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Even in sarcasm statements like that are damaging to the truth.


Nearly every comment in this thread is a joke, in an informative community, about a world-threatening situation.

And all of you are fine with this.


I’d rather just pull the ruling class out of their towers and beat them to death in the streets, but you can joke if you want I guess.


well the rich aren’t stopping having kids, in fact they’re having more kids now than ever.

So, you want them to just outpopulate us? I guess that’ll be a fine solution for them.


Whatever name you call them it weaponized right wing shithead talking points for years.

It did its job.

We laugh at him for being an idiot, but he knew what he was doing and contributed to the current state of generalized chaos surrounding climate change.


History will show that this man is a disturbed and bloodthirsty autocrat, but for now we have to pretend he is a sane and normal person.


How the fuck are ‘we’ complicit in it when our government only follows the average citizen’s will in 10% of their policies?

You’re just like the megacorps chiding us for not recycling our water bottle caps.


Some of the American public is, and is being ignored just like I mentioned.

Both Biden and Trump are for unrestricted sales, it seems.

I don’t give a fuck if Biden ate homeless ass for fun on fridays, I’m not voting for a twice impeached seditionist that called for the violent overthrow of a legal election.


You know that isn’t the case at all but you also know there are plenty of readers here too stupid to realize it.

That’s fine, you’d never have voted for him even if you were an American citizen, which you clearly are not, but whoo boy do you have a lot of edgelad opinions about our government.


Sure would be nice instead of being forced to abandon a growing space, that the admins actually took their job of curbing activist mods.

But they never will, ever, anywhere.

Fuck mods, fuck admins, they are all power tripping assholes.


Fucking shitstain power tripping mod, you know it didn’t cross any lines and just couldn’t stand to see someone post freely.


A rap song praising genocide went #1 in Israel, it’s not just their government that are bloodthirsty.


Nope, sorry.


Lemmy is already as bad as reddit was in 2015, in a matter of 4 or 5 months. And the admins have done zero to curb mod abuse and the mods are just as arbitrary and thin skinned.

Because mods suck everywhere, no there are no good ones.

Never once have I seen mod abuse resolved in favor of the user and I have been using the internet a FUCKTONNE longer than any of you, I guarantee it.


Me too and I didn’t even play it, just watched a few lore videos about the story and now WHAT ARE THESE TEARS DOING ON MY FACE?!?


Daniel Mullins will be recognized as a true artist in the coming generations.

Literally never have I seen such detailed, years pre-planned and perfectly delivered mind fuckery.

Across ALL of his games.

He’s insane in the best way.

LIke a modern David Lynch with better grasp of aesthetics.



AND it’s 85% off as part of the spring sale. As a lover of Recettear this was an easy buy for me.


It may not surprise us but we need to double down on the reaction to it before AI makes it even worse.

Being blase about it does not attain our goals.


… fucking furries


It’s the sound you get when you rub two foxes together.

Few people hate furries more than ex-furries leaving the community in disgust over all the degeneracy.

Source: I am that ex-furry.


Back in the early 90s I was active in the furry community, helped write parts of the codebase for FurryMUCK and FurryMUSH (I was a bearkin), and attended several of the early ‘mini cons’ that were piggy backed on mainstream events like Dragoncon.

Then in the early 2000s it started to get… weird.

I mean cons were always a hookup place for nerds, but if you were in a fursuit after then 90s it was different.

In the 90s if you were wearing a suit and hooked up with someone, you took off the suit and if things went well, had some fun. Furries and non-furry con-goers were pretty well distributed as hookups, everyone mixing with everyone.

But again around 2002 the whole scene shifted, people started asking ‘to leave the suit on’, and furries started to self-isolate as hookup partners, insisting on only partnering with other furries.

I mean by no means did I have my finger on the pulse of furry culture at the time outside of my MOO gameplay, and this shift was a big surprise to me.

Then the disgusting stuff started happening. A lot of groping, like a LOT. I mean anywhere you have cosplayers you will have some of it but DAMN was there a huge difference in number of events. People leaving their rooms covered in shit and diapers were nearly always in the furry camp.

Then was the sales of CDs filled with actual bestiality porn being run out of people’s rooms. That was the breaking point for me.

I had never really considered my fursona as a sexual entity, it was just an extension of me that let me have fun pretending to be something else for a little while. Once every prospective partner requested ‘suit on’, I was done. Around 2006 IIRC.

And I’ve watched the community get even more and more depraved, and you have no idea how angry it made me that some bestiality loving shit fetishists ruined a once wonderful community.


When you and others like you say ‘religion should be scrutinized on all levels’, what you really mean is ‘lol look at those silly theist believing in words’.



And the Gay Pride flag is a symbol of hate and perversion for the regressive right, do you think their opinion is equally valid? Because they sure as fuck do.


Literally a strawman, fucking literally.


I know you think that your snarky little quip is some kind of mic drop moment but take a second to realize that I’m not promoting the idea that the Gay Pride flag is a symbol of perversion. The opposite in fact. I fully support the LGBTQ movement in word, actions, and donations.

I’m pointing out that any symbol can be taken out of context and reinterpreted in a less than kind way to dilute the message of that symbol.

I’m trying to give you insight into the mindset of our most vocal opponents, but all of you fucking idiots can do is get snarky.

Sad that none of you can understand this.


You are not ready for this conversation, you don’t want a conversation at all. Just the opportunity to gloat over how good your own words sound to you.


Oh the scientists know, but the billionaires are spending a lot of money to convince 40% of the population otherwise.


Every climatologist and entomologist I personally know have been low key shitting themselves for the last eight years and telling everyone they know not to have kids.


We’ll get massive methane outgassing from Siberia before we hit that point, and once that happens we are just a few centuries away from being Venus.


You’ll be overwhelmed by climate refugees and food riots long before your piggy pasty skin burns.

You lack imagination on exactly how fuckdamn bad its going to get. Hint: pretty fuckdamn bad and if you aren’t rich it is going to hurt.

You think groceries are expensive NOW?! Wait till 30% of equatorial farmland is dead and unusuable. It’s ALREADY happening.

And when Siberia starts to melt, viruses that make COVID look tame and that our immune record has no knowledge of because they’ve been dormant under ice since we were monkeys.

Shit is so bad and people like you are the reason why we never addressed it until it was too late.


Do you really think you are winning people to your side with intellectual dishonesty? Real question.


Thanks for fucking my flow with your inane side chatter, welcome to my block list.


They got me to stop pirating by making it easier and safer, so I think they’re pretty neat.


From everything I’ve seen they really take care of their employees.


Wait till they start using that same data to harass and target.


Never this efficiently and from such few tracks.


Anti-trans people will not be swayed by facts, they want their hated other and they’ve made their choice.

The only thing we can do is try and limit their damage

The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers (

Gaming companies are coordinating with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to root out so-called domestic violent extremist content, according to a new government report. Noting that mechanisms have been established with social media companies to police extremism, the report recommends that the national security agencies...


I hate everything in this subthread


It’s telling how you think that the context somehow makes this ‘better’.

It doesn’t, at all.

Jokes that are the product of a bigoted mind always carry the stink with it but people who align with said bigotry never notice because they are STEEPED in it constantly.

Just like when people grow up and leave 4chan and the realize in horror that what they thought is normal there, is VERY much not normal.

Which is why when edgelads try to repeat jokes they got off of forums in real life, it always comes off as creepy and flat.


I get the feeling that your only experiences outside of lemmy are 4chan and new.reddit if you think bigotry is that normalized.


Shit son I’ve been a gamer so long my first controller only had one button.

You got zero induction going on in your thinkmeat but you assume you know everyone.

That person doesn’t end up on the fediverse.

As if they weren’t here day one. You’re blind if you don’t smell the reek of underbed cumsock in the bottom of most popular threads.

Or just hiding your power level.


The interesting thing about insulting people for being old is that barring horrible accident, you’ll be there some day too being told by arrogant idiots how ‘out of touch’ you are.

Sure the fediverse may be ancient but Lemmy’s popularity hasn’t been until relatively recently, and there were already hard right lemmy users before the subreddit protests, which is what kicked off the biggest migration so far.

The more I read your words, the more they remind me of places on the internet that no one should visit. Your grammar and even thought processes are shaped by the places you socialize.

I wonder how far back in your post history I need to go before I find a reference to ‘genocide joe’ or some other basement troll nomenclature.


“The difference” is that Israel’s formal position is not the elimination of Palestinian Arabs.

Sure, it’s not what they say they are doing, but genocide is literally what they are doing.

Why does it matter what they say when it does not mirror their actions?

Don’t forget a song recently praising genocide hit #1 on the charts


The Golden Rule predates the New Testament by a significant margin… In fact nearly every culture has this concept of mutual reciprocity, even if not explicitly stated.


Oh we know how to deal with it, the problem is such psychopaths have a tendency to climb power structures easily to protect themselves from consequences.


Well they didn’t call for the slaughter of all cattle and livestock so, progress?


They genocided their own neighbors.

That’s pretty much how everyone acted in the bronze age tho…


I really do want to get into this conversation with you because I can already tell your understanding of religion and history comes from sassy youtubers but I know from experience it never really goes anywhere because people like you can’t confront the fact that your worldview is tainted by irrational bigotry.

But I’ll leave you with this nugget: Organized religion is the only reason we were able to transition from small nomadic tribes to densely populated cities and literally kickstarted the historic era. For the VAST majority of written history religion and governance were basically the same thing.


Thank you for proving my ‘sassy youtubers’ assesment of your knowledge on history.

Religion literally kept people from washing their hands

See? That’s what I mean.

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