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Lots of very roundabout ‘the game isn’t difficult, you just need to get good at it’ replies in this thread, trying hard not to say the quiet part out loud…


You can have your faith, so long as you stop forcing it down other people’s throats.


Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. If legal and moral standard of society are dominated by the tenets of one religion, that’s not freedom of religion.


The recipe you’ve linked has more than two ingredients. To say that it’s ‘mayo on sliced sausage’ is misleading. We Germans are a smidgen more sophisticated than that.


I’m off by one, you’re off by one - shall we split the difference and I’ll overlook that even being merely technically correct I’m still closer than you, who’s both technically and objectively incorrect?

C’mon, no cop is going to give you that deal.


Wow, you have even less of a sense of humour than the average German.

Enjoy your two-ingredient Fleischsalat.


I pointed out that your JOKE was shit. You’re the one who started calling me names, so don’t lecture me on twisted knickers.


What’s giving me dementia is the fact that so many Americans want this guy to be president. Again.


As much as I am loath to say anything about Musk, but he did actually found SpaceX - although that’s probably the only company he founded (that still exists).


They are extremely relevant, culturally and historically. They broke new grounds for music, and a lot of today’s music would simply not exist without the Beatles, or some of their contemporaries. That alone means they’re not overrated.

However that doesn’t mean everyone has to love them. It’s possible to recognise their relevance without worshipping them.


Fuck this kid. He should be rotting in a jail cell - certainly not sauntering around giving speeches on uni campuses.


I’d say this is a mess of Trump’s own making. Nobody forced him to perform the actions that got him into this legal trouble. If you can’t afford the penalty, don’t do the crime.


Road 96 has quite a bit of replay ability as you’re unlikely to get 100% of all stories on the first playthrough.


Unlike many people in this thread, I actually have heard of the game. The makers of a podcast I follow loved it, and had the head of the studio on their show for a pretty frank interview, too. When I learned that there was a free demo, I decided I would give the game a try some time.

And in light of the overwhelming negativity in this thread, I did so last night. And what can I say? I spent an hour and change going through the prologue, the training and the first battle sequence, and I really enjoyed it. Movement and shooting slinging magic are great fun, with a diversity of spells available pretty much from the get-go. Just shoot, or throw a massive armor-breaking spell at a wave of enemies, or use a lash to pull a remote enemy close and whack them. I wouldn’t have know what to expect from the ‘CoD with magic’ premise but it’s really enjoyable so far.

The voice acting is very good, and while the facial animations are a bit uncanny valley, I am enjoying the snarky dialogues and matching facial expressions. Gina Torres has presence, and the rest of the cast so far blends in fine.

I will definitely spend some more time with the demo, and if it doesn’t annoy me too much, I might just buy this. And that seems to be the feedback the devs got from many people - once players actually get their hands on it, they actually enjoy it. According ton the studio head, sales have picked up towards Christmas, and they’ve been getting a lot of conversions from the free demo.


As someone who has been eating eggs out of our own production for several years now:

I’ve never washed an egg. Ever. When we get eggs from our hens, we mark them with the date and they go into the fridge. When we want to eat them, we take them out and do whatever is required.

We mainly consume eggs in boiled, fried and scrambled form, but also sometimes in a carbonara pasta, where they’ll get heated but not cooked.

None of us have ever gotten sick from consuming those eggs, in whichever form. We don’t consume eggs that are significantly older than one month, but that’s pretty much our only safeguard.


Also, the erstwhile lead designer was a far right agitator.


She actively campaigns against trans rights and has said that if you buy her stuff, you support her position.


I suggest you do your own research then. From everything I’ve read, JKR is a horrible person and virulently anti-trans. There are a lot of ways to br horrific without outright calling for people’s deaths.


She’s one person influencing millions, if not billions, that’s for sure. She’s not some random author, she is one of the most well known personalities of the 20th and 21st century. Her opinions carry weight, as misguided as that may be on the part of her followers.

I’d partially agree with you if we were talking about some random who has sold a few hundred kindle copies of their book on Amazon and is spewing nonsense. And even then I’d call for people to not support that author in any way shape or form. JKR is however hugely influential, and that absolutely should matter when it comes to deciding who you give your money to.


Was going to say, the PC Gamer bit is bad enough, but how do you write a rebuttal without mentioning two of the arguably most accomplished influential women in gaming, namely Roberta Williams and Jane Jensen?


In twenty years, the only people who will remember that you worked all the time are your children.

Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Most of the video games I’ve played were pretty good. The only one I can think of that I didn’t like was MySims Kingdom for the Nintendo DS. Dropped that pretty quickly. It was a long while ago, but I’ll guess it was because there were too many fetch quests and annoying controls.


Maybe not the most unfun game I have ever played (I’ve played games since the late 90s), but certainly the most unfun I have played in recent years: Elex.

I liked Piranha Bytes’ old Gothic series a lot despite its weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. The Risen games weren’t that great, but the reviews for Elex were pretty promising. So I gave it a shot, and tried for about 16 hours to find the fun in it. I stopped playing when I realised:

  • I couldn’t hold my own in almost any battle because I didn’t have good enough gear
  • In order to get better gear, I had to join one of the game’s factions
  • In order to join one of the factions, I had to perform a number of tasks for them
  • The factions were all just dickheads, and I didn’t want to do anything for them, much less their dirty work

So yeah, no fun to be had with this one.

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