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Yes, that last thing is a deal breaker for me. No open source tool is trying to lock you in. That’s the whole idea of open source.


The world is indeed immersive, the dialogue and the depth of the characters and the story not so much


PA, you know Gaza isn’t Palestine. Plus the two state is set at the founding of Israel, and both Israel and Palestine have equal rights to be represented in the UN.

It is another story that Israel is trying deliberately to undermine Palestinian rights and oppose any statehood. All the road blocks, checkpoints, walls, settlement etc. built and imposed to the Palestinian population are completely illegal according to international law, but again Israel backed by the US act with extreme impunity.


Never said that, What is a Palestinian territory is defined in 1948. Where it is clearly stated what should belong to Israel and what to Palestine.


I guess so, but Israel is acting like this because they have the US behind their back, and I am sure if this wasn’t the case they would not be so reckless and act with such impunity in the region and it is a failure of the US to rein them.


You mean exactly what Israel is doing right now? Because they don’t seem fazed by the high civilian casualties or the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.


Hmmm, this didn’t age well, I guess.


You can use Copilot or Mistral Chat for pretty much the same. Copilot offers GPT-4 (or 4.5) for free, Mistral Chat is using their own models which sometimes produce better results.

filister, (edited )

Back then I read an article about how M$ is crippling the ability of other office packets to read their docx and xslx formats which are supposed to be open formats, but in reality are written in a way never to be fully integrated by competing products. More information about their pseudo open standard:

Munich in the past have used Linux PCs for quite some time until eventually switching back to windows. Back then they were citing the same incompatibilities to open and read and display M$ office files correctly. So Microsoft is definitely abusing their position as a market leader and trying to cripple competition as much as they can.


This whole Horizon IT scandal is so dystopian and I am to this date amazed they didn’t sue the shit out of their management.

Imagine how many people were wrongly convicted just because your software was shitty and buggy. How many lives have been ruined?

13,000 Palestinians reportedly missing in the Gaza Strip (

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimates that over 13,000 Palestinians are either missing under debris, buried in indiscriminate mass graves, or forcibly disappeared in Israeli prisons and detention facilities, where some have even been killed. The circumstances surrounding the deaths of these prisoners and detainees have not yet...


The same agency who is responsible for their own existence, and they seem to constantly attack its existence.

The idea behind the UN was to prevent the future us of repeating the same mistakes of WWII and to create a more just world, where everyone is held accountable equally. How ironic.


And that’s my friend is called dehumanization, where you stop perceiving the whole nation as a pack of individuals and equals it with their government. Don’t fall into that trap.


What I struggle with the most is how the West just shrugged shoulders when Israel hit embassies in foreign countries.

If this has happened in any other country/embassy the international outcry would have been much bigger. Those double standards which we apply to international politics are despicable. And this also creates a sense of impunity in Israel and we all see what that leads to.

How can you preach morale when you yourself are wicked?


Hmm, now replace Iran with the USA, and tell me how would you feel if someone has bombed your embassy and killed a bunch of its employees? Would you still tell us that the US should not retaliate?


And that’s exactly the double standards I was talking about. Letting someone act with impunity creates a very dangerous precedent.


Are you seriously so thick or just love trolling?


Absolutely, it is absolutely astonishing and sickening how almost no one in Israel is concerned about the death toll in Palestine and the sheer level of destruction there.


Right now you are talking like a high school bully.


Hmmm, you realise that your actions have consequences, right?

If you oppress people for decades and then act surprised when they strike back, or when you strike a foreign embassy in a foreign country, you can’t really expect to get a carte blanche for all your shit, you know.

And honestly Netanyahu is doing all possible to prolong this war, otherwise he is toast and hopefully imprisoned toast for all the shit he has done.


Are you trying to tell me that Palestinians were living the life in Israel before the 7th of October. ……/Human_rights_violations_against_….

Regarding Iran, think about, how would you feel if Iran has bombed your consulate in let’s say Armenia and killed a bunch of people? But at this point I highly doubt you are capable of critical thinking and/or human empathy.


Yes, more Lebensraum for me but not for thee


And who exactly should foot the bill? And mind you that bill will have lots of zeros.


I dare say the goal of Hamas to attract the public attention to the Palestinian statehood, and in a way they achieved that goal, but to what price.

I am not justifying their attack on Israel, but things weren’t exactly rosy both in Gaza and the West bank and the world was focused on other issues, while letting Israel do whatever they please.


Sad reality and one day our kids will watch some documentary and wonder how it was possible we were all owning those bloody games back then

Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land (

Three soldiers pounce on a shepherd sitting outside his sheep pen. They knock him over and then one of them shoots him to death at point-blank range. Fakher Jaber, a father of four, was suspected of involvement in an incident that probably never happened...


According to your logic it’s perfectly fine to kill innocent people, civilians, kids, starve them to death, destroy their homes and infrastructure, destroy all their hospitals, occupy them and create from their land a wasteland? Is this what you want to tell me. And if you seriously think so I can only feel sorry for you.


Damn, paying 4$ for a gallon, here in Europe the gallon is more than 7$.

A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions (

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’s most northern state, is starting its switch from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice, and is planning to move from Windows to Linux on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions....


Am I the only one who is getting sick and tired of those AI generated images below every article?


You know when something is free on the internet, you are the product

filister, (edited )

If Israel is not gullible, could you please ELI5 why are they not allowing journalists to enter Gaza?

Because if they do and you are right they will show the whole world what a moral army Israel has. Right? Do you see the paradox here?

Weren’t Israel also found guilty to provide adequate humanitarian aid, cut food, electricity, drinking water, telecommunications, found guilty of using dumb and extremely powerful bombs over densely populated areas. Destroyed completely the health facilities in Gaza, along with their infrastructure, people’s home, forced mass displacement of millions of Gazans who by the way up until now are not allowed to return to their homes and induced immense suffering of millions of civilians? Isn’t this collective punishment? What about the reciprocity rule in wars? Do you not find the suffering of regular Palestinians extreme?

So please use a bit of critical thinking next time before posting something.

filister, (edited )

Oh man, aren’t you living in parallel reality?

Didn’t Israel just kill 7 humanitarian workers, making it 200 since the beginning of the war? They hit three clearly marked vehicles with three separate bombs.

There are multiple reports that they don’t have a proper deconfliction mechanism 6 months into the war.

Children are dying from malnutrition.

There are multiple reports that their COGAT agency doesn’t provide clear guidance on what items are prohibited and are artificially delaying admitting humanitarian aid.

They didn’t do anything when a bunch of demonstrators blocked the humanitarian aid with days in an already dire situation in Gaza.

They are currently trying to block UNRWA from functioning in Gaza, during a pre-famine. Shall I also remind you that all UNRWA employees are also going through a vetting process by Israel and all their employees are checked by Israel and now they complain about them being Hamas. So if this is true, Israel has done pretty sloppy job. Shall we also comment the fact that they created a story where they were claiming 12 UNRWA employees to be involved with Hamas, out of 30K. That’s less than 0.5%. not to mention that they didn’t even provide publicly a proof for their allegations.

Heck, even their closest allies, the US and UK have rebuked them and told them to do more.

The reality is that they can open more crossings and start delivering adequate amounts of humanitarian aid, but they deliberately chose not to. And I can provide you a lot of articles from the likes of Reuters, AP, etc . who should be the least opinionated sources.

Regarding the journalists:…/call-to-allow-foreign-journalists-into-g……/4513542-foreign-media-is-banned-fro…

And all this coming from the most “moral” army, right.

Maybe next time you should start using that head of yours for something more than sucking your state’s propaganda, and perhaps try to put yourself in the regular Gazan’s shoes, and tell me how you would feel.


Ah yes, let’s trust now the Israelian state propaganda at face value without a drop of critical thinking, right? Where is the independently verified proof that those people are Hamas? Because according to my knowledge they didn’t provide any clear proof even in front of UNRWA that those employees were actually involved in the attack.

So again use your brain not your eyes.

filister, (edited )

And here you are mixing your talking points. Gaza’s airport was destroyed in 2002, 5 years before Hamas took control of Gaza.

Just open any Wikipedia link about Gaza or any human rights organisation without known ties with Israel to read what they think about Israel’s treatment of Palestine.

Shall I also remind you of your own history that the country of Israel exists today thanks to the terrorist acts of Haganah ( Shall we also mention the systematic land grab, illegal settlements, various checkpoints, limiting basic human rights like freedom of movement, the economic, maritime blockade of Israel, etc.

Seriously tell me how you would have felt if you were born Palestinian. It is quite ironic and sad that you also turned like your past oppressors, dehumanizing the Palestinians. One would have expected for you of all people to be more sensible about this issue, but here we are. Starving almost 2 million people, turning them all into refugees and filming all this and proudly posting it on TikTok.

And I will leave this here . And please try to justify this treatment or explain to me why Palestinians are held in administrative detention, without charge, etc. and why they are tried against military courts. Or tell me how many settlers have been given effective sentences for torturing Palestinians, destroying their properties etc. and how come 12 year old kids can be sued in Israel:…/new-israeli-law-allows-children-y…


Following the end of World War II, the British refused to lift the restrictions on Jewish immigration that they had imposed with the 1939 White Paper. This resulted in Haganah leading a Jewish insurgency against the British authorities in Palestine; the campaign included the paramilitaries’ bombing of bridges, railways, and ships used to deport illegal Jewish immigrants, as well as assisting in bringing more diaspora Jews to Palestine in defiance of British policies.

And you also know that when Palestine was partitioned the Jew population constituted only a third of all people living there and that was mostly because of the illegal migration aided by the Haganah and yet they got most of the territory which was originally exclusively Arab.

This is the same like someone coming to your backyard and claiming 2/3 of your house. How would you feel? Of course Arabs weren’t happy. And up until today Israel continue to illegally seize more and more land from Palestinians and making their life even shittier. And then you wonder why those people are getting radicalized or why Hamas is gaining popularity.

And trust me the way Israel has conducted this war has created a lot more future terrorists then they managed to kill.

Just today, they have admitted that they have mistook a bag for a rifle or at least this is how they explained the targeted killing of 7 humanitarian aid workers. And now think about how many more misidentifications led to the death of thousands more innocent people. But yes, you continue blindly to support them.


I keep wondering how many of those “unintentional” strikes did Israel do already. How many civilian lives have been taken in this war so far?


I used to play WoW back in the days and am mildly interested in the game development afterwards, but somewhere I read that currently some players are able to buy in game time with their game money, so I presume not everyone is actually paying this price. And their most dedicated hard-core players are probably not paying it either.

In reality I don’t know how easy it is and probably casual players are mostly paying subscribers but even back then the game was plagued by a lot of micro transactions.

Additionally we don’t know how much it costs Blizzard to support the servers and run them, as they run a lot of them for sure.


4K gaming, same with Ps5Pro. But the Pro definitely makes much less sense.

Plus Sony’s sales are going down and with this console they can generate some buzz and sell even more consoles.


Netanyahu needs the war to survive politically, he needs Hamas, all the society’s polarisation, the state propaganda, etc.

He also knows that once he is out of the government he is probably going to be jailed too.


Hmmmm I wonder what those people would do if they were on the other side of the equation.


It is easy to judge people not knowing through what they are going right now.

Life fucks us all!

In my view, he is struggling mentally and probably this stupid joke was the last drop. And I feel sorry for him. I am also currently going through some rough time and this completely changed what kind of a person I am and in a way I can relate with Will. I hope he gets better soon and finds inner peace.


Mostly negative is a terrible ad by itself. I am buying only games with either very positive or overwhelmingly positive ratings. Those reviews are tanking their sales I am sure.

'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans (

Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month....


Eradicating 1.5%, more than 3% injured of the population of Gaza, destroying more than 35% of the civilian buildings in Gaza, man-made starvation. And now a planned assault on Rafah, where a big chunk of the population is living in nightmarish conditions. Is this what you call little?

And believe me the actual number of the casualties is much bigger, considering that there isn’t an independent verification of the direct and indirect casualties. I am sure far rights in Israel are elated.

Gaza is getting less than half the humanitarian aid it needs to avoid famine (

[The] U.N. World Food Programme estimates that at least 300 trucks of food are needed every day to meet the basic needs of the population. During the first half of March, an average of 159 trucks a day have entered Gaza, representing 40% of the minimum amount required, according to U.N. data. Before the Israeli offensive, an...


A study carried out by Johns Hopkins University (U.S.) and Al-Quds University (in Abu Dis) for CARE International in late 2002 revealed very high levels of dietary deficiency among the Palestinian population. The study found that 17.5% of children aged 6–59 months suffered from chronic malnutrition. 53% of women of reproductive age and 44% of children were found to be anemic. Insecurity in obtaining sufficient food as of 2016 affects roughly 70% of Gaza households, as the number of people requiring assistance from UN agencies has risen from 72,000 in 2000, to 800,000 in 2014.



Sky rocketing rents, shrinking purchasing power, rampant inflation, increased tax burden on the middle class.

I wonder why the birth rate is shrinking? /s

Israel government spokesman Eylon Levy suspended after comments about Gaza aid (

Levy’s suspension follows a tweet, in response to British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, that ‘there are NO limits on the entry of food, water, medicine, or shelter equipment into Gaza, and in fact the crossings have EXCESS capacity’


Can’t you simply ban the IP address of the offending bot and limit the number of comments a person can generate in let’s say 1 minute to some sane amount

US and UK doctors in Washington to warn of IDF’s ‘appalling atrocities’ in Gaza (

A delegation of American and British doctors is in Washington DC to tell the Biden administration the Israeli military is systematically destroying Gaza’s health infrastructure in order to drive Palestinians out of their homes....


Unfortunately that isn’t too far away from what could have happened if Trump was president.

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