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Use arch with AUR, and cross your fingers that at least someone checks the changes. I sure don’t.


I’ve used both PS4 and Ps5 controllers. You don’t need to do anything except to plug it in.

I’ve only had issues in one game (Minishoot Adventures), where the solution was to disable controller support layer that steam comes with.

I haven’t tried Bluetooth, as I don’t mind the cable.


I block one community a week to avoid depressing stuff from the status quo in the US. This one is next to go.


Is how you describe it an indication of an actual problem? I don’t know of anyone who thinks that any one improvement needs to solve the whole thing, in order to be worth it.

The whole premise is baffling. I’m not disagreeing with you here, but… is anyone?


Last I used Ubuntu, removing snap was a one time thing that took 5 minutes, of which 4 of them was looking for my notes from the time before.

I ditched Ubuntu, but it wasn’t because of snap. Maybe this has changed in the last 3 years?


It saddens me that the best to have compatibility is to never touch MS Office. They are the largest player by far. Subtly fucking up or deviating from open document standards will always be seen as “well, the issue is non MS office”.


I was surprised to see two games called Knightfall. Not the one you’re referring to (assuming it was a typo), is a 2D dungeon crawler, and came out in 2017, with 13 reviews.

Huh, interesting that it’s OK to have such a similar name. Maybe it’s all OK until someone complains.


Am I too European to understand this?

Out of all the things and ways “driving could be more sane”, you think the sale of your data to for-profit, private, third parties… will somehow be for the common good?


Alacritty, launching tmux with fish shell. The latter shell could easily have been zsh. But a good and fast terminal w/tmux is such a nice thing to have.

Any time to wish you had bothered with tmux, is when it’s already too late. If you go for this, you’ll never look back.


Don’t know why you were downvoted. In any case, all terminals can be configured to start with a specific command and arguments. So, depending on your terminal, you might need to read the documentation, and/or search the web.

In alacritty config, this is:

<span style="color:#323232;">shell:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  program: <CMD>
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  args:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    - <ARGS>

Then one of these:

  1. <CMD> is the path to tmux, and you have configured tmux to run the shell of your choice. Search the web for how.
  2. <CMD> is the path to your shell, and it supports launching in tmux. Search the web for how.

For me, it’s the second one. I use fish, and I launch it with fish --command=tmux. So the above config looks like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">shell:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  program: /usr/bin/fish
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  args:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    - --command=tmux

The weapons in premium war bond aren’t really good. Also, if it’s a nudge at the premium part being a money grab… I’m lvl 17 and I have the premium unlocked without spend any real money.


Better close tax loop holes while you’re at it.


If you are genuinely asking, I can play Devil’s advocate:

Because then they can set the price at 40 USD, making it more affordable, and possibly make back the difference with some (mostly) cosmetic premium content.

This is not so easy to argue for games that are sold at 70 USD, and premium content is much more tied to gameplay, and all the FOMO dark patterns are turned to max.


I wonder if shit like that will eventually lead to more people using wine in windows, in order to sandbox rootkits. Helldivers 2 works fine with proton on Linux, at least.

The absurdity of having a reason to run wine on windows through WSL is amusing.


Makes as much sense as saying “I’ll definitely avoid Windows now. I had heard that Windows was supposed to be easy to use”, since most of this also applies to WSL2.


I suppose. If your criticism is that it could have been more specific as to what you are a supposed “beginner” in, then I agree.


I have played both DRG and HD2. I think you simply have to play HD2 to answer that question. It might not be for you, but having played both games “a lot flatter and less tense” is how I feel about DRG.


I need to stop reading stuff here. It’s just too dumb. Maybe blocking on the community level is the way to go. That’s how dumb your take is.

okamiueru, (edited )

A good answer to “Where to start”, is not likely to be “determine your Linux distro of choice”.

Which isn’t to say that what you’re doing is not a good way help with getting a quick idea of what to expect from the different distros.

But the original question, might be better answered by explaining some concepts instead:

  • that mobos boot into storage mediums. And what would need to be different for it to then boot into Linux.
  • bootable USBs, and how to find images for different Linux flavours, how to write them to a USB
  • what typically to do in bios to change the boot priority order.
  • that many Linux distros images can be ran, live. Without needing to affect anything.
  • what to do if you like it, and actually want to install it. Be that as dual boot, or replacing windows. What are common pitfalls, etc.

These concepts, IMHO, are much more important, than what distro. Because it gives them the tools to understand how easy it is to just try stuff out, without having to commit to anything. Picking the wrong distros then isn’t a big of a deal.

If I were to make a comment on the chart itself. I think there is some value in describing what some distros are tailored for. But I find it curious how little that would matter to me. Things that matter to me are:

  • Software management system (pacman, apt, yum, etc)
  • How many use it, and factoring in confirmation bias, do they like it?
  • Is it built on top of something else, and if so, what does it add?
  • Who maintains system packages
  • What is the particular distro trying to do? Focused on a particular usage (e.g. pentesting, daws, academic, etc), stability, special hardware, … etc.

Many distros are different by only having a different list of software installed by default. That… Is nice if you want to try it out with a live USB. But, it doesn’t matter all that much. For example, Arch is considered one of the least advisable for beginners, but, it also has the AUR that covers a lot more than most other package systems. Some things are easier to get ahold of than say Ubuntu.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu vs Fedora 39 vs Arch Linux - Speed Test! (youtu.be)

Even though different Linux distros are often fairly close in terms of real-life performance and all of them have a clear advantage over Windows in many use cases, we can’t reject the fact that Arch Linux has undoubtedly won the competition. And now I’m so glad to have another reason to proudly say “I use Arch btw”...


Isn’t that trope getting a little bit boring?


Do you know if flatpak leverages the memory side of this? With shared libs, you only keep one copy in memory, regardless of how many applications use it. Makes application launch faster, and memory usage lower.

For flatpak, it of course will load whatever it needs to load, but does it manage to avoid loading stuff across other flatpaks?


If they place something behind MTs, then I completely agree. But, if they want to add more cosmetics that don’t exist yet, and they finance it MTs, and at a fair price, it’s less unethical.

Announcing it after reviews… Hm. Sketchy at best.

okamiueru, (edited )

I miss the days with Opera. Not only could it group tabs, but it had previews too. Mouse gestures. Keyword searches. Page link filters and batch operations. RSS-reader. Chrome didn’t even exist back then, and IE and Firefox are still playing catch up. Kinda amazing to think about it.

Vivaldi is the spiritual successor, but having to use chromium rendering engine, it’s so many concessions and steps back. Has the mouse gestures, tho.


Gnome is weird. A dusted off a laptop that has Gnome 40, and it felt better. Nautilus didn’t have broken folder trees that don’t refresh, and workspaces were vertical so that movement travel is shorter (much more so on ultrawide monitors).


Only reason why that is weird to me, is just how much better Linux is. I’m too old to give a shit about a fanboy mentality. Linux used to be something you suffered through in order to get a tradeoff only available to power users. Now, my 90 year old grandmother has an easier time with Linux. It’s more consistent, and doesn’t break stuff nearly as often.

A more controversial take, is that I feel the same about MacOS. It was a lot of work in order to reduce how often it is annoying.


Can you point to a way in which the actions, policies, or rhetoric of the Israeli government meaningfully differs from those of Novemberpogrome-era (Krystalnacht-era) Nazi Germany?

They spoke German.


What are you asking? Why would you assume they don’t know? I’m so confused.

okamiueru, (edited )

Kojima is the JJ Abrams equivalent in the game industry. Great visual execution, but absolutely horrendous story-telling that will make you wish were dumb as a piece of loaf so as to not notice it.

When Kojima made a comment that he didn’t fully understand the story himself… It sort of all made sense. It’s just connotations mashed together, beach, strand, hair, cord… A big pile of nothing to create intrigue with no payout, no mystery to reveal, just more layers of confusion. Sort of like Lost. I’m sure JJ and Kojima would get along great.

But oh boy are some of those moment exceptionally beautiful and spectacular in all its illogical absurdity. Mads Mikkelsen’s acting. Got goosebumps. But then it falls apart by revealing flaws through the fourth wall. Like did… part of this mystery hinge on the double meaning of words? Whatever the fuck was going on, it’s a little bit silly for synonyms to play an important part.

Kojima has a lot of other great tastes. Using music to create moments of excellent cinematography. Motion capture and character designs have always been fantastic. There are moments in Death Stranding that made me have to put down the controller and just. Enjoy. The same goes with Metal Gear games I grew up with. The flower field in MGS3, and forcing you to pull the trigger… The attention to detail on so many gameplay mechanics. It’s just brilliant. But, the illogical and meaningless complexity for the story and world building? That part has always been the weakest part and left a bad taste. In MGS it was confusing enough, but it had a certain charm. In DS, puuh, it’s rough.

JJ and Kojima should have nothing to do with writing storylines and plots. Imagine how much brilliant stuff we would be left with? And I never understood why. In JJs case, I suspect it’s simply decent return on investment for those who fund the movies. But from a craftsmanship perspective, it’s weird. The culmantion of work from hundreds of artists, all masters in their respective fields, and it shows, yet, it comes together to tell a story, surrounding a plot that a 14-year old might put together.


It doesn’t take many minutes for compilation videos to show up on YouTube that only contain trailers for news games, etc.


These days you can emulate old consoles almost perfectly, with a lot of quality of life improvements. The whole memory can be written and retrieved in milliseconds so you can save everywhere and anywhere.


Recently set up a Recalbox on a Retroflag box. Will check these out. Thanks for the recommendation.


I’m gonna guess 37-39 depending on if you have older siblings or not.


Have you looked into home assistant? There is a pretty solid and mature community around you managing all these different smart systems yourself.

That said, in not sure this is relevant, I’m too sleepy to read all of what you wrote. Apologies


Why does this piss you off? Do you make a habit of getting angry at very predictable things? They’ve always done this.

okamiueru, (edited )

What the fuck are you on about? I’m not defending Bethesda. I’m saying that if a company makes games with the exact same kind of flaws every time - getting upset when they do it again suggests the issue might be with the inability to make basic inference.

It’s like if you don’t like chocolate, buy a bar of chocolate, and going “Gah! This one has chocolate too!”.

They didn’t rewrite the creation engine. It’s going to have the same feeling and issues as other games made with that engine. It wouldn’t have to be this way if they had done a good job. But, they don’t seem to have to do that for a lot of people to enjoy their games. But being surprised by it? Nah, that’s on you (figuratively)


Being disappointed requires unmet expectation. “Surprised”. Why don’t you pick a word you prefer that conveys unmet expectations? I think you know perfectly well what I mean. And if you don’t, then, well, I’m not here to argue.

okamiueru, (edited )

You seem to have some impressive confirmation bias going on. What makes you think gaming is dead? The only real argument here, which you aren’t even making, is mobile gaming market, but that seems almost remarcably as if it’s created a new market and not really affecting pc/console gaming.


Edit: just read some of your other comments now. Feel free to move on, not interested in a discussion.


Because it’s childish and uninteresting? Truth-teller? Sheeesh. Add “martyr” to the list.


The… UI in blender is really good. Have you used any other equivalent software or know how complicated it is?

It’s not “good but it’s a hard problem to solve”. It is more “great and it’s a hard problem to solve”

What are some FOSS programs that you think are a far better user experience than their counterparts? (sh.itjust.works)

I used Plex for my home media for almost a year, then it stopped playing nice for reasons I gave up on diagnosing. While looking at alternatives, I found Jellyfin which is much more responsive, IMO, and the UI is much nicer as well....


Here is my opinion on some FOSS software. PS, I’m too old to give a shit about team mentality, I just want stuff to work. Also, my motivation for liking FOSS is not so much “free”, but rather “unencumbered and unrestricted shared human technology and knowledge”.

  • GNOME, for the hate it gets, it comes close to getting everything right. I’d give it a 95/100 score. Windows a 30/100, and MacOS a 35/100. No verdict/comment on KDE as I haven’t used it. I have good reasons for disliking W10/W11 and separate ones for MacOS. As desktop environments, they are both shit for each their own reasons.
  • Blender. 3D/Scultping/Drawing/Video Editing. Aside from Linux kernel, the most impressive and well managed FOSS project there is. I grew up with pirated 3dsmax, and what a dream it would be to grow up today with Blender as it is.
  • Linux as a OS kernel. One can argue about the desktop market share, but people don’t know better. They think the software that runs on it defines it. But, there is a reason why 100% of top 500 supercomputers in this world run on Linux. I’d also mention the Arch/AUR community. Doesn’t matter if you use Arch or not, arch/aur wiki is a goldmine.
  • Godot: 2D game engine. As a 3d game engine, it’s not nearly as good as the non-FOSS competition.
  • Firefox: If it wasn’t for Firefox, I don’t know what I would do. I don’t trust chrome one single bit.
  • Alacrity terminal: I’m sure there are plenty great FOSS terminal emulators, but the built in ones for MacOS and Windows are garbage.
  • Prusa Slicer: I think this one is as good as the commercial counterparts for FDM G-code generation.
  • VLC. Mixed feelings about this one, as I think it’s UI is lacking, but since it plays almost everything the UX ends up being great.
  • LibreOffice Writer. Perhaps debatable. But the fact that you can trust LibreOffice to respect and adhere to the OpenDocumentFormat, and equally trust Microsoft Word to deliberately not do so in subtle ways, LibreOffice Writer is ultimately the better software IMHO.

Projects I wish had an edge over commercial proprietary software:

  • Gimp. It just isn’t as good, even if you get used to it. Some things, of course, it can do much better (e.g the G’Mic QT filter pack). The lack of non-destructive work flows is the key part that is missing.
  • FreeCAD. It’s good, and you can do wonders with it, but oh so rough compared to onshape/Fusion/etc.
  • Darktable. Not as good as commercial counterparts like Lightroom.
  • Kdenlive. Not as good as Davinci Resolve, or the adobe counterparts.
  • LMMS: Not as good as most commercial DAWs.
  • Krita: This one is actually not too far away from being best in class. I still suspect photoshop and has an edge
  • InkScape: A “best for some vector things but not all”-kinda thing. It’s FOSS nature makes it the defacto vector editing software for certain kind of makers. But as a graphical vector editing suite, adobe’s stuff is just much more solid.

Mobile stuff that I think is better than the counterpart, or at least so good that I don’t care if there is a counterpart

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