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Abandon hope all yee who come to this cookout.


I don’t see a problem with this. Windows 10 is going EOL, and even though people may stay behind, we can’t expect AMD to continue supporting on drivers or libraries for a deprecated operating system.

That being said, Windows 11 isn’t that much functionally different than Windows 10 - like really - and besides missing some kernel level stuff, nothing says people can’t implement this functionality after the fact, minus Copilot+.


Mrs Columbo is going to bake a cake in all the colours of the rainbow, and everybody gets a slice.


Wait, you guys got in your Sunday best? I just sat in my underwear and a wife beater… though, to be fair, those are my sunday best.


TL;Dr you’re a dog whistling fool.

I challenge you to go live in Gaza and pretend you’re Palestinian…

See how stupid that sounds? Though you’re probably so delusional, you think you’d be fine, running around safe and protected areas within Israel screaming "WHERE’S THE APARTHEID?!?!!’ Not only that, but your ignorance of geopolitics needs to be broken down as well.

“basically every Muslim country”… oh, you mean the middle east? That place that keeps getting invaded and overthrown? Why did we invade Afghanistan… again and again? Thank you the three stooges of western geopolitics , the US, France and Britain - the tag team of degenerates in fancy suits. Why was the democratically elected government of Iran overthrown? Oh right, the only thing worse than liberalism, SOCIALISM. Let’s help install a a very socially conservative Ayatollah instead… also, let’s destroy Iraq and install yesmen - y’know, for oil. Surely that’s not a bad idea… it’s like Yosemiti Sam shooting and being pushed back over, and over, and over again, as western society takes another geo-political black eye.

And you wonder why they go against western ideals? It’s that problem where sovereignty doesn’t mean shit the second you step over the border, and after DECADES of meddling and destroying economies, literally colonizing a place, the entire region becomes authoritarian nationalist, and you go “lol Muslims”?

Bro, go back to school. Stop being retarded with your smooth brain. Learn what the word “precedent” means in a social historical context. Unless, y’know, you ignore it for a specific purpose…

“Uh, but they are authoritarian nationalist based on religion, but not the authoritarian nationalism based on religion that I want”. I bet there is no LGBTQ persecution in Israel by nationalist, orthodox Jews… right… right? Or here in the west? No? “No, it’s the mozlems”.

To conclude: either everyone is free, or no one is free. Any exception is some authoritarian mental gymnastics bullshit by smooth brained westerners who got skullfucked by instituonal parties - and then, and then having the balls to pretend they are fighting against authoritarianism…

Stfu, bro. You can shove your ignorance, fear mongering, dehumanization and dog whistling straight up your hypocritical, delusional ass. We got healing to do, and you are against that movement - mostly because you won’t seek therapy instead of doing stupid hot takes online.


The TL;Dr bot said this:

All driver versions below 555.52.04, 550.90.07, 535.183.01 and 470.256.02 are affected.


Awful people will do awful things and can get away with it. You might need to get away from someone like that at this very moment. If you are aware that you’re in a locked in abusive situation and feel incapable of doing anything about it, you should seek out help from people in your vicinity who are stable. I.e people who aren’t awful.

You need to seek out someone trustworthy, dependable, who can help you to a life of independence or at least to get you away from whatever abusive relationship or environment you currently are in. This might be private citizens, organisation or government body depending upon where you live.

Remember, mental violence is violence, and no matter who you are, you deserve love, respect and dignity. You don’t have to be alone in dealing with the consequence after the fact.

Deep and unconscionable trauma in repeated successions over years can manifest in personality disorders that could take decades to treat. Damage to the psyche is defacto violence and qualifies as such in many courts. Optimally getting out early is key, so don’t delay. But remember: it is never too late.

Please don’t wither under someone’s shadow or fade into a pit of despair. Your life’s light deserves to shine, and it can shine elsewhere.


You have options depending upon the situation. You can either:

A. Brace her for the break and slowly take your distance from her. Make her see that you need to leave for the best of the both of you, that using a relationship as a crutch is not a good thing. B. Get her the help she needs, assuming she wants it, either through family, local community, organisation or local government body, and then letting them take the reins. C. Gtfo out, now.

The last one is reserved for when she tries to manipulate, control and otherwise subvert you by using suicide as a threat. This is a cyclical behavioural pattern whereby she gets validation when successfully subverting you, effectively creating a chain of incentives to continually subvert you. This means it might be impossible for you to reason with her at all and she needs someone else to do that. At this point, you really don’t have a choice in the matter.

Replace pronouns with whatever you want, because this is a human problem and relationships with a basis in perlonged abuse can rarely be salvaged - at least in my opinion. If there’s any dealings either part needs to have with each other, say because of shared custody, it should be with lawyers or with other representatives that can mediate.

Again, you are loved, you deserve respect, you deserve dignity, and the same with her, but if she is abusive and it’s widdling down your psyche, you are actively enabling her abuse and harming yourself in the process.

I feel the need to qualify that I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, professional consultant or social worker. I just have a bit of experience myself. You should probably get in touch with someone to try and figure out the best solution for your situation.

I wish you all the best.


…what if the next Steam deck runs Intel?


No! Now take this slave labour cobalt and partake in the market place of ideas… I said partake! shakes fist


So the real competition going forward won’t be Intel vs AMD, or even Qualcomm vs NVIDIA, but AMD vs NVIDIA - at least regarding CPU’s.

When it comes to GPUs it’s anybody’s guess. Intel’s Xe platform might come out swinging, and in fact with the driver updates it’s already improved a lot. NVIDIA is still the king of the hill in this category, but also price wise. Radeon has taken some years to get where it’s at, but sits neatly in 2nd place.

But, arguably - and we’re not looking at ARM Holding them selves as an SoC vendor (just a licenser) - AMD APU’s are the most sold general purpose SoC out there. We take into account the PlayStation, Xbox, PC’s and so forth. Outside of ARM, AMD is currently the king of the hill regarding CPU’s. Inside of ARM, that’s probably either Samsung or Appe.

With all this in mind, things could always make a turn. Intel could come out with an ARM SoC and knock it out of the park, Allwinner might win all as Chinese vendors might still make up the difference.

It’s a crazy future, but the biggest question is still who can have more TOPS and say AI the most at one of this year’s expos. Join TechTechPotato at the end of the year for the final tally.


Please rid yourself of that bias, because this game is too awesome not to enjoy. Mentally prepare yourself for the release by actively disassociating the game with the cringe of SGDQ. Cleanse your palette, and give it a try - because this game deserves it.


Congress is just a bunch of gay guys trying to gaslight you into making babies so they can have all the gay sex. It’s a deep state conspiracy!

Stick it to the man - literally - and go suck a dick to show those liberals in Washington.


We need to criminalise the proximity of congressman around microphones.


haha exploit everyone always it’s the western way


Hold on, there. That’s a bit presumptuous. The west is a bit unique, in that everything needs to be “liberalised” (or privatised), and at the end of that chain is usually a ton of consultancy fees and subpar living conditions for grandma.

My family decided outright not to leave great grandma at the tender mercies of the local old folks home, and I get told by various non-westerners that we treat our old like shit. Some Kenyans say outright that we should be ashamed.

(Incoming political rant, you may ignore.)

!But then again, boomers did help to foster the authoritarian geopolitical stance of the US, France and the UK, which ultimately has lead to debt traps for entire countries and the CIA overthrowing governments like it’s a sport. Y’know, the capitalists who gladly exported manufacturing and fabrication to communist China so they could utilise slavery to build their economy, the very same “neo-liberal” or “classical liberal” (i.e “extra nationalism in my bowl, please”) nutbags who are now harping on about bringing fabrication and manufacturing home again, despite the fact that they are also anti-protectionism… I hope they mean they want to leave slavery behind, but I doubt it, because the cognitive dissonance is just to fucking high. Perhaps it is in some ways selv deserved, but rich boomers get it easy, while poor boomers get to suffer. !<

In any case, millennial grandma’s and grandad’s will get to enjoy similar psy-ops that grandma and granddads get today, in that they’ll be blasted with political propaganda so they’ll vote “correctly”, using fear of the foreign and traditionalism as a prod to shake an aging individuals existentialism. Y’know, exploiting the hell out of old people. Maybe even have digital tithing. The AI Preacher can bless your match for one $5,99.


I’m hoping this will make software publishers target Linux… just not with snaps. Please no.


Vendors can’t be locked in. Hard line.


Unless they’re called Microsoft. In that case, they care a lot. Also, PreSonus Studio One is getting ported, DaVinci Resolve runs on Linux, Bitwig, Lightworks has run on Linux for a long while, and we’re not even including all the Electron wrappers out there.

No joke though, vendors would have a bit more control - if they used Nix instead of Flatpaks or Snaps :P We could bring the NSIS installer and DRM on Linux in the worst way as well. But, still: DRM dees nuts.


6.1 promises to fix some of that jank. I’m a few changes away from switching over.


It might all be a bit of marketing psy-ops anyways. Y’know, alittle controversy to stay relevant…


I’ll be disappointed if there isn’t at least 3 “Army of Darkness” references in it.


Listen, if the phone itself can still run a custom Linux, then I’m all for it. Why? Because Microsoft needs some competition in this space, and my hatred for Microsoft dwarves any subscription fee. But, if they now lock it down like any Android handset, then fudge 'em.


Tl;Dr “I want my~ I want my~ I want my NixOS~”. Yes, I am that old. Shut up.

I love the enthusiasm… but I must disagree :( unfortunately, much to my sheegrin bacuse I want to spite Linux commenter on this sub so badly because they are a bunch of brogrammers, but for me the year of the Linux desktop has to happen at the hands of device manufacturers. “Monopoly-by-default” is real, always has been, and never ever really left. Don’t take your eyes off Microsoft or Apple for one second - the bastards - because when you do, you fall into the vendor lock-in trap.

I personally think the EU should publish a bespoke bootloader with a gallery of operating systems that can be fetched using PXE, with image signing and checking of course, sort of like the “browser choice” alternative for OS’s. It doesn’t need to be the main bootloader, but it has to be available - and most likely GRUB2… because GRUB2 is everywhere. It’s what boots MacOS on M* machines. It’s the one boot loader to rule them all. What I’m saying is we’re in the year of GRUB2.

Anyways, outside my ideal there’s really nothing that will bring the “year of the Linux desktop” popularity wise, besides a large vendor relying on the actual Linux desktop stack - which is possible, but there’s probably a reason why Samsung bet on Enlightenment, and it’s not because it’s creator is so enlightened. MIT spelt in South Korean translates to MINE.

One thing 2024 has also stood for is cleaning house. GNOME was caught breaking their own strict rules, KDE keeps ironing out the ancient from the Plasma desktop paradigm, though now KWin has better Wayland support than Mutter for some reason, even though one has had Wayland support for years (a real tortoise and the hare situation this), and people are obsessed with a display server that nobody develops for anymore. (XWayland is XWayland, not X11). So finally we’re in the year of Wayland. Good bye, screen tearing. Hello breaking with protocol and causing screen corruption. Oy vey.

In regards to developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, and developers, then I look at the Rust stack, I look at the Zed stack, even the C# stack, or even a certain GUI framework with its own IDE built entirely using its own Emscripten SDK (can’t remember the name for the life of me). Here I see some new ways of doing the same thing and creating cross-platform solutions from the get-go, that might bring in new products and services on the Linux side.

But we already have access to more private and public services in software form on Linux than ever before before, so maybe the year of the Linux desktop passed us by but as a lackluster metric and Linux as a desktop (or LaaD as I’d like to call it, because I’m a moron) really won’t be popularized until one of the major vendor completely screws the Pooch, and then someone brings a solution based on the Linux stack. Come on, Copilot+ and System76…

Also, NixOS is finally trying to fix it’s issues, which is great, because Nix could realistically be a reproducible stack across systems, which can be tested by spitting out a single flake file. I see it as an addition to Flatpaks, Snaps and even AppImages. I want to petition Ableton to bring Live Linux, because I know in my heart of hearts that they’ve hired people with NixOS experience and that the Push 3 standalone needs some form of OS. But NixOS is a perfect example of why people are asking what happened to the year of the CoC’s? Maybe we can do a reboot.

So in conclusion, I’m over here waiting for the year of NixOS, which will be a lackluster event where nobody is happy with, most likely celebrated by another institutional figure having to walk it off. See you in 10-15 years.


Don’t forget, even if you bought the games, it’s entirely up to their discretion whether or not to take away those games if they feel like it.

I have games in my Steam library the publisher removed from the store a some time ago so they could sell remakes.

Everyone else sucks and Gabe Newell knows it.


Yee olde click-bait cockblocked by way of parenthesis. Nice.


Artist: creates character’s…

Also artist: “how and who would they fuck?”

Let’s be honest, this has been a thing long before the internet, R Crumb just being a modern historic example.


Apple, or as I’ve taken to call it, Mother Superior.


WARNING: I learnt to drive from Streets of Sim City.

We are not the same.


There’s an easy solution… make everything before the 2000s public domain.

Suck it, Nintendo.

Back to the roots the good old rules the life experiences (lemmy.ml)

Alt text: a meme from Spongebob Squarepants episode S03E03 “Just One Bite,” where Squidward takes a bite out of a krabby patty, except its been doctored to the LimeWire logo, a notable P2P application. It doesn’t end well for him: In the last frame he is choking to death (with an overlay over him resembling a Windows Blue...


Bruh, it’s a jin. You got cancer 4 times.


It’s probably going to be used to phase out Atom at some point.


Technically speaking we’re all baby butts compared to the old timers who played the games at the time. Wolfenstein, DOOM, Hexen and Blood were not targeted towards children - even though some of us got our hands on the shareware.

But like with all language and definitions, it was normalised by certain people, like Civvie 11 - who also uses the short hand “boom shoot” and worships at the feet of John Carmack, hallowed be his name.

If anything it’s just a definition that stuck, probably because it’s pre-millenial.


You’ll have to install it onto your soul, once again revolutionising the video game industry - and the world at large.

Gosh darn it, Newell. It’s too much winning. So much good faith. Leave some for the rest of us! Look at Elon! He’s dying over there!


You seem to conflate “trust” with “optimism”.

Let me just make it clear, having kernel land drivers and user space drivers open source and working together is a good thing.

Sure, you’ll have to agree to a licence when installing CUDA, which will probably never be open source, but as long as the GPU hardware can be used out of the box with open source drivers means that we’ve come a long way.


The markets of exploitation built by liberals includes slavery as well as wage slavery, which speaks volumes about how good they are at upholding their own principles. Liberalists just outsourced everything in the 1950s, screwed entire labour markets and relied on communist China to do so.

All to save a buck and bring “growth”.


Why are people so confused? Microsoft wanted monopoly by acquiring a bunch of companies, to consolidate their intellectual property and shaft it’s employees, the people who created the software in the first place.

Classic Microsoft.


You mean liberals are crooked… so both the democrats and republicans… one is neo, the other classical… both imperialistic :D Yeeeey Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Raegen were liberals…

So yeah, definitely corrupt. Vote third party, or vote for electoral reform. If not? Stop complaining.


Show this to someone who believes in the honour system and self regulation… see how they react.


Don’t blame the Americans. They don’t see that we have our own slow crawl in a race to the bottom. The EU has recognised it and pays lip service, but that organ-grinder gotta spin, spin, spin…

…but yeah, regulation wise Europeans get a ton more representation. In the US representation means which talking mouthpiece is going to serve the instituons today, and then they go do a lil insider trading - as a treat.


I love GNOME, but Gnome Software is hot garbage. If KDE gets their gtk/adwaita tweaks in place, I might recommend Discover instead.

Also, arguably, by the most argumentative people, AppStream is also hot garbage, which is what was supposed to solve your problem regarding “too many package managers”.

I personally would wish AppStream didn’t suck and that it was also aware of NPM and crate packages. They’ve sort of been forgotten or relegated “developer tools”… even though you can pull full applications and system libraries.

How many “it’s 2025 already” problems do we have to encounter this year?

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