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'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT (

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....


Sadly not that unusual. Lots of judges are . . . not great lawyers.

To be fair a judge mostly uses a slightly different skill set, practically speaking. But that doesn’t matter here, she’s objectively corrupt and terrible. Impeachment or trebuchet-to-the-sun.


They’re more bumbling and dumb because since he “won” in 2016 now he doesn’t have to listen to the political consultants who would have told him ahead of time what his remarks should be. Not that he would have followed those either.


Assistant Manhattan District Attorney Joshua Steinglass argued that the value of a “corrupt bargain” between the publisher of The National Enquirer, Trump and his then-personal lawyer Michael Cohen to suppress negative stories about Trump cannot be overstated, and might have been one of the most valuable political contributions ever.

Well, yeah. That and the outrageous failure of the corporate news media to explain the many, many ways trump is unqualified to be president. Nit to mention a demented sociopathic rapist.


The news media doesn’t care about a stable, healthy country.

And yet that is the very reason they are allowed a free press.


My family: We should save the planet!

Me: great, let’s all eat less meat!

My family: . . . No


Maybe they should ask for the truth about the JFK assassination, too!

Oh - ha ha! Ahhh hehe what a kidder, right folks? ha ha! No . . uhh - no, we’re not going to do that. Um. No need. case closed. HEY IS THAT A SQUIRREL?


Yee fuckin haw


came to make the BiDen GeNoSidE comment, see it’s already been made unironically.



Y’all hear that circus music? It keeps getting louder


Okay so an EU-only version of NATO. All that money goes through it. Thanks Hungary, problem solved.


Kennedy was eliminated in the first round of voting after receiving support from 19 delegates, or just 2.07% of delegates.

Earlier, Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle had ruled that former president Donald J. Trump was not even qualified to be considered for nomination because he did not submit the proper nominating papers. Trump, however, received six write-in votes – defeating Stormy Daniels, Denali the Cat, and Sean Ono Lennon.

I mean, if it was Stormy v Biden, we might have us a horse race . . . But it ain’t.


I’ll allow it


Nope. Not until many years later. Hell it was only ONE movie until it took over the world and people could not get enough of it, so everyone and their dog begged Lucas to make more.

Then ya boi’s all “oh it was always going to be a trilogy” yeah yeah okay George. “And it was always meant to have three prequels which would” George, shutup a minute - firstly there’s no such word as prequel, so - anyway.

Look, you mashed up Metropolis and Dune on a whim and got solid gold, why not leave it alone? Money. Right. Of course. Ah well.


Brilliant meme btw. Cheers.


Copy that.


I just use “pissed off Democrat”


we don’ get no steenkin ads. ublock Origin for the win.


No problem, he’s got it all figured out.

He’ll tell them he’s being hassled in court by the gummit - which they obviously don’t like. See. THEN - okay here’s that patented trump jenius coming out: Then he tells them “If I wasn’t a Libertarian before - I AM NOW!!” which he expected to get a huge ovation for but got mostly a half-second of “wtf” followed by a louder version of whatever it was he was getting before. YT video if you don’t want to watch it on Xitter


Seriously, the slimy look is frickin’ creepy - can someone get one of those giant powder puff things and just smash it into his face before he gets on stage.

It looks like a giant orange dog slobbered all over him. Gross.


As he was always intended to do. Mission Accomplished.


Then things got weirder. Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, worked with US intelligence to combine his uncle’s work with public relations. Ultimately, he used his marketing acumen to help the CIA foment a coup in Guatemala in the 1950s. His work is partly why so many propaganda campaigns resemble ads – both use psychology in an attempt to change audiences’ behaviour.

As the Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed in 2018, US political operatives continue to use this toolkit. Instead of sending anthropologists into war zones, they build “psychographic profiles” of people by harvesting their data from social media sites, then targeting them with ads.

A Polling Risk for Trump (

The polls have shown Donald Trump with an edge for eight straight months, but there’s a sign his advantage might not be quite as stable as it looks: His lead is built on gains among voters who aren’t paying close attention to politics, who don’t follow traditional news and who don’t regularly vote....


Importantly, these low-turnout voters are often from Democratic constituencies. Many back Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. But in our polling, Biden wins just three-quarters of Democratic-leaning voters who didn’t vote in the last cycle, even as almost all high-turnout Democratic-leaners continue to support him.

This trend illustrates the disconnect between Trump’s lead in the polls and Democratic victories in lower-turnout special elections. And it helps explain Trump’s gains among young and nonwhite voters, who tend to be among the least engaged.


That’s pretty much trumpism in a nutshell isn’t it?


No one else running in the election in November? Or you’re just not the voting type?


Goddamn. I bet it felt good to get that out huh


The republiQans are inviting him over, eh?

Just like last time.

And again, dead silence from the ‘biden genocide’ trollwaffen


Dubai is the old name. The kidniks call it “New Miami” now.


As a wackadoo absolutist, I find Biden has not given us free energy and stopped all violence in the world. Therefore he obviously will not get my vote. The fact that trump will benefit from my ignorant obstinance is of no concern to me.


Gym? Whats a gym?

Oohhhh . . . haha . . . a gym


You mean again?

Yeah, sure. Of course they would. Guaranteed.


They still don’t have a media plan. 2016 broke everything. The best anyone’s come up with - that I’ve seen - is to constantly hassle voters with unsolicited texts.

Wrong. It’s like we have 25 million dollars lets run the same ad 100 times a day. Wrong!


This is why people are not ready. What the republiQan party is contributing to - the kind of chaos and instability they’re willingly agreeing to inflict in order for a shot at more power is unconscionable. The massive uptick in narcissistic sociopaths in the GQP is no coincidence.

Your parent’s republican party should be ashamed, but that’s never stopped them before and it sure as shit won’t stop them now.

Farmers in India are weary of politicians' lackluster response to their climate-driven water crisis (

On a stifling hot day this May, farm worker Shobha Londhe is reminded of the desperate conditions that led her husband to take his own life. It’s the hottest and driest summer in years, she said, and for farm workers that often means little to no income, rising debts and intolerable heat....


As with the ticketmaster story, if you put Taylor Swift’s picture on the headline it gets more clicks.

It’s just that simple.


It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it.


That works for them.


laughs in oligarch

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