@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar



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@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Israel already had one or the two piece puzzle to stopping Hamas from being a threat; they had a strong air-defense system, and could’ve used their military reserves to actually properly defend their border. A disgrace that motorcycles and gliders could just waltz on over, especially in lieu of known intelligence of an impending attack.

Leveling Gaza only exacerbates radicalization for decades to come without actually addressing the root causes for said radicalization.

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

For the longest time I thought this was solely a matter of education; but these days, I’m beginning to think such right-wing extremism is also a matter of mental illness.

Things like poor parenting, brain injuries from football, lead exposure from guns and motorsports, substance abuse, shitty diets, etc. – all culminate in a banner of people who are… Not of sound mind.

Saying this as a former rural Appalachian Republican from decades ago.

Edit: added “solely” for some clarification.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Go ahead, try it Russia. See what happens.

Sick of their North Korea antics.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes… The crack shots like Stewart Rhodes doing to his eye what Ralphie did not.

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Remind a Maga that native-born citizens commit more crime on average than undocumented immigrants. Deport the maga. Keep the mother, father, and children seeking a better life.

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT (www.rawstory.com)

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, you are correct — their rhetoric is more further-reaching, no doubt. They control the narratives, absolutely. But this isn’t because they’re being rhetoricians, it’s because:

  • They lack the morality to care.
  • They have the vast majority of the money and with it a greater loudspeaker.
  • Selling fear and rageporn and lies and half-truths will always be easier than conveying the complexity and nuance of truth and reality.
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Those shitheads care about nothing more than power. Thomas too busy taking bribes to worry about something so silly like empathy.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

So many tragic, incompetent mistakes. Almost like that’s what we’ve been warning about.

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

The notion of “choice,” and “free will” has largely been called into doubt by scientists.

Second, when (as the above-user mentioned) a corporate conglomerate has millions if not billions of dollars to spend on marketing teams, behavioral scientists, psychologists, etc., that tends to overwhelm our finite willpower and short-circuits our primal neural motivators.

Ultra-Processed Foods have tastes and caloric densities in abundance that simply is not found in the wild so easily except for honey guarded by angry bees and salt licks… What do you think that does to the brain whose evolutionary past is still firmly rooted in hunting-and-gathering?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Didn’t we know this for years?

We’re a net-exporter of firearms to south of the border.

In effect, we’ve created a key component of the problem that inevitably feeds mass migration north to flee said crime and poverty.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’d say their routine targeting of journalists, celebrities, kidnapping of school children fits that definition of terrorism.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Did you guys see Chris Sununu fully bend over backwards, collapsing his face fully into Trump’s ass cheeks to defend his endorsement despite going full 180 from his words not 2 years ago? That man should join the circus with flexibility like that.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Man… You could just fucking own it and be far better off in every way. Just speaks to the crazy ego these people have.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

mUh small guv’mint individual freedumb tho…

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

“Just to simply announce today that we will change our approach on arms exports, it would make Hamas stronger and it would make a hostage deal less likely,” he adds.

… But it would SAVE civilians and force Israel to reevaluate their blatantly low standard for collateral damage.

That Cameron simply thinks “hammering more aid” into Gaza can offset the destruction of 500-2000lb bombs in densely-populated civilian centers needs to be called out head-on by reporters and activists.

At the end of the day, Israel has committed the equivalent of well over 20 if not 30 October 7ths in terms of the death and destruction to innocent civilian lives. REGARDLESS of Hamas’ actions, it speaks more on Israel that they don’t value the alleged human shields Hamas supposedly uses at every strike Israel makes.

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Sucks because I’ve appreciated his support for Ukraine as of late.

He’s simply wrong on this, however.

Edit: wtf? Are there really supporters of fascist Putin in here?

How Zionism became a synonym for violence and oppression (www.theguardian.com)

For decades, Joe Biden has proudly declared that he is a Zionist, and he has repeated that claim since Hamas’s 7 October attacks on Israel. But for the student anti-war protests gripping the US, the words “Zionist” and “Zionism” have become a watchword – pejorative and emblematic of the violent state policies driving...

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

The best thing to come out of all this is the veil finally being removed and a global conversation of separating antisemitism from anti-Israeli nationalism. It’s been so tiring seeing Israel conflate the two for decades.

Having a wanton disregard for civilian life, shutting down news agencies… They’ve become the very thing they fought against nearly a century ago.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Last I checked, physicians must treat both symptoms and diseases simultaneously. E.g., the Shock. The bleeding. The excess fever.

Similarly there’s no reason both cannot be tackled simultaneously here as well; for the root cause is often far more difficult to address than treating symptoms.

So yes, address the root causes such as:

  • Reducing societal stress (reduce work weak, lower socioeconomic inequality)
  • Expand and improve baseline education levels
  • Provide Universal healthcare with free access to mental health including therapy.

… But also address the symptoms, which means that when someone does inevitably fall through the cracks, they’re not given free and easy access to gun that is lethally more effective than a knife.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Right? I’ve long said that Democrats should just pivot and say, “Okay you don’t want to work on getting guns out of the hands of criminals? Okay whatever. You agree part of this is a result of mental health? Okay, then let’s pass Universal healthcare with guaranteed access to therapy and more.”

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’m fully on-board with a national gun ban and a complete change of the 2nd amendment, but I know we are also decades away from that realistically. Boomers and GenX will have to die off first. Can’t teach old dogs new tricks.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Like I said I’m good with either direction. Pragmatic pivoting to root causes, addressing the hemorrhagic symptoms, or both.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

It was so outlandish that many of these folks opted to believe the media was slandering him over him just being that scummy of a person.

The character-assassination on “The Media” (granted some of that was self-inflicted) was really successful, allowing anyone to follow whatever narrative they desired without shame.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Donnie was only a “staunch” Democrat because he was playing to the local crowd. Was he ever a true Democrat? Did he ever care about any of the traditional issues? No chance.

Like Bloomberg they’re just Dem to fit in and not be ostracized. All those fucks are conservative Republicans in reality.

Macklemore Attacks Joe Biden On Pro-Palestine Song "Hind's Hall" (www.hotnewhiphop.com)

He hasn’t released on streaming yet or YouTube only insta and Twitter. Once it’s up on streaming he said all proceeds will go to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)....

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Same Love is one or the best songs of all time. That’s the main one I remember.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. Imagine if it wasn’t just Trump but Mike Pompeo that piece of utter dog shit instead of Blinken. They’d be cheering on the bombings faster than Dick Cheney could say WMD while they just laughed at the protesters.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

They’re basically who the Russia gate chapotraphouse type folks were.

A mixture of fake leftists (right-wing operatives), foreign operatives, naive teenagers, etc.

Either they drank the kool-aid or they’re pouring the kool-aid.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’m about to vomit at the thought but if Trump gets locked up and sinks what are the odds Musk runs for President either this year or in 4 years to capture these same bottom-feeders of society?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Oh thank fuck I keep forgetting he’s not native born.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

is it, though?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Either everyone got whooshed by your sarcasm and underlying point or there are more gun lubbers on here than I thought.

lennybird, (edited )
@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

If anyone directly subjected to the tragedy were here I might be inclined to agree, but this isn’t the funeral. So personally I think it’s a great time to connect the dots between this event, and what could’ve been had the lethal effectiveness of the shooter been elevated. With the goal in mind to mitigate future tragedies, I see nothing tone deaf about it. I see it as very productive.

I mean really, what else are we supposed to talk about in these comments…?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I’d venture a guess the majority of users here are American and just trying to solve our stupid American shit.

If you don’t care, then just ignore. If you do care about reducing deaths in America, then let these conversations play out.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

What was wrong with how they said it?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

My guy, how do you think peoples’ opinions on national issues shift over the years…?

… The answer: By the aggregation of conversations like this. Connecting dots to parallel events to exemplify what could’ve been — what other time is a viable time to have that conversation, at the dinner table…?

There really is nothing wrong here; there really is nothing rude here. The user is using satire and sarcasm to indicate that UK has more fruitful laws than America. if anything, it’s raising UK up and pointing out our stupid American shit. This is a public forum well within the rules — again, what is wrong with that?

The only thing I can conceive is that there are pro-gun folks on here who’d rather suppress this dialogue. They are quite literally the only ones who would object to not having the uncomfortable conversation about firearms in America and saving lives.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This has nothing to do with parallel events since the UK and the US have vastly different laws & regulations (or lack thereof).

Yes, that is precisely my point — can’t you see? Let me attempt to spell it out:

    • A parallel event occurs in the UK that is common in the US: a mass casualty homicidal rampage.
    • We (what we learn in English composition) Compare-and-Contrast in order to learn
    • We take what we’ve compared-and-contrasted, and we improve.

What you seem to suggest is that comparing and contrasting is off-limits on public forums for some inane reason.

And Americans constantly - and I really mean constantly - trying to interject their own politics into foreign topics that has nothing to do with them, trying to make the topic about them, is nothing but annoying at this point.

For better or worse, Americans have a massive influence on the world stage. We are the Rome of this era. What happens in America often impacts the globe, again for better or worse. Considering this is an open community that has many Americans on here, I fail to see the issue. Like, why are you so hellbent on suppressing a conversation about improving something for Americans? This has zero impact on what happens in the UK; we’re simply contrasting experiments in other countries to see what works, and what doesn’t.

This is all in the name of improvement, and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to suggest there’s something taboo about that.

This is, unfortunately, just proving my point though, since you completely ignore what I’m saying and continue to try to make this about you.

Again, your opening sentence outright proves you are completely ignoring my point.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Fair enough, you as well.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Shouldn’t surprise anyone, really. Mike Johnson did Putin a big favor in delaying aid for so long. Now Putin will push for any last-minute gains before the aid can be fully deployed.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

I get your frustration with Europe but if I may suggest we double-fuck Mike Johnson and only half-fuck Europe and here’s why:

To Europe’s credit there really hasn’t been a reason to suggest Russia would do anything more than remain corrupt within its nation and perhaps a few puppet states — for the longest time, Ukraine being one of them.

To this day Russia by no means has nor had the capacity to attack NATO — even in their diminished armed forces state — hence the reason he opted to attack Ukraine before what the writing on the wall came to fruition. So did Europe just 10 years ago expect to be popping up a non-member eastern european state? Not really. Even Mitt Romney was laughed off the debate stage when he said Russia was a #1 Geopolitical threat (which, I still kind of think that was an out-of-touch guess that makes him look good in retrospect). Pretty much everyone considered China to be the number one geopolitical foe.

To this day Russia barks louder than its bite. It couldn’t even take Ukraine despite its blitz. So I can understand why Western Europe has felt insulated from them… But I’m happy they’re finally beginning to wake up.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

So if I go along with your logic to give the European’s a half-pass on the problem then why shouldn’t US Conservatives get one as well? If it wasn’t a problem and no one should have been worried then why is it only an issue that US Conservatives have to answer for?

I mean, the US has done a half-pass on China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran for decades — obviously geopolitics is a little more complicated than I think you’re giving credit. So I think that’s already a given, but I’m really not sure what you mean — are you excusing a race-to-the-bottom mindset? That two-wrongs-make-a-right?

But this is largely beside the point. At a time Western Europe maye have thought they were insulated. But Stoltenberg and Van Der Leyen are fully convinced these days they really are not and have rallied most of Europe to be in agreement. And despite the ultra-low risk to Russia actually attacking NATO countries, they’re investing in a new Ukraine under Zelenskyy’s leadership that isn’t a corrupt mess like previous administrations.

They “couldn’t” because Europe was relying on the U.S. to shitwreck them if they tried and they’re still relying on it right now in 2024. It’s why the Euro part of NATO freaks the fuck out every time the US gets even the tiniest bit wobbly about its participation.

Yes, the US would shitwreck them. You act like this is an utterly selfless act and not in our own national security interests. Need I remind you that NATO was created by the United States in the interests of the United States. So yes, member-nations have a guideline — not a bound obligation — to contribute further; and in the run-up to Russia’s rising aggression, that has notably increased. But let’s not pretend the economy of the US doesn’t benefit from the Military-Industrial Complex. Our economy has heavily-geared toward our R&D, military-production, and standing armies.

The only people getting wobbly about its participation are dumb-fuck short-sighted conservatives or folks on Kremlin payroll, like Trump. Even John Bolton thinks he’s insane over this because it’s utterly self-defeating.

Forget propping up Ukraine, they can’t even properly guarantee their own security; which again has been said by every single US President since Bill Clinton. They didn’t need to predict Ukraine prior to 2012 but they refused to even take it seriously for themselves!

You’re still dodging the point that NATO was collecting dust and nobody expected a full-blown land-invasion of Europe a-la Hitler invading Poland. Even now the risk is far-away but closer than expected — and now we do see Europe stepping up to the plate.

Honestly, what is your point? Have you not seen the massive jump in military-spending in Western Europe? The massive military aid packages to Ukraine? Your argument is years out of date and now overwhelmingly moot.


Yeah, because the US, the UK, and Canada got busy training and equipping Ukraine’s military after Crimea in 2014. All the while being ridiculed by the exact same people who are now pissed off that the US isn’t committing enough military power fast enough. Without the investments in training and equipping Ukraine’s military the Russian blitz would have absolutely led to the fall of Ukraine in the first 30 days.

Again, I’m not following the point you’re making here. Let’s review:

  • A half-hearted investment in Ukraine without ANY NATO troops was enough to STOP a full-blown takeover by Russia at their strongest.
  • Was Europe ever at risk of being invaded? — No
  • Is Europe now investing much more in military and aid to Ukraine? — Yes.
  • Has the United States directly benefited from protecting Ukraine both economically and geopoltically? — Yes.
  • Are conservatives arguments largely bullshit and self-defeating? Yes.

Thus in past years, it sounds like Europe has been correct in recognizing money could probably be better spent elsewhere for its people.

He said that in 2012 and two years later Russia proved that it wasn’t a good guess and then 8 years later, while the Euro’s were ridiculing the Biden Administration, Russia again proved that Romney was correct. History has proven that Romney was ridiculed by the ignorant, the stupid, and those whose pockets were stuffed with Rubles.

So what if Putin put green men in Ukraine 2-years-later? Talk about post-hoc fallacy? How has Russia remotely been a competitor with The United States? Romney would’ve been better to say Russia is a geopolitical threat for Eastern Europe. Russia whose economic GDP is smaller than the state of California alone and whose army has been revealed as a paper tiger —is not and never was a geopolitical threat since before the fall of the USSR and I’d LOVE any evidence to the contrary.

Every single comment you can make along the “insulated” line is doubly true for the United States so I won’t be giving Europe that requested half-pass.

Again yes Europe is insulated but the United States benefits economically from a secure Europe; the United States benefits economically from the military aid we provide to Ukraine. Without the United States — again of their own foreign policy geopolitical strategy — the stability of the entire global system collapses and with it our own economy. As much as it is a noble cause, it’s also frankly a selfish one. That’s on Republican dumbasses if they can’t understand that, but I think there is more kompromat among Republican circles than I think you give credit.

My comment should in no way be construed as support for US Conservatives and their lack of support for Ukraine. The United States should be sending more military power to Ukraine and they should be doing it faster. I’m just really tired of the Europeans getting a pass for their woeful lack of preparation even after the alarms bells started loudly clanging back in 2014.

I might agree with this between 2014-2020 more, but I’m less inclined to believe this is as big of a deal as you make it out to be now, especially in the backdrop of everything else I mentioned.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

This is what Putin conveniently does for any opposition.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

lol tankies trying so hard to rationalize what China and Russia is wrongly doing now for what US may or may not have wrongly done in the past.

But tu tuoque / two wrongs make a right, amirite gais!?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

lol who cares. Irrelevant to the conversation. Why fixate on the past when the topic is the wrongdoing happening now and that can be thwarted now?

  • Anti-capitalism
  • No tankie
  • USA bad!
  • Doesn’t side with China.

What a unicorn!

Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how’d you acquire the device you’re using right now?

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Oof, looks like I hit a nerve and won.

Again: Tell me, Mr. Anti-capitalist, how’d you acquire the device you’re using right now?

I’m not even a liberal, haha! I’m actually left of there. Closer to a Social Democrat.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Ah! So they’re just hypocrites who can’t practice what they preach — got it!

Always makes me chuckle when someone spits out something like “capitalist scum” but guaranteed wallows in the scum on the daily like a pig in feces.

Zero self-awareness.

Change begins with you, good sir!

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

A reflection of their constituents to boot.

… Well, okay. Not all are psychopaths. Many are just naive, low-educated, and grifted.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

“Look I stand up for individual freedumb and small guv’mint and minding yer own beezwax… But I draw the line when I’m forced to see two men that ain’t me holdin’ hands or having to call someone a different name than they want, like Jon over Jonathan! The audacity!1!”

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely. I didn’t mean to sound like I’m excusing it as Jon also noted the problem is how everything is a crisis and breaking news and it just exhausts what actually is urgent.

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