into Russia take just a few days.


They’d have to be stupid to take this deal lol

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped (english.elpais.com)

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...


The problem is systemic. You kill one cartel, another one pops up. It’s because there’s a demand for their products. Get rid of the demand and you’ll dry up the supply. Do it in a smart way, not by destroying people’s lives which inevitably throws them back in the cartels’ hands.

febra, (edited )

Well, last time I checked El Salvador was 93 times smaller than Mexico. Besides that, the cartels are part of the civilian population, hiding in civilian dense areas. Do you really recommend Mexico going scorched earth on their own people or what? Are you also aware of the dire human rights violations in El Salvador? When all you’ve got is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail.


And how would you implement such a thing? Sure, on the internet it sounds all nice and dandy, but we don’t live in lala land. How do you separate civilians from the cartel when most of these cartels exist in populated civilian areas? Do you want the military to go scorched earth on the civilian population or what? Or do you create a police state to deal with the fact that the state is too incompetent to give people actual opportunities so they don’t end up making drugs for a living?

How about you give people in Mexico proper financial opportunities so they don’t have to grow crops for drugs to feed themselves and their families? And on the other end, how about you deal with mass homelessness and poverty in the US so people don’t have to take drugs to cope with their situations? How about not incarcerating every single drug user, then throwing them on the streets after spending 5 years in prison around actual criminals, and then wondering why they go straight up back to using drugs?

These “opinions” are just armchair expert discussions. If it was that easy to deal with this shit, it would’ve been solved a long time ago.


Go to the homes of known cartel leaders and drop precision missiles right up their ass

You should watch less action movies

febra, (edited )

I can assure you that there are regions within the European Union where people are even less poor and not trying anything criminal to get rich. I’m referring to parts of Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and southern Italy.

I’m Romanian. I’ve also been to Mexico. I highly suspect that you have no clue what you’re talking about. The poverty in Mexico is a lot worse than in any part of Romania. Besides that, being poor in Romania means getting a job 50km away from your village, in the next city at most. Jobs are fairly easily accessible.

Not to mention Third-Party-Members like Albania

Are you also aware that Albania has the most drug traffickers in Europe? They import pretty much all the heroin here.


Unfortunately, that’s what’s necessary when you let your nation be run by gangbangers.

Oh, how nice that you’re okay with killing innocents from another nation in the process because your country is drug thirsty and can’t get its shit together.


Gun point robberies are no longer a thing in Romania nowadays. Do you think we drone striked those that did that or do you think that by giving people better opportunities they just stopped doing that shit?

Besides that, I think life was okay back during communism if you lived in the city. People had jobs, crime was low. Most crime came after the revolution after the entire country was deindustrialized and people had no opportunities left to make a living.


My buddy said the police really laid Ambushes for the corrupt cops and the arrests sometimes escalated. So, well, they didn’t got struck down by a drone but they really were at risk of getting taken out by 5.54mm bullets. Sure not everyone was corrupt and violent but still quite a lot.

That sounds crazy. While I am too young to have experienced such things in the 90s after the revolution, my parents, grandparents, and older friends never mentioned any of that. And I do talk extensively to people about the times before and after the revolution. Not even once have such things been ever mentioned and I can’t find much of any of that in any archives.

I do have friends from the ex soviet block (Ukraine, Repulic of Moldavia) and they indeed had a lot of gun violence, I even met people that have been shot or have had family members shot, but that was never the case in Romania. No shootings or any of those things. Hell, even nowadays Romania has less gun violence (and guns altogether) than pretty much any other country in all of Europe.

Stealing government property? Sure, but people do that even nowadays. Systemic corruption stems from the lack of opportunities and checks and balances. But again, comparing any of that to Mexico is straight up bonkers to me. Most crime is very petty crime. Like stealing minor things. Most people just get a job in the city and go on with their lives.


Took him long enough

Yours truly, a LGBTQ person

‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living (www.theguardian.com)

When Marisa Fernández lost her husband to cancer a few years ago, her employers at the Eroski hypermarket went, she says, “above and beyond to help me through the dark days afterwards, rejigging my timetable and giving me time off when I couldn’t face coming in.”...


That’s because america is brain fried


There’s no way you call yourself “super left” or “radical left” and identify with the term “liberal”… Liberalism is the polar opposite of “radical left”

febra, (edited )

Look mate, if you just said “I’m a democrat so I’m a liberal” I would’ve understood that. I’m not that nitpicky about it. But a self identifying “RADICAL LEFTIST” would absolutely never identify himself with the term “liberal”. Hell, radical leftists (and including the far left) use that term as an insult. Which of course raises some questions when you use it for yourself while also being “far left”. It makes it seem like you’re roleplaying the “radical leftist” role. Just my two cents, you do you.

Also, no, “liberal” hasn’t changed definitions, ever. It was always the same thing: an adherent to liberalism. If you’re far left you’re a commie or an anarchist or whatever. Communism/Anarchism has nothing to do with Liberalism. They’re on different parts of the political spectrum. If you’re from the US I’ll make this easy for you: both democrats and republicans count as liberals. They’re both adherent parties to liberalism.

That’s like claiming you’re a far right socialist lol


Then go take a political science class.


There is absolutely nothing to discuss here. This is not “the world”. This is political science. And it isn’t up for any weird debate. It’s a term written in countless research papers and field texts, and is not up for change due to whatever definition you guys happen to read in the news today.


You can go on as many ad hominem attacks as you like, that’s not going to make your points more correct. I’m not a kid and I’m definitely not a native English speaker.


Why does the US have military bases in Syria? I don’t think Syria invited them there, and as far as I know, the US is not at war with Syria.


They train there, they don’t have their own military bases there. That’s the first point. The second point being that even if they had military bases on US soil, it would be because the US invited them to.


The government of Syria deems the U.S. military presence in al-Tanf illegal and “considers the presence of Turkish and U.S. troops on its territory as an aggression and demands immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign forces from its territory.”

So which is it then. Can’t have your cake and eat it too



lol how is that a legitimate government


I think the EU should force Facebook’s owners to sell the platform to an EU owner since Facebook has a very bad track record with spying on our population.

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