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“Net chelovek, net problem” (translation: “No man, no problem”).

Joseph Stalin


What is more worrying is that they want to establish some puppet government of Gaza with officials who are selected by Israel, want to dismantle UNRWA, want to continue the occupation and the economic blockade of the enclave and they absolutely refuse to start talking about recognition of the state of Palestine.

Today they even announced that their Knesset has approved the building of 3300 new homes in the occupied West Bank, which speaks volumes of what their end goal is.

This is happening because Israel was too long able to act with an absolute impunity and without any real repercussions by the West, so now they have the feeling that they are above international law and this creates a really dangerous precedent.

Nova partygoer was misidentified as Hamas terrorist on Oct. 7, killed by Israeli forces (

Ofek Atun escaped the outdoor Nova rave with his girlfriend. They survived the assault on the bomb shelter in which they took refuge, before fleeing to nearby Kibbutz Alumim. The kibbutz’s volunteer security squad mistook them for Hamas terrorists – and opened fire


And call me cynical but I believe Israel killed way more Israelis on the 7th of October, deaths who were then attributed to Hamas. Not that I defend Hamas’ actions.


You do realise that a lot of countries have parliamentary republic form of government and presidents of those countries don’t have real power, right?


But only if it is above four.


Are you so delusional to think that Israel has nothing to do with the current situation.

Isn’t Israel inspecting every humanitarian aid entering Gaza, and also responsible to grant the safe passage of those aid convoys? Did they do enough to stop their far right protesters from blocking the entrance of the humanitarian aid, while methodically rejecting that there is a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza? Aren’t they also responsible for the disband of all civil orders in Gaza?

But yes, continue thinking that Israel is the victim here.



filister, (edited )

As a result of Israel’s blockade, Gaza faces shortages of fuel, food, medication, water, and medical supplies.[522][524] The blockade resulted in a 90% drop in electricity availability, impacting hospital power supplies, sewage plants, and shutting down desalination plants that provide drinking water.[525] According to WHO, 27 out of 35 hospitals in Gaza were shut down by 23 November 2023.[526] Human Rights Watch similarly found that Israel was using starvation as a weapon of war by deliberately denying access to food and water.[573] On 16 January 2024, UN experts accused Israel of “destroying Gaza’s food system and using food as a weapon against the Palestinian people”.[574] The United Nations has warned that a collapse of social order could result from the intense hunger among Palestinians


The United Nations humanitarian office said on Friday that Israeli authorities were systematically denying it access to northern Gaza to deliver aid and this had significantly hindered the humanitarian operation there.

Since the start of hostilities, aid deliveries to northern Gaza have been limited, and the area was cut off altogether from external aid for weeks earlier in the conflict. De Domenico said Israel was concerned about fuel deliveries and other supplies that could be diverted to Hamas, and had been reluctant to authorise aid deliveries to hospitals in north Gaza. “In particular, they have been very systematic in not allowing us to support hospitals, which is something that is reaching a level of inhumanity that, for me, is beyond comprehension,” he said.


Far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich confirmed on Tuesday night that he was blocking shipments of flour from being transferred into the Gaza Strip in an attempt to stop it from reaching UNRWA, and thence Hamas.

Imagine how many bombs Hamas can do with all this flour. Damn, good thing they stopped the shipment, right, better to starve those pesky Palestinian children then to feed them as they might turn up future terrorists. /s


Damn, so many hallucinating people and media reports, right? This civil order collapse or the famine in north of Gaza should not have anything to do with Israel! /s


I am now at NixOS. I like the reproducibility and immutability of the distro, but the documentation is far from great and configuring the OS you want is not that straightforward. I also don’t like that even though it has a great number of packages, they tend to be slightly outdated.

I am not sure if I will stick with it, but I really like that I can create very specialised configurations that are also portable. I am currently using KDE but I am thinking of switching to Hyprland once I get more comfortable around NixOS and home manager/flakes, as nothing beats tiling managers in my opinion.

filister, (edited )

Without the UN Israel wouldn’t exist, but yes, fuck them. Perhaps you should learn some history instead.

“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.”


History books are written by the victors unfortunately.


That’s because at booting time this live USB is loaded into your RAM and it is safe to remove it once you complete the boot process.


But then can you answer me why aren’t Israel letting independent investigators and journalists enter Gaza?

If you are so sure that Israel is doing everything possible to prevent civilian deaths and they respect all international laws why is Israel not signatory of the ICC? What are they afraid of?


By starving millions of them, displacing them, killing them and destroying their homes, bringing them to the edge.

Good job, Israel, you definitely know how to make friends for life!

And on another note, look at you, you are a far right supporter, you generalise all the Palestinians so please do not expect any better from them. If you think you have been through hell, think of their lives since the 7th of October. I bet your life has been much more comfortable than theirs. So if you hate them, don’t expect them to love you.

And I really hope you** realise how hypocritical in this case you are?


Ah yes, 2000 years ago gives you all the rights. Thank you for telling me. And where is the proof that only the Jews were living on this land and not a single Palestinian? And are you 100% sure that your predecessors were indeed born there and not somewhere else or that you are a pure Jew, as I have very big suspicions.

And even if this is true does this give you the right to oppress Palestinians.

You know the US was mostly populated by Indians and no white man was living there, can indigenous people start massacring Americans and get a pass just because their predecessors were born on this land?

filister, (edited )

Damn man, you really are a sucker for your country’s propaganda.

What about this:…/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip…/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-aparthei……/fact-sheet-movement-and-access-we……/200910_without_trial…/report-israel-and-occupied-palestin……/0000018b-e6fd-dffa-adef-e6fd35a1000…

I have on purpose cited different sources, to reduce the bias. And mind you all of these links are predating the current events.

I don’t know for you but for me that’s pretty much the textbook definition of oppression.

I wonder why those people are discontent with the current situation.

Add to this the fact that Israel cancelled all the work permits of Palestinians in the West bank as well, increased the rate of detentions of Palestinians, raided multiple times the West Bank settlements, killing and abducting people with impunity and did absolutely nothing to stop the settlers violence. And those Palestinians in the West Bank have nothing to do with the events from the 7th of October.


War crimes, what war crimes, everything is a valid military target! /s


I believe the original post was sarcastic. It is pretty obvious that by now, all of Israel’s hit on critical infrastructure is blamed on Hamas with Israel failing to provide enough evidence for any of it.


Too bad most of those bottles got replaced with plastic completely disregarding the impact of the environment they are causing. Not to mention that glass also comes from abundant resources like sand and we don’t risk running out of it anytime soon, the same can’t be said for oil.


Is this how they count the terrorists they killed?


Is this for real? You need to pay an extra 700GBP to get an overpowered player?


Yes, sounds great on paper, but knowing how acute the Labor shortage is in certain industries, I can only imagine that this won’t be applicable.


Yes, to be honest salaries are definitely lagging behind. Rents are extremely high in most bigger cities, sometimes you need to pay around 50% or more just to put a roof over your head. Buying real estate is literally impossible unless you inherit some money, etc.


It is definitely better than the original proposition though, which was disastrous. Still way too expensive for what it is. I think the original 4070 should have also been 16GB.

But NVIDIA isn’t known for not milking their customers.


Isn’t it time to get some regulations on m(i/a)cro transactions? This seems very illegal to me and it is exploiting people’s addictions.


Can we move this to some community wiki? I think a lot of people can benefit from it and we can expand it with our own recommendations. Something like awesome-cli


Didn’t China also recently introduce a limit of hours adolescents can game?

The world would be a better place without those transactions in my opinion. It might sound extreme but in my view this is the first step towards gambling addiction.

We as humanity are becoming really obsessed with everything digital instead of spending more time physically interacting with our peers. And unfortunately I am no exception.


Don’t forget the lack of Linux support.


Xbone, I like that!


That’s why I always buy after release and usually wait for some discounts. But I plan to buy BG3 even if it’s not discounted at the winter sale but I think it is pretty obvious that this game is pretty good already.


Damn, I have both games and I enjoy them both.


Same here, super frustrating and it seems we are not the only ones. There are a bunch of people who haven’t received their decks. F GLS, delivering goods with donkeys. It took them


I am actually happy if this pushes more developers to ditch DX in favour of Vulkan, high time if you ask me.


Yes, it should be today at some point, I got an email notifying me that it is out for delivery at last. I can’t wait to get it and install the 2Tb SSD inside.


The sad thing is that recently most of the discounts have been more or less lukewarm, very few games have 80-90% discounts


Every sane person just reading the news of what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank can make their own conclusions. If you really value human life no matter the religion, ethnicity or skin colour you can see a clear pattern.


I don’t need the exact numbers to know how bad the situation is. I have a couple of questions for you:

  • Do you agree that the civilian casualties on the Palestinian side far exceed those on the Israeli part?
  • Do you agree that a large chunk of the population in Gaza is displaced and currently living in makeshift tents?
  • Do you agree that there is an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza?
  • Do you agree that there is increased violence and imposed restrictions in the West bank by the IDF, and that far right settlers are persecuting Palestinians and killing them.
  • Weren’t there members of the Israeli parliament calling for nuking Gaza, to do the same in the West Bank, etc?
  • What about illegal settlements, land grab, numerous human rights violations, etc.

I also want Hamas gone, but don’t think this is the way.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


So practically he wants to create a SaaS model to eternally milk their user base. As much as I like the game devs working for rockstar, their management is an utterly horrendous bunch of scums and in a way I wish that GTA6 is one giant flop.


I also have less time to game, but I sure as hell don’t want to play shorter games. I like to play games with good stories, who are engaging and with fun play. Witcher 3 is a prime example of how even the majority of the side quests can be meaningful and not feeling too generic. I also enjoyed the last of us part 2. And I usually feel sorry when I finish a good game.

And shorter games should naturally command a lower price which isn’t always the case.


It is debatable, but would you pay 70$ for a 2-hours game and another 10x70$ for DLCs and expansions that would extend the original content?

But this also doesn’t mean that you should feel your game with generic content in order to make it longer either. It is a fine line but I know that I would have a real problem justifying 70€ for 2 hours of game content without replayability, even if the game is amazing.


This looks like a huge re-design from Valve, they seem to have done an excellent job. A lot of thought has gone into this device and I expect the subsequent test will prove that.

Another great video of Gamer’s Nexus, this Steve guy is amazing.


And still not a PS5 visual upgrade. Rockstar’s management are greedy *****.


Yes, read the review of the Verge and it seems that it is slightly more power efficient and runs cooler, so this would help with GPU stuttering to some extent.

I was just checking the specs on Valve’s website. And they had listed the APU consumption and the numbers were exactly the same, which led to my confusion.

I guess the screen is absolutely gorgeous too. I was planning to upgrade my GPU next year and buy the 4070 Ti Super both for gaming and productivity but now I am feeling a bit unsure about it.

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