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I actually really like cantaloupe, but I love Facade more, so I guess I’m upvoting.


100%. Not enough people have played Noita.

Is there some sort of Indie Game Showcase?

Started playing a few indie titles on PC, or at least titles that I would not normally be able to find without digging a bit (Sea of Stars, Hollow Knight, Garden Story, etc). Finding games that are made by smaller studios is a little (not much, but a little) harder than finding “Top Sellers” on Steam. I have tried Steam’s...



FOSS recreation of the oldschool C&C games + Dune 2000.

Edit: Also this - gruntmods.com/dune_2000_gruntmods_edition/


raises hand

If we aren’t American, may we be excused?


lowers hand


That’s fair. If it helps, I don’t generally talk about US politics. Not my place (literally).


Plus the Pinkerton thing.

Plus the OGL thing.



Plus the 2 free packs are essentially nothing but advertising for the paid packs.


I’m a bit torn on this. On the one hand, it seems like it would be fun to battle friends, and I understand there’s a built in design for the “collectible” aspect that I really can’t be upset about.

On the other hand, the entire ad was about the “shiney collectibles” aspect, and the actual utility of those cards (ie, battling) was barely an afterthought. That doesn’t say great things about their priorities here.


If this game doesn’t have microtransactions, I’ll straight up eat my hat.

Edit: Maybe i spoke too soon. I’m not very familiar with the online TCG or the physical->digital card system in place, but you could very well be right that they would stick with that system.

That said, there’s too much to be gained from microtransactions, and they know that all too well with Pokémon Go. I stand by my statement regarding the headwear and the mastication thereof.


That protest wasn’t against Trudeau, it was against common sense.


It’s absolutely insane to me that these things can be settled in gift cards.


I got older and richer, and I’m still just as socialist as I was then. Perhaps moreso, even.

I think the idea is that they have more wealth, and are terrified of losing that wealth. It comes down to greed and fear of change, rather than the actual amount of wealth itself.


Focusing on profits, same as most studios.


First: I don’t see the value in posting a game here with zero context. Like, alright, this game exists I guess?

Second: Not that I’m necessarily against it, but this looks like a straight up clone of Oxygen Not Included. I’m all for different studios giving their take on a concept, but I’m hard pressed to find what this does that ONI doesn’t do?


Yeah, I would love to have more games like ONI, but I hope this game can find its own niche.


Honestly, that’s fair. I do feel like even an “I saw this on Steam and thought it looked interesting” would add enough context, tbh. As it is, I thought this post might have been bot spam or something.


All good! Honestly I wouldn’t have an issue with posting your own video here - it’s a small enough community that we could use whatever OC content we can get.


Lately, it’s been Factorio. It’s nice to set all my worries aside and pick up an entirely new set of worries regarding factories and the growth thereof.


Oh, also, mid-pandemic I played A Short Hike, and while not a long game, it was an incredible escape for a while.


I told myself this for years before finally buying it, haha. It’s exactly as addicting as you think.


Damn, 8 feet deep. That hole don’t fuck around.


Playing my first non-vanilla run with Krastorio right now, and it feels like I’m playing a whole new game. I can basically kiss my life goodbye… again.


I’ve heard this pack can be overly complex, but I know one day I’ll give into it and never be seen again.


Yeah, I was tempted to try K2 + SE, but the last ounce of my sanity kicked in at the last second. It’s definitely next up, though.


I play with a few friends, and I can confirm that multiplayer adds a lot to the game. It also helps with things like starving, because you can have people focusing on cooking/hunting/farming etc.


Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of really hard hitting decisions, and I’m in awe at how they’re able to make the story work with just how many choices there are.

Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales?

Sales follow the tradition of supply and demand. Products come out at their highest price because of expectations and hype. Then, as interest wanes, the publisher continues to make some sales by reducing price to tempt the less interested parties....


I would argue there’s some merit to catching the cultural “wave” of a new AAA release every now and again.

Obviously I don’t do it often, but I recently picked up Baldur’s Gate 3, and it’s been fun to talk to people about it at work and such.


I’ve been looking to get back into a good JRPG - been a loooong time. Might need to check this one out.


Honestly, these days you don’t even need a particularly powerful rig. Just time and effort, really.


True, though if I were to do it, I’d want to vet/guide the process to get good results. Either way though, it’s certainly doable.


I’m honestly salty that there doesn’t seem to be a Shadowheart + Karlach duo option unless I play as one of them.

I was romancing Shadowheart, but she clearly wants Karlach, and I hate to stand in the way of that.


Just me, or is the image link in the article broken?


The “journalist” didn’t even try the demo before writing this. Thanks for the direct link, no point going through the article.


I used to use GameMaker back in the Mark Overmars 5.0/6.0 days, but dropped it the moment it went to a paid model. This is great news, and I might honestly check it out again.

Nowadays I would generally prefer to use Godot - not a surprise, given where I’m posting. But GM was great for quick prototyping, if nothing else.


What a weird article, most of it is focused on a Twitter comment about the success of BG3 being “like David and Goliath”, but the author can’t even figure out what “Goliath” would be in this context.

Larian isn’t exactly a small studio, I can’t imagine thinking of them as “David” in any real context. What a weird thing to say…


I’m most looking forward to a jump in general NPC intelligence and ability. I just want to exist in a world where I can ask an NPC to do “quests” for me, so I can run my shop in peace.


I’m not sure about the Microsoft toolkit specifically, but I’m talking about something along these lines:

I’m actually experimenting with something similar at the moment, though it’s very early stages right now.


And yet, it would be far more dynamic - not to mention easier to implement - if it were powered by an LLM.


Honestly, fair enough, it would take a lot of work to have an LLM direct your game in the intended way.

That said though, to create an AI system equivalent to an LLM would be even more work.

I think a lot of this comes down to AAA vs Indie, as well. For a AAA game, there is a lot more pressure to keep the LLM in line - which is of course very difficult if not impossible. For an indie game, though, the goofiness can be part of the charm, I think.

I guess my point is that I’m just excited to see what people can come up with. The point of games is to play, and I personally think LLMs are fun to play with.


Sure, but once the model is trained and all that, the developer doesn’t need to worry about any of that - it becomes a black box as far as actual implementation goes.

I don’t think anyone is proposing that game devs create an LLM from scratch.


Oooookay? Pretty sure I understand just fine, but agree to disagree I guess.


I’ll second Vintage Story. It’s gritty, fun as hell, and under active development. Can’t recommend it enough.


Decided to give this game a try. John Doyle is a smug old bastard.

Gotta say, though, impressive physics for an NES game.

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