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To be over tourism is plaguing a lot of European cities right now.

The original idea of Airbnb was great, to be able to rent out a room from your home or the whole home while you were away, but it slowly turned up part of the problem why rents have increased so dramatically recently.

This combined with the lack of public housing, and sky rocketing building materials made real estates the most profitable investment over time for a lot of people and unfortunately I don’t see an end in sight.


You know if you had more political parties you would have more choice for whom to vote, but your political system is hardly democratic in my opinion.

Not to mention that democracy should defend their voter’s rights and not mega corporations rights.

Is there a way to stop gnome from using dGPU?

Been running endeavor OS on my MSI delta 15 (all AMD with no nvidia card) with KDE and it switches between integrated and dgpu like it should. However after installing gnome and using it for a bit I noticed that it was always having the dgpu idling. This basically cuts my battery life in half, and making it less than desirable....


You can disable the dGPU in the BIOS if I am not wrong. You can also check powertop optimisations to try to extend the battery life of your laptop and change the charging curve of your battery to extend its lifespan.


The benefit of PS5 Pro is that if you want to play in 4K you would need to spend 3-4x the price of the PS5 Pro to build a capable PC able to match the PS5 Pro in the GPU department.

An additional benefit is that if you have a disc version of the PS5 you can buy second hand games and play really on the cheap. You can easily resell your games afterwards as well.

The Deck is great, but it cannot run any 4K game and it is mostly to allow you to play your games on the go or in bed/sofa.


How is Pentiment, it is also in my wishlist but I have a huge list of backlog.


Yes, I am pretty much in the same boat, running Linux as a daily driver and currently having an ancient AMD GPU and was thinking to buy NVIDIA for exactly ML but I really don’t want to give them my money, as I dislike the company and their management but AMD is subpar in that department, so not much of a choice


Depends on your use case. Most of the people running Linux I think are the kind that want to experiment and try different stuff, opposite to the regular user of Windows. And you know when you do changes chances are something to break much higher.

If you install some user friendly and stable distro, VSCode, browser, word editor and you never touch the terminal or do any changes it will be solid and stable.


Libre office Draw also works for basic editing


Now replace Tiktok with Facebook/Instagram/X, etc. and China with the US.


I would be all okay with this move if the US is imposing equal data protection and privacy rules to all American companies as well.


Imagine the world today if he was admitted to that art school?


Do you seriously believe that Israel will change how they treat Palestinians once they get all their hostages back? And that magically will start allowing more humanitarian aid and start killing so many innocent people?

Or shall I better ask you if you still believe in unicorns and fairy tales

The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.

I am from india. These numbers are inflated due to our population and government and health sector office pc using linux (ubuntu). These office pcs just require a chrome browser and all the work is done on the browser Nobody here cares what os they use in their office pc. I don’t see anyone here switching to linux on their...


Ah yes, that’s why both CEOs of M$ and Alphabet are both Indians because no one cares.

People were talking the same about China and China became the biggest markets for quite a few companies.

India has similar potential. It is a developing country and believe me a lot of companies deeply care about the potential of the Indian market.


You cannot kill an idea.

You can only change it if you provide a better alternative, and Israel is trying really hard not to.


You know one terrorist is a liberation fighter for another. And those labels are given by the strong side.

There are plenty of examples of very ambiguous terrorist designation by a lot of countries, like Turkiey for example, who have labelled the PKK as a terrorist organisation.

If Israel had recognised the Palestinian statehood and didn’t make everything possible to prevent them from uniting them, Hamas wouldn’t exist.


Oh really?!?

Some Jewish organisations also opposed the proposal. Irgun leader Menachem Begin announced, “The partition of the Homeland is illegal. It will never be recognised. The signature by institutions and individuals of the partition agreement is invalid. It will not bind the Jewish people. Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for ever.”

During the foundational events of the Nakba in 1948, dozens of massacres targeting Arabs were conducted and over 500 Arab-majority towns and villages were depopulated,[8] with many of these being either completely destroyed or repopulated by Jews and given new Hebrew names. Approximately half of Palestine’s predominantly Arab population, 750,000 people,[9] fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias and later the Israeli army in what is now Israel proper, which covers 78% of the total land area of the former Mandatory Palestine.

Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible.[17] By the time the British announced their official support for Zionism in the 1917 Balfour Declaration during World War I,[18] the population of Palestine was about 750,000, approximately 94% Arab and 6% Jewish.[19]]

Zionists accepted the partition but planned to expand Israel’s borders beyond what was allocated to it by the UN.[26] In the fall of 1947, Israel and Jordan, with British approval, secretly agreed to divide the land allocated to Palestine between them after the end of the British Mandate.

On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly passed Resolution 181 (II), the “United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.”[28] At the time, Arabs made up about two-thirds of the population[29] and owned about 90% of the land,[30] while Jews made up between a quarter and a third of the population[31] and owned about 7% of the land.[32] The UN partition plan allocated to Israel about 55% of the land, where the population was about 500,000 Jews and 407,000-438,000 Arabs. Palestine was allocated the remaining 45% of the land, where the population was about 725,000-818,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews.


I think you are the one lacking historical background. And for the record no ethnicity will be happy when 7% of the land holders are getting 55% of the land. Jews got the lion share of the newly established country on what exactly grounds?

I have another question to you, why is Israel denying the expelled Palestinians the right to return?


They could’ve built it months ago, not now.

And honestly this pier is absolutely unnecessary. Israel can simply open one of the north border crossings and allow humanitarian aid from there and allow more humanitarian aid.

Instead they are trying to discredit and defund the only agency on ground having the capacity to deliver this humanitarian aid inside Gaza (UNRWA).


Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza…/index.html


Minio - it is S3 compliant, has an UI and can also be self-hosted.


The question is when the US government is going to take any measures against them.

Apple is not that strong in the EU but I think in the US it controls more than 50% of the market and your authorities are simply closing their eyes in front of their anti competitive practices.


Yes, the game story is Okay, the side quests are repetitive and not very fun, but the combat mechanics and how beautiful the game is makes the whole experience much better.


The UNRWA report said that among the 1,002 detainees released since December at the Kerem Shalom crossing, there were 29 children as young as six (26 boys and three girls), 80 women and 21 UNRWA staff.

Detaining 6-year-old kids…


If Israel was abiding by international laws and not trying to actively prevent humanitarian aid to reach everyone who needs it, we wouldn’t need those airdrops.

It is another proof that the US has very little influence over Israel and is a sign how powerless they are to change their internal policies.

They have on numerous occasions asked Israel to reduce the civilian casualties and to allow more aid into Palestine, and apparently this isn’t happening.


What is more plausible according to you:

  • Hamas managed to sway UNRWA and pretty much all of the known humanitarian organisations operating in Gaza?
  • Or that the situation on the ground is really dire and it was like this long before the 7th of October no matter what Israel is claiming.

And please feel free to send me any article of any non affiliated NGO or humanitarian organisation with Israel praising their efforts to achieve long lasting peace before the 7th of October.

Because I can easily do the opposite.


Didn’t he claim he will airdrop humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

Damn you guys behind the pond should introduce a law setting the max age a person can hold a presidential position. There is a reason why old people are not given a driver’s license and you should take the cue and do something about it.


Didn’t the US just recently block another UN resolution calling for a ceasefire?


You know all those airstrikes targeting tunnels in which Hamas is believed to hold those hostages is a bit cynical way of Israel to pretend they really care about the well-being of the said hostages.

So I find it very plausible that Israel has inadvertently killed many of their own.

Plus what’s the point of Hamas killing those hostages, as keeping them alive would be more beneficial for their cause and killing them intentionally achieves absolutely nothing.

For the record I am not a Hamas supporter, just trying to think critically.


What about the murdered Palestinian kids, women, civilians, doctors, etc. or we should only use murder for Israelian casualties and use killed terrorists for the Palestinian casualties.

Seriously mate, you are really hard trying to push the Israelian propaganda here. At least try to be objective from time to time. It will do you good.


If only NVIDIA was committed to release their software as open source and have a decent open source Linux driver.

Plus all those Steam Deck rivals are creating mediocre products even if hardware wise they are faster than the Deck.


Damn, you should then never open any history book of WWII as it will bore you to death.


Hmmmm, killing 30k in 4 months, destroying half of all homes in Gaza, displacing 75-80% of the population, destroying all the hospitals and a large chunk of the civilian infrastructure and causing a humanitarian catastrophe sounds to me like a textbook example of how you radicalize the entire population in Gaza.

Do you think you will stay indifferent if you were on the other side of the fence? I don’t think so. And then act surprised when people are radicalized and blame outside forces for this radicalization.

If there weren’t a siege in Gaza, Hamas wouldn’t exist. How many peaceful and prosperous nations do you know with terrorist organizations? Exactly none, because terrorism is flourishing from the hardships of people. And it is a bit naïve to think that the current events would lead to a long lasting peace.


So according to you, all the male individuals Israel killed in this war of fighting age are Hamas fighters? That’s very convenient to believe but it is far from the reality.

In Gaza, before the 7th of October the Hamas military division was supposed to have 30K fighters. Israel has been proven to use unguided munitions and a lot more powerful bombs than they should.

Even considering that all of their targets were legitimate, which I am pretty sure wasn’t the case claiming that they killed 10K is extremely presumptuous.


Witcher 3 has a pretty dope story. I also enjoyed The last of us, even though I am not much into shooters or zombie games.

Baldur’s gate 3 and actually the other Larian studio games are also having good stories. Yakuza is supposed to have a nice story too, even GTA5 has a cool story.


I played all the games in the trilogy and read the books too, but Witcher 3 is completely worth it and much much better compared to the previous games in my opinion. You can buy it when it is on sale, play a bit and return it if you still think it is not your cup of tea. The beauty of this game is that a lot of the side quests are not fillers and almost every one of them has its own story that compliments the main quest line.

The Witcher 3 DLCs are also incredible. And if they release the mod support that will make it even better.


if you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.

Ronald H. Coase


And blame the job cuts on improvements made available through smart AI automations.

All for our stock to tick a bit higher and make a couple of more millions more as a bonus to our CEO.

This recent trend of cutting workforce in order to drive share prices even higher will most probably backfire at some point. I just hope those employees manage to find a better job.


Maybe you should ask yourself the same question?

Whats your thoughts on Ai in your terminal? (

Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help. I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They...


And now I am imagining some sophisticated hack that breaches their AI generator and starts slipping command arguments that might expose your system. Probably too much of an effort but still plausible.


And the oppression continues and wonder why those human “animals” don’t love us tomorrow.


“Israel makes [a] humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Because our purpose is to release our people,” Mr Mor says.

“We want our people, okay? And first of all, before all the negotiations and other things, give us our people.”

Asked if this was not harsh, given that it was the lives of Gaza civilians that were at stake, Mr Mor replies: "Yes, but we have babies and women and, and the elders, okay?

“It’s very, very simple. Give us our people and we will give you food and medicines. So simple.”

When the well-being of 100 hostages is more important than the well-being of 2M+ Gazans.

In northern Gaza, there have been reports of children dying from malnutrition. The British charity Action Aid cited a doctor in northern Gaza as saying that a significant number of children had died.

According to Action Aid, one in six children under the age of two “who were screened at IDP [internally displaced persons] shelters and health centres in January were found to be acutely malnourished”.


Israel is trying really hard to repeat their own history.

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