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What an excellent idea to force people to drink more responsibly and get alcohol back on the prohibited substances list.

Alcohol, Cannabis, Magic-mushrooms and other less debilitating “fun” substances should be regulated for personal use by adults. Scheduled substances should still be illegal but convictions should be mental health, addiction therapy and social servitude as punishments.


I always wanted to see MORE interactions during and outside combat based on each characters intimacy levels.

For example, if you run around them, more than twice, they should say " Are you trying to spin my world right round right round ? " :-D

Also if in combat you use some special skill or spell of the character class, it should allow them to “auto-assist” or do a “follow-up combo” that works with your actions.

And if you run into bears in woods, they should choose you over the bear :-D :-D :-D


Y’all need to watch laowhy86 and serpentza on YT as well as their OG “The China Show” ( and not the Bloomberg copy-crap CCPPCC kowtowing ). China Fact Chasers on YT has clips if you dont have time for long form content.

Xi-BaoXe. Winnie the Pooh. 6489. Free Tibet. Free HK. Taiwan No.1 Country! :-D

My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux

I have been daily driving Linux for over two years now and I have switched distros many times. So, when my friend bought a new laptop, I convinced him to install Linux Mint on it. I asked him if he wanted to dual boot, he said no because it would fill up all his storage. We installed Linux Mint. The other day, he wanted to play...


Your suggestion is not wrong despite people not liking it. OpenSuse Leap or TW and Fedora even SilverBlue can be good for Linux newbies.

I have got both OpenSuse Leap and Fedora 37 on old-people systems and they are happy to browse using Chrome and edit using Libreoffice. etc.

Windows or Linux is as much suitable for the people who can use it and need it. No need to force anyone to use anything.


Hence let the friend run Windows. End of story.


Young whipper snappers can run for the hills since all the elders are going to become Linux experts :-D

Go install Windows you ankle-biters! Get off my lawn! :-D


Clintons are the “NEW-Money” in politics. Bill was governor and Hillary was a lawyer getting kickbacks from Bill and vice-versa. Nothing illegal but it was all “gray-area”. People hated this type of double-dealing. Just barely-legal but completely unethical and morally-bankrupt. Then Bill got caught lying with his pants down.

Hillary never understood peoples sentiments that the Clintons smooched on the system and tax-dollars yet they still got away with it.

This is a problem of character meets long-term actions and tendencies.

Hillary never got “her turn” because dirty politicians are not loved. She forgot that hard-work pays off when you are clean. And she forgot to campaign in Michigan and other places instead wanted to take a break.

Hindsight 20/20. If she and Bill had come clean, told the voters that they wont be doing the old runaround and clean up the system and take responsibility and have Bill “SHUT THE EFF UP YOU PERVY IDIOT”. There might have been a chance that Hillary could have garnered sympathies as a hardworking housewife with a screwloose husband.

Dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and all that.


Including that entire party should be written off from the annals of history forever.


I believe pfizer? and some other pharma companies have now admitted to the non-zero risk for blood-clots and fatally-low platelet counts due to the vaccine. We still do not understand the full long-term impact of the vaccines. We need to stop the vaccine rollout and study the long-term and wider population effects now so that if in 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line if we start seeing people developing abnormal long-term systemic chronic effects due to the vaccines, we now have a MASSIVE study-patient-base available.

Medicine has to be RESPONSIBLY applied and while vaccinations are necessary they still have to be studied to death to ensure their safety and efficacy.

Private corporations DO NOT GET A FREE PASS.


It doesn’t absolve the need to study the Golden rice for health problems. If Monsanto/Bayer made this “healthy rice” I will be even MORE skeptical of this. Corporations have been well-known for greed and mutual-human-extinction.

I trust the rice that was humanly modified and grown over 20,000 years rather than the rice that was suddenly placed in the market by a greedy-corporation in less than a century.


If you mix rice with turmeric ( another attempted cash-grab-by-patenting ) you will get “golden rice”. Not sure if it will have Vitamin-A so thats what supplements are for.


If it makes “Hitler” happy and isn’t hurting “not-Jews” else why do you care?

These kinds of whataboutism is how bad things happen from well-intentioned but ultimately bad things end up happening.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I heard somewhere that only the Top 2% of OF-“models” make 80% of all the revenue and the rest hardly make enough to pay for a meal a day.


I heard that during COVID lockdowns, couples in Paris parks were left-alone if they were caucasian while the non-caucasians we beaten by the cops without any warning whatsoever.


Extreme examples bring to light why whataboutism is so prevalent. Find a better answer than “public nudity never hurt no one” … is not the correct answer.


Canada and Mexico are not at all far away. Easy to move to better accommodations.


Chubbyemu did a video of some dude doing permanent damage by bengay to the sac. I am not sure if survival but invalid or ded-ded.

DO NOT APPLY ANYTHING BUT SAFE SOAP + WATER TO SENSITIVE AREAS! Else You too “might make A recovery” or “might not make it”.


NotJustBikes, Post10, BoyBoy, Ididathing, friendlyjordies, PrimitiveTechnology, thejuicemedia


CodysLab, William Osman 2, NileRed, BackyardScientist, Allen Pan, SafetyThird Podcast.


April Wilkerson Ashley Harwood Xyla Foxlin


Too soon :-(

Happy that the Irwins are following their dreams and keeping their dad’s passion alive!

Miss that dude his drive his passion his focus his spirit.



Upper Echelon

Mental Outlaw


I believe his book Primitive Technology: A Survivalist’s Guide to Building Tools,… by John Plant. So you can buy it if you want to. :-D


Shouldn’t every Russian “soldier” or “military personnel” be defecting by the millions to Ukraine ? I mean if the Ukraine-Russia War finally resolves, either Ukraine will be a EU AND NATO Member !!! Or Russia will shrink politically and economically ( military likely the first to get thrown under the bus if Russia loses) even a Russian victory now will be a extremely pyrrhic lose-lose situation further isolating Russia.

I cant imagine if Russia sends WOMEN to the front-lines in ANY capacity. Women will seek to surrender to Ukrainian forces and Russia will start to decline by population. You cannot create an Army without women participating. If you remove even 5% of Russian women, the war will be lost before you fire bullets.

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